; push-stacks.scm - A stack-like data-type ; Copyright (C) 2005 Jonathan Kraut ; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ; version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ; Lesser General Public License for more details. ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ; Contact: ; Jonathan Kraut ; 4130 43 ST #C2 ; Sunnyside, NY 11104 ; jak76@columbia.edu ; see file COPYING in the top of Sassy's distribution directory ; module sassy-push-stacks ; import-syntax meta-lambda ; export all (define make-pushdown-stack #f) (define make-pushup-stack #f) (let ((make-push-stack (lambda (direc) (define size 0) (define items '()) (define pointer '()) (define down-stack-base '()) (define (cycle lst siz) (do ((ls lst (cdr ls)) (c siz (+ c 1))) ((null? (cdr ls)) (set! size c) ls))) (define push-gs (if (eqv? 'up direc) (lambda (itm-or-pr) (and (not (pair? itm-or-pr)) (set! itm-or-pr (list itm-or-pr))) (if (null? pointer) (begin (set! items itm-or-pr) (set! pointer (cycle itm-or-pr (+ size 1))) items) (begin (set-cdr! pointer itm-or-pr) (let ((old (cdr pointer))) (set! pointer (cycle pointer size)) old)))) (lambda (itm-or-pr) (let ((push-one (lambda () ; fast path for non-pairs (set! items (cons itm-or-pr items)) (set! pointer items) (set! size (+ size 1))))) (if (null? pointer) (if (not (pair? itm-or-pr)) (begin (push-one) (set! down-stack-base pointer) pointer) (begin (set! items itm-or-pr) (set! down-stack-base (cycle itm-or-pr (+ size 1))) (set! pointer items) pointer)) (if (not (pair? itm-or-pr)) (begin (push-one) pointer) (begin (set-cdr! (cycle itm-or-pr (+ size 1)) items) (set! items itm-or-pr) (set! pointer itm-or-pr) pointer))))))) ; (and (not (pair? lst)) ; (set! lst (list lst))) ; (if (null? pointer) ; (begin (set! items lst) ; (set! down-stack-base (cycle lst (+ size 1))) ; (set! pointer items) ; pointer) ; (begin (set-cdr! (cycle lst (+ size 1)) items) ; (set! items lst) ; (set! pointer lst) ; pointer))))) (define (patch-gs pnt lst) (do ((rst lst (cdr rst)) (loc pnt (cdr loc))) ((null? rst)) (set-car! loc (car rst)))) (define previous '()) (define append-gs (if (eqv? 'up direc) (lambda (stk2) (if (memq stk2 previous) (error "tried to append! the same stacks twice" stk2) (begin (set! previous (cons stk2 previous)) (set! size (+ size (stk2 'size))) (if (null? pointer) (set! items (stk2 'items)) (set-cdr! pointer (stk2 'items))) (let ((p (if (eqv? 'up (stk2 'direc)) (stk2 'pointer) (stk2 'down-base)))) (if (and (not (eq? pointer p)) (not (null? p))) (set! pointer p)))))) (lambda (stk2) (if (memq stk2 previous) (error "tried to append! the same stacks twice" stk2) (begin (set! previous (cons stk2 previous)) (set! size (+ size (stk2 'size))) (if (null? pointer) (begin (set! items (stk2 'items)) (set! pointer items)) (set-cdr! down-stack-base (stk2 'items))) (let ((d (if (eqv? 'up (stk2 'direc)) (stk2 'pointer) (stk2 'down-base)))) (if (and (not (eq? down-stack-base d)) (not (null? d))) (set! down-stack-base d)))))))) (meta-lambda-dot (or (and 'push ? (lambda (x) (push-gs x))) (and 'size (begin size)) (and 'patch pair? (or (and pair? (lambda (x y) (patch-gs x y))) (and ? (lambda (x y) (set-car! x y))))) (and 'append procedure? (lambda (x) (append-gs x))) (and 'set-previous procedure? (lambda (x) (set! previous (cons x previous)))) (and 'pointer (begin pointer)) (and 'down-base (begin down-stack-base)) (and 'items (begin items)) (and 'save (begin (let ((os size) (op pointer) (oi items)) (lambda () (set! size os) (set! pointer op) (set! items oi) (if (and (not (null? pointer)) (eqv? direc 'up)) (set-cdr! pointer '())))))) (and 'push-proc ? (lambda (x) (let ((t (push-gs x))) (lambda (new) (patch-gs t new))))) (and 'direc (begin direc)) ; last because it may return #f (and 'empty (begin (null? items)))))))) (set! make-pushdown-stack (lambda () (make-push-stack 'up))) (set! make-pushup-stack (lambda () (make-push-stack 'down)))) (define (push-stack-push stk itm) (stk 'push itm)) (define (push-stack-pointer stk) (stk 'pointer)) (define (push-stack-items stk) (stk 'items)) (define (push-stack-patch stk pnt itm) (stk 'patch pnt itm)) (define (push-stack-push->patcher stk itm) (stk 'push-proc itm)) (define (push-stack-save stk) (stk 'save)) (define (push-stack-direction stk) (stk 'direc)) (define (push-stack-size stk) (stk 'size)) (define (push-stack-append! stk1 stk2) (stk2 'set-previous stk1) (stk1 'append stk2)) (define (push-stack-empty? stk) (stk 'empty)) (define push-stack-align (let ((align-to (lambda (count align) (let ((diff (modulo count align))) (if (zero? diff) 0 (- align diff)))))) (lambda (stk align fill . offset) (let ((amount (align-to (+ (stk 'size) (if (null? offset) 0 (car offset))) align))) (if (pair? fill) (error "can not fill a push-stack with a pair" fill) (when (not (zero? amount)) (stk 'push (make-list amount fill))))))))