(module qobischeme-ui * (import chicken scheme foreign) (use srfi-1 posix lolevel extras traversal nondeterminism define-structure linear-algebra image-processing scheme2c-compatibility srfi-13 foreigners xlib) (begin-for-syntax (require 'traversal 'scheme2c-compatibility)) (import-for-syntax traversal scheme2c-compatibility chicken) (reexport (only srfi-13 string-join) xlib scheme2c-compatibility traversal) (begin-for-syntax (require-extension scheme2c-compatibility traversal)) (define stalin? #f) (define (char-alphanumeric? char) (or (char-alphabetic? char) (char-numeric? char))) (define (beginning-of-word? string position) (or (zero? position) (and (not (= position (string-length string))) (not (char-alphanumeric? (string-ref string (- position 1)))) (char-alphanumeric? (string-ref string position))))) (define (end-of-word? string position) (or (= position (string-length string)) (and (not (zero? position)) (char-alphanumeric? (string-ref string (- position 1))) (not (char-alphanumeric? (string-ref string position)))))) (define (string-backward-word string position) (when (zero? position) (abort-gui)) (let loop ((position (- position 1))) (if (beginning-of-word? string position) (list string position) (loop (- position 1))))) (define (string-kill-word string position) (when (= position (string-length string)) (abort-gui)) (list (string-append (substring string 0 position) (substring string (second (string-forward-word string position)) (string-length string))) position)) (define (string-forward-word string position) (when (= position (string-length string)) (abort-gui)) (let loop ((position (+ position 1))) (if (end-of-word? string position) (list string position) (loop (+ position 1))))) (define (string-backward-kill-word string position) (when (zero? position) (abort-gui)) (let ((new-position (second (string-backward-word string position)))) (list (string-append (substring string 0 new-position) (substring string position (string-length string))) new-position))) (define (string-insert-character character) (lambda (string position) (list (string-append (substring string 0 position) (list->string (list character)) (substring string position (string-length string))) (+ position 1)))) (define (string-beginning-of-line string position) (list string 0)) (define (string-backward-char string position) (when (zero? position) (abort-gui)) (list string (- position 1))) (define (string-delete-char string position) (when (= position (string-length string)) (abort-gui)) (list (string-append (substring string 0 position) (substring string (+ position 1) (string-length string))) position)) (define (string-end-of-line string position) (list string (string-length string))) (define (string-forward-char string position) (when (= position (string-length string)) (abort-gui)) (list string (+ position 1))) (define (string-kill-line string position) (list (substring string 0 position) position)) (define (string-backward-delete-char string position) (when (zero? position) (abort-gui)) (list (string-append (substring string 0 (- position 1)) (substring string position (string-length string))) (- position 1))) ;;; Sclim (define return-key (integer->char 13)) (define escape-key (integer->char 27)) (define delete-key (integer->char 127)) (define *display* '(0 0)) (define *screen* #f) (define *root-window* 0) (define *button-width* 0) (define *button-height* 0) (define *background-color* "White") (define *foreground-color* "Black") (define *background* '(0 0)) (define *foreground* '(0 0)) (define *white-pixel* 0) (define *black-pixel* 0) (define *roman-font* 0) (define *bold-font* 0) (define *roman-height* 0) (define *bold-height* 0) (define *text-height* 0) (define *roman-baseline* 0) (define *bold-baseline* 0) (define *text-baseline* 0) (define *display-pane-width* 0) (define *display-pane-height* 0) (define *transcript-pane-height* 0) (define *echo-pane-height* 0) (define *who-line-height* 0) (define *status-pane-width* 0) (define *window* 0) (define *buttons* 0) (define *regions* '()) (define *display-pane* 0) (define *transcript-pane* 0) (define *echo-pane* 0) (define *status-pane* 0) (define *message-pane* 0) (define *thin-gc* 0) (define *thin-flipping-gc* 0) (define *medium-gc* 0) (define *medium-flipping-gc* 0) (define *thick-gc* 0) (define *thick-flipping-gc* 0) (define *dashed-gc* 0) (define *dashed-flipping-gc* 0) (define *roman-gc* 0) (define *bold-gc* 0) (define *bold-flipping-gc* 0) (define *light-gray* 0) (define *light-gray-gc* 0) (define *gray* 0) (define *gray-gc* 0) (define *red* 0) (define *red-gc* 0) (define *dark-red* 0) (define *dark-red-gc* 0) (define *green* 0) (define *green-gc* 0) (define *dark-green* 0) (define *dark-green-gc* 0) (define *blue* 0) (define *blue-gc* 0) (define *yellow* 0) (define *yellow-gc* 0) (define *violet* 0) (define *violet-gc* 0) (define *orange* 0) (define *orange-gc* 0) (define *dark-orange* 0) (define *dark-orange-gc* 0) (define *color-gc* 0) (define *window-methods* 0) (define *transcript* 0) (define *input* 0) (define *input-position* 0) (define *abort-button* 0) (define *abort-key* 0) (define *comtab* '#()) (define *help-comtab* 0) (define *prefix* 0) (define *status* 0) (define *message* 0) (define *pause?* 0) (define *redraw-procedure* (lambda () #f)) (define *quit-continuation* 0) (define *abort-continuation* 0) (define *color-cube* 0) (define *reds* 4) (define *greens* 8) (define *blues* 4) (define *dither?* #t) (define *help?* 0) (define *help* 0) (define *first-help-line* 0) (define *clear-display-pane?* 0) (define *display-name* "") (define *roman-font-name* "9x15") (define *bold-font-name* "9x15bold") (define *window-position?* #f) (define *window-position-x* 0) (define *window-position-y* 0) (define *post-initialize-procedure* #f) (define *enable-background-task* (lambda () #f)) (define *disable-background-task* (lambda () #f)) (define (say string) (set! *transcript* (cons (list 'system string) *transcript*)) (redraw-transcript-pane)) (define (status string) (set! *status* string) (redraw-status-pane)) (define message (lambda (string) (set! *message* string) (redraw-message-pane))) (define (set-pause! p) (set! *pause?* p) (redraw-buttons)) (define (character->pretty-name character) (let ((i (char->integer character))) (cond ((= i 0) "C-@") ;also C-SPC ((= i 9) "TAB") ;also C-i ((= i 10) "LFD") ;also C-j ((= i 13) "RET") ;also C-m ((= i 27) "ESC") ;also C-[ ((= i 28) "C-\\") ((= i 29) "C-]") ((= i 30) "C-^") ((= i 31) "C-_") ;also C-/ ((= i 32) "SPC") ((= i 127) "DEL") ((= i 128) "M-C-@") ;also M-C-SPC ((= i 137) "M-TAB") ;also M-C-i ((= i 138) "M-LFD") ;also M-C-j ((= i 141) "M-RET") ;also M-C-m ((= i 155) "M-ESC") ;also M-C-[ ((= i 156) "M-C-\\") ((= i 157) "M-C-]") ((= i 158) "M-C-^") ((= i 159) "M-C-_") ;also M-C-/ ((= i 160) "M-SPC") ((= i 255) "M-DEL") (else (if (>= i 128) (let ((i (- i 128))) (if (< i 32) (format #f "M-C-~a" (integer->char (+ i 96))) (format #f "M-~a" (integer->char i)))) (if (< i 32) (format #f "C-~a" (integer->char (+ i 96))) (string character))))))) (define (prefix-string prefix) (if (null? (rest prefix)) (character->pretty-name (first prefix)) (format #f "~a ~a" (prefix-string (rest prefix)) (character->pretty-name (first prefix))))) (define (set-window-method! window event-type method) (set! *window-methods* (cons (cons (list window event-type) method) *window-methods*))) (define (send window event-type . &rest) (let ((x (assoc (list window event-type) *window-methods*))) (when x (apply (cdr x) &rest)))) (define (redraw-buttons) (for-each (lambda (button) (send button 'expose)) *buttons*) (xflush *display*)) (define (redraw-display-pane) (when *display-pane* (when *clear-display-pane?* (xclearwindow *display* *display-pane*)) (set! *regions* '()) (if *help?* (let* ((character-strings (map (lambda (help-entry) (if (list? (first help-entry)) (qmap-reduce (lambda (s t) (string-append s " " t)) "" character->pretty-name (first help-entry)) (character->pretty-name (first help-entry)))) (reverse *help*))) (n (+ (qmap-reduce max 0 string-length character-strings) 1))) (let loop ((character-strings character-strings) (documentation-strings (map second (reverse *help*))) (y (+ *text-height* 2)) (skip *first-help-line*)) (unless (null? character-strings) (if (zero? skip) (let ((line (format #f "~a~a~a" (first character-strings) (make-string (- n (string-length (first character-strings))) #\space) (first documentation-strings)))) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* *roman-gc* 5 (- y (+ *roman-baseline* 2)) line (string-length line)) (loop (rest character-strings) (rest documentation-strings) (+ y *text-height*) skip)) (loop (rest character-strings) (rest documentation-strings) y (- skip 1)))))) (*redraw-procedure*)) (xflush *display*))) (define (redraw-transcript-pane) (when *transcript-pane* (xclearwindow *display* *transcript-pane*) (let loop ((transcript *transcript*) (y (- *transcript-pane-height* 2))) (unless (null? transcript) (let* ((line (first transcript)) (text-height (if (eq? (first line) 'user) *roman-height* *bold-height*))) (when (>= y (- text-height 1)) (xdrawstring *display* *transcript-pane* (if (eq? (first line) 'user) *roman-gc* *bold-gc*) 5 (- y (if (eq? (first line) 'user) *roman-baseline* *bold-baseline*)) (second line) (string-length (second line))) (loop (rest transcript) (- y text-height)))))) (xflush *display*))) (define (redraw-echo-pane) (when *echo-pane* (xclearwindow *display* *echo-pane*) (let* ((n (quotient (- *display-pane-width* 10) (xtextwidth *roman-font* "m" (string-length "m")))) (m (max 0 (- *input-position* n))) (input (substring *input* m (string-length *input*))) (input (substring input 0 (min (string-length input) n)))) (xdrawstring *display* *echo-pane* *roman-gc* 5 (- *echo-pane-height* (+ *roman-baseline* 2)) input (string-length input)) (xdrawline *display* *echo-pane* *thin-gc* (+ 5 (xtextwidth *roman-font* *input* (- *input-position* m))) 2 (+ 5 (xtextwidth *roman-font* *input* (- *input-position* m))) (- *echo-pane-height* 3))) (xflush *display*))) (define (redraw-status-pane) (when *status-pane* (xclearwindow *display* *status-pane*) (xdrawstring *display* *status-pane* *roman-gc* (quotient (- *status-pane-width* (xtextwidth *roman-font* *status* (string-length *status*))) 2) (- *who-line-height* (+ *roman-baseline* 2)) *status* (string-length *status*)) (xflush *display*))) (define (redraw-message-pane) (when *message-pane* (xclearwindow *display* *message-pane*) (if (null? *prefix*) (xdrawstring *display* *message-pane* *roman-gc* 5 (- *who-line-height* (+ *roman-baseline* 2)) *message* (string-length *message*)) (let ((string (prefix-string *prefix*))) (xdrawstring *display* *message-pane* *roman-gc* 5 (- *who-line-height* (+ *roman-baseline* 2)) string (string-length string)))) (xflush *display*))) (define-structure region button state-mask state x y width height method) (define (define-region x y width height method) (set! *regions* (cons (make-region #f 0 0 x y width height method) *regions*))) (define (define-button-specific-region button state-mask state x y width height method) (set! *regions* (cons (make-region button state-mask state x y width height method) *regions*))) (define (region-handler x y button state) (let ((region (find-if (lambda (region) (and (<= (region-x region) x) (< x (+ (region-x region) (region-width region))) (<= (region-y region) y) (< y (+ (region-y region) (region-height region))) (or (not (region-button region)) (= button (region-button region))) (= (bit-and state (region-state-mask region)) (region-state region)))) *regions*))) (when region (let ((old-status *status*)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status "Run") (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (abort-continuation) (set! *abort-continuation* abort-continuation) ((region-method region) x y) #f)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status old-status))))) (define (set-background-task-enabler! procedure) (set! *enable-background-task* procedure)) (define (set-background-task-disabler! procedure) (set! *disable-background-task* procedure)) (define (abort?) (let loop ((events '())) (cond ((> (xpending *display*) 0) (let ((event (make-xevent))) (*enable-background-task*) (xnextevent *display* event) (*disable-background-task*) (cond ((or (and *abort-button* (= (xevent-xany-type event) BUTTONPRESS) (eq? (xevent-xany-window event) *abort-button*)) (and *abort-key* (= (xevent-xany-type event) KEYPRESS) (= (string-length (ylookupstring event)) 1) (if (>= (char->integer *abort-key*) 128) (and (char=? (string-ref (ylookupstring event) 0) (integer->char (- (char->integer *abort-key*) 128))) (not (zero? (bit-and (xevent-xkey-state event) MOD1MASK)))) (and (char=? (string-ref (ylookupstring event) 0) *abort-key*) (zero? (bit-and (xevent-xkey-state event) MOD1MASK)))))) (for-each (lambda (event) (xputbackevent *display* event)) events) #t) (else (loop (cons event events)))))) (else (for-each (lambda (event) (xputbackevent *display* event)) events) #f)))) (define (process-events) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (quit-continuation) (set! *quit-continuation* quit-continuation) (let ((event (make-xevent)) (comtab (if *help?