(module pastiche (pastiche) (import chicken scheme) (use awful colorize html-parser intarweb miscmacros simple-sha1 sql-de-lite spiffy tcp awful-sql-de-lite sql-de-lite files ports posix data-structures utils extras irregex (srfi 1 13) utf8 uri-common) ;;; ;;; Utils ;;; (define (tabularize data #!key header) (append '(table) (if header `((tr ,@(map (lambda (item) `(th ,item)) header))) '()) (let ((body (map (lambda (line) (append '(tr) (map (lambda (cell) `(td ,cell)) line))) data))) body))) (define (text-input id) `(input (@ (type "text") (name ,id) (maxlength 78) (id ,id)))) (define (hidden-input id value) `(input (@ (type "hidden") (id ,id) (name ,id) (value ,value)))) (define (preferred-languages accept-language-contents) (let ((qualities (fold (lambda (x s) (cons (cons (get-value x) (or (get-param 'q x) 1)) s)) '() accept-language-contents))) (sort qualities (lambda (a b) (> (cdr a) (cdr b)))))) (define (find-espeak-languages executable data-dir) (let* ((raw-input (with-input-from-pipe (string-append executable " --version") read-line)) (derived-data-dir (and (not (eof-object? raw-input)) (last (string-split raw-input " "))))) (cond ((or (and data-dir (directory-exists? data-dir)) (and derived-data-dir (directory-exists? derived-data-dir))) => (lambda (dir) (find-files (make-pathname dir "voices") action: (lambda (f s) (cons (pathname-strip-directory f) s)) test: file-exists?))) (derived-data-dir ;; executable has been found, but directory does not exist '("en")) (else (error "audible captchas have been configured but the call to espeak did not work."))))) (define (select-preferred-language available preferences) (or (find (cut member <> available) (map (lambda (p) (symbol->string (car p))) preferences)) "en")) (define espeak-available-languages '()) (define (is-it-spam? nick title paste) (define (url? s) (and-let* ((uri (uri-reference s))) (uri-scheme uri))) (define (too-many? txt spam-ratio) (let* ((tokens (string-split txt)) (100% (length tokens)) (url-count (length (filter url? tokens)))) (and (not (zero? 100%)) (< spam-ratio (/ url-count 100%))))) (or (too-many? nick 0) (too-many? title 0) (too-many? paste 0.1))) ;;; ;;; Captchas ;;; (define-record captcha string figlet) (define (tool-exists? tool) (let ((paths (string-split (get-environment-variable "PATH") (if (eq? (software-type) 'windows) ";" ":")))) (let loop ((paths paths)) (if (null? paths) #f (let ((path (car paths))) (or (file-exists? (make-pathname path tool)) (loop (cdr paths)))))))) (define (create-captchas num #!key (min-captcha-len 4) (max-captcha-len 8)) ;; returns an alist mapping captcha hashes to captcha records (define chars '#(#\a #\b #\c #\d #\e #\f #\g #\h #\i #\j #\k #\l #\m #\n #\o #\p #\q #\r #\s #\t #\u #\v #\x #\y #\z)) (define random-captcha (let ((chars-len (vector-length chars))) (lambda () (list->string (let loop ((n (+ min-captcha-len (random (- max-captcha-len min-captcha-len))))) (if (zero? n) '() (cons (vector-ref chars (random chars-len)) (loop (- n 1))))))))) (define (figlet str) (call-with-input-pipe (string-append "figlet " str) read-all)) (let loop ((n (sub1 num))) (if (zero? n) '() (let ((captcha-string (random-captcha))) (cons (cons (string->sha1sum captcha-string) (make-captcha captcha-string (figlet captcha-string))) (loop (- n 1))))))) (define (get-captcha captchas) (list-ref captchas (random (length captchas)))) (define (string-as-wav espeak-binary s preferred-languages) (let-values (((in out pid) (process espeak-binary `("-s 10" "--stdout" "-v" ,(select-preferred-language espeak-available-languages preferred-languages))))) (fprintf out "~s" (list->string (intersperse (string->list