(* Module for testing Runge-Kutta integration of ODEs Based on code by Uwe Hollerbach *) structure RungeKuttaTest = struct structure State: RKSTATE = struct type state = real fun sum (a,b,y) = Real.+(a,b) fun scale (a,b,y) = Real.* (a,b) fun copy (a,b) = a fun state () = 0.0 end structure RungeKutta = RungeKuttaFn (structure S = State) open RungeKutta (* Solve the test problem dy/dt = -t^3 y^3 which has the exact solution y = 1/sqrt(C + t^4/2) where C = 1/y_0^2 - t_0^4/2 *) val con = ~0.4 fun deriv (t,y,_) = con*y val t0 = 0.0 val y0 = 1.75 fun exact t = y0*Real.Math.exp(con*(t - t0)) val numit = 18 fun putStr str = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, str)) fun putStrLn str = (TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, str); TextIO.output (TextIO.stdOut, "\n")) fun showReal n = Real.toString n fun showst (t, y) = String.concat [(showReal y), "\t", (showReal (y - (exact t)))] fun gen_soln1 (integrator,h,t,st) = let val stn = integrator (t,st,st) val tn = Real.+(t,h) in if t >= 5.0 then putStrLn (showst (tn,stn)) else gen_soln1 (integrator,h,tn,stn) end fun gen_soln2 (integrator,h,t,st) = let val (stn,en) = integrator (t,st,st) val tn = Real.+(t,h) in if t >= 5.0 then putStrLn (showst (tn,stn)) else gen_soln2 (integrator,h,tn,stn) end fun do_case1 integrator n = let val h = if n < 0 then Real.Math.pow (2.0,Real.fromInt (~n)) else Real.Math.pow (0.5,Real.fromInt n) val sep = if n <= 4 then "\t\t" else "\t" in putStr (String.concat [(showReal h), sep]); gen_soln1 (integrator h,h,t0,y0) end fun solver1 (integrator,stats) = (putStrLn stats; putStrLn "# step yf delta"; List.app (do_case1 (integrator deriv)) (List.tabulate (numit, fn x => x - 2)); putStrLn "# All done!\n") fun do_case2 integrator n = let val h = if n < 0 then Real.Math.pow (2.0,Real.fromInt (~n)) else Real.Math.pow (0.5,Real.fromInt n) val sep = if n <= 4 then "\t\t" else "\t" in putStr (String.concat [(showReal h), sep]); gen_soln2 (integrator h,h,t0,y0) end fun solver2 (integrator,stats) = (putStrLn stats; putStrLn "# step yf delta"; List.app (do_case2 (integrator deriv)) (List.tabulate (numit, fn x => x - 2)); putStrLn "# All done!\n") fun gen_soln3 (integrator,interp,h,t,st) = let val (stn,en,inptbl) = integrator (t,st,st) val tn = Real.+(t,h) in if t >= 5.0 then (putStr (showst (tn,stn)); putStr ("\t " ^ (showReal en)); putStrLn ("\t" ^ (showReal (interp (h, inptbl, t, st) 1.0)))) else gen_soln3 (integrator,interp,h,tn,stn) end fun do_case3 (integrator, interp) n = let val h = if n < 0 then Real.Math.pow (2.0,Real.fromInt (~n)) else Real.Math.pow (0.5,Real.fromInt n) val sep = if n <= 4 then "\t\t" else "\t" in putStr (String.concat [(showReal h), sep]); gen_soln3 (integrator h,interp,h,t0,y0) end fun solver3 (integrator,stats,interp) = (putStrLn stats; putStrLn "# step yf delta err uf"; List.app (do_case3 (integrator deriv, interp)) (List.tabulate (numit, fn x => x - 2)); putStrLn "# All done!\n") fun run() = ( putStrLn "#### Continuous Solvers"; List.app solver3 [(cerkoz3, show_cerkoz3, interp_cerkoz3)]; List.app solver3 [(cerkoz4, show_cerkoz4, interp_cerkoz4)]; List.app solver3 [(cerkoz5, show_cerkoz5, interp_cerkoz5)]; List.app solver3 [(cerkdp, show_cerkdp, interp_cerkdp)]; putStrLn "#### Auxiliary Solvers: Error Estimators from Adaptives"; List.app solver1 [(rkoz3_aux, show_rkoz3_aux), (rkoz4_aux, show_rkoz4_aux), (rkoz5_aux, show_rkoz5_aux), (rkdp_aux, show_rkdp_aux)] ) val _ = run() end