* *help-comtab* *comtab*)) (n 0)) (let loop () (*enable-background-task*) (xnextevent *display* event) (*disable-background-task*) (let ((event-type (xevent-xany-type event)) (window (xevent-xany-window event))) (define (execute-key character) (let ((command (vector-ref comtab (char->integer character)))) (cond ((vector? command) (set! *prefix* (cons character *prefix*)) (redraw-message-pane) (set! comtab command)) ((procedure? command) (set! *prefix* '()) (redraw-message-pane) (set! comtab (if *help?* *help-comtab* *comtab*)) (let ((old-status *status*)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status "Run") (message "") (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (abort-continuation) (set! *abort-continuation* abort-continuation) (command) #f)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status old-status)) (set! comtab (if *help?* *help-comtab* *comtab*))) (else (set! *prefix* '()) (redraw-message-pane) (set! comtab *comtab*) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (abort-continuation) (set! *abort-continuation* abort-continuation) (abort-command) #f)))))) (cond ((= event-type MAPPINGNOTIFY) (xrefreshkeyboardmapping event)) ((= event-type EXPOSE) (set! n (+ n 1)) (set! *prefix* '()) (redraw-message-pane) (set! comtab (if *help?* *help-comtab* *comtab*)) (send window 'expose) (when (and (= n (if (eq? *display-pane* *window*) 1 (+ (length *buttons*) 4 (if *transcript-pane* 1 0) (if *echo-pane* 1 0)))) *post-initialize-procedure*) (*post-initialize-procedure*) (set! *post-initialize-procedure* #f))) ;; I don't know why these happen or what they mean. ((= event-type NOEXPOSE) #f) ((= event-type MOTIONNOTIFY) #f) ((= event-type BUTTONPRESS) (when *help?* (set! *help?* #f) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (set! *prefix* '()) (redraw-message-pane) (set! comtab (if *help?* *help-comtab* *comtab*)) (let ((old-status *status*)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status "Run") (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (abort-continuation) (set! *abort-continuation* abort-continuation) (send window 'BUTTONPRESS (xevent-xbutton-x event) (xevent-xbutton-y event) (xevent-xbutton-button event) (xevent-xbutton-state event)) #f)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status old-status)) (set! comtab (if *help?* *help-comtab* *comtab*))) ((= event-type BUTTONRELEASE) #f) ((= event-type KEYPRESS) (cond ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_BACKSPACE) (if (zero? (bit-and (xevent-xkey-state event) MOD1MASK)) (execute-key delete-key) (execute-key (meta delete-key)))) ((= (string-length (ylookupstring event)) 1) (let ((character (string-ref (ylookupstring event) 0))) (if (zero? (bit-and (xevent-xkey-state event) MOD1MASK)) (execute-key character) (execute-key (meta character))))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_HOME) (execute-key (meta #\<))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_LEFT) (execute-key (control #\b))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_UP) (execute-key (control #\p))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_RIGHT) (execute-key (control #\f))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_DOWN) (execute-key (control #\n))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_PRIOR) (execute-key (meta #\v))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_NEXT) (execute-key (control #\v))) ((= (xlookupkeysym event 0) XK_END) (execute-key (meta #\>))))) ((= event-type KEYRELEASE) #f) (else (panic "Unrecognized event: ~s" event-type))) (loop))))))) (define (quit-gui) (unwind-trail) (*quit-continuation* #f)) (define abort-gui (lambda () (system "xkbbell") (set! *help?* #f) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane) (*abort-continuation* #f))) (define (control character) (if (>= (char->integer character) 128) (let ((character (integer->char (- (char->integer character) 128)))) (cond ((char-alphabetic? character) (if (char-lower-case? character) (integer->char (+ (- (char->integer character) 96) 128)) (integer->char (+ (- (char->integer character) 64) 128)))) ((char=? character #\space) (integer->char (+ 128 0))) ((char=? character #\@) (integer->char (+ 128 0))) ((char=? character #\[) (integer->char (+ 128 27))) ((char=? character #\\) (integer->char (+ 128 28))) ((char=? character #\]) (integer->char (+ 128 29))) ((char=? character #\^) (integer->char (+ 128 30))) ((char=? character #\_) (integer->char (+ 128 31))) ((char=? character #\/) (integer->char (+ 128 31))) (else (panic "Can't form control character: ~s" character)))) (cond ((char-alphabetic? character) (if (char-lower-case? character) (integer->char (- (char->integer character) 96)) (integer->char (- (char->integer character) 64)))) ((char=? character #\space) (integer->char 0)) ((char=? character #\@) (integer->char 0)) ((char=? character #\[) (integer->char 27)) ((char=? character #\\) (integer->char 28)) ((char=? character #\]) (integer->char 29)) ((char=? character #\^) (integer->char 30)) ((char=? character #\_) (integer->char 31)) ((char=? character #\/) (integer->char 31)) (else (panic "Can't form control character: ~s" character))))) (define (meta character) (if (>= (char->integer character) 128) character (integer->char (+ (char->integer character) 128)))) (define (define-key character documentation command) (set! *help* (cons (list character documentation) (remove-if (lambda (help) (equal? character (first help))) *help*))) (when (eq? command abort-command) (set! *abort-key* character)) (if (list? character) (let loop ((characters character) (comtab *comtab*)) (cond ((null? (rest characters)) (vector-set! comtab (char->integer (first characters)) command)) (else (unless (vector? (vector-ref comtab (char->integer (first characters)))) (vector-set! comtab (char->integer (first characters)) (make-vector 256 #f))) (loop (rest characters) (vector-ref comtab (char->integer (first characters))))))) (vector-set! *comtab* (char->integer character) command))) (define (define-button x y text-procedure bold?-procedure method) (let ((button (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* (+ (* x (+ *button-width* 4)) 2) (+ (* y (+ *button-height* 4)) 2) *button-width* *button-height* 1 (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)) (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (when (eq? method abort-command) (set! *abort-button* button)) (xselectinput *display* button (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (set-window-method! button 'expose (lambda () (let* ((text (if (procedure? text-procedure) (text-procedure) text-procedure)) (bold? (if (procedure? bold?-procedure) (bold?-procedure) bold?-procedure)) (text-width (xtextwidth (if bold? *bold-font* *roman-font*) text (string-length text))) (text-x (quotient (- *button-width* text-width) 2)) (text-y (- *button-height* (+ *text-baseline* 2)))) (xclearwindow *display* button) (xdrawstring *display* button (if bold? *bold-gc* *roman-gc*) text-x text-y text (string-length text))))) (set-window-method! button 'BUTTONPRESS (lambda (x y button state) (method))) (set! *buttons* (cons button *buttons*)))) (define-syntax define-toggle-button (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) (if (not (and (= (length form) 6) (symbol? (fifth form)))) (error 'define-toggle-button "Improper define-toggle-button:" form)) `(define-button ,(second form) ,(third form) ,(fourth form) (lambda () ,(fifth form)) (lambda () (set! ,(fifth form) (not ,(fifth form))) (redraw-buttons) (,(sixth form))))))) (define-syntax define-radio-buttons (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) (if (not (and (>= (length form) 3) (symbol? (second form)) (every (lambda (element) (and (list? element) (= (length element) 4) (symbol? (third element)))) (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))) (error 'define-radio-buttons "Improper define-radio-buttons:" form)) `(begin ,@(map (lambda (element) `(define-button ,(first element) ,(second element) ,(fourth element) (lambda () (eq? ,(second form) ',(third element))) (lambda () (set! ,(second form) ',(third element)) (redraw-buttons) (,(third form))))) (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))))) (define-syntax define-cycle-button (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) (if (not (and (>= (length form) 6) (symbol? (fourth form)) (every (lambda (element) (and (list? element) (= (length element) 2) (symbol? (first element)))) (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))))) (error 'define-cycle-button "Improper define-cycle-button:" form)) (let ((symbols (map first (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))))) `(define-button ,(second form) ,(third form) (lambda () (case ,(fourth form) ,@(map (lambda (element) `((,(first element)) ,(second element))) (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr (cdr form)))))) (else (fuck-up)))) #f (lambda () (case ,(fourth form) ,@(map (lambda (s1 s2) `((,s1) (set! ,(fourth form) ',s2))) symbols (append (cdr symbols) (list (first symbols)))) (else (fuck-up))) (redraw-buttons) (,(fifth form)))))))) (define-syntax define-integer-range-buttons (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) (if (not (and (= (length form) 11) (symbol? (sixth form)))) (error 'define-integer-range-buttons "Improper define-integer-range-buttons:" form)) `(begin (define-button ,(second form) ,(third form) ,(ninth form) #f (lambda () (when (= ,(sixth form) ,(seventh form)) (abort-gui)) (set! ,(sixth form) (- ,(sixth form) 1)) (redraw-buttons) (,(eleventh form)))) (define-button ,(fourth form) ,(fifth form) ,(tenth form) #f (lambda () (when (= ,(sixth form) ,(eighth form)) (abort-gui)) (set! ,(sixth form) (+ ,(sixth form) 1)) (redraw-buttons) (,(eleventh form)))))))) (define (pause) (when *pause?