#!/bin/sh #| -*- scheme -*- exec csi -s $0 "$@" |# (use setup-download utils posix (srfi 1 13)) (define major-version 4) (define binary-version 5) (define csi (make-parameter "csi")) (define chicken-install (make-parameter "chicken-install")) (define lib-dir (make-pathname '("lib" "chicken") (->string binary-version))) (define repo-test-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname (current-directory) "salmonella-repo"))) (define repo-test-lib-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname (repo-test-dir) lib-dir))) (define chicken-eggs-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname `(,(current-directory) "chicken-eggs" "release") (->string major-version)))) (define wiki-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname `(,(current-directory) "chicken-eggs" "wiki" "eggref") (->string major-version)))) (define chicken-install-args (make-parameter (lambda () (string-append " -prefix " (repo-test-dir) " -t local " " -l " (chicken-eggs-dir))))) (define base-uri (make-parameter "/")) (define env-vars (make-parameter (string-append "CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX=" (repo-test-dir) " " "CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH=" (make-pathname (repo-test-dir) "share/chicken") " " "CHICKEN_REPOSITORY=" (repo-test-lib-dir)))) (define skip-eggs (make-parameter '())) (define verbose (make-parameter #f)) (define logfile (make-parameter "salmonella.log")) (define system-deps (make-parameter #f)) (define pkg-manager (make-parameter #f)) (define resume (make-parameter #f)) (define dont-ask (make-parameter #f)) (define progress-file (make-parameter "salmonella.progress")) (define html-output (make-parameter "salmonella-report")) (define dep-graphs-dir (make-parameter (make-pathname (html-output) "dep-graphs"))) (define dep-graphs-webdir (make-parameter "dep-graphs")) (define css-file (make-parameter #f)) (define ->html (make-parameter #f)) (define run-tests (make-parameter #f)) (define salmonella-tests-dir (make-parameter "salmonella-tests")) (define (show . msg) (when (verbose) (print " " (string-concatenate (map ->string msg))))) (define (show-progress description proc) ;; Ignores `verbose' (display description) (flush-output) (let ((status (proc))) (print (string-pad (if (boolean? status) (if status "[ok]" "[error]") (conc "[" status "]")) (- 75 (string-length description)))))) (define egg-information (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define eggs (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define (system:system . command) ;; I'm afraid this thing won't work on windows... (let* ((p (open-input-pipe (sprintf "~A 2>&1" (string-concatenate command)))) (output (read-all p))) (values (close-input-pipe p) output))) (define (system:output . command) (let-values (((status output) (system:system (string-concatenate command)))) output)) (define (system:status . command) (let-values (((status output) (system:system (string-concatenate command)))) status)) (define usage #<#EOF Usage: salmonella -h | -help | --help | -? salmonella salmonella are Scheme expressions. is a file which may contain the same Scheme expressions as 's. The following expressions are recognized: == Expression == == Default == (csi \"\") csi (chicken-install \"\") chicken-install (chicken-install-args \"\" a procedure which returns chicken-install options (env-vars \"\" CHICKEN_INCLUDE_PATH=(repo-test-lib-dir) CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX=(repo-test-dir) (repo-test-dir \"\") `pwd`/salmonella-repo (chicken-eggs-dir \"\") `pwd`/chicken-eggs/release/4 (wiki-dir \"\") `pwd`/chicken-eggs/wiki/eggref/4 (skip-eggs (list \"egg1\" \"egg2\" ...)) '() (verbose ) ##f (logfile \"filename\") salmonella.log (egg-information (lambda () ...)) a procedure which returns egg information for all eggs found in (chicken-eggs-dir) (eggs (lambda () ...)) a