;;; Bindings to the PostgreSQL C library ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2008-2009 Peter Bex ;; Copyright (C) 2004 Johannes Grødem ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, is permitted. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS ;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OR CONTRIBUTORS BE ;; LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR ;; CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT ;; OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR ;; BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT ;; (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE ;; USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH ;; DAMAGE. (module postgresql (update-type-parsers! default-type-parsers char-parser bool-parser bytea-parser numeric-parser update-type-unparsers! default-type-unparsers bool-unparser connect reset-connection disconnect connection? multi-query query query* with-transaction in-transaction? result? clear-result! row-count column-count column-index column-name column-names column-format column-type column-type-modifier table-oid table-column-index value-at row-values row-alist column-values affected-rows inserted-oid invalid-oid escape-string escape-bytea unescape-bytea row-fold row-fold* row-fold-right row-fold-right* row-for-each row-for-each* row-map row-map* column-fold column-fold* column-fold-right column-fold-right* column-for-each column-for-each* column-map column-map*) (import chicken scheme foreign) (require-extension srfi-1 srfi-4 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-69 extras data-structures sql-null) (foreign-declare "#include ") (define-foreign-type pg-polling-status (enum "PostgresPollingStatusType")) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_POLLING_FAILED pg-polling-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_POLLING_READING pg-polling-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_POLLING_WRITING pg-polling-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_POLLING_OK pg-polling-status) (define-foreign-type pg-exec-status (enum "ExecStatusType")) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_COMMAND_OK pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_TUPLES_OK pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_COPY_OUT pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_COPY_IN pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR pg-exec-status) (define-foreign-variable PGRES_FATAL_ERROR pg-exec-status) ;(define-foreign-type pgconn* (c-pointer "PGconn")) (define-foreign-type pgconn* c-pointer) (define PQconnectStart (foreign-lambda pgconn* PQconnectStart (const c-string))) (define PQconnectPoll (foreign-lambda pg-polling-status PQconnectPoll pgconn*)) (define PQresetStart (foreign-lambda bool PQresetStart pgconn*)) (define PQresetPoll (foreign-lambda pg-polling-status PQresetPoll pgconn*)) (define PQfinish (foreign-lambda void PQfinish pgconn*)) (define PQstatus (foreign-lambda (enum "ConnStatusType") PQstatus (const pgconn*))) (define PQerrorMessage (foreign-lambda c-string PQerrorMessage (const pgconn*))) ;(define-foreign-type oid "Oid") (define-foreign-type oid unsigned-int) (define invalid-oid (foreign-value "InvalidOid" oid)) (define PQisBusy (foreign-lambda bool PQisBusy pgconn*)) (define PQconsumeInput (foreign-lambda bool PQconsumeInput pgconn*)) (define-foreign-type pgresult* (c-pointer "PGresult")) (define PQgetResult (foreign-lambda pgresult* PQgetResult pgconn*)) (define PQresultStatus (foreign-lambda pg-exec-status PQresultStatus (const pgresult*))) (define PQresultErrorMessage (foreign-lambda c-string PQresultErrorMessage (const pgresult*))) (define PQresultErrorField (foreign-lambda c-string PQresultErrorField (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQclear (foreign-lambda void PQclear pgresult*)) (define PQntuples (foreign-lambda int PQntuples (const pgresult*))) (define PQnfields (foreign-lambda int PQnfields (const pgresult*))) (define PQfname (foreign-lambda c-string PQfname (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQfnumber (foreign-lambda int PQfnumber (const pgresult*) (const c-string))) (define PQftable (foreign-lambda oid PQftable (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQftablecol (foreign-lambda int PQftablecol (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQfformat (foreign-lambda int PQfformat (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQftype (foreign-lambda oid PQftype (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQfmod (foreign-lambda int PQfmod (const pgresult*) int)) (define PQgetisnull (foreign-lambda bool PQgetisnull (const pgresult*) int int)) (define PQcmdTuples (foreign-lambda nonnull-c-string PQcmdTuples pgresult*)) (define PQoidValue (foreign-lambda oid PQoidValue pgresult*)) ;; TODO: Create a real callback system? (foreign-declare "static void nullNoticeReceiver(void *arg, const PGresult *res){ }") (define-syntax define-foreign-int (er-macro-transformer (lambda (e r c) ;; cannot rename define-foreign-variable; it's a really special form `(define-foreign-variable ,(cadr e) int ,(conc "(int) " (cadr e)))))) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_SEVERITY) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_PRIMARY) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_CONTEXT) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE) (define-foreign-int PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION) (define (postgresql-error loc message . args) (signal (make-pg-condition loc message args: args))) (define (make-pg-condition loc message #!key (args '()) severity error-class error-code message-detail message-hint statement-position context source-file source-line source-function) (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition 'exn 'location loc 'message message 'arguments args) (make-property-condition 'postgresql 'severity severity 'error-class error-class 'error-code error-code 'message-detail message-detail 'message-hint message-hint 'statement-position statement-position 'context context 'source-file source-file 'source-line source-line ;; Might break not-terribly-old versions of postgresql ;;'internal-position internal-position 'internal-query internal-query 'source-function source-function))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Type parsers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (char-parser str) (string-ref str 0)) (define (bool-parser str) (string=? str "t")) (define (numeric-parser str) (or (string->number str) (postgresql-error 'numeric-parser "Unable to parse number" str))) (define (bytea-parser str) (blob->u8vector/shared (string->blob (unescape-bytea str)))) (define default-type-parsers (make-parameter `(("text" . ,identity) ("bytea" . ,bytea-parser) ("char" . ,char-parser) ("bpchar" . ,identity) ("bool" . ,bool-parser) ("int8" . ,numeric-parser) ("int4" . ,numeric-parser) ("int2" . ,numeric-parser) ("float4" . ,numeric-parser) ("float8" . ,numeric-parser) ("numeric" . ,numeric-parser) ("oid" . ,numeric-parser)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Type unparsers ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (bool-unparser b) (if b "TRUE" "FALSE")) (define default-type-unparsers (make-parameter `((,string? . ,identity) (,u8vector? . ,u8vector->blob/shared) (,char? . ,string) (,boolean? . ,bool-unparser) (,number? . ,number->string)))) ;; Retrieve type-oids from PostgreSQL: (define (update-type-parsers! conn #!optional new-type-parsers) (let ((type-parsers (or new-type-parsers (pg-connection-type-parsers conn))) (ht (make-hash-table)) (result '())) ;; Set the parsers now, so that we will be retrieving raw data (pg-connection-oid-parsers-set! conn ht) (pg-connection-type-parsers-set! conn type-parsers) (unless (null? type-parsers) ; empty IN () clause is not allowed (row-for-each* (lambda (oid