;;;; Serialization/unserialization of PHP data types. ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Arto Bendiken ;; ;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy ;; of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to ;; deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the ;; rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or ;; sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is ;; furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;; ;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;; ;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS ;; IN THE SOFTWARE. (require-extension srfi-1 regex) #+chicken (eval-when (compile) (declare (export php-serialize php-unserialize php-s11n-writer php-s11n-reader php-s11n-array-reader php-s11n-object-reader php-s11n-write php-s11n-read php-s11n-read-null php-s11n-read-boolean php-s11n-read-integer php-s11n-read-float php-s11n-read-string php-s11n-read-array php-s11n-read-array/alist php-s11n-read-array/hash-table php-s11n-read-object))) ;;;; Exported parameters (define php-s11n-writer (make-parameter #f)) (define php-s11n-reader (make-parameter #f)) (define php-s11n-array-reader (make-parameter #f)) (define php-s11n-object-reader (make-parameter #f)) ;;;; Internal parameters (define php-s11n-read-table (make-parameter '())) ;;;; Exported procedures ;;; Serialization and unserialization ;; See http://php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php (define (php-serialize value) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (php-s11n-write value)))) ;; See http://php.net/manual/en/function.unserialize.php (define (php-unserialize string) (call-with-input-string string php-s11n-read)) ;;; Output (define (php-s11n-write value #!optional (port (current-output-port))) (cond ((void? value) ; => NULL (fprintf port "N;")) ((boolean? value) ; => boolean (fprintf port "b:~A;" (if value 1 0))) ((integer? value) ; => integer (fprintf port "i:~A;" value)) ((and (number? value) (inexact? value)) ; => float (fprintf port "d:~A;" value)) ((char? value) ; => string (php-s11n-write (string value) port)) ((symbol? value) ; => string (php-s11n-write (symbol->string value) port)) ((string? value) ; => string (fprintf port "s:~A:~S;" (string-length value) value)) ((vector? value) ; => array (fprintf port "a:~A:{" (vector-length value)) (let loop ((i 0)) (when (< i (vector-length value)) (fprintf port "i:~A;" i) (php-s11n-write (vector-ref value i) port) (loop (+ i 1)))) (fprintf port "}")) ((alist? value) ; => associative array (fprintf port "a:~A:{" (length value)) (for-each (lambda (e) (php-s11n-write (->array-key (car e)) port) (php-s11n-write (cdr e) port)) value) (fprintf port "}")) ((hash-table? value) ; => associative array (php-s11n-write (hash-table->alist value) port)) ((procedure? (php-s11n-writer)) ((php-s11n-writer) value port)) (else (error 'php-s11n-write "unable to serialize value" value)))) ;;; Input (define (php-s11n-read #!optional (port (current-input-port))) (let ((char (peek-char port))) (cond ((eof-object? char) (error 'php-s11n-read "unexpected end of input" port)) ((assq char (php-s11n-read-table)) => (lambda (e) ((cdr e) port))) ((procedure? (php-s11n-reader)) ((php-s11n-reader) port)) (else (error 'php-s11n-read "unable to unserialize value of type" char))))) (define (php-s11n-read-null port) (expect-string port "N;") (void)) (define (php-s11n-read-boolean port) (string=? "1" (expect port "b:" #/[01]{1}/ ";"))) (define (php-s11n-read-integer port) (string->number (expect port "i:" #/[+\-\de]+/i ";"))) (define (php-s11n-read-float port) (string->number (expect port "d:" #/[+\-\d\.enan]+/i ";"))) (define (php-s11n-read-string port) (let ((length (string->number (expect port "s:" #/\d+/ ":")))) (expect-char port #\") (let ((value (read-string length port))) (expect-char port #\") (expect-char port #\;) value))) (define (php-s11n-read-array port) (let ((array (php-s11n-read-array/alist port))) (cond ((vector-like-array? array) (list->vector (map cdr array))) (else array)))) (define (php-s11n-read-array/alist port) (let ((length (string->number (expect port "a:" #/\d+/ ":")))) (expect-char port #\{) (let loop ((i 0) (values '())) (if (= i length) (begin (expect-char port #\}) (reverse values)) (loop (+ i 1) (cons (cons (php-s11n-read port) (php-s11n-read port)) values)))))) (define (php-s11n-read-array/hash-table port) (alist->hash-table (php-s11n-read-array/alist port))) (define (php-s11n-read-object port) (error 'php-s11n-read "object unserialization not supported")) ;;;; Initialization (begin (php-s11n-array-reader php-s11n-read-array) (php-s11n-object-reader php-s11n-read-object) (php-s11n-read-table `((#\N . ,php-s11n-read-null) (#\b . ,php-s11n-read-boolean) (#\i . ,php-s11n-read-integer) (#\d . ,php-s11n-read-float) (#\s . ,php-s11n-read-string) (#\a . ,(lambda (port) ((php-s11n-array-reader) port))) (#\O . ,(lambda (port) ((php-s11n-object-reader) port)))))) ;;;; Internal procedures ;;; Lexer implementation (define (expect-char port char) (if (eq? (peek-char port) char) (read-char port) (error 'php-s11n-read (sprintf "expected character: ~S but got: ~S" char (peek-char port))))) (define (expect-string port string) (for-each (lambda (char) (expect-char port char)) (string->list string)) string) (define (expect-regex port regex) (let loop ((buffer '())) (let ((char (peek-char port))) (if (not (string-match regex (string char))) (list->string (reverse buffer)) (loop (cons (read-char port) buffer)))))) (define (expect port prelude regex terminator) (expect-string port prelude) (let ((value (expect-regex port regex))) (expect-string port terminator) value)) ;;; General helpers (define (void? x) (eq? x (void))) (define (alist? x) (and (proper-list? x) (every pair? x))) (define (integer-like-string? x) (and (string? x) (string-match #/^[1-9][0-9]*$/ x))) (define (vector-like-array? x) (let ((keys (map car x))) (and (every integer? keys) (equal? (iota (length x)) keys)))) (define (->array-key value) (cond ((integer? value) value) ((integer-like-string? value) (string->number value)) ((string? value) value) ((flonum? value) (inexact->exact (floor value))) ((boolean? value) (if value 1 0)) ((keyword? value) (->array-key (keyword->string value))) ((symbol? value) (->array-key (symbol->string value))) (else (->array-key (->string value)))))