;;;; qt.setup -*- Scheme -*- (use files utils) (define QTDIR (or (if (version>=? (chicken-version) "4.6.7") (get-environment-variable "QTDIR") (getenv "QTDIR")) (error "please set the QTDIR environment variable") ) ) (define prefix (program-path)) (define libpath (make-pathname prefix "lib")) (define incpath (make-pathname prefix "include")) (define binpath (make-pathname prefix "bin")) ;; Note that binpath points to the wrong location on my system (define csc (make-pathname "/usr/bin/" ;; binpath "csc")) (with-output-to-file "qt.pro" (lambda () (let ((csc (qs (normalize-pathname csc))) (libdir (qs (normalize-pathname libpath))) (incdir (qs (normalize-pathname incpath)))) (print #<#EOF SOURCES=main.cpp qt-base.cpp HEADERS=prototypes.h CONFIG+=uitools qt debug TEMPLATE=lib TARGET=qtb win32:LIBS+=-lchicken -lm -lws2_32 QT+=dbus opengl network EOF )))) (with-output-to-file ".qmake.cache" (lambda () (let ((csc (qs (normalize-pathname csc))) (libdir (qs (normalize-pathname libpath))) (incdir (qs (normalize-pathname incpath)))) (print #<#EOF unix { QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON=-Wall -Werror -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON=-Wall -Werror -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings QMAKE_CFLAGS+=-Wno-unused `#{csc} -cflags` -I#{incdir} QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-Wno-unused `#{csc} -cflags` -I#{incdir} QMAKE_LFLAGS+=`/usr/bin/csc -libs -ldflags` -L#{libdir} } win32 { QMAKE_CFLAGS_WARN_ON=-Wall -Werror -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON=-Wall -Werror -Wno-unused -Wno-write-strings QMAKE_LFLAGS+=-L#{libdir} QMAKE_CFLAGS+=-Wno-unused -I#{incdir} -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DPIC QMAKE_CXXFLAGS+=-Wno-unused -I#{incdir} -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DPIC } EOF )))) (make (("Makefile" ("qt.pro") (run (,(normalize-pathname (make-pathname QTDIR "bin/qmake")) qt.pro))) ("qt.so" ("prototypes.h" "main.cpp" "qt-base.cpp" "Makefile") (run (,(cond-expand (mingw32 "mingw32-make") (else "make")) clean all)) (run (,(cond-expand (mingw32 "copy /Y debug\\qtb.dll qt.so") (else "cp libqtb.so.1.0.0 qt.so"))))) ("qt.import.so" ("qt-base.cpp") (compile -s -O3 -d0 qt.import.scm)) ("qt-base.cpp" ("qt-base.scm" "prototypes.h") (compile -c++ -t qt-base.scm -optimize-level 0 -d2 -X easyffi -C -g -j qt))) '("qt.so" "qt.import.so")) (install-extension 'qt `("qt.so" "qt.import.so") '((version 0.100.2)))