typname) (and-let* ((procedure (assoc typname type-parsers))) (hash-table-set! ht (string->number oid) (cdr procedure)))) (query* conn (conc "SELECT oid, typname FROM pg_type WHERE typname IN " "('" (string-intersperse (map (lambda (p) (escape-string conn (car p))) type-parsers) "', '") "')")))))) (define (update-type-unparsers! conn new-type-unparsers) (pg-connection-type-unparsers-set! conn new-type-unparsers)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Connections ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-record pg-connection ptr type-parsers oid-parsers type-unparsers transaction-depth) (define connection? pg-connection?) (define (pgsql-connection->fd conn) ((foreign-lambda int PQsocket pgconn*) (pg-connection-ptr conn))) (define (wait-for-connection! conn poll-function) (let ((conn-fd (pgsql-connection->fd conn)) (conn-ptr (pg-connection-ptr conn))) (let loop ((result (poll-function conn-ptr))) (cond ((= result PGRES_POLLING_OK) (void)) ((= result PGRES_POLLING_FAILED) (let ((error-message (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr))) (disconnect conn) (postgresql-error 'connect (conc "Polling Postgres database failed. " error-message)))) ((member result (list PGRES_POLLING_WRITING PGRES_POLLING_READING)) (thread-wait-for-i/o! conn-fd (if (= PGRES_POLLING_READING result) #:input #:output)) (loop (poll-function conn-ptr))) (else (postgresql-error 'connect (conc "Unknown status code!"))))))) (define (alist->connection-spec alist) (string-join (map (lambda (subspec) (sprintf "~A='~A'" (car subspec) ;; this had better not contain [ =\'] (string-translate* (->string (cdr subspec)) '(("\\" . "\\\\") ("'" . "\\'"))))) alist))) (define (connect connection-spec #!optional (type-parsers (default-type-parsers)) (type-unparsers (default-type-unparsers))) (let* ((connection-spec (if (string? connection-spec) connection-spec (alist->connection-spec connection-spec))) (conn-ptr (PQconnectStart connection-spec))) (cond ((not conn-ptr) (postgresql-error 'connect "Unable to allocate a Postgres connection structure." connection-spec)) ((= (foreign-value "CONNECTION_BAD" int) (PQstatus conn-ptr)) (let ((error-message (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr))) (PQfinish conn-ptr) (postgresql-error 'connect (conc "Connection to Postgres database failed: " error-message) connection-spec))) (else (let ((conn (make-pg-connection conn-ptr type-parsers (make-hash-table) type-unparsers 0))) ;; We don't want libpq to piss in our stderr stream ((foreign-lambda* void ((pgconn* conn)) "PQsetNoticeReceiver(conn, nullNoticeReceiver, NULL);") conn-ptr) (wait-for-connection! conn PQconnectPoll) (set-finalizer! conn disconnect) ;; Retrieve type-information from PostgreSQL metadata for use by ;; the various value-parsers. (update-type-parsers! conn) conn))))) (define (reset-connection connection) (let ((conn-ptr (pg-connection-ptr connection))) (if (PQresetStart conn-ptr) ;; Update oid-parsers? (wait-for-connection! connection PQresetPoll) (let ((error-message (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr))) (disconnect connection) (postgresql-error 'reset-connection (conc "Reset of connection failed " error-message) connection))))) (define (disconnect connection) (and-let* ((conn-ptr (pg-connection-ptr connection))) (pg-connection-ptr-set! connection #f) (pg-connection-type-parsers-set! connection #f) (pg-connection-oid-parsers-set! connection #f) (PQfinish conn-ptr)) (void)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Results ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define-record pg-result ptr value-parsers) (define result? pg-result?) (define (clear-result! result) (and-let* ((result-ptr (pg-result-ptr result))) (pg-result-ptr-set! result #f) (PQclear result-ptr))) (define (row-count result) (PQntuples (pg-result-ptr result))) (define (column-count result) (PQnfields (pg-result-ptr result))) ;; Helper procedures for bounds checking; so we