; A boot thingy that does nothing but display a blue "A" ; http://linuxgazette.net/issue77/krishnakumar.html ; load up sassy, then: ; ; (sassy-make-bin "boot" (sassy "boot.sassy") 'boot) ; ; dump to a floppy ; ; dd if=boot of=/dev/fd0 ; ; The (es ) is a segment override prefix ; (section 16.1.1 of Volume 3 of the Intel Manuals) (bits 16) (text (mov ax #xb800) ; load address of video memory... (mov es ax) ; ...into es (es (mov (& 0) #x41)) ; mov "A" to byte 0 of vid-mem (es (mov (& 1) #x1f)) ; mov blue to byte 1 of vid-mem (label loop (jmp loop))) ; do nothing