procedure which returns the names of all eggs found in (chicken-eggs-dir) (system-deps \"filename\") ##f (pkg-manager \"system pkg manager & args\") ##f (resume ) ##f (dont-ask ) ##f (progress-file \"filename\") salmonella.progress (dont-ask ) ##f (progress-file \"filename\") salmonella.progress (html-output \"dirname\") salmonella-report. If ##f, no HTML output (dep-graphs-dir \"dirname\") (html-output)/dep-graphs (dep-graphs-webdir \"dirname\") dep-graphs (css-file \"filename\") ##f (->html \"filename\") ##f (base-uri \"uri\") / (run-tests ) ##f Example: salmonella '(chicken-install \"/usr/local/chicken/bin/chicken-install\") (verbose ##t)' EOF ) (define (delete-path . paths) ;; mostly stolen from chicken-setup.scm (define *windows* (and (eq? (software-type) 'windows) (build-platform) ) ) (define *windows-shell* (memq *windows* '(msvc mingw32))) (let ((cmd (if *windows-shell* "del /Q /S" "rm -fr"))) (for-each (lambda (path) (system* "~a ~a" cmd path)) paths))) (define (clean-repo-test-dir) (delete-path (make-pathname (repo-test-dir) "*"))) (define (delete-eggs-source #!optional confirm) (when confirm (display (string-append "salmonella will delete all *.egg and *.egg-dir files and directories under " (current-directory) ". Proceed? [y/n]: ")) (flush-output) (unless (string=? (read-line) "y") (print "Aborting.") (exit 0))) (delete-path (make-pathname (current-directory) "*.egg") (make-pathname (current-directory) "*.egg-dir"))) (define (egg-extension-information egg) (system:system (sprintf "~a ~a -e \"(print (extension-information '~a))\"" (env-vars) (csi) egg ))) (define (install-egg egg) (system:system (sprintf "~a ~a ~a ~a" (env-vars) (chicken-install) ((chicken-install-args)) egg))) (define (init-repo) (system:system (sprintf "~a ~a ~a" (chicken-install) "-init" (repo-test-lib-dir)))) (define (report egg status msg #!key (action 'egg-install) (egg-install-info '())) (with-output-to-file (logfile) (lambda () (pp (list egg action status msg egg-install-info))) append:)) (define (set-installed egg) (with-output-to-file (progress-file) (cut print egg) append:)) (define (current-time) (seconds->string (current-seconds))) (define (report-env) (when (logfile) (with-output-to-file (logfile) (lambda () (pp #<#EOF salmonella -- a tool for testing Chicken eggs (http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/salmonella) Started on #(string-trim-both (current-time)) Chicken version: #(system:output (chicken-install) " -version") Options: csi: #(csi) chicken-install: #(chicken-install) chicken-eggs-dir: #(chicken-eggs-dir) wiki-dir: #(wiki-dir) repo-test-dir: #(repo-test-dir) chicken-install-args: #((chicken-install-args)) env-vars: #(env-vars) skip-eggs: #(skip-eggs) verbose: #(verbose) logfile: #(logfile) pkg-manager: #(pkg-manager) system-deps: #(system-deps) resume: #(resume) dont-ask: #(dont-ask) progress-file: #(progress-file) html-output: #(html-output) dep-graphs-dir: #(dep-graphs-dir) dep-graphs-webdir: #(dep-graphs-webdir) css-file: #(css-file) ->html: #(->html) base-uri: #(base-uri) run-tests: #(run-tests) EOF ))))) (define (install-system-deps egg dep-table) (let ((deps (assq (string->symbol egg) dep-table))) (when deps (for-each (lambda (dep) (show "Installing system dependency " dep) (let-values (((status output) (system:system (pkg-manager) egg))) (report egg status output action: 'osdep-install))) (map ->string (cdr deps)))))) (define (create-repo-test-dir) (if (not (file-exists? (repo-test-lib-dir))) (create-directory (repo-test-lib-dir) #t))) (define egg-info (let ((info '())) (lambda args (when (null? info) (set! info (map (lambda (egg-data) (cons (car egg-data) (drop egg-data 3))) ((egg-information))))) (if (null? args) info (let ((egg (car args))) (alist-ref (if (string? egg) (string->symbol egg) egg) info)))))) (define egg-dependencies (let ((eggs/deps '())) (lambda args (when (null? eggs/deps) (set! eggs/deps (map (lambda (egg-data) (let* ((egg (car egg-data)) (data (cdr egg-data)) (needs (or (alist-ref 'needs data) '())) (depends (or (alist-ref 'depends data) '()))) (cons egg (append needs (let loop ((deps depends)) (if (null? deps) '() (let ((dep (car deps))) (cons (if (pair? dep) (car dep) dep) (loop (cdr deps)))))))))) (egg-info)))) (if (null? args) eggs/deps (let ((egg (car args))) (alist-ref (if (string? egg) (string->symbol egg) egg) eggs/deps)))))) (define (safe-car x) (and x (car x))) ;;; Egg tests (define (save-excursion dir proc) (let ((current-dir (current-directory))) (change-directory dir) (let ((out (proc))) (change-directory current-dir) out))) (define (read-meta-file egg) (let ((egg (->string egg))) (with-input-from-file (make-pathname (list (salmonella-tests-dir) egg) egg "meta") read))) (define (test-dependencies egg) (or (and-let* ((d (assq 'test-depends (read-meta-file egg)))) (cdr d)) '())) (define (install-test-dependencies egg) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (for-each (lambda (dep) (let-values (((status output) (install-egg dep))) output)) (test-dependencies egg))))) (define (run-egg-tests egg) (let* ((tests-dir (make-pathname (list (salmonella-tests-dir) (->string egg)) "tests")) (run.scm (make-pathname tests-dir "run.scm"))) (if (file-exists? run.scm) (save-excursion tests-dir (lambda () (let-values (((status output) (system:system (env-vars) " " (csi) " -s run.scm"))) (cons status output)))) (cons 'no-tests 'no-tests)))) (define (fetch-egg-source egg) (when (file-exists? (salmonella-tests-dir)) (delete-path (salmonella-tests-dir))) (create-directory (salmonella-tests-dir)) (save-excursion (salmonella-tests-dir) (lambda () (let-values (((status output) (system:system (conc (chicken-install) " -r -t local -l " (chicken-eggs-dir) " " egg)))) (cons status output))))) (define (main) (let ((args (command-line-arguments))) ;; Check if user is asking for help (unless (null? args) (when (member (car args) '("-h" "-help" "--help" "-?")) (print usage) (exit 0))) ;; Eval command line options (if (and (not (null? args)) (file-exists? (car args))) (load (car args)) (for-each eval (with-input-from-string (string-intersperse args) read-file))) (unless ((eggs)) (eggs (lambda () (show "Fetching eggs list...") (map (compose ->string car) ((egg-information)))))) (unless ((egg-information)) (egg-information (let ((egg-data #f)) (lambda () (if (not egg-data) (begin (set! egg-data (gather-egg-information (chicken-eggs-dir))) egg-data) egg-data))))) (when (->html) (logfile (->html)) (report->html) (exit 0)) (if (resume) (if (file-exists? (progress-file)) (skip-eggs (append (skip-eggs) (read-lines (progress-file)))) (begin (print "Could not find progress-file " (progress-file)) (exit 1))) (when (file-exists? (progress-file)) (delete-file (progress-file)))) (clean-repo-test-dir) (create-repo-test-dir) (init-repo) (report-env) (delete-eggs-source (not (dont-ask))) (let ((deps (and (pkg-manager) (system-deps) (read-file (system-deps)))) (successful '()) (fail '())) (for-each (lambda (egg) (unless (member egg (skip-eggs)) (install-system-deps egg deps) (show "Deleting " egg " egg source (if it exists)...") (delete-eggs-source) (let-values (((status output) (install-egg egg)) ((_ egg-info-str) (egg-extension-information egg))) (let* ((egg-install-info (read (open-input-string egg-info-str))) (egg-install-ver (safe-car (alist-ref 'version egg-install-info))) (egg-info (alist-ref (string->symbol egg) ((egg-information)))) (egg-ver (safe-car (alist-ref 'version egg-info)))) (let ((egg-version-check (or (not egg-install-ver) (not egg-ver) (and (string? egg-ver) (string-null? egg-ver)) (string=? (->string egg-install-ver) (->string egg-ver))))) (show-progress (string-append "Installing " egg) (lambda () (cond ((and egg-version-check (zero? status)) (set! successful (cons egg successful)) #t) (else (set! fail (cons egg fail)) #f)))) (let ((messages (string-append output "\n" (if (and (zero? status) (not egg-version-check)) (let ((mismatch-msg (conc "Mismatch between installed egg version " egg-install-ver " and declared egg version " egg-ver "\n"))) (report egg 1 mismatch-msg action: 'warning) mismatch-msg) "")))) ;; Report installation status (when (logfile) (report egg status messages egg-install-info: egg-install-info))) ;; Report doc status (let ((doc-exists? (file-exists? (make-pathname (wiki-dir) egg)))) (report egg (if doc-exists? 