* Alexej Magura - The history related functions, most of the changes in versions 2.0 and later. * Alexander Peslyak - Wrote the implementation of `concat', which he subsequently released into the Public Domain. I came across it while trying to find a viable alternative to a `concat' implementation found in the GNU C manual, which I was uncomfortable using since it is licensed under the GNU FDL, which AFAIK could mean that using it in a non-GPL'd piece of software might be in violation of its license. So I was only too pleased when I came across Alexander Peslyak's code and realized that it was Public Domain. NOTE: Alexander Peslyak does not in any way, shape, or form endorse my use of his code. The version that I used as the basis for the concat family of functions, albeit slightly different (if at all), can be found here: "http://openwall.info/wiki/_media/people/solar/software/public-domain-source-code/concat.c"