
Programming in the language Sassy usually consists of calling the procedure sassy, and then either passing the returned result to an output module or manipulating the result directly with the procedures from Sassy's output API.

-- procedure: sassy input -> sassy-output

sassy assembles the contents of input and returns a record of type sassy-ouput that contains the results. The input should be either a file composed wholly of Sassy's directives at its ``top level'', or a list of directives.

 (sassy '((entry _start)
	   (label _start 
             (begin (mov eax 1)
		    (mov ebx 0)
		    (int #x80)))))))

 (sassy '((entry _start)
	   (label _start 
             (begin (mov eax 1)
		    (mov ebx 0)
		    (int #x80)))))))

==> '(184 1 0 0 0 187 0 0 0 0 205 128)

3.1  Basic Syntax

Since Sassy is embedded in Scheme, write numbers, characters, and strings just as you would in Scheme. Normally, to write an assembly label (denoting an address, and annotated as <label-name> in the grammars), you write a Scheme symbol. Write s-expressions for everything else.

The only caveat concerning the use of Scheme symbols for labels is that in the current Scheme standard ``case is insignificant,'' and thus writing symbols with uppercase letters may be problematic. As well, symbols may not begin with a period. There are two solutions: either use a Scheme implementation with a reader that accepts the Scheme symbols you want to write, or use Sassy's special escape form to call, for instance, string->symbol. You may also define the result of this call to be a constant using Sassy's internal macro system.

 '((macro dot-dot-weird (! (string->symbol "..WEirD"))) 
   (text (label dot-dot-weird
           (begin ...)))))

The resulting label will be '..WEirD'.

3.2  Escaping to Scheme

(! <scheme-expression>)

Use this special ``escape'' form to tell sassy to suspend itself momentarily and request that the host Scheme evaluate <scheme-expression>. This way, you can take advantage of Scheme's more advanced macro systems or perform conditional compilation, for instance.

An escape, which is not a directive, can occur in any position in a Sassy program. Normally the result returned by the evaluation of the <scheme-expression> must be a syntactically correct form that sassy can directly substitute in place for the escape. The exception occurs when sassy is looking for a directive (i.e. at the top level) and instead encounters an escape. In this case if the escape returns 'void, then sassy ignores the 'void and continues processing.

(define (foo x) (+ x 4))

(define-syntax get-dogs
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) '(export lucky toto spot))))

(sassy '((! (get-dogs))

         (! (if (file-exists? "sassy-libs/cats")
                '(include "sassy-libs/cats"))
         (text (mov eax (& spot (! (foo 4)))))))

sassy processes the special escape forms and substitutes the return values in place of the escapes during macro expansion. sassy calls eval in the following manner:

(eval <scheme-expression> (interaction-environment))