0 1) "" action: 'doc-check)) ;; Report tests status (when (and (logfile) (run-tests) (zero? status)) (show-progress (conc " Running tests for " egg) (lambda () (fetch-egg-source egg) (let* ((test-deps-messages (install-test-dependencies egg)) (test-status/messages (run-egg-tests egg)) (test-status (car test-status/messages))) (report egg test-status (conc test-deps-messages "\n" (cdr test-status/messages)) action: 'run-tests) (if (eq? test-status 'no-tests) 'no-tests (zero? test-status))))))))) (set-installed egg) (show "Cleaning up " (repo-test-dir) "...") (clean-repo-test-dir) (create-repo-test-dir) (init-repo))) ((eggs)))))) (define css-data "body { font-size: 10pt; } .even { background-color: #CCC; } #egg-fail { font-weight: bold; color: red; } #egg-ok { font-weight: bold; color: blue; } .odd { background-color: #FFFFCC; }") ;;; A simple web-scheme replacement (define s+ string-append) (define (make-tag tagname) (lambda (data #!key id class) (conc "<" tagname (if id (conc " id=\"" id "\"") "") (if class (conc " class=\"" class "\"") "") ">" data ""))) (define (a url text) (s+ "" text "")) (define p (make-tag 'p)) (define div (make-tag 'div)) (define span (make-tag 'div)) (define pre (make-tag 'pre)) (define td (make-tag 'td)) (define tr (make-tag 'tr)) (define th (make-tag 'th)) (define table (make-tag 'table)) (define html (make-tag 'html)) (define body (make-tag 'body)) (define head (make-tag 'head)) (define title (make-tag 'title)) (define meta (make-tag 'meta)) (define style (make-tag 'style)) (define h1 (make-tag 'h1)) (define h2 (make-tag 'h2)) (define h3 (make-tag 'h3)) (define (ws:page contents #!key (css #f) (page-title "")) (html (s+ (head (s+ (title page-title) (if css (s+ "") ""))) (body (div contents id: "content"))))) (define (tag-attribs->string attribs) (string-intersperse (map (lambda (attrib) (conc (car attrib) "=\"" (cdr attrib) "\"")) attribs) " ")) (define alternate-odd/even (let ((current #t)) (lambda (#!optional reset) (if reset (set! current #t) (begin (set! current (not current)) (if current 'even 'odd)))))) (define (ws:make-table alist #!optional with-header no-zebra) (unless no-zebra (alternate-odd/even 'reset)) (table (string-append (if with-header (tr (string-intersperse (map th (car alist)))) "") (string-intersperse (map (lambda (line) (tr (string-intersperse (map td line) "") class: (if no-zebra #f (alternate-odd/even)))) (if with-header (cdr alist) alist)) "")))) (define (report->html) (define log-data (with-input-from-file (logfile) read-file)) (define eggs-report (cdr log-data)) (define (log-egg log-line) (car log-line)) (define (log-action log-line) (cadr log-line)) (define (log-status log-line) (caddr log-line)) (define (log-msg log-line) (cadddr log-line)) (define (select-by-egg/action egg action #!optional default) (let loop ((lines eggs-report)) (if (null? lines) default (let ((line (car lines))) (if (and (equal? (log-egg line) egg) (eq? (log-action line) action)) line (loop (cdr lines))))))) (define (select-by-action action) (filter (lambda (line) (eq? (log-action line) action)) eggs-report)) (define (link-egg-doc egg #!optional use-egg-name) (let ((doc-status (log-status (select-by-egg/action egg 'doc-check)))) (if (zero? doc-status) (a (conc "http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/" egg) (if