;;;; ripemd.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '06 ;;;; Kon Lovett, Aug '10 (module ripemd (;export ripemd128-primitive ripemd160-primitive) (import scheme chicken foreign) (use message-digest-primitive) ;;; #> typedef void (*initializef)( uint32_t * ); typedef void (*compressf)( uint32_t *, uint32_t * ); typedef void (*finishf)( uint32_t *, uint8_t *, uint32_t, uint32_t ); typedef struct { uint8_t rembuf[16 * sizeof(uint32_t)]; uint32_t length[2]; uint32_t MDbuf[0]; } ripemdctx; static void ripemdX_init( initializef init, ripemdctx *ctx ) { memset( ctx->rembuf, 0, sizeof(ctx->rembuf) ); ctx->length[0] = ctx->length[1] = 0; (*init)( ctx->MDbuf ); } static void ripemdX_update( compressf compress, ripemdctx *ctx, uint8_t *data, size_t nbytes ) { # define BYTES_TO_DWORD( strptr ) \ (((uint32_t) *((strptr)+3) << 24) | \ ((uint32_t) *((strptr)+2) << 16) | \ ((uint32_t) *((strptr)+1) << 8) | \ ((uint32_t) *(strptr))) uint32_t X[16]; unsigned int i, j; /* process all complete 16-uint32_t blocks */ for( i = nbytes; i > 63; i -= 64 ) { for( j = 0; j < 16; j++ ) { X[j] = BYTES_TO_DWORD( data ); data += sizeof(uint32_t); } (*compress)( ctx->MDbuf, X ); } /* update length[] */ if( ctx->length[0] + nbytes < ctx->length[0] ) ctx->length[1]++; /* overflow to msb of length */ ctx->length[0] += nbytes; /* remaining bytes? */ /* MUST only occur on the last call to update */ if( i ) { memcpy( ctx->rembuf, data, i ); } # undef BYTES_TO_DWORD } static void ripemdX_final( finishf finish, uint8_t *str, ripemdctx *ctx, size_t mdlen ) { int i; (*finish)( ctx->MDbuf, ctx->rembuf, ctx->length[0], ctx->length[1] ); for( i = 0; i < mdlen; i += sizeof(uint32_t) ) { str[i] = ctx->MDbuf[i>>2]; str[i+1] = (ctx->MDbuf[i>>2] >> 8); str[i+2] = (ctx->MDbuf[i>>2] >> 16); str[i+3] = (ctx->MDbuf[i>>2] >> 24); } } #define C_VISIBILITY static #define dword uint32_t #define byte uint8_t #include "rmd160.c" #define RMD160blksiz 64 #define RMD160hshsiz (160/8) #define RMD160ctxsiz (sizeof(ripemdctx) + sizeof(uint32_t)*(160/32)) #undef BYTES_TO_DWORD #undef ROL #undef F #undef G #undef H #undef I #undef J #undef FF #undef GG #undef HH #undef II #undef JJ #undef FFF #undef GGG #undef HHH #undef III #undef JJJ #include "rmd128.c" #define RMD128blksiz 64 #define RMD128hshsiz (128/8) #define RMD128ctxsiz (sizeof(ripemdctx) + sizeof(uint32_t)*(128/32)) #undef BYTES_TO_DWORD #undef ROL #undef F #undef G #undef H #undef I #undef FF #undef GG #undef HH #undef II #undef FFF #undef GGG #undef HHH #undef III #undef dword #undef byte #undef C_VISIBILITY <# ;;; (define-foreign-variable context-size128 unsigned-int "RMD128ctxsiz") (define-foreign-variable digest-length128 unsigned-int "RMD128hshsiz") (define-foreign-variable block-length128 unsigned-int "RMD128blksiz") (define init128 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx)) "ripemdX_init( &MDinit128, ctx );")) (define update128 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (scheme-pointer obj) (int len)) "ripemdX_update( &compress128, ctx, obj, len );")) (define final128 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (scheme-pointer result)) "ripemdX_final( &MDfinish128, result, ctx, RMD128hshsiz );")) (define raw-update128 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (c-pointer obj) (int len)) "ripemdX_update( &compress128, ctx, obj, len );")) (define ripemd128-primitive (let ((the-prim #f)) (lambda () (or the-prim (begin (set! the-prim (make-message-digest-primitive context-size128 digest-length128 init128 update128 final128 block-length128 'ripemd128-primitive raw-update128)) the-prim ) ) ) ) ) ;;; (define-foreign-variable context-size160 unsigned-int "RMD160ctxsiz") (define-foreign-variable digest-length160 unsigned-int "RMD160hshsiz") (define-foreign-variable block-length160 unsigned-int "RMD160blksiz") (define init160 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx)) "ripemdX_init( &MDinit160, ctx );")) (define update160 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (scheme-pointer obj) (int len)) "ripemdX_update( &compress160, ctx, obj, len );")) (define final160 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (scheme-pointer result)) "ripemdX_final( &MDfinish160, result, ctx, RMD160hshsiz );")) (define raw-update160 (foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ctx) (c-pointer obj) (int len)) "ripemdX_update( &compress160, ctx, obj, len );")) (define ripemd160-primitive (let ((the-prim #f)) (lambda () (or the-prim (begin (set! the-prim (make-message-digest-primitive context-size160 digest-length160 init160 update160 final160 block-length160 'ripemd160-primitive raw-update160)) the-prim ) ) ) ) ) ) ;module ripemd