$stuff: 1 2 3; $three: 3; div { a: 1 + 2; b: 3 + 3/4; c: 1/2 + 1/2; /* shouldn't eval the following "300" */ d: 300; /* increasingly jacked-up edge cases that combine arithmetic with lists */ e: 1 + (5/10 2 3); f: 1 + ((2+(3 4) 5) 6); g: 1 + ((1+(14/7 8) 9) 6); /* shouldn't perform the following division */ h: 15 / 3 / 5; /* should perform the following division now */ i: (15 / 3 / 5); /* this too */ j: (15 / 3) / 5; /* and this */ k: 15 / $three; l: 15 / 5 / $three; m: 1/2, $stuff url("www.foo.com/blah.png") blah blah; n: 1 2 3, $stuff 4 5 (6, 7 8 9); o: 3px + 3px + 3px; p: 4 + 1px; q: (20pt / 10pt); r: 16em * 4; s: (5em / 2); t: 1 + (2 + (3/4 + (4/5 6/7))); }