;; By Claude Marinier, calculates and prints the currently largest known prime number (use numbers) (display "Calculating...") (define big-prime (time (- (expt 2 74207281) 1))) ;; This caused pathological behaviour in Burnikel/Ziegler division, ;; while being lightning fast with "traditional" division. (display "Perf sanity check...") (time (begin (quotient (- (expt 2 74207281) 1) (expt 10 100)) #f)) (display "Converting to hex...") (time (begin (number->string big-prime 16) #f)) ;; This will error out on 32-bit systems because the resulting string ;; is too large to be represented (it's 22MiB, max string is 16 MiB). (display "Converting to decimal...") (time (begin (number->string big-prime) #f))