s) #\space))) (close-output-port out) (let ((r (read-all in))) (close-input-port in) r))) ;;; ;;; Pastiche ;;; (define (pastiche base-path db-file #!key (vandusen-port 22722) (vandusen-host "localhost") (base-url "http://paste.call-cc.org") (use-captcha? #t) (audible-captcha? use-captcha?) (espeak-binary "espeak") (espeak-data-dir #f) (num-captchas 500) (browsing-steps 15) force-vandusen-notification? (awful-settings (lambda (_) (_)))) (define (delete-and-refill-captchas clist captcha) (if (= 1 (length clist)) (create-captchas num-captchas) (alist-delete captcha clist))) (define base-path-pattern (irregex (string-append (string-chomp base-path "/") "(/.*)*"))) (define-app pastiche matcher: (lambda (path) (irregex-match base-path-pattern path)) handler-hook: (lambda (handler) (switch-to-sql-de-lite-database) (parameterize ((app-root-path base-path) (enable-sxml #t) (db-credentials db-file) (page-css "//wiki.call-cc.org/chicken.css")) (awful-settings handler))) (when (and use-captcha? (not (tool-exists? "figlet"))) (print "WARNING: `use-captcha?' indicates that captchas are enabled but figlet " "doesn't seem to be installed. Disabling captchas.") (set! use-captcha? #f) (set! audible-captcha? #f)) (when (and audible-captcha? (not (tool-exists? "espeak"))) (print "WARNING: `audible-captcha?' indicates that audible captchas are enabled but espeak " "doesn't seem to be installed. Disabling audible captchas.") (set! audible-captcha? #f)) (when audible-captcha? (set! espeak-available-languages (find-espeak-languages espeak-binary espeak-data-dir))) (when (and force-vandusen-notification? (or (not vandusen-host) (not vandusen-port))) (error 'pastiche "`force-vandusen-notification?' requires both `vandusen-host' and `vandusen-port' to be set.")) (define captchas (and use-captcha? (create-captchas num-captchas))) ;; The database needs to be initialised once (unless (file-exists? db-file) (let ((db (open-database db-file))) (exec (sql db "create table pastes(hash text, author text, title text, time float, paste text)")) (exec (sql db "create virtual table searchable using fts3(hash, author, title, time, paste)")) (close-database db))) (define (notify nick title url) (when vandusen-host (let ((cleaned-nick (with-input-from-string nick html-strip)) (cleaned-title (with-input-from-string title html-strip))) (ignore-errors (let ((stuff (sprintf "#chicken ~s pasted ~s ~a" cleaned-nick cleaned-title (make-pathname base-url url)))) (let-values (((i o) (tcp-connect vandusen-host vandusen-port))) (display stuff o) (newline o) (close-input-port i) (close-output-port o))))))) (define (matching-pastes query) ($db "select * from searchable where searchable match ? order by time desc" values: (list query))) (define (make-search-result-table results) (define (format-row r) (list (second r) ; Nickname `(a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path (string-append "/paste?id=" (first r)))) (id "paste-url")) ,(third r)) ; title (prettify-time (fourth r)))) ; date `(div (@ (class "paste-table")) ,(or (tabularize (map format-row results) header: '("Nickname" "Title" "Date")) '(p "No pastes found matching your query.")))) ; old "select * from pastes order by time desc limit ?,?" (define (fetch-last-pastes count #!key (offset 0)) (let ((r ($db "select * from pastes p where time = (select min(time) from pastes p2 where p2.hash=p.hash) order by time desc limit ?,?" values: (list offset count)))) r)) (define (make-post-table n #!key (offset 0)) (define (format-row r) (list (second r) ; Nickname `(a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path (string-append "/paste?id=" (first r)))) (id "paste-url")) ,(third r)) ; title (prettify-time (fourth r)))) ; date `(div (@ (class "paste-table")) ,(or (tabularize (map format-row (fetch-last-pastes n offset: offset)) header: '("Nickname" "Title" "Date")) '(p "No pastes so far.")))) (define (navigation-links) `(div (@ (id "menu")) (ul ,@(map (lambda (m) `(li (a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path (car m)))) ,(cdr m)))) '(("" . "New Paste") ("browse" . "Browse") ("search" . "Search") ("about" . "What is this?")))))) (define (recent-pastes n) `(div (@ (class "paste-list")) (h2 "The last " ,n " pastes so far: ") ,(make-post-table n))) (define (paste-form #!key annotate-id) (let* ((hash/captcha (and use-captcha? (get-captcha captchas))) (captcha-hash (and use-captcha? (car hash/captcha))) (captcha (and use-captcha? (cdr hash/captcha)))) `(div (@ (class "paste-form")) (h2 "Enter a new " ,(if annotate-id " annotation:" " paste:")) (form (@ (method "post") (action ,(make-pathname base-path "paste"))) ,(if use-captcha? (hidden-input 'captcha-hash captcha-hash) '()) ,(tabularize (append `(("Your nick: " ,(text-input 'nick)) ("The title of your paste:" ,(text-input 'title) ) (("Your paste " (i "(mandatory)" " :")) (textarea (@ (id "paste") (name "paste") (cols 60) (rows 24))))) (if use-captcha? `(("Type in the text below:" ,(text-input 'captcha-user-answer)) ("" (pre (@ (id "captcha")) ,(captcha-figlet captcha))) ,(if audible-captcha? `("Visually impaired? Let me spell it for you (wav file)" (audio (@ (src ,(make-pathname base-path (sprintf "captcha?hash=~a.wav" captcha-hash))) (preload "metadata") (controls "controls"))) (a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path (sprintf "captcha?hash=~a.wav" captcha-hash)))) "download WAV")) '())) '()) `(("" ,(if force-vandusen-notification? (hidden-input 'notify-irc "yes") (if vandusen-host `(input (@ (name "notify-irc") (type "checkbox") (checked "checked")) "Please notify the #chicken channel on freenode.") '()))) (,(if annotate-id (hidden-input 'id annotate-id) '()) ((input (@ (type "submit") (value "Submit paste!")))))))))))) (define (fetch-paste id) (and id (let ((r ($db "select * from pastes where hash=? order by time desc" values: (list id)))) (and (not (null? r)) r)))) (define (update-paste id snippet) (insert-paste id snippet)) (define (insert-paste id paste) (let ((author (first paste)) (title (second paste)) (time (third paste)) (paste (fourth paste))) ($db "insert into pastes (hash, author, title, time, paste) values (?,?,?,?,?)" values: (list id author title time paste)) ($db "insert into searchable (hash, author, title, time, paste) values (?,?,?,?,?)" values: (list id author title time paste)))) (define (bail-out . reasons) `((h1 "Ooops, something went wrong") (br) (div (@ (id "failure-reason")) ,(fold (lambda (i r) (sprintf "~a~a" r i)) "" reasons)) "I am sorry for this, you better go back.")) (define (prettify-time t) (let* ((delta (- (current-seconds) t)) (fits (lambda (d l) (let ((r (inexact->exact (floor (/ delta d))))) (if (and (< 0 r) (>= l r)) r #f))))) (cond ((fits (* 60 60 24) 3) => (lambda (d) (sprintf "~a days ago" d))) ((fits (* 60 60) 24) => (lambda (hrs) (sprintf "~a hours ago" hrs))) ((fits 60 (* 60 5)) => (lambda (m) (sprintf "~a minutes ago" m))) ((fits 1 120) => (lambda (_) (sprintf "just now!"))) (else (sprintf "on ~a" (seconds->string t)))))) (define (print-snippet s #!key annotation? (count 0)) `((div (@ (class "paste-header")) (h3 (a (@ (name ,(sprintf "a~A" count))) ,(third s)) ,(if annotation? " added " " pasted ") " by " ,(second s) " " ,(prettify-time (fourth s))) (div (@ (class "paste")) (pre (tt (@ (class "highlight