use-egg-name (->string egg) "egg page")) "no doc"))) (define (link-egg-deps egg) (if (dep-graphs-dir) (a (make-pathname (or (dep-graphs-webdir) (dep-graphs-dir)) (->string egg) ".png") "dependencies") "")) (define (egg-license egg) (or (and-let* ((license (alist-ref 'license (egg-info egg)))) (car license)) "Could not find license info")) (define (egg-fail? egg eggs) (let ((egg-data (find (lambda (egg-data) (and (equal? (car egg-data) egg) (eq? (cadr egg-data) 'egg-install))) eggs))) ;; some eggs are not explicitly tested, so have no status (and egg-data (not (zero? (cadr egg-data)))))) ;; if the optional argument FAIL is not #f, it indicates that all the EGGS failed (define (tabularize-eggs eggs css #!optional fail) (ws:make-table (append (list (append '("Egg" "Version" "Doc" "Dependencies") (if fail (list "Broken dependencies") '()) (if fail ;; don't generate the "Tests" column if the installation failed '() (if (run-tests) (list "Tests") '())))) (filter-map (lambda (egg-data) (let* ((egg (car egg-data)) (status (caddr egg-data)) (output (cadddr egg-data)) (action (cadr egg-data)) (test-data (and (run-tests) (find (lambda (item) (and (equal? (car item) egg) (eq? (cadr item) 'run-tests))) eggs))) (test-status (and test-data (caddr test-data))) (test-output (and test-data (cadddr test-data)))) (and (eq? action 'egg-install) ;; write the per-egg report (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (html-output) egg ".html") (lambda () (print (ws:page (string-append (h1 egg) (a (make-pathname (list (base-uri) (html-output)) egg ".html") "permalink") (pre output)) css: css page-title: egg)))) ;; write test output (if any) (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (list (html-output) "tests") egg ".html") (lambda () (print (ws:page (string-append (h1 (conc "Test output for " egg)) (a (make-pathname (list (base-uri) (html-output) "tests") egg ".html") "permalink") (pre test-output)) css: css page-title: (conc egg ": Test output"))))) ;; generate the eggs table (let ((version-str (lambda (egg-data) (or (and egg-data (let ((x (alist-ref 'version egg-data))) (and x (car x)))) "")))) (append (map (lambda (info) (a (make-pathname '() egg ".html") info)) (list egg (let ((egg-data (alist-ref (string->symbol egg) ((egg-information))))) (version-str egg-data)))) (list (link-egg-doc egg) (link-egg-deps egg)) (if fail (list (string-intersperse (map (cut link-egg-doc <> 'use-egg-name) (filter (lambda (egg) (egg-fail? egg eggs)) (egg-dependencies egg))) ", ")) '()) (if fail ;; don't generate the "Tests" column if the installation failed '() (if (run-tests) (list (if (number? test-status) (a (make-pathname "tests" egg ".html") (if (zero? test-status) "ok" "fail")) "")) '()))))))) (sort eggs (lambda (s1 s2) (string< (car s1) (car s2)))))) 'with-header)) (define (dot-installed?) (zero? (system:status "dot -V"))) (define (generate-dependencies-graphs eggs) (define (dep-graph->dot eggname #!key (raw #f)) (define labels "") (define links '()) (define (scm->dot name) (let ((name (->string name))) (if (equal? name "digraph") (string-append name "_") ;; digraph egg (string-append "_" ;; for eggnames starting with numbers (e.g., 9p) (string-translate* (->string name) '(("-" . "_") ("+" . "_"))))))) (define (add-link! from to) (unless (member (cons from to) links) (set! links (cons (cons from to) links)))) (define (links->string) (string-intersperse (map (lambda (link) (string-append (scm->dot (car link)) " -> " (scm->dot (cdr link)) ";\n")) links))) (define (link-dependencies egg #!optional version) (let ((deps (or (egg-dependencies egg) '()))) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (let ((dot-egg (scm->dot egg))) (set! labels (string-append labels dot-egg " [label=\"" (->string egg) (if version (conc " (" version ")") "") "\\n" " (" (egg-license egg) ")\"]\n")) (for-each (lambda (egg-dep) (let ((eggname (if (pair? egg-dep) (car egg-dep) egg-dep)) (version (and (pair? egg-dep) (cadr egg-dep)))) (add-link! egg eggname) (link-dependencies eggname version))) deps)))))) (link-dependencies eggname) (string-append "digraph eggs {\n" labels "\n" (links->string) "\n}")) (define (dep-graph->graphic eggname #!key (raw #f) (format 'png)) (let ((dot-file (make-pathname (dep-graphs-dir) (->string eggname) "dot"))) (with-output-to-file dot-file (lambda () (print (dep-graph->dot eggname raw: raw)))) (system (conc "dot -T" format " " " -o " (make-pathname (dep-graphs-dir) eggname (->string format)) " " dot-file " &")))) (for-each dep-graph->graphic (eggs)) ) ; end generate-dependencies-graph (show "Generating HTML report") (when (file-exists? (html-output)) (delete-path (html-output))) (create-directory (html-output)) (create-directory (make-pathname (html-output) "tests")) (let* ((env-report (car log-data)) (css (or (css-file) (begin (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (html-output) "salmonella.css") (cut print css-data)) "salmonella.css")))) (with-output-to-file (make-pathname (html-output) "index.html") (lambda () (print (ws:page (string-append (h1 "Salmonella report") (h2 "Summary") (let* ((success (filter (lambda (l) (zero? (log-status l))) (select-by-action 'egg-install))) (fail (remove (lambda (l) (zero? (log-status l))) (select-by-action 'egg-install))) (success-count (length success)) (fail-count (length fail)) (documented (length (filter (lambda (l) (zero? (log-status l))) (select-by-action 'doc-check)))) (undocumented (length (remove (lambda (l) (zero? (log-status l))) (select-by-action 'doc-check)))) (tests-status (map log-status (select-by-action 'run-tests))) (tests-ok (length (filter zero? (filter number? tests-status)))) (tests-fail (length (remove zero? (filter number? tests-status)))) (no-tests (length (remove number? tests-status))) (warnings (select-by-action 'warning)) (total (+ success-count fail-count (length (skip-eggs))))) (string-append (ws:make-table `(("Installation" "Tests" "Documentation" "Total") ,(list ;; Installation (ws:make-table `(("Ok" ,(span (number->string success-count) id: "egg-ok")) ("Failed" ,(span (number->string fail-count) id: "egg-fail")) (,(p "") ,(p "")))) ;; Tests (ws:make-table `(("Ok" ,(span (number->string tests-ok) id: "egg-ok")) ("Failed" ,(span (number->string tests-fail) id: "egg-fail")) ("No tests" ,(span (number->string no-tests) id: "egg-fail")))) ;; Documentation (ws:make-table `(("Documented" ,(span (number->string documented) id: "egg-ok")) ("Undocumented" ,(span (number->string undocumented) id: "egg-fail")) (,(p "") ,(p "")))) ;; Total (ws:make-table `(("Skipped eggs" ,(length (skip-eggs))) ("Total" ,(span (number->string total) id: "egg-total")) (,(p "") ,(p "")))))) 'with-header 'no-zebra) (h3 "Warnings") (if (null? warnings) "None" (ws:make-table (map (lambda (warning) (list (log-egg warning) (log-msg warning))) warnings))) (h2 "Eggs") (h3 "Installation failed") (tabularize-eggs (let ((failed-eggs (map car fail))) (filter (lambda (line) (member (log-egg line) failed-eggs)) eggs-report)) css 'fail) (h3 "Installation succeeded") (tabularize-eggs (let ((ok-eggs (map car success))) (filter (lambda (line) (member (log-egg line) ok-eggs)) eggs-report)) css) (if (null? (skip-eggs)) "" (string-append (h3 "Skipped") (ws:make-table (append '(("Egg")) (map list (skip-eggs))) 'with-header))))) (h2 "Environment") (pre env-report) (p (conc "Finished at: " (current-time)))) css: css page-title: "Salmonella report")))) (when (dep-graphs-dir) (if (dot-installed?) (begin (show "Generating dependencies graphs") (unless (file-exists? (dep-graphs-dir)) (create-directory (dep-graphs-dir) 'with-parents)) (generate-dependencies-graphs (eggs))) (show "Not generating dependencies graphs: could not find `dot'."))) )) ;; end report->html (main) (when (html-output) (report->html))