tk/wm aspect

(tk/wm 'aspect #<widget> ?minNumer minDenom maxNumer maxDenom?)
If minNumer, minDenom, maxNumer, and maxDenom are all specified, then they will be passed to the window manager and the window manager should use them to enforce a range of acceptable aspect ratios for #<widget>. The aspect ratio of #<widget> (width/length) will be constrained to lie between minNumer/minDenom and maxNumer/maxDenom. If minNumer etc. are all specified as empty strings, then any existing aspect ratio restrictions are removed. If minNumer etc. are specified, then the command returns an empty string. Otherwise, it returns a Tcl list containing four elements, which are the current values of minNumer, minDenom, maxNumer, and maxDenom (if no aspect restrictions are in effect, then an empty string is returned).

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