;;;; chicken-compile-qt-extension.scm (module main () (import scheme chicken) (use files utils setup-api srfi-1 extras data-structures) (define (quit fstr . args) (flush-output) (fprintf (current-error-port) "~?~%" fstr args) (exit 1)) (define QTDIR (or (get-environment-variable "QTDIR") (quit "please set the QTDIR environment variable") ) ) (define prefix chicken-prefix) (define libpath (make-pathname prefix "lib")) (define incpath (make-pathname prefix "include")) (define binpath (make-pathname prefix "bin")) (define csc (make-pathname binpath "csc")) (define keepfiles #f) (define qmake (make-pathname QTDIR "bin/qmake")) (define mingw32 (eq? (build-platform) 'mingw32)) (define outfile #f) (define gmake (cond ((memq (software-version) '(freebsd netbsd openbsd)) "gmake") (mingw32 "mingw32-make") (else "make"))) (define options-with-arguments '("-debug" "-output-file" "-heap-size" "-nursery" "-stack-size" "-compiler" "-unit" "-uses" "-keyword-style" "-optimize-level" "-include-path" "-database-size" "-extend" "-prelude" "-postlude" "-prologue" "-epilogue" "-inline-limit" "-profile-name" "-disable-warning" "-emit-inline-file" "-types" "-feature" "-debug-level" "-heap-growth" "-heap-shrinkage" "-heap-initial-size" "-consult-inline-file" "-emit-import-library" "-static-extension" "-D" "-K" "-X" "-j" "-I" "-o" "-n" "-R" "-C" "-L" "-cc" "-cxx" "-ld" "-rpath" "-framework")) (define (filter-options args) (let loop ((args args) (opts '()) (files '())) (if (null? args) (values (reverse opts) (reverse files)) (let ((arg (car args)) (more (cdr args))) (cond ((string=? "-k" arg) (set! keepfiles #t)) ((string=? "-v" arg) (setup-verbose-mode #t) (run-verbose #t)) ((member arg '("--help" "-h" "-help")) (compile -h)) ((and (string=? "-o" arg) (pair? more)) (set! outfile (car more)))) (if (and (> (string-length arg) 1) (char=? #\- (string-ref arg 0))) (if (member arg options-with-arguments) (if (null? more) (loop more (cons arg opts) files) (loop (cdr more) (cons* (car more) arg opts) files)) (loop more (cons arg opts) files)) (loop more opts (cons arg files))))))) (define (compile-qt-extension cppfiles hfiles) (let* ((cppfile (car cppfiles)) (pro (pathname-replace-extension cppfile "pro")) (name (pathname-file cppfile)) (mkfile (qs (pathname-replace-extension cppfile "make"))) (output (or outfile (make-pathname #f name "so")))) (with-output-to-file pro (lambda () (let ((csc (qs (normalize-pathname csc))) (libdir (qs (normalize-pathname libpath))) (incdir (qs (normalize-pathname incpath)))) (print #<#EOF SOURCES=#{(string-intersperse cppfiles)} CONFIG+=uitools qt TEMPLATE=lib HEADERS=#{(string-intersperse hfiles)} TARGET=#{name} unix:QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE+= `#{csc} -libs -ldflags` -L#{libdir} unix:QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE+=-w `#{csc} -cflags` -I#{incdir} unix:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE+=-w `#{csc} -cflags` -I#{incdir} win32:QMAKE_LFLAGS_RELEASE+=-L#{libdir} win32:QMAKE_CFLAGS_RELEASE+=-w -I#{incdir} -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DPIC win32:QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_RELEASE+=-w -I#{incdir} -DHAVE_CHICKEN_CONFIG_H -DPIC win32:LIBS+=-lchicken -lm -lws2_32 QT+=opengl EOF ) ) )) (run (,qmake ,(qs pro) -o ,mkfile)) (delete-file* output) (run (,gmake -f ,mkfile clean all)) (cp (make-pathname #f (if mingw32 name (string-append "lib" name)) (if mingw32 "dll" "so.1.0.0")) output) #;(unless keepfiles (when (setup-verbose-mode) (print " rm -fr debug release")) (remove-directory "debug") (remove-directory "release") (rm-f mkfile (pathname-replace-extension mkfile "Debug") (pathname-replace-extension mkfile "Release") pro)) ) ) (define (rm-f . files) (for-each (lambda (fname) (when (setup-verbose-mode) (print " rm -f " (qs fname))) (delete-file* fname)) files)) (define (cp from to) (when (setup-verbose-mode) (print " cp " (qs from) " " (qs to)) (file-copy from to))) (define (main args) (let-values (((opts files) (filter-options args))) (let ((cppfiles (filter-map (lambda (fname) (let ((ext (pathname-extension fname))) (cond ((member ext '("scm" "ss")) (compile -t -c++ ,(qs fname) ,@opts) (pathname-replace-extension fname "cpp")) ((member ext '("cxx" "c++" "cpp")) fname) (else #f)))) files)) (hfiles (filter (lambda (fname) (let ((ext (pathname-extension fname))) (member ext '("h" "hpp")))) files))) (if (null? cppfiles) (quit "no Scheme or C++ files to process") (handle-exceptions ex (begin (flush-output) (print-error-message ex (current-error-port)) (exit 1)) (compile-qt-extension cppfiles hfiles)))))) (main (command-line-arguments)) )