[[tags:main navigation]]
== Welcome
Welcome to the Chicken wiki.
This wiki was created with the purpose of providing documentation for [[http://www.call-with-current-continuation.org/|Chicken]].
Chicken is an implementation of the Scheme programming language that can compile Scheme programs to C code as well as interpret them.
You can use the search form in the left to get to what you want or
start browsing through the following pages.
Also, if a function is properly documented, chances are you can go to {{/function}} to get to
its documentation.
== About Chicken
; [[elevator-pitch|Elevator pitch]] : A brief explanation of why CHICKEN is suitable for Real World tasks
; [[Chicken for programmers of other languages]] : Chicken for programmers of C, Ruby, Python and other programming languages
; [[Portability]] : Supported platforms
; [[platforms|Platforms & packages]] : Listing of all platforms where CHICKEN is available in pre-packaged form
; [[Download]] : Get the sources
; [[maintainers|Maintainers]] : People who maintain CHICKEN
; [[Software]] : Software people have written using CHICKEN
== Using Chicken
; [[Tutorials]] : Tutorials about all things CHICKEN!
; [[man/4/The User's Manual|The User's Manual]] : How to use it and reference manual
; [[Eggs]] : Information about CHICKEN extension-libraries (eggs)
; [[Tips and tricks]] : Some handy tips
; [[Code snippets]] : Various small coding examples
== The Chicken community
; [[Active Projects]] : join a CHICKEN-based project, or start one!
; [[discussion-groups|Discussion groups]] : Mailing lists and IRC channel about CHICKEN
; [[Logos|Art]] : CHICKEN-related art (logos, desktop backgrounds etc)
; [[Users]] : A list of users and contributors to CHICKEN Scheme
; [[svn checkout|Wiki edits and SVN]] : How to edit this wiki using Subversion
== Developing Chicken
; [[Internals]] : Documentation about the internal structure of CHICKEN
; [[http://www.irp.oist.jp/trac/chicken/wiki|Trac]] : The Chicken bug and feature tracker
; [[periodic-tasks|Periodic tasks]] : Automated builds, development snapshots, salmonella results, eggs upload status