- libsass -var-args type-of($zs) [where $zs represents varargs] should return arg_list, returns list -libsass-closed-issues -issue_1016 selector s.b. .foo [baz=".foo"], actually .foo [baz=""] ~ UPSTREAM ~ -issue_1092 missing white space after colon when interpolation used ~ UPSTREAM ~ -issue_1178 list incorrectly flattened ~ UPSTREAM ~ -issue_1192 keywords should not show in arglist ~UPSTREAM~ -issue_978 see #1016 [original issue fixed] -parser -interpolate -00_concatenation -unspaced Incorrect whitespace in some lines -29_binary_operation -todo -06_escape_interpolation Incorrect whitespace [well, it's in 'todo' directory] -30_base_test -todo -06_escape_interpolation Incorrect whitespace [same as above test: 29/06] -scss-tests -071_test_mixin_splat_args_with_var_args_preserves_separator Comma present that should have been removed. -090_test_function_splat_args_with_var_args_preserves_separator Same as 071 above.