command-line ============ Command line argument handling for R7RS Scheme. Description ----------- This Scheme library provides a way to collect command line arguments into an association list according to a simple S-expressive options grammar. It's meant to be easy to use and pure-R7RS. Usage ----- One procedure is provided, `parse-command-line`, which takes as arguments an options grammar and an optional list of string command line arguments and returns an association list. If no list of arguments is given, the program's command line arguments are used. (import (foldling command-line)) (parse-command-line '("-a" "-b" "one" "-c" "two" "three" "-d" "four" "5" "six") `((-a) (-b . foo) (-c bar baz) (-d ,string->symbol ,string->number))) ; => ((-a) ; (-b . "one") ; (-c "two" "three") ; (-d four 5) ; (-- "six")) As a special case, an item in the grammar whose first element is a list will be split into separate entries, allowing an abbreviated syntax for multiple option specifications of the same form: (parse-command-line '(((--foo --bar --baz) . qux))) ; => (parse-command-line ; '((--foo . qux) ; (--bar . qux) ; (--baz . qux))) Handlers for `getopt(3)` and `getopt_long(3)`-style command lines are provided by the `getopt` and `getopt-long` sublibraries, respectively. These can be provided as the first argument to `parse-command-line`, to customize its option-matching behavior. (import (foldling command-line) (foldling command-line getopt) (foldling command-line getopt-long)) (parse-command-line ; => ((-a) getopt ; (-b) '("-abcone" "-d" "two") ; (-c . "one") '((-a) ; (-d . "two") (-b) ; (--)) (-c . one) (-d . two))) (parse-command-line ; => ((-a . "one") getopt-long ; (--foo) '("-aone" "--foo" "--bar=two") ; (--bar . "two") '((-a . one) ; (--)) (--foo) (--bar . two))) Refer to `command-line.scm` for more API details. Installation ------------ To install for CHICKEN Scheme, run `chicken-install` from the project's root directory. $ git clone git:// $ cd command-line $ chicken-install -test Other Schemes should install the following files: src/foldling/command-line.scm src/foldling/command-line.sld src/foldling/command-line/getopt.scm src/foldling/command-line/getopt.sld src/foldling/command-line/getopt-long.scm src/foldling/command-line/getopt-long.sld Author ------ Evan Hanson License ------- This software is written by Evan Hanson and placed in the Public Domain. All warranties are disclaimed.