* (let ((old-status *status*)) (status "Pause") (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (continue) (let ((event (make-xevent))) (let loop () (*enable-background-task*) (xnextevent *display* event) (*disable-background-task*) (let ((event-type (xevent-xany-type event)) (window (xevent-xany-window event))) (cond ((= event-type MAPPINGNOTIFY) (xrefreshkeyboardmapping event)) ((= event-type EXPOSE) (send window 'expose)) ;; I don't know why these happen or what they mean. ((= event-type NOEXPOSE) #f) ((= event-type MOTIONNOTIFY) #f) ((= event-type BUTTONPRESS) (continue #f)) ((= event-type BUTTONRELEASE) #f) ((= event-type KEYPRESS) (when (= (string-length (ylookupstring event)) 1) (let ((character (string-ref (ylookupstring event) 0))) (cond ((char=? character #\space) (continue #f)) ((char=? character #\r) (set-pause! #f) (continue #f)) ;; needs work: Should do by abort-gui key and button. ((char=? character #\q) (abort-gui)))))) (else (panic "Unrecognized event: ~s" event-type))) (loop)))))) (status old-status)))) (define (tracking-pointer twice? press? tracker) (let ((old-status *status*) (event (make-xevent)) (x #f) (y #f)) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (status "Track") ;; Get pointer position and call tracker to draw. (let ((result (xquerypointer2 *display* *display-pane*))) (set! x (sixth result)) (set! y (seventh result))) (tracker x y) (xflush *display*) ;; Event loop (let loop () ;; Call tracker to erase. (when twice? (tracker x y) (xflush *display*)) ;; Get pointer position and call tracker to draw. (let ((result (xquerypointer2 *display* *display-pane*))) (set! x (sixth result)) (set! y (seventh result))) (tracker x y) (xflush *display*) ;; Wait for next event. (*enable-background-task*) (xnextevent *display* event) (*disable-background-task*) ;; needs work: Should allow abort-gui key and button. (let ((event-type (xevent-xany-type event))) (cond ;; If event is MotionNotify, gobble all following MotionNotify events. ((= event-type MOTIONNOTIFY) (let loop2 () (when (> (xeventsqueued *display* QUEUEDALREADY) 0) (*enable-background-task*) (xnextevent *display* event) (*disable-background-task*) ;; needs work: Should allow abort-gui key and button. (let ((event-type (xevent-xany-type event))) (if (= event-type MOTIONNOTIFY) (loop2) (xputbackevent *display* event))))) (loop)) ;; Ignore other events except BUTTONPRESS/Release, which exits main loop. ((not (= event-type (if press? BUTTONPRESS BUTTONRELEASE))) (loop))))) ;; Call tracker to erase; restore status; return final pointer position. (when twice? (tracker x y) (xflush *display*)) (status old-status) (list x y))) (define kill-application ;; note: KILL-APPLICATION has to be defined as follows to allow ;; (SET-KILL-APPLICATION! ...) to work with separately compiled code. (lambda () #f)) (define (set-kill-application! procedure) ;; note: You need to set KILL-APPLICATION through a compiled procedure to ;; allow separately compiled and interpreted code to work. (set! kill-application procedure)) (define (allocate-color-cube! reds greens blues) (unless *color-cube* (set! *color-cube* (make-vector (* reds greens blues))) (let ((colormap (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*)) (i 0)) (for-each-n (lambda (red) (for-each-n (lambda (green) (for-each-n (lambda (blue) (let ((xcolor (make-xcolor))) (set-xcolor-red! xcolor (quotient (* 65536 red) reds)) (set-xcolor-green! xcolor (quotient (* 65536 green) greens)) (set-xcolor-blue! xcolor (quotient (* 65536 blue) blues)) (when (zero? (xalloccolor *display* colormap xcolor)) (panic "Cannot allocate sufficient colors")) (vector-set! *color-cube* i xcolor) (set! i (+ i 1)))) blues)) greens)) reds)))) (define (draw-pixmap pixmap x y) (let ((geometry (xgetgeometry *display* pixmap))) (xcopyarea *display* pixmap *display-pane* *color-gc* 0 0 (fifth geometry) (sixth geometry) x y) (xflush *display*))) (define *frame-rate* 30.0) (define (draw-pixmaps pixmaps x y) (for-each-vector (lambda (pixmap) (draw-pixmap pixmap x y) (usleep (inexact->exact (round (/ 1000000.0 *frame-rate*))))) pixmaps)) (define (free-pixmap pixmap) (xfreepixmap *display* pixmap)) (define (free-pixmaps pixmaps) (for-each-vector free-pixmap pixmaps)) (define (pnm->pixmap pnm) ;; needs work: Why don't I get exact RGB values? ;; needs work: Make special PGM version. (cond ((pbm? pnm) (pnm->pixmap (pbm->ppm pnm))) ((pgm? pnm) (pnm->pixmap (pgm->ppm pnm))) ((ppm? pnm) (let* ((default-visual (xdefaultvisual *display* *screen*)) (default-visual-class (visual-class default-visual)) (default-depth (xdefaultdepth *display* *screen*))) (cond ((= default-visual-class STATICGRAY) (panic "Cannot (yet) handle STATICGRAY visual")) ((= default-visual-class GRAYSCALE) (panic "Cannot (yet) handle GRAYSCALE visual")) ((= default-visual-class STATICCOLOR) (panic "Cannot (yet) handle STATICCOLOR visual")) ((= default-visual-class PSEUDOCOLOR) (unless (and (= (visual-map_entries default-visual) 256) (= default-depth 8)) (panic "Can (currently) only handle 8-bit PSEUDOCOLOR visual")) (allocate-color-cube! *reds* *greens* *blues*) (if *dither?* (let* ((width (pnm-width pnm)) (height (pnm-height pnm)) (red (ppm-red pnm)) (green (ppm-green pnm)) (blue (ppm-blue pnm)) (maxval (ppm-maxval pnm)) (pic24 (make-string (* 3 width height))) (rdisp (make-string (vector-length *color-cube*))) (gdisp (make-string (vector-length *color-cube*))) (bdisp (make-string (vector-length *color-cube*))) (idisp (make-string (vector-length *color-cube*))) (i 0)) (do ((y 0 (+ y 1))) ((= y height)) (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))) ((= x width)) (string-set! pic24 i (integer->char (quotient (* 255 (matrix-ref red y x)) maxval))) (set! i (+ i 1)) (string-set! pic24 i (integer->char (quotient (* 255 (matrix-ref green y x)) maxval))) (set! i (+ i 1)) (string-set! pic24 i (integer->char (quotient (* 255 (matrix-ref blue y x)) maxval))) (set! i (+ i 1)))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i (vector-length *color-cube*))) (let ((xcolor (vector-ref *color-cube* i))) (string-set! rdisp i (integer->char (quotient (xcolor-red xcolor) 256))) (string-set! gdisp i (integer->char (quotient (xcolor-green xcolor) 256))) (string-set! bdisp i (integer->char (quotient (xcolor-blue xcolor) 256))) (string-set! idisp i (integer->char (xcolor-pixel xcolor))))) (let* ((pic8 (c-docolordither pic24 width height rdisp gdisp bdisp idisp (vector-length *color-cube*))) (ximage (cons 'ximagep (xcreateimage (cdr *display*) (cdr default-visual) 8 ZPIXMAP 0 pic8 width height 8 0))) (pixmap (xcreatepixmap *display* *display-pane* width height 8))) (xputimage *display* pixmap *color-gc* ximage 0 0 0 0 width height) (xdestroyimage ximage) pixmap)) (let* ((width (pnm-width pnm)) (height (pnm-height pnm)) (red (ppm-red pnm)) (green (ppm-green pnm)) (blue (ppm-blue pnm)) (maxval (+ (ppm-maxval pnm) 1)) (data (malloc (* width height))) (ximage (cons 'ximagep (xcreateimage (cdr *display*) (cdr default-visual) 8 ZPIXMAP 0 data width height 8 0))) (pixmap (xcreatepixmap *display* *display-pane* width height 8))) (do ((y 0 (+ y 1))) ((= y height)) (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))) ((= x width)) (xputpixel ximage x y (xcolor-pixel (vector-ref *color-cube* (+ (* *greens* *blues* (min (inexact->exact (round (/ (* *reds* (matrix-ref red y x)) maxval))) (- *reds* 1))) (* *blues* (min (inexact->exact (round (/ (* *greens* (matrix-ref green y x)) maxval))) (- *greens* 1))) (min (inexact->exact (round (/ (* *blues* (matrix-ref blue y x)) maxval))) (- *blues* 1)))))))) (xputimage *display* pixmap *color-gc* ximage 0 0 0 0 width height) (xdestroyimage ximage) pixmap))) ((= default-visual-class TRUECOLOR) (cond ((and (= (visual-red_mask default-visual) 63488) (= (visual-green_mask default-visual) 2016) (= (visual-blue_mask default-visual) 31) (= default-depth 16)) (let* ((width (pnm-width pnm)) (height (pnm-height pnm)) (red (ppm-red pnm)) (green (ppm-green pnm)) (blue (ppm-blue pnm)) (maxval (+ (ppm-maxval pnm) 1)) (data (malloc (* 2 width height))) (ximage (cons 'ximagep (xcreateimage (cdr *display*) (cdr default-visual) default-depth ZPIXMAP 0 data width height default-depth 0))) (pixmap (xcreatepixmap *display* *display-pane* width height default-depth))) (do ((y 0 (+ y 1))) ((= y height)) (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))) ((= x width)) (xputpixel ximage x y (+ (* (quotient (* 32 (matrix-ref red y x)) maxval) 2048) (* (quotient (* 64 (matrix-ref green y x)) maxval) 32) (quotient (* 32 (matrix-ref blue y x)) maxval))))) (xputimage *display* pixmap *color-gc* ximage 0 0 0 0 width height) (xdestroyimage ximage) pixmap)) ((and (= (visual-red_mask default-visual) 16711680) (= (visual-green_mask default-visual) 65280) (= (visual-blue_mask default-visual) 255) (or (= default-depth 24) (= default-depth 32))) (let* ((width (pnm-width pnm)) (height (pnm-height pnm)) (red (ppm-red pnm)) (green (ppm-green pnm)) (blue (ppm-blue pnm)) (maxval (+ (ppm-maxval pnm) 1)) (data (malloc (* 4 width height))) (ximage (cons 'ximagep (xcreateimage (cdr *display*) (cdr default-visual) default-depth ZPIXMAP 0 data width height 32 0))) (pixmap (xcreatepixmap *display* *display-pane* width height default-depth))) (do ((y 0 (+ y 1))) ((= y height)) (do ((x 0 (+ x 1))) ((= x width)) (xputpixel ximage x y (+ (* 65536 (quotient (* 256 (matrix-ref red y x)) maxval)) (* 256 (quotient (* 256 (matrix-ref green y x)) maxval)) (quotient (* 256 (matrix-ref blue y x)) maxval))))) (xputimage *display* pixmap *color-gc* ximage 0 0 0 0 width height) (xdestroyimage ximage) pixmap)) (else (panic "Can (currently) only handle 16-bit (5-6-5), 24-bit, and 32-bit TRUECOLOR visuals")))) ((= default-visual-class DIRECTCOLOR) (panic "Cannot (yet) handle DIRECTCOLOR visual")) (else (panic "Unrecognized visual"))))) (else (panic "Argument not PNM")))) (define (pnm-movie->pixmaps pnm-movie) (map-vector pnm->pixmap pnm-movie)) (define-structure tree-node width height offset text bold? procedure daughters) (define (tree->tree-node tree) ;; needs work: This doesn't do any error checking. (let ((daughters (map tree->tree-node (rest (rest (rest tree))))) (bold? (first tree)) (text (second tree)) (procedure (third tree))) (make-tree-node (max (qmap-reduce + 0 tree-node-width daughters) (+ (xtextwidth (if bold? *bold-font* *roman-font*) text (string-length text)) 10)) (if (null? daughters) *text-height* (+ (qmap-reduce max 0 tree-node-height daughters) *text-height* 20)) (if (or (null? daughters) (< (qmap-reduce + 0 tree-node-width daughters) (+ (xtextwidth (if bold? *bold-font* *roman-font*) text (string-length text)) 10))) (quotient (+ (xtextwidth (if bold? *bold-font* *roman-font*) text (string-length text)) 10) 2) (+ (quotient (- (+ (qmap-reduce + 0 tree-node-width (rest (reverse daughters))) (tree-node-offset (last daughters))) (tree-node-offset (first daughters))) 2) (tree-node-offset (first daughters)))) text bold? procedure daughters))) (define (draw-tree-node tree-node x y) (let* ((width (xtextwidth (if (tree-node-bold? tree-node) *bold-font* *roman-font*) (tree-node-text tree-node) (string-length (tree-node-text tree-node)))) (x0 (- (+ x (tree-node-offset tree-node)) (quotient width 2)))) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* (if (tree-node-bold? tree-node) *bold-gc* *roman-gc*) x0 (+ y (- *text-height* (+ *text-baseline* -3))) (tree-node-text tree-node) (string-length (tree-node-text tree-node))) (define-region x0 y width *text-height* (lambda (x1 y1) ((tree-node-procedure tree-node)) (redraw-display-pane))) (let loop ((x1 (+ x (quotient (- (tree-node-width tree-node) (qmap-reduce + 0 tree-node-width (tree-node-daughters tree-node))) 2))) (daughters (tree-node-daughters tree-node))) (unless (null? daughters) (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ x (tree-node-offset tree-node)) (+ y *text-height* 2) (+ x1 (tree-node-offset (first daughters))) (+ y *text-height* 21)) (draw-tree-node (first daughters) x1 (+ y *text-height* 20)) (loop (+ x1 (tree-node-width (first daughters))) (rest daughters)))))) (define (tree-height tree) (tree-node-height (tree->tree-node tree))) (define (draw-tree tree x y) (draw-tree-node (tree->tree-node tree) x y)) ;;; needs work: To add bold face and regions to alist display. (define-structure alist-node width height offset keys values) (define (alist->alist-node alist) ;; needs work: This doesn't do any error checking. (if (string? alist) alist (let* ((keys (map car alist)) (values (map alist->alist-node (map cdr alist))) (offset (qmap-reduce max 0 (lambda (key) (xtextwidth *roman-font* key (string-length key))) keys))) (make-alist-node (+ 5 offset 5 (qmap-reduce max 0 (lambda (value) (if (string? value) (xtextwidth *roman-font* value (string-length value)) (alist-node-width value))) values) 5) (+ 1 (max (- *text-height* 6) (qmap-reduce + 0 (lambda (value) (max *text-height* (if (string? value) *text-height* (alist-node-height value)))) values)) (* 2 (max (- (length keys) 1) 0)) 5) (+ offset 10) keys values)))) (define (draw-alist-node alist-node x y) (cond ((string? alist-node) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* *roman-gc* x (+ y (- *roman-height* (+ *roman-baseline* -3))) alist-node (string-length alist-node))) (else (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* x y (+ x 5) y) (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* x y x (+ y (alist-node-height alist-node))) (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* x (+ y (alist-node-height alist-node)) (+ x 5) (+ y (alist-node-height alist-node))) (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ x (alist-node-width alist-node)) y (+ x (alist-node-width alist-node) -5) y) (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ x (alist-node-width alist-node)) y (+ x (alist-node-width alist-node)) (+ y (alist-node-height alist-node))) (xdrawline *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ x (alist-node-width alist-node)) (+ y (alist-node-height alist-node)) (+ x (alist-node-width alist-node) -5) (+ y (alist-node-height alist-node))) (let loop ((keys (alist-node-keys alist-node)) (values (alist-node-values alist-node)) (y (+ y 1))) (unless (null? keys) (cond ((string? (first values)) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* *roman-gc* (+ x 5) (+ y (- *roman-height* (+ *roman-baseline* -3))) (first keys) (string-length (first keys))) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* *roman-gc* (+ x (alist-node-offset alist-node)) (+ y (- *roman-height* (+ *roman-baseline* -3))) (first values) (string-length (first values))) (loop (rest keys) (rest values) (+ y *text-height* 2))) (else (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* *roman-gc* (+ x 5) (+ y (- *roman-height* (+ *roman-baseline* -3))) (first keys) (string-length (first keys))) (draw-alist-node (first values) (+ x (alist-node-offset alist-node)) (+ y 2)) (loop (rest keys) (rest values) (+ y (alist-node-height (first values)) 2))))))))) (define (alist-height alist) (alist-node-height (alist->alist-node alist))) (define (draw-alist alist x y) (draw-alist-node (alist->alist-node alist) x y)) (define abort-command abort-gui) (define (help-command) (set! *help?* #t) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (help-scroll-up-line-command) (set! *help?* #t) (set! *first-help-line* (max (- *first-help-line* 1) 0)) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (help-scroll-down-line-command) (set! *help?* #t) (set! *first-help-line* (max (min (+ *first-help-line* 1) (- (length *help*) (quotient *display-pane-height* *text-height*))) 0)) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (help-scroll-up-page-command) (set! *help?* #t) (set! *first-help-line* (max (- *first-help-line* (quotient *display-pane-height* *text-height*)) 0)) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (help-scroll-down-page-command) (set! *help?* #t) (set! *first-help-line* (max (min (+ *first-help-line* (quotient *display-pane-height* *text-height*)) (- (length *help*) (quotient *display-pane-height* *text-height*))) 0)) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (help-scroll-beginning-command) (set! *help?* #t) (set! *first-help-line* 0) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (help-scroll-end-command) (set! *help?* #t) (set! *first-help-line* (max (- (length *help*) (quotient *display-pane-height* *text-height*)) 0)) (redraw-buttons) (redraw-display-pane)) (define (echo-pane-command editor) ;; needs work: This is not really a command. (message "") (let ((result (editor *input* *input-position*))) (set! *input* (first result)) (set! *input-position* (second result))) (redraw-echo-pane)) (define (echo-pane-insert-character-command character) (echo-pane-command (string-insert-character character))) (define (echo-pane-beginning-of-line-command) (echo-pane-command string-beginning-of-line)) (define (echo-pane-backward-char-command) (echo-pane-command string-backward-char)) (define (echo-pane-delete-char-command) (echo-pane-command string-delete-char)) (define (echo-pane-end-of-line-command) (echo-pane-command string-end-of-line)) (define (echo-pane-forward-char-command) (echo-pane-command string-forward-char)) (define (echo-pane-kill-line-command) (echo-pane-command string-kill-line)) (define (echo-pane-backward-delete-char-command) (echo-pane-command string-backward-delete-char)) (define (echo-pane-backward-word-command) (echo-pane-command string-backward-word)) (define (echo-pane-kill-word-command) (echo-pane-command string-kill-word)) (define (echo-pane-forward-word-command) (echo-pane-command string-forward-word)) (define (echo-pane-backward-kill-word-command) (echo-pane-command string-backward-kill-word)) (define (define-display-pane-application-thunk display-pane-width display-pane-height pre-initialize-procedure post-initialize-procedure finalize-procedure redraw-procedure) (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) `(define (,(second form) arguments) (let ((stalin? #f)) (set! *post-initialize-procedure* post-initialize-procedure) (set! *transcript-pane* #f) (set! *echo-pane* #f) (set! *status-pane* #f) (set! *message-pane* #f) (set! *display* (xopendisplay *display-name*)) (unless *display* (panic "Cannot connect to X server: ~a" (xdisplayname *display-name*))) (set! *screen* (xdefaultscreen *display*)) (set! *root-window* (xrootwindow *display* *screen*)) (set! *button-width* 0) (set! *button-height* 0) (cond (stalin? (set! *white-pixel* (xwhitepixel *display* *screen*)) (set! *black-pixel* (xblackpixel *display* *screen*))) (else (set! *background* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) *background-color*)) (unless (= (first *background*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate background colorcell")) (set! *foreground* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) *foreground-color*)) (unless (= (first *foreground*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate foreground colorcell")))) (set! *roman-font* (xloadqueryfont *display* *roman-font-name*)) (unless *roman-font* (panic "Cannot open font: ~a" *roman-font-name*)) (set! *bold-font* (xloadqueryfont *display* *bold-font-name*)) (unless *bold-font* (panic "Cannot open font: ~a" *bold-font-name*)) (set! *roman-height* (+ (xfontstruct-ascent *roman-font*) (xfontstruct-descent *roman-font*))) (set! *bold-height* (+ (xfontstruct-ascent *bold-font*) (xfontstruct-descent *bold-font*))) (set! *text-height* (+ (max (xfontstruct-ascent *roman-font*) (xfontstruct-ascent *bold-font*)) (max (xfontstruct-descent *roman-font*) (xfontstruct-descent *bold-font*)))) (set! *roman-baseline* (xfontstruct-descent *roman-font*)) (set! *bold-baseline* (xfontstruct-descent *bold-font*)) (set! *text-baseline* (max *roman-baseline* *bold-baseline*)) (set! *display-pane-width* display-pane-width) (set! *display-pane-height* display-pane-height) (set! *who-line-height* 0) (set! *window* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *root-window* *window-position-x* *window-position-y* *display-pane-width* *display-pane-height* 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xstorename *display* *window* *program*) (xseticonname *display* *window* *program*) (set! *display-pane* *window*) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (set! *thin-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thin-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thin-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thin-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *thin-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thin-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thin-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thin-flipping-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *thin-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *medium-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *medium-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *medium-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *medium-gc* 2 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *medium-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *medium-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *medium-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *medium-flipping-gc* 2 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *medium-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *thick-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thick-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thick-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thick-gc* 5 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *thick-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thick-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thick-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thick-flipping-gc* 5 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *thick-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *dashed-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dashed-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *dashed-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dashed-gc* 0 LINEONOFFDASH CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dashed-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* 0 LINEONOFFDASH CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *roman-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *roman-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *roman-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetfont *display* *roman-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (set! *bold-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *bold-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *bold-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetfont *display* *bold-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *bold-font*)) (set! *bold-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *bold-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *bold-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetfont *display* *bold-flipping-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *bold-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *bold-flipping-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *bold-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (unless stalin? (set! *light-gray* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Light Gray")) (unless (= (first *light-gray*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate light gray colorcell")) (set! *light-gray-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *light-gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *light-gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *light-gray*))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *light-gray-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *gray* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Gray")) (unless (= (first *gray*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate gray colorcell")) (set! *gray-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *gray*))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *gray-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *red* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Red")) (unless (= (first *red*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate red colorcell")) (set! *red-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *red*))) (xsetfont *display* *red-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *red-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dark-red* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Dark Red")) (unless (= (first *dark-red*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate dark red colorcell")) (set! *dark-red-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dark-red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *dark-red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-red*))) (xsetfont *display* *dark-red-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dark-red-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *green* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Green")) (unless (= (first *green*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate green colorcell")) (set! *green-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *green*))) (xsetfont *display* *green-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *green-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dark-green* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Dark Green")) (unless (= (first *dark-green*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate dark green colorcell")) (set! *dark-green-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dark-green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *dark-green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-green*))) (xsetfont *display* *dark-green-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dark-green-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *blue* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Blue")) (unless (= (first *blue*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate blue colorcell")) (set! *blue-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *blue-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *blue-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *blue*))) (xsetfont *display* *blue-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *blue-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *yellow* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Yellow")) (unless (= (first *yellow*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate yellow colorcell")) (set! *yellow-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *yellow-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *yellow-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *yellow*))) (xsetfont *display* *yellow-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *yellow-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *violet* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Violet")) (unless (= (first *violet*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate violet colorcell")) (set! *violet-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *violet-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *violet-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *violet*))) (xsetfont *display* *violet-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *violet-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *orange* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Orange")) (unless (= (first *orange*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate orange colorcell")) (set! *orange-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *orange*))) (xsetfont *display* *orange-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *orange-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dark-orange* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Dark Orange")) (unless (= (first *dark-orange*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate dark orange colorcell")) (set! *dark-orange-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dark-orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *dark-orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-orange*))) (xsetfont *display* *dark-orange-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dark-orange-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND)) (set! *color-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *color-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *color-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *color-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *window-methods* '()) (set! *abort-button* #f) (set! *abort-key* #f) (set! *comtab* (make-vector 256 #f)) (set! *help* '()) (define-key (control #\h) "Help" help-command) (set! *help* '()) (define-key (control #\n) "Scroll help window down one line" help-scroll-down-line-command) (define-key (control #\p) "Scroll help window up one line" help-scroll-up-line-command) (define-key (control #\v) "Scroll help window down one page" help-scroll-down-page-command) (define-key (meta #\v) "Scroll help window up one page" help-scroll-up-page-command) (define-key (meta #\<) "Scroll help window to beginning" help-scroll-beginning-command) (define-key (meta #\>) "Scroll help window to end" help-scroll-end-command) (set! *help-comtab* *comtab*) (set! *comtab* (make-vector 256 #f)) (set! *prefix* '()) (set! *status* "Tyi") (set! *message* "") (set! *redraw-procedure* redraw-procedure) (set! *buttons* '()) (set! *pause?* #f) (set! *help?* #f) (set! *clear-display-pane?* #t) (let ((hints (make-xwmhints))) (set-xwmhints-input! hints 1) (set-xwmhints-flags! hints INPUTHINT) (xsetwmhints *display* *window* hints)) (let ((hints (make-xsizehints))) (when *window-position?* (set-xsizehints-x! hints *window-position-x*) (set-xsizehints-y! hints *window-position-y*)) (set-xsizehints-min_width! hints *display-pane-width*) (set-xsizehints-max_width! hints *display-pane-width*) (set-xsizehints-min_height! hints *display-pane-height*) (set-xsizehints-max_height! hints *display-pane-height*) (set-xsizehints-flags! hints (if *window-position?* (+ USPOSITION PPOSITION PMINSIZE PMAXSIZE) (+ PMINSIZE PMAXSIZE))) (xsetwmnormalhints *display* *window* hints)) (pre-initialize-procedure) (set-window-method! *display-pane* 'expose redraw-display-pane) (set-window-method! *display-pane* 'BUTTONPRESS region-handler) (when *transcript-pane* (set-window-method! *transcript-pane* 'expose redraw-transcript-pane)) (when *echo-pane* (set-window-method! *echo-pane* 'expose redraw-echo-pane)) (set-kill-application! (lambda () (set-kill-application! (lambda () #t)) (finalize-procedure) (when *display* (xfreegc *display* *thin-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *thin-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *medium-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *medium-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *thick-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *thick-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dashed-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dashed-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *roman-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *bold-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *bold-flipping-gc*) (unless stalin? (xfreegc *display* *light-gray-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *gray-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *red-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dark-red-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *green-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dark-green-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *blue-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *yellow-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *violet-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *orange-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dark-orange-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *color-gc*) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *light-gray*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *gray*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *red*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-red*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *green*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-green*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *blue*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *yellow*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *violet*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *orange*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-orange*)))) 1 0)) (xunloadfont *display* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xunloadfont *display* (xfontstruct-fid *bold-font*)) (xdestroywindow *display* *window*) (xclosedisplay *display*) (set! *display* #f)) #t)) (xmapsubwindows *display* *window*) (xmapraised *display* *window*) (process-events) (kill-application)))))) (define-syntax define-display-pane-application ;; (DEFINE-DISPLAY-PANE-APPLICATION ;; NAME ;; DISPLAY-PANE-WIDTH ;; DISPLAY-PANE-HEIGHT ;; PRE-INITIALIZE-PROCEDURE ;; POST-INITIALIZE-PROCEDURE ;; FINALIZE-PROCEDURE ;; REDRAW-PROCEDURE) (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) `(define (,(second form) arguments) (define-display-pane-application-thunk ,(third form) ,(fourth form) ,(fifth form) ,(sixth form) ,(seventh form) ,(eighth form)))))) (define (define-application-thunk display-pane-width display-pane-height transcript-lines button-rows button-columns pre-initialize-procedure post-initialize-procedure finalize-procedure redraw-procedure listener-procedure) (let* ((stalin? #f) (button-width (if display-pane-width (- (quotient (+ display-pane-width 4) button-columns) 4) 100)) (width (if display-pane-width (+ display-pane-width 6) (+ (* button-columns (+ button-width 4)) 2)))) (set! *post-initialize-procedure* post-initialize-procedure) (set! *transcript-pane* #f) (set! *echo-pane* #f) (set! *display* (xopendisplay *display-name*)) (unless *display* (panic "Cannot connect to X server: ~a" (xdisplayname *display-name*))) (set! *screen* (xdefaultscreen *display*)) (set! *root-window* (xrootwindow *display* *screen*)) (cond (stalin? (set! *white-pixel* (xwhitepixel *display* *screen*)) (set! *black-pixel* (xblackpixel *display* *screen*))) (else (set! *background* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) *background-color*)) (unless (= (first *background*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate background colorcell")) (set! *foreground* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) *foreground-color*)) (unless (= (first *foreground*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate foreground colorcell")))) (set! *roman-font* (xloadqueryfont *display* *roman-font-name*)) (unless *roman-font* (panic "Cannot open font: ~a" *roman-font-name*)) (set! *bold-font* (xloadqueryfont *display* *bold-font-name*)) (unless *bold-font* (panic "Cannot open font: ~a" *bold-font-name*)) (set! *roman-height* (+ (xfontstruct-ascent *roman-font*) (xfontstruct-descent *roman-font*))) (set! *bold-height* (+ (xfontstruct-ascent *bold-font*) (xfontstruct-descent *bold-font*))) (set! *text-height* (+ (max (xfontstruct-ascent *roman-font*) (xfontstruct-ascent *bold-font*)) (max (xfontstruct-descent *roman-font*) (xfontstruct-descent *bold-font*)))) (set! *roman-baseline* (xfontstruct-descent *roman-font*)) (set! *bold-baseline* (xfontstruct-descent *bold-font*)) (set! *text-baseline* (max *roman-baseline* *bold-baseline*)) (set! *button-width* button-width) (set! *button-height* (+ *text-height* 4)) (set! *display-pane-width* (- width 6)) (set! *display-pane-height* display-pane-height) (when transcript-lines (unless (zero? transcript-lines) (set! *transcript-pane-height* (+ (* transcript-lines *text-height*) 