scheme-language")) (literal ,(if (< (string-length (fifth s)) 5000) ;; only colorize if the paste isn't too long (html-colorize 'scheme (fifth s)) (fifth s)))))) (div (@ (class "paste-footer")) " [ " (a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path (sprintf "paste?id=~a#a~a" (first s) count)))) "permalink") " | " (a (@ (href ,(make-pathname base-path (sprintf "raw?id=~a&annotation=~a" (first s) count)))) "raw") " ] ")))) (define (format-all-snippets snippets) (fold (let ((c (length snippets))) (lambda (p s) (set! c (sub1 c)) `(,(print-snippet p annotation?: (= c (- (length snippets) 1)) count: c) ,s))) '() snippets)) (define-page "/" ;; the main page, prefixed by base-path (lambda () `(,(navigation-links) (div (@ (id "content")) (h1 (@ (id "heading") (align "center")) "Welcome to the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service") (,(or (and-let* ((id ($ 'id)) (annotate ($ 'annotate))) (cond ((fetch-paste id) => (lambda (p) `(,(format-all-snippets p) (h2 "Your annotation:") ,(paste-form annotate-id: id)))) (else (bail-out "Found no paste to annotate with this id.")))) (paste-form)))))) title: "Pastiche: the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service") (define-page "paste" (lambda () (let ((paste-title "Untitled paste")) (set-page-title! paste-title) (with-request-variables ((nick (nonempty as-string)) (title (nonempty as-string)) (paste (nonempty as-string)) (id (nonempty as-string))) `(,(navigation-links) (div (@ (id "content")) ,(cond ((and id (not paste)) (cond ((fetch-paste id) => (lambda (p) (set! paste-title (third (last p))) (set-page-title! paste-title) `(,(format-all-snippets p) (div (@ (id "paste-footer")) (h2 (@ (align "center")) (a (@ (href ,(sprintf "~a?id=~a;annotate=t" base-path id))) "Annotate this paste!")))))) (else (bail-out "Could not find a paste with this id: " id)))) (paste (if (and use-captcha? (not (equal? ($ 'captcha-user-answer) (and-let* ((hash ($ 'captcha-hash)) (captcha (alist-ref hash captchas equal?))) (captcha-string captcha))))) (bail-out "Wrong captcha answer.") (let* ((nick (or nick "anonymous")) (title (or title "no title")) (time (current-seconds)) (hashsum (string->sha1sum (conc nick title time paste))) (url '()) (snippet (map (lambda (i) (if (and (string? i) (string-null? i)) "anonymous" i)) (list nick title time paste)))) (cond ((string-null? paste) (bail-out "I am not storing empty pastes.")) ((is-it-spam? nick title paste) `((h2 (@ (align "center")) "Thanks for your paste!") (p "Hi " ,nick ", thanks for pasting: " (em ,title) (br)))) (else (cond ((fetch-paste id) => (lambda (p) (let ((count (+ 1 (length (cdr p))))) (update-paste id snippet) (set! url (make-pathname base-path (conc "paste?id=" id "#a" count)))))) (else (insert-paste hashsum snippet) (set! url (make-pathname base-path (string-append "paste?id=" hashsum))))) (set! paste-title title) (when ($ 'notify-irc) (notify nick title url)) (when use-captcha? (set! captchas (delete-and-refill-captchas captchas ($ 'captcha-hash)))) `((h2 (@ (align "center")) "Thanks for your paste!") (p "Hi " ,nick ", thanks for pasting: " (em ,title) (br)) (p (@ (align "center")) "Your paste can be reached with this url: " (a (@ (href ,url)) ,url)))))))) (else (bail-out "I am not storing empty pastes.")))))))) css: (page-css) method: '(get head post)) (define (convert-newlines text mode) (and text (irregex-replace/all "\r\n" text (case mode ((#:unix) "\n") ((#:dos) "\r\n") (else (error "unknown newline mode " mode)))))) (define-page "raw" (lambda () (awful-response-headers '((content-type "text/plain"))) (let* ((id ($ 'id)) (annotation ($ 'annotation as-number)) (paste (fetch-paste id))) (or (and paste annotation (<= annotation (length paste)) `(literal ,(convert-newlines (fifth (list-ref (reverse paste) annotation)) #:unix))) `(literal ,(convert-newlines paste #:unix)) (bail-out "Could not find a paste with id " id)))) no-template: #t) (define (number-of-posts) (let ((n ($db "select count(distinct(hash)) from pastes"))) (and n (caar n)))) (define-page "browse" (lambda () (with-request-variables ((from as-number) (to as-number)) (let* ((nposts (number-of-posts)) (from (if (and from (>= from 0) (<= from nposts)) from 0)) (to (if (and to (> to from) (<= to nposts)) to browsing-steps)) (older-to (min (+ to browsing-steps) nposts)) (older-from (+ from browsing-steps)) (newer-from (- from browsing-steps)) (newer-to (max (- to browsing-steps) browsing-steps)) (history-path (make-pathname base-path "browse"))) `(,(navigation-links) (div (@ (id "content")) (h2 (@ (align "center")) "Browsing pastes") (div (@ (id "browse-navigation") (align "center")) ,(if (>= newer-from 0) `(a (@ (href ,(sprintf "~a?from=~a;to=~a" history-path newer-from newer-to))) "< newer") "< newer") " ... " ,(if (and (not (= to nposts)) (<= older-to nposts)) `(a (@ (href ,(sprintf "~a?from=~a;to=~a" history-path older-from older-to))) "older >") "older >") ,(make-post-table browsing-steps offset: from)))))))) (define-page "search" (lambda () (with-request-variables ((query as-string)) (let ((results (and query (matching-pastes query)))) `(,(navigation-links) (div (@ (id "content") (align "center")) (form (@ (method "post") (action ,(make-pathname base-path "search"))) (input (@ (type "text") (name query) (maxlength 78) (id query) (autofocus "autofocus") (size 40) (value ,query))) (input (@ (type "submit") (value "Search!")))) ,(if (and query (pair? results)) `((h2 (@ (align "center")) "Search results for '" ,query "' " ,(length results) " results") ,(make-search-result-table results)) '(p "No results have matched."))))))) method: '(get head post)) (define-page "about" (lambda () `(,(navigation-links) (div (@ (id "content")) (h2 "You have reached the CHICKEN Scheme pasting service") (p "These pages are maintained by the CHICKEN Scheme project team. Anyone that enters a correct CAPTCHA response is allowed to post anything he likes. If you find objectionable content, feel free to drop a mail at chicken-janitors nongnu dot org") (p "The source code for these pages is distributed under a BSD license at C-Keen's " (a (@ (href "https://github.com/ckeen/pastiche")) "github repo")) (p "Our thanks go to chandler for the famous " (a (@ (href "http://paste.lisp.org")) "lisppaste") " " (a (@ (href "http://www.cliki.net/lisppaste")) "(cliki page)") " bot and the same disclaimer applies:") (p "Lisppaste pastes can be made by anyone at any time. Imagine a fearsomely comprehensive disclaimer of liability. Now fear, comprehensively.")))) title: "About Pastiche") (define-page "captcha" (lambda () (if audible-captcha? (with-request-variables ((hash as-string)) (let* ((splitted (string-split hash ".")) (hash (car splitted)) (extension (or (null? (cdr splitted)) (cadr splitted)))) (cond ((and (equal? extension "wav") (alist-ref (car (string-split hash ".")) captchas equal?)) => (lambda (c) (awful-response-headers '((content-type "audio/wav"))) `(literal ,(string-as-wav espeak-binary (captcha-string c) (preferred-languages (header-contents 'accept-language (request-headers (current-request)))))))) (else (bail-out "Wrong captcha hash, please reload the page and try again"))))) (bail-out "Audio captchas have been disabled in the configuration."))) no-template: #t) ) ;; end define-app ) ;; end pastiche ) ;; end module