can distinguish between ;; out of bounds and nonexistant columns, and signal it. (define (check-column-index! result index location) (when (>= index (column-count result)) (postgresql-error location (sprintf "Result column ~A out of bounds" index) result index))) (define (check-row-index! result index location) (when (>= index (row-count result)) (postgresql-error location (sprintf "Result row ~A out of bounds" index) result index))) (define (column-name result index) (check-column-index! result index 'column-name) (string->symbol (PQfname (pg-result-ptr result) index))) (define (column-names result) (let ((ptr (pg-result-ptr result))) (let loop ((names '()) (column (column-count result))) (if (= column 0) names (loop (cons (string->symbol (PQfname ptr (sub1 column))) names) (sub1 column)))))) (define (column-index result name) (let ((idx (PQfnumber (pg-result-ptr result) (symbol->string name)))) (and (>= idx 0) idx))) (define (table-oid result index) (check-column-index! result index 'table-oid) (let ((oid (PQftable (pg-result-ptr result) index))) (and (not (= oid invalid-oid)) oid))) ;; Fixes the off-by-1 unexpectedness in libpq/the protocol to make it more ;; consistent with the rest of Scheme. However, this is inconsistent with ;; almost all other PostgreSQL interfaces... (define (table-column-index result index) (check-column-index! result index 'table-column-index) (let ((idx (PQftablecol (pg-result-ptr result) index))) (and (> idx 0) (sub1 idx)))) (define format-table '((0 . text) (1 . binary))) (define (format->symbol format) (or (alist-ref format format-table eq?) (postgresql-error 'format->symbol "Unknown format" format))) (define (symbol->format symbol) (or (and-let* ((res (rassoc symbol format-table eq?))) (car res)) (postgresql-error 'format->symbol "Unknown format" symbol))) (define (column-format result index) (check-column-index! result index 'column-format) (format->symbol (PQfformat (pg-result-ptr result) index))) (define (column-type result index) (check-column-index! result index 'column-type) (PQftype (pg-result-ptr result) index)) ;; This is really not super-useful as it requires intimate knowledge ;; about the internal implementations of types in PostgreSQL. (define (column-type-modifier result index) (check-column-index! result index 'column-type) (let ((mod (PQfmod (pg-result-ptr result) index))) (and (>= mod 0) mod))) ;; Unchecked version, for speed (define (value-at* result column row #!key raw) (if (PQgetisnull (pg-result-ptr result) row column) (sql-null) (let ((value ((foreign-safe-lambda* scheme-object ((c-pointer res) (int row) (int col)) "C_word fin, *str; char *val; int len;" "len = PQgetlength(res, row, col);" "str = C_alloc(C_bytestowords(len + sizeof(C_header)));" "val = PQgetvalue(res, row, col);" "fin = C_string(&str, len, val);" "if (PQfformat(res, col) == 1) /* binary? */" " C_string_to_bytevector(fin);" "C_return(fin);") (pg-result-ptr result) row column))) (if (or raw (blob? value)) value ((vector-ref (pg-result-value-parsers result) column) value))))) (define (value-at result #!optional (column 0) (row 0) #!key raw) (check-row-index! result row 'value) (check-column-index! result column 'value) (value-at* result column row raw: raw)) (define (row-values result #!optional (row 0) #!key raw) (check-row-index! result row 'row) (let loop ((list '()) (column (column-count result))) (if (= column 0) list (loop (cons (value-at* result (sub1 column) row raw: raw) list) (sub1 column))))) (define (column-values result #!optional (column 0) #!key raw) (check-column-index! result column 'column) (let loop ((list '()) (row (row-count result))) (if (= row 0) list (loop (cons (value-at* result column (sub1 row) raw: raw) list) (sub1 row))))) ;; (define (row-alist result #!optional (row 0)) ;; (map cons (column-names result) (row-values result row))) (define (row-alist result #!optional (row 0)) (check-row-index! result row 'row-alist) (let loop ((alist '()) (column (column-count result))) (if (= column 0) alist (loop (cons (cons (string->symbol (PQfname (pg-result-ptr result) (sub1 column))) (value-at* result (sub1 column) row)) alist) (sub1 column))))) ;;; TODO: Do we want/need PQnparams and PQparamtype bindings? (define (affected-rows result) (string->number (PQcmdTuples (pg-result-ptr result)))) (define (inserted-oid result) (let ((oid (PQoidValue (pg-result-ptr result)))) (and (not (= oid invalid-oid)) oid))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Query procedures ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; Buffer all available input, yielding if nothing is available: (define (buffer-available-input! conn) (let ((conn-ptr (pg-connection-ptr conn)) (conn-fd (pgsql-connection->fd conn))) (let loop () (if (PQconsumeInput conn-ptr) (when (PQisBusy conn-ptr) (thread-wait-for-i/o! conn-fd #:input) (loop)) (postgresql-error 'buffer-available-input! (conc "Error reading reply from server. " (PQerrorMessage conn-ptr)) conn-ptr))))) (define (make-value-parsers conn pqresult) (let ((nfields (PQnfields pqresult))) (do ([col 0 (+ col 1)] [parsers (make-vector nfields)]) ([= col nfields] parsers) (vector-set! parsers col (hash-table-ref (pg-connection-oid-parsers conn) (PQftype pqresult col) (lambda () identity)))))) ;; Collect the result pointers from the last query. ;; ;; A pgresult represents an entire resultset and is always read into memory ;; all at once. (define (collect-results conn) (buffer-available-input! conn) (let loop ((results (list))) (let* ((conn-ptr (pg-connection-ptr conn)) (result (PQgetResult conn-ptr))) (if result (cond ((member (PQresultStatus result) (list PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE PGRES_FATAL_ERROR)) (let* ((get-error-field (lambda (d) (PQresultErrorField result d))) (sqlstate (get-error-field PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE)) (maybe-severity (get-error-field PG_DIAG_SEVERITY)) (maybe-statement-position (get-error-field PG_DIAG_STATEMENT_POSITION)) (condition (make-pg-condition 'collect-results (PQresultErrorMessage result) severity: (and maybe-severity (string->symbol (string-downcase maybe-severity))) error-class: (and sqlstate (string-take sqlstate 2)) error-code: sqlstate message-detail: (get-error-field PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_DETAIL) message-hint: (get-error-field PG_DIAG_MESSAGE_HINT) statement-position: (and maybe-statement-position (string->number maybe-statement-position)) context: (get-error-field PG_DIAG_CONTEXT) source-file: (get-error-field PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FILE) source-line: (get-error-field PG_DIAG_SOURCE_LINE) source-function: (get-error-field PG_DIAG_SOURCE_FUNCTION)))) ;; Read out all remaining results (including the current one). ;; TODO: Is this really needed? libpq does it (in pqExecFinish), ;; but ostensibly only to concatenate the error messages for ;; each query. OTOH, maybe we want to do that, too. (let clean-results! ((result result)) (when result (PQclear result) (clean-results! (PQgetResult (pg-connection-ptr conn))))) (signal condition))) (else (let ((result-obj (make-pg-result result (make-value-parsers conn result)))) (set-finalizer! result-obj clear-result!) (loop (cons result-obj results))))) (reverse! results))))) (define (multi-query conn queries) (if ((foreign-lambda bool PQsendQuery pgconn* (const c-string)) (pg-connection-ptr conn) queries) (collect-results conn) (postgresql-error 'multi-query (conc "Unable to send multi-query to server. " (PQerrorMessage (pg-connection-ptr conn))) conn queries))) (define (query conn query . params) (query* conn query params)) (define (query* conn query #!optional (params '()) #!key (format 'text) raw) (let* ((unparsers (pg-connection-type-unparsers conn)) (unparse (lambda (x) (cond ((find (lambda (parse?) ((car parse?) x)) unparsers) => (lambda (parse) ((cdr parse) x))) (else x)))) (params ;; Check all