4))) (set! *echo-pane-height* (+ *text-height* 4))) (set! *who-line-height* (+ *text-height* 4)) (set! *status-pane-width* (+ (max (xtextwidth *roman-font* "Tyi" 3) (max (xtextwidth *roman-font* "Run" 3) (max (xtextwidth *roman-font* "Pause" 5) (xtextwidth *roman-font* "Track" 5)))) 4)) (set! *window* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *root-window* *window-position-x* *window-position-y* width (if transcript-lines (if (zero? transcript-lines) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *echo-pane-height* *who-line-height* 14) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *transcript-pane-height* *echo-pane-height* *who-line-height* 18)) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *who-line-height* 10)) 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xstorename *display* *window* *program*) (xseticonname *display* *window* *program*) (xselectinput *display* *window* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (set! *display-pane* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* 2 (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) 2) *display-pane-width* *display-pane-height* 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xselectinput *display* *display-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK POINTERMOTIONMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK BUTTONRELEASEMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (when transcript-lines (unless (zero? transcript-lines) (set! *transcript-pane* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* 2 (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* 6) *display-pane-width* *transcript-pane-height* 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xselectinput *display* *transcript-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK KEYPRESSMASK))) (set! *echo-pane* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* 2 (if (zero? transcript-lines) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* 6) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *transcript-pane-height* 10)) *display-pane-width* *echo-pane-height* 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xselectinput *display* *echo-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK KEYPRESSMASK))) (set! *status-pane* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* 2 (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* (if transcript-lines (if (zero? transcript-lines) (+ *echo-pane-height* 10) (+ *transcript-pane-height* *echo-pane-height* 14)) 6)) *status-pane-width* *who-line-height* 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xselectinput *display* *status-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (set! *message-pane* (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* (+ *status-pane-width* 6) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* (if transcript-lines (if (zero? transcript-lines) (+ *echo-pane-height* 10) (+ *transcript-pane-height* *echo-pane-height* 14)) 6)) (- width *status-pane-width* 10) *who-line-height* 1 (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*))) (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (xselectinput *display* *message-pane* (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (set! *thin-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thin-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thin-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thin-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *thin-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thin-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thin-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thin-flipping-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *thin-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *medium-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *medium-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *medium-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *medium-gc* 2 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *medium-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *medium-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *medium-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *medium-flipping-gc* 2 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *medium-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *thick-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thick-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thick-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thick-gc* 5 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *thick-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *thick-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *thick-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *thick-flipping-gc* 5 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *thick-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *dashed-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dashed-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *dashed-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dashed-gc* 0 LINEONOFFDASH CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dashed-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* 0 LINEONOFFDASH CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *dashed-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (set! *roman-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *roman-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *roman-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetfont *display* *roman-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (set! *bold-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *bold-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *bold-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetfont *display* *bold-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *bold-font*)) (set! *bold-flipping-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *bold-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *bold-flipping-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetfont *display* *bold-flipping-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *bold-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *bold-flipping-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (xsetfunction *display* *bold-flipping-gc* GXXOR) (unless stalin? (set! *light-gray* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Light Gray")) (unless (= (first *light-gray*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate light gray colorcell")) (set! *light-gray-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *light-gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *light-gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *light-gray*))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *light-gray-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *gray* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Gray")) (unless (= (first *gray*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate gray colorcell")) (set! *gray-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *gray-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *gray*))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *gray-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *red* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Red")) (unless (= (first *red*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate red colorcell")) (set! *red-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *red*))) (xsetfont *display* *red-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *red-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dark-red* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Dark Red")) (unless (= (first *dark-red*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate dark red colorcell")) (set! *dark-red-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dark-red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *dark-red-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-red*))) (xsetfont *display* *dark-red-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dark-red-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *green* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Green")) (unless (= (first *green*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate green colorcell")) (set! *green-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *green*))) (xsetfont *display* *green-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *green-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dark-green* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Dark Green")) (unless (= (first *dark-green*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate dark green colorcell")) (set! *dark-green-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dark-green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *dark-green-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-green*))) (xsetfont *display* *dark-green-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dark-green-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *blue* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Blue")) (unless (= (first *blue*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate blue colorcell")) (set! *blue-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *blue-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *blue-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *blue*))) (xsetfont *display* *blue-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *blue-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *yellow* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Yellow")) (unless (= (first *yellow*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate yellow colorcell")) (set! *yellow-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *yellow-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *yellow-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *yellow*))) (xsetfont *display* *yellow-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *yellow-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *violet* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Violet")) (unless (= (first *violet*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate violet colorcell")) (set! *violet-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *violet-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *violet-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *violet*))) (xsetfont *display* *violet-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *violet-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *orange* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Orange")) (unless (= (first *orange*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate orange colorcell")) (set! *orange-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *orange*))) (xsetfont *display* *orange-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *orange-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *dark-orange* (xallocnamedcolor3 *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) "Dark Orange")) (unless (= (first *dark-orange*) 1) (panic "Can't allocate dark orange colorcell")) (set! *dark-orange-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *dark-orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))) (xsetforeground *display* *dark-orange-gc* (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-orange*))) (xsetfont *display* *dark-orange-gc* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xsetlineattributes *display* *dark-orange-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND)) (set! *color-gc* (xcreategc *display* *window* 0 (make-xgcvalues))) (xsetbackground *display* *color-gc* (if stalin? *white-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) (xsetforeground *display* *color-gc* (if stalin? *black-pixel* (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) (xsetlineattributes *display* *color-gc* 0 LINESOLID CAPROUND JOINROUND) (set! *window-methods* '()) (set! *abort-button* #f) (set! *abort-key* #f) (set! *comtab* (make-vector 256 #f)) (set! *help* '()) (define-key (control #\h) "Help" help-command) (set! *help* '()) (define-key (control #\n) "Scroll help window down one line" help-scroll-down-line-command) (define-key (control #\p) "Scroll help window up one line" help-scroll-up-line-command) (define-key (control #\v) "Scroll help window down one page" help-scroll-down-page-command) (define-key (meta #\v) "Scroll help window up one page" help-scroll-up-page-command) (define-key (meta #\<) "Scroll help window to beginning" help-scroll-beginning-command) (define-key (meta #\>) "Scroll help window to end" help-scroll-end-command) (set! *help-comtab* *comtab*) (set! *comtab* (make-vector 256 #f)) (when transcript-lines (set! *transcript* '()) (set! *input* "") (set! *input-position* 0) (let ((help *help*)) (for-each (lambda (character) (define-key character "Enter the typed character into the echo pane" (lambda () (echo-pane-insert-character-command character)))) (append (string->list "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz") (string->list "1234567890-=\\`!