# schematic Documentation tools for Scheme. ## Requirements * [CHICKEN](http://call-cc.org) * [fmt](http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/fmt) (for ANSI output) * [sxml-transforms](http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/sxml-transforms) (for HTML output) * [colorize](http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/colorize) (for syntax highlighting) ## Install $ git clone --recursive git://bitbucket.com/evhan/schematic.git $ cd schematic $ chicken-install Support for UTF-8 input can be added by installing the [utf8](http://wiki.call-cc.org/egg/utf8) extension and compiling with `CSC_OPTIONS="-R utf8"`. ## Usage Three programs are provided, `schematic-docco`, `schematic-format` and `schematic-markdown`. Refer to `schematic-docco.1.md`, `schematic-format.1.md` and `schematic-markdown.1.md` for each program's usage details. ## License BSD. See LICENSE for details.