params and ensure they are proper pairs (map ;; See if this can be moved into C (lambda (p) (let ((obj (if raw p (unparse p)))) (when (and (not (string? obj)) (not (blob? obj)) (not (sql-null? obj))) (postgresql-error 'query* (sprintf "Param value is not a string, sql-null or blob: ~S" p) conn query params format)) (if (sql-null? obj) #f obj))) params)) (send-query (foreign-lambda* bool ((pgconn* conn) (nonnull-c-string query) (int num) (scheme-object params) (int resfmt)) "int res = 0, i = 0, *lens = NULL;" "char **vals = NULL;" "int *fmts = NULL;" "C_word obj, cons;" "if (num > 0) {" " vals = C_malloc(num * sizeof(char *));" " lens = C_malloc(num * sizeof(int));" " fmts = C_malloc(num * sizeof(int));" "}" "for (i=0,cons=params; i < num; ++i,cons=C_u_i_cdr(cons)) {" " obj = C_u_i_car(cons);" " if (obj == C_SCHEME_FALSE) {" " fmts[i] = 0; /* don't care */" " lens[i] = 0;" " vals[i] = NULL;" " } else if (C_header_bits(obj) == C_BYTEVECTOR_TYPE) {" " fmts[i] = 1; /* binary */" " lens[i] = C_header_size(obj);" " vals[i] = C_c_string(obj);" " } else {" " /* text needs to be copied; it expects ASCIIZ */" " fmts[i] = 0; /* text */" " lens[i] = C_header_size(obj);" " vals[i] = malloc(lens[i] + 1);" " memcpy(vals[i], C_c_string(obj), lens[i]);" " vals[i][lens[i]] = '\\0';" " }" "}" "res = PQsendQueryParams((PGconn *)conn, query, num, NULL," " (const char * const *)vals, lens, fmts, resfmt);" "for (i=0,cons=params; i < num; ++i,cons=C_u_i_cdr(cons)) {" " obj = C_u_i_car(cons);" " if (!C_immediatep(obj) && C_header_bits(obj) == C_STRING_TYPE)" " free(vals[i]); /* Clear copied strings only */" "}" "if (num > 0) {" " free(fmts);" " free(lens);" " free(vals);" "}" "C_return(res);"))) (if (send-query (pg-connection-ptr conn) query (length params) params (symbol->format format)) (car (collect-results conn)) ;; assumed to always return one result... (postgresql-error 'query* (conc "Unable to send query to server. " (PQerrorMessage (pg-connection-ptr conn))) conn query params format)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Transaction management ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (with-transaction conn thunk) (let* ((old-depth (pg-connection-transaction-depth conn)) (rollback! (lambda () (if (= old-depth 0) (query conn "ROLLBACK") ;; We do not *need* to give savepoints unique names, ;; but it aids debugging and we know the depth anyway. (query conn (conc "ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT s_" old-depth))))) (commit! (lambda () (if (= old-depth 0) (query conn "COMMIT") (query conn (conc "RELEASE SAVEPOINT s_" old-depth)))))) (if (= old-depth 0) (query conn "BEGIN") (query conn (conc "SAVEPOINT s_" old-depth))) (pg-connection-transaction-depth-set! conn (add1 old-depth)) ;; TODO: Add a warning mechanism (using dynamic-wind) for when the ;; user tries to jump into/out of transactions with continuations? (handle-exceptions exn (begin (pg-connection-transaction-depth-set! conn old-depth) (rollback!) (raise exn)) (let ((res (thunk))) (pg-connection-transaction-depth-set! conn old-depth) (if res (commit!) (rollback!)) res)))) (define (in-transaction? conn) (> (pg-connection-transaction-depth conn) 0)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; Value escaping ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (escape-string conn str) (define %escape-string-conn ;; This could be more efficient by copying straight into a Scheme object. ;; Now it's being copied by PQescapeStringConn, and Chicken copies it again. ;; This can allocate up to twice as much memory than the string actually ;; uses; in extreme cases this could be a problem. (foreign-lambda* c-string* ((pgconn* conn) (c-string from) (int flen)) "int err = 0; char *to;" "to = malloc(sizeof(char) * (flen * 2 + 1));" "PQescapeStringConn((PGconn *)conn, to, from, (size_t)flen, &err);" "if (err) {" " free(to);" " C_return(NULL);" "}" "C_return(to);")) (or (%escape-string-conn (pg-connection-ptr