(module pigeonry (pigeonry? name ;; begin debug only threadpool-max threadpool-max-set! threadpool-threads threadpool-threads-set! threadpool-queue threadpool-start! ;; end debug only make-requesttype make-type make order! ;; order/anyway! order/blocking! ) (import (except scheme max)) (import chicken (except srfi-18 raise) #;srfi-34 extras) (import (prefix pigeon-hole dequeue-)) (define-record threadpool name max threads queue fail success) (define pigeonry? threadpool?) (define name threadpool-name) (define-record-printer (threadpool x out) (format out "" (threadpool-name x) (threadpool-max x) (threadpool-queue x))) (define-record threadpool-requesttype fail success) ;; API *will* change! Use most specific one to be safe for now. (define make-requesttype make-threadpool-requesttype) (define make-type make-requesttype) (define-record threadpool-request root proc args) (cond-expand (chicken ;;-never (define-inline (%threadpool-queue x) (##sys#slot x 4)) (define-inline (%threadpool-success x) (##sys#slot x 6)) (define-inline (%threadpool-request-root x) (##sys#slot x 1)) (define-inline (%threadpool-request-proc x) (##sys#slot x 2)) (define-inline (%threadpool-request-args x) (##sys#slot x 3)) ) (else (define-inline (%threadpool-queue pool) (threadpool-queue pool)) (define-inline (%threadpool-success pool) (threadpool-success pool)) (define-inline (%threadpool-request-root x) (threadpool-request-root x)) (define-inline (%threadpool-request-proc x) (threadpool-request-proc x)) (define-inline (%threadpool-request-args x) (threadpool-request-args x)) )) (define make-threadpool-queue dequeue-make) (define-inline (threadpool-send-message! h v) (dequeue-send! h v)) (define-inline (threadpool-send-message/blocking! h v) (dequeue-send/blocking! h v)) (define-inline (threadpool-receive-message! h) (dequeue-receive! h)) (define-inline (threadpool-queue-empty? h) (dequeue-empty? h)) (define-inline (threadpool-queue-count h) (dequeue-count h)) (define-values (make threadpool-start! order/anyway! order/blocking!) (let ((%make-threadpool make-threadpool)) (define (threadpool-start! pool) (let ((mx (threadpool-max pool))) (if (cond ((number? mx) (if (fx<= mx 0) #f (begin (threadpool-max-set! pool (fx- mx 1)) #t))) ((boolean? mx) mx) (else (error "unknown threadpool limit" mx))) (let ((t (make-thread pool-thread-loop (threadpool-name pool)))) (thread-specific-set! t pool) (thread-start! t)))) pool) (define (pool-thread-loop) (define pool (thread-specific (current-thread))) (define success (%threadpool-success pool)) (if (number? (threadpool-max pool)) (threadpool-max-set! pool (sub1 (threadpool-max pool)))) (threadpool-threads-set! pool (cons (current-thread) (threadpool-threads pool))) (do ((entry #f) (exn #f)) (#f) ( ;; guard (ex (else (set! exn (list ex)))) handle-exceptions ex (set! exn (list ex)) (do () (#f) (if exn (if entry (let ((e entry) (r (car exn))) (set! entry #f) (set! exn #f) ((threadpool-fail pool) (%threadpool-request-root e) r)) (begin (print-error-message exn (current-error-port) "Thread Pool") (format (current-error-port) "thread pool ~s\n" (threadpool-name pool)) (print-call-chain (current-error-port) 0 (current-thread))))) (let ((queue (%threadpool-queue pool))) (set! entry (threadpool-receive-message! queue)) (or (> (threadpool-queue-count queue) 0) ;;(threadpool-queue-empty? queue) (threadpool-start! pool))) (let ((args (%threadpool-request-args entry)) (root (%threadpool-request-root entry))) (if (null? args) ((%threadpool-request-proc entry) root) (let ((a1 (##sys#slot #;car args 0)) (r (##sys#slot #;cdr args 1))) (if (null? r) ((%threadpool-request-proc entry) root a1) (apply (%threadpool-request-proc entry) (cons root args))))) (and success (success root))))))) (define (make-threadpool name max type) (let ((pool (%make-threadpool name max '() (make-threadpool-queue name capacity: 0) (threadpool-requesttype-fail type) (threadpool-requesttype-success type)))) #;(if (number? max) (do ((i 1 (add1 i))) ((= i max)) (threadpool-start! pool))) (threadpool-start! pool))) (define (threadpool-order! pool root proc args) (threadpool-send-message! (threadpool-queue pool) (make-threadpool-request root proc args)) #;pool) (define (threadpool-order/blocking! pool root proc args) (threadpool-send-message/blocking! (threadpool-queue pool) (make-threadpool-request root proc args)) #;pool) (values make-threadpool threadpool-start! threadpool-order! threadpool-order/blocking!))) (define order! order/blocking!) )