@#$%^&*()_+|~[]{};':\",./<>? "))) (set! *help* help)) (define-key (control #\a) "Move the cursor to the beginning of the echo pane" echo-pane-beginning-of-line-command) (define-key (control #\b) "Move the cursor backward one character in the echo pane" echo-pane-backward-char-command) (define-key (control #\d) "Delete the character after the cursor in the echo pane" echo-pane-delete-char-command) (define-key (control #\e) "Move the cursor to the end of the echo pane" echo-pane-end-of-line-command) (define-key (control #\f) "Move the cursor forward one character in the echo pane" echo-pane-forward-char-command) (define-key (control #\k) "Delete all characters after the cursor in the echo pane" echo-pane-kill-line-command) (define-key delete-key "Delete the character before the cursor in the echo pane" echo-pane-backward-delete-char-command) (define-key return-key "Process the input in the echo pane" (lambda () (set! *transcript* (cons (list 'user *input*) *transcript*)) (listener-procedure) (set! *input* "") (set! *input-position* 0) (redraw-transcript-pane) (redraw-echo-pane))) (define-key (meta #\b) "Move the cursor backward one word in the echo pane" echo-pane-backward-word-command) (define-key (meta #\d) "Delete the word after the cursor in the echo pane" echo-pane-kill-word-command) (define-key (meta #\f) "Move the cursor forward one word in the echo pane" echo-pane-forward-word-command) (define-key (meta delete-key) "Delete the word before the cursor in the echo pane" echo-pane-backward-kill-word-command)) (set! *prefix* '()) (set! *status* "Tyi") (set! *message* "") (set! *redraw-procedure* redraw-procedure) (set! *buttons* '()) (set! *pause?* #f) (set! *help?* #f) (set! *clear-display-pane?* #t) (let ((hints (make-xwmhints))) (set-xwmhints-input! hints 1) (set-xwmhints-flags! hints INPUTHINT) (xsetwmhints *display* *window* hints)) (let ((hints (make-xsizehints)) (height (if transcript-lines (if (zero? transcript-lines) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *echo-pane-height* *who-line-height* 14) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *transcript-pane-height* *echo-pane-height* *who-line-height* 18)) (+ (* button-rows (+ *button-height* 4)) *display-pane-height* *who-line-height* 10)))) (when *window-position?* (set-xsizehints-x! hints *window-position-x*) (set-xsizehints-y! hints *window-position-y*)) (set-xsizehints-min_width! hints width) (set-xsizehints-max_width! hints width) (set-xsizehints-min_height! hints height) (set-xsizehints-max_height! hints height) (set-xsizehints-flags! hints (if *window-position?* (+ USPOSITION PPOSITION PMINSIZE PMAXSIZE) (+ PMINSIZE PMAXSIZE))) (xsetwmnormalhints *display* *window* hints)) (pre-initialize-procedure) (set-window-method! *display-pane* 'expose redraw-display-pane) (set-window-method! *display-pane* 'BUTTONPRESS region-handler) (when *transcript-pane* (set-window-method! *transcript-pane* 'expose redraw-transcript-pane)) (when *echo-pane* (set-window-method! *echo-pane* 'expose redraw-echo-pane)) (set-window-method! *status-pane* 'expose redraw-status-pane) (set-window-method! *message-pane* 'expose redraw-message-pane) (set-kill-application! (lambda () (set-kill-application! (lambda () #t)) (finalize-procedure) (when *display* (xfreegc *display* *thin-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *thin-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *medium-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *medium-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *thick-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *thick-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dashed-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dashed-flipping-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *roman-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *bold-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *bold-flipping-gc*) (unless stalin? (xfreegc *display* *light-gray-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *gray-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *red-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dark-red-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *green-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dark-green-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *blue-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *yellow-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *violet-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *orange-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *dark-orange-gc*) (xfreegc *display* *color-gc*) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *background*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *light-gray*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *gray*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *red*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-red*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *green*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-green*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *blue*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *yellow*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *violet*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *orange*)))) 1 0) (xfreecolors *display* (xdefaultcolormap *display* *screen*) (unsigned-list->unsigneda (list (xcolor-pixel (second *dark-orange*)))) 1 0)) (xunloadfont *display* (xfontstruct-fid *roman-font*)) (xunloadfont *display* (xfontstruct-fid *bold-font*)) (xdestroywindow *display* *window*) (xclosedisplay *display*) (set! *display* #f)) #t)) (xmapsubwindows *display* *window*) (xmapraised *display* *window*) (process-events) (kill-application))) (define-syntax define-application ;; (DEFINE-APPLICATION ;; NAME ;; DISPLAY-PANE-WIDTH ;; DISPLAY-PANE-HEIGHT ;; TRANSCRIPT-LINES ;; BUTTON-ROWS ;; BUTTOM-COLUMNS ;; PRE-INITIALIZE-PROCEDURE ;; POST-INITIALIZE-PROCEDURE ;; FINALIZE-PROCEDURE ;; REDRAW-PROCEDURE ;; LISTENER-PROCEDURE) (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) `(define (,(second form) . arguments) (define-application-thunk ,(third form) ,(fourth form) ,(fifth form) ,(sixth form) ,(seventh form) ,(eighth form) ,(ninth form) ,(tenth form) ,(eleventh form) ,(if (= (length form) 12) (twelfth form) '(lambda () #f))))))) (define-syntax define-command (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare) (define (valid-command-arguments? l) (define (valid-optional-parameter? l) (and (list? l) (= (length l) 4) (symbol? (first l)) (string? (second l)))) (define (valid-required-parameter? l) (and (list? l) (= (length l) 3) (symbol? (first l)) (string? (second l)))) (define (order-ok-optional? l) (or (null? l) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'optional) (order-ok-optional? (rest l))) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'rest) (null? (rest l))))) (define (order-ok-required? l) (or (null? l) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'required) (order-ok-required? (rest l))) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'optional) (order-ok-optional? (rest l))) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'rest) (null? (rest l))))) (define (order-ok? l) (or (null? l) (and (or (eq? (first (first l)) 'any-number) (eq? (first (first l)) 'at-least-one) (eq? (first (first l)) 'at-most-one) (eq? (first (first l)) 'exactly-one)) (order-ok? (rest l))) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'required) (order-ok-required? (rest l))) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'optional) (order-ok-optional? (rest l))) (and (eq? (first (first l)) 'rest) (null? (rest l))))) (and (list? l) (>= (length l) 1) (symbol? (first l)) (every (lambda (l) (and (list? l) (>= (length l) 1) (or (and (or (eq? (first l) 'exactly-one) (eq? (first l) 'at-most-one)) (>= (length l) 2) (every (lambda (l) (and (list? l) (>= (length l) 2) (string? (first l)) (symbol? (second l)) (every valid-optional-parameter? (rest (rest l))))) (rest l))) (and (or (eq? (first l) 'at-least-one) (eq? (first l) 'any-number)) (>= (length l) 2) (every (lambda (l) (and (list? l) (>= (length l) 2) (string? (first l)) (symbol? (second l)) (every valid-required-parameter? (rest (rest l))))) (rest l))) (and (or (eq? (first l) 'required) (eq? (first l) 'rest)) (= (length l) 2) (valid-required-parameter? (second l))) (and (eq? (first l) 'optional) (= (length l) 2) (valid-optional-parameter? (second l)))))) (rest l)) (order-ok? (rest l)))) (unless (and (list? form) (>= (length form) 2) (valid-command-arguments? (second form))) (if (valid-command-arguments? (second form)) (error 'define-command "Improper define-command:" form) (error 'define-command "Improper define-command, invalid arguments:" form))) (define (command-usage l) (define (command-usage1 l) (let ((s (let loop ((l l)) (define (command-usage l) (string-append "-" (first l) (let loop ((l (rest (rest l)))) (cond ((null? l) "") ((null? (rest l)) (string-append " " (second (first l)))) (else (string-append " " (second (first l)) (loop (rest l)))))))) (if (null? (rest l)) (command-usage (first l)) (string-append (command-usage (first l)) "|" (loop (rest l))))))) (if (= (length l) 1) s (string-append "[" s "]")))) (if (null? l) "" (case (first (first l)) ((any-number) (string-append " [" (command-usage1 (rest (first l))) "]*" (command-usage (rest l)))) ((at-least-one) (string-append " [" (command-usage1 (rest (first l))) "]+" (command-usage (rest l)))) ((at-most-one) (string-append " [" (command-usage1 (rest (first l))) "]" (command-usage (rest l)))) ((exactly-one) (string-append " " (command-usage1 (rest (first l))) (command-usage (rest l)))) ((required) (string-append " " (second (second (first l))) (command-usage (rest l)))) ((optional) (string-append " [" (second (second (first l))) (command-usage (rest l)) "]")) ((rest) (string-append " [" (second (second (first l))) "]*")) (else (fuck-up))))) (define (command-bindings l) (if (null? l) '() (case (first (first l)) ((any-number at-least-one) (append (qmap-reduce append '() (lambda (l) (cons (list (second l) #f) (map (lambda (l) (list (first l) ''())) (rest (rest l))))) (rest (first l))) (command-bindings (rest l)))) ((at-most-one exactly-one) (append (qmap-reduce append '() (lambda (l) (cons (list (second l) #f) (map (lambda (l) (list (first l) (fourth l))) (rest (rest l))))) (rest (first l))) (command-bindings (rest l)))) ((required) (cons (list (first (second (first l))) #f) (command-bindings (rest l)))) ((optional) (cons (list (first (second (first l))) (fourth (second (first l)))) (command-bindings (rest l)))) ((rest) (cons (list (first (second (first l))) ''()) (command-bindings (rest l)))) (else (fuck-up))))) (define (command-keyword-argument-parser l) (cons `(let loop () (unless (null? arguments) (cond ,@(let loop ((l l)) (if (null? l) '(((string=? (first arguments) "-usage") (usage))) (case (first (first l)) ((any-number at-least-one) (append (map (lambda (l1) `((string=? (first arguments) ,(string-append "-" (first l1))) (set! arguments (rest arguments)) (set! ,(second l1) #t) ,@(qmap-reduce append '() (lambda (l) `((when (null? arguments) (usage (format #f "required '~a' argument to ~a is missing" ,(symbol->string (first l)) ,(string-append "-" (first l1))))) (set! ,(first l) (cons (,(third l) (first arguments) usage ,(symbol->string (first l))) ,(first l))) (set! arguments (rest arguments)))) (rest (rest l1))) (loop))) (rest (first l))) (loop (rest l)))) ((at-most-one exactly-one) (append (map (lambda (l1) `((string=? (first arguments) ,(string-append "-" (first l1))) (set! arguments (rest arguments)) (when (or ,@(map second (rest (first l)))) (usage (format #f "at most one of ~a is allowed" (string-join ',(map (lambda (a) (first a)) (rest (first l))) ", " )))) (set! ,(second l1) #t) ,@(qmap-reduce append '() (lambda (l) `((when (null? arguments) (usage (format #f "required argument '~a' to ~a is missing" ,(symbol->string (first l)) ,(string-append "-" (first l1))))) (set! ,(first l) (,(third l) (first arguments) usage ,(symbol->string (first l)))) (set! arguments (rest arguments)))) (rest (rest l1))) (loop))) (rest (first l))) (loop (rest l)))) ((required optional rest) (loop (rest l))) (else (fuck-up)))))))) (let loop ((l l)) (if (null? l) '() (case (first (first l)) ((at-least-one exactly-one) (cons `(unless (or ,@(map second (rest (first l)))) (usage (format #f "at least one of " (string-join ',(map (lambda (a) (symbol->string (second a))) (rest (first l))) ", " ) " is required"))) (loop (rest l)))) ((at-most-one any-number required optional rest) (loop (rest l))) (else (fuck-up))))))) (define (command-positional-argument-parser l) (let loop ((l l)) (if (null? l) '((unless (null? arguments) (usage (format #f "trailing garbage on commandline: ~a" arguments)))) (case (first (first l)) ((any-number at-least-one at-most-one exactly-one) (loop (rest l))) ((required) (append `((when (null? arguments) (usage (format #f "required argument ~a missing" ,(symbol->string (first (second (first l))))))) (set! ,(first (second (first l))) (,(third (second (first l))) (first arguments) usage ,(format #f "required parameter ~a" (symbol->string (first (second (first l))))))) (set! arguments (rest arguments))) (loop (rest l)))) ((optional) (cons `(unless (null? arguments) (set! ,(first (second (first l))) (,(third (second (first l))) (first arguments) usage ,(format #f "optional parameter ~a" (symbol->string (first (second (first l))))))) (set! arguments (rest arguments))) (loop (rest l)))) ((rest) `((let loop () (unless (null? arguments) (set! ,(first (second (first l))) (cons (,(third (second (first l))) (first arguments) usage ,(symbol->string (first (second (first l))))) ,(format #f "rest parameter ~a" (first (second (first l)))))) (set! arguments (rest arguments)) (loop))) (set! ,(first (second (first l))) (reverse ,(first (second (first l))))))) (else (fuck-up)))))) `(define (,(first (second form)) . arguments) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (k) (define (type-error-message usage parameter expected got) (usage (format #f "expected ~a for ~a but got ~s" expected parameter got))) (define (string-argument string usage parameter-name) string) (define (integer-argument string usage parameter-name) (let ((integer (string->number string))) (unless (integer? integer) (type-error-message usage parameter-name "an integer" string)) integer)) (define (real-argument string usage parameter-name) (let ((real (string->number string))) (unless (real? real) (type-error-message usage parameter-name "a real" string)) real)) (define (usage #!optional details) (let ((print-usage (lambda () (format (current-error-port) ,(string-append "usage: ~a" (command-usage (rest (second form))) "~%") (program-name)))) (print-details (lambda () (format (current-error-port) "error: ~a~%" details)))) (if (feature? 'csi) (if details (begin (print-usage) (error ,(symbol->string (first (second form))) details)) (begin (print-usage) (k #f))) (begin (when details (format (current-error-port) "error: ~a~%" details)) (print-usage) (exit -1))))) (set! arguments arguments) (let ,(command-bindings (rest (second form))) ,@(command-keyword-argument-parser (rest (second form))) ,@(command-positional-argument-parser (rest (second form))) ,@(rest (rest form))))))))) (define (draw-ellipse display drawable gc ellipse) (let* ((previous-x #f) (previous-y #f) (x0 (ellipse-x0 ellipse)) (y0 (ellipse-y0 ellipse)) (t0 (ellipse-t0 ellipse)) (a (ellipse-a ellipse)) (b (ellipse-b ellipse)) (rxx (cos t0)) (rxy (- (sin t0))) (ryx (- rxy)) (ryy rxx)) (for-each-n (lambda (i) (let* ((ellipse-x (* a (sin (degrees->radians (* 10 i))))) (ellipse-y (* b (cos (degrees->radians (* 10 i))))) (this-x (+ (* rxx ellipse-x) (* rxy ellipse-y) x0)) (this-y (+ (* ryx ellipse-x) (* ryy ellipse-y) y0))) (when previous-x (xdrawline display drawable gc this-x this-y previous-x previous-y)) (set! previous-x this-x) (set! previous-y this-y))) 37))) (define (draw-clickable-pixmap-from-pnm pixmap pnm x y scale handler) (draw-pixmap pixmap x y) (define-region x y (* (pnm-width pnm) scale) (* (pnm-height pnm) scale) (lambda (x1 y1) (let ((x1 (quantize-coordinate (/ x1 scale))) (y1 (quantize-coordinate (/ y1 scale)))) (when (pnm-pixel? pnm (- x1 x) (- y1 y)) (handler (- x1 x) (- y1 y))))))) (define (define-spinner-buttons column row name f-up f-down f-print) (define-button column row (string-append "- " name) #f (lambda () (message "") (f-down) (redraw-buttons))) (define-button (+ column 1) row (lambda () (string-append (f-print) " +")) #f (lambda () (message "") (f-up) (redraw-buttons)))) (define (xremove-expose-events) (let loop () (when (> (xpending *display*) 0) (let ((event (xpeekevent *display*))) (when (= (xevent-xany-type event) EXPOSE) (xnextevent *display*) (loop)))))) (define (xfontheight font) (+ (xfontstruct-ascent font) (xfontstruct-descent font))) (define (define-sized-button x y size offset text-procedure bold?-procedure method) (let* ((width (exact-round (* size *button-width*))) (button (xcreatesimplewindow *display* *window* (+ (* offset width) (* x (+ *button-width* 4)) 2) (+ (* y (+ *button-height* 4)) 2) width *button-height* 1 (xcolor-pixel (second *foreground*)) (xcolor-pixel (second *background*))))) (when (eq? method abort-command) (set! *abort-button* button)) (xselectinput *display* button (bit-or EXPOSUREMASK BUTTONPRESSMASK KEYPRESSMASK)) (set-window-method! button 'expose (lambda () (let* ((text (if (procedure? text-procedure) (text-procedure) text-procedure)) (bold? (if (procedure? bold?-procedure) (bold?-procedure) bold?-procedure)) (text-width (xtextwidth (if bold? *bold-font* *roman-font*) text (string-length text))) (text-x (quotient (- width text-width) 2)) (text-y (- *button-height* (+ *text-baseline* 2)))) (xclearwindow *display* button) (xdrawstring *display* button (if bold? *bold-gc* *roman-gc*) text-x text-y text (string-length text))))) (set-window-method! button 'buttonpress (lambda (x y button state) (method))) (set! *buttons* (cons button *buttons*)) (xmapsubwindows *display* *window*) (xmapraised *display* *window*) (lambda () (set! *buttons* (remove button *buttons*)) (set! *window-methods* (remove-if (lambda (m) (equal? (first m) button)) *window-methods*)) (xdestroywindow *display* button)))) (define (draw-clickable-strings-with-scroll-bar first-line set-first-line! left middle right strings xmin xmax ymin ymax) ;; belongs in QobiScheme (let* ((visible-lines (quotient (- ymax ymin) *roman-height*)) (first-line (first-line)) (last-line (min (+ first-line visible-lines) (length strings)))) (unless (null? strings) (let* ((y1 ymin) (y2 ymax) (y3 (+ y1 (inexact->exact (floor (* (- y2 y1) (/ first-line (length strings))))))) (y4 (+ y1 (inexact->exact (floor (* (- y2 y1) (/ last-line (length strings)))))))) (xfillrectangle *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ xmax 4) y1 1 (- y2 y1)) (xfillrectangle *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ xmax 2) y3 5 (- y4 y3)) (define-region (+ xmax 2) y1 5 (- y2 y1) (lambda (x y) (set-first-line! (min (max 0 (- (length strings) visible-lines)) (quotient (* (length strings) (- y y1)) (- y2 y1)))) (redraw-display-pane))) (define-region (+ xmax 2) y3 5 (- y4 y3) (lambda (x y5) (tracking-pointer #f #f (lambda (x y6) (set-first-line! (min (max 0 (- (length strings) visible-lines)) (max 0 (+ first-line (quotient (* (length strings) (- y6 y5)) (- y2 y1)))))) (redraw-display-pane))))))) (for-each-indexed (lambda (string i) (define-button-specific-region BUTTON1 0 0 xmin (+ (* i *roman-height*) ymin) (xtextwidth *roman-font* string (string-length string)) *roman-height* (lambda (x y) (left (+ i first-line)))) (define-button-specific-region BUTTON2 0 0 xmin (+ (* i *roman-height*) ymin) (xtextwidth *roman-font* string (string-length string)) *roman-height* (lambda (x y) (middle (+ i first-line)))) (define-button-specific-region BUTTON3 0 0 xmin (+ (* i *roman-height*) ymin) (xtextwidth *roman-font* string (string-length string)) *roman-height* (lambda (x y) (right (+ i first-line)))) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* *roman-gc* xmin (+ (* (+ i 1) *roman-height*) ymin) string (string-length string))) (sublist strings first-line last-line)))) (define (draw-clickable-strings-with-optional-scroll-bar first-line set-first-line! left middle right strings xmin xmax ymin ymax font font-gc-f) ;; belongs in QobiScheme (let* ((font-height (xfontheight font)) (visible-lines (quotient (- ymax ymin) font-height)) (first-line (first-line)) (last-line (min (+ first-line visible-lines) (length strings))) (scroll-bar? (< visible-lines (length strings)))) (unless (null? strings) (let* ((y1 ymin) (y2 ymax) (y3 (+ y1 (inexact->exact (floor (* (- y2 y1) (/ first-line (length strings))))))) (y4 (+ y1 (inexact->exact (floor (* (- y2 y1) (/ last-line (length strings)))))))) (when scroll-bar? (xfillrectangle *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ xmax 4) y1 1 (- y2 y1)) (xfillrectangle *display* *display-pane* *thin-gc* (+ xmax 2) y3 5 (- y4 y3)) (define-region (+ xmax 2) y1 5 (- y2 y1) (lambda (x y) (set-first-line! (min (max 0 (- (length strings) visible-lines)) (quotient (* (length strings) (- y y1)) (- y2 y1)))) (redraw-display-pane))) (define-region (+ xmax 2) y3 5 (- y4 y3) (lambda (x y5) (tracking-pointer #f #f (lambda (x y6) (set-first-line! (min (max 0 (- (length strings) visible-lines)) (max 0 (+ first-line (quotient (* (length strings) (- y6 y5)) (- y2 y1)))))) (redraw-display-pane)))))))) (for-each-indexed (lambda (string i) (define-button-specific-region BUTTON1 0 0 xmin (+ (* i font-height) ymin) (xtextwidth font string (string-length string)) font-height (lambda (x y) (left (+ i first-line)))) (define-button-specific-region BUTTON2 0 0 xmin (+ (* i font-height) ymin) (xtextwidth font string (string-length string)) font-height (lambda (x y) (middle (+ i first-line)))) (define-button-specific-region BUTTON3 0 0 xmin (+ (* i font-height) ymin) (xtextwidth font string (string-length string)) font-height (lambda (x y) (right (+ i first-line)))) (xdrawstring *display* *display-pane* (font-gc-f string i) xmin (+ (* (+ i 1) font-height) ymin) string (string-length string))) (sublist strings first-line last-line)))) )