conn) str (string-length str)) (postgresql-error 'escape-string (conc "String escaping failed. " (PQerrorMessage conn)) conn str))) (define (escape-bytea conn str) (define %escape-bytea-conn ;; This must copy because libpq returns a malloced ptr... (foreign-safe-lambda* scheme-object ((pgconn* conn) ;; not copied/NUL interpreted: ((const unsigned-c-string*) from) (int flen)) "size_t tolen=0; C_word res, *fin; unsigned char *esc;" "esc = PQescapeByteaConn((PGconn *)conn, from, (size_t)flen, &tolen);" "if (esc == NULL)" " C_return(C_SCHEME_FALSE);" "fin = C_alloc(C_bytestowords(tolen + sizeof(C_header)));" "/* tolen includes the resulting NUL byte */" "res = C_string(&fin, tolen - 1, (char *)esc);" "PQfreemem(esc);" "C_return(res);")) (or (%escape-bytea-conn (pg-connection-ptr conn) str (string-length str)) (postgresql-error 'escape-bytea (conc "Byte array escaping failed. " (PQerrorMessage conn)) conn str))) (define (unescape-bytea str) (define %unescape-bytea ;; This must copy because libpq returns a malloced ptr... (foreign-safe-lambda* scheme-object (((const unsigned-c-string*) from)) "size_t tolen=0; C_word res, *fin; unsigned char *unesc;" "unesc = PQunescapeBytea(from, &tolen);" "if (unesc == NULL)" " C_return(C_SCHEME_FALSE);" "fin = C_alloc(C_bytestowords(tolen + sizeof(C_header)));" "res = C_string(&fin, tolen, (char *)unesc);" "PQfreemem(unesc);" "C_return(res);" )) (or (%unescape-bytea str) (postgresql-error 'unescape-bytea "Byte array unescaping failed (out of memory?)" str))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;; High-level interface ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (make-result-fold item-count extract-item) (lambda (kons knil result) (let ((items (item-count result))) (let loop ((seed knil) (item 0)) (if (= item items) seed (loop (kons (extract-item result item) seed) (add1 item))))))) (define row-fold (make-result-fold row-count row-values)) (define (row-fold* kons knil result) (row-fold (lambda (values seed) (apply kons (append values (list seed)))) knil result)) (define column-fold (make-result-fold column-count column-values)) (define (column-fold* kons knil result) (column-fold (lambda (values seed) (apply kons (append values (list seed)))) knil result)) (define (make-result-fold-right item-count extract-item) (lambda (kons knil result) (let loop ((seed knil) (item (item-count result))) (if (= item 0) seed (loop (kons (extract-item result (sub1 item)) seed) (sub1 item)))))) (define row-fold-right (make-result-fold-right row-count row-values)) (define (row-fold-right* kons knil result) (row-fold-right (lambda (values seed) (apply kons (append values (list seed)))) knil result)) (define column-fold-right (make-result-fold-right column-count column-values)) (define (column-fold-right* kons knil result) (column-fold-right (lambda (values seed) (apply kons (append values (list seed)))) knil result)) (define (row-for-each proc result) (row-fold (lambda (values seed) (proc values)) #f result) (void)) (define (row-for-each* proc result) (row-fold (lambda (values seed) (apply proc values)) #f result) (void)) (define (column-for-each proc result) (column-fold (lambda (values seed) (proc values)) #f result) (void)) (define (column-for-each* proc result) (column-fold (lambda (values seed) (apply proc values)) #f result) (void)) ;; Like regular Scheme map, the order in which the procedure is applied is ;; undefined. We make good use of that by traversing the resultset from ;; the end back to the beginning, thereby avoiding a reverse! on the result. (define (row-map proc res) (row-fold-right (lambda (row lst) (cons (proc row) lst)) '() res)) (define (row-map* proc res) (row-fold-right (lambda (row lst) (cons (apply proc row) lst)) '() res)) (define (column-map proc res) (column-fold-right (lambda (col lst) (cons (proc col) lst)) '() res)) (define (column-map* proc res) (column-fold-right (lambda (col lst) (cons (apply proc col) lst)) '() res)) )