(module scheme2c-compatibility * (import chicken scheme srfi-1 foreign posix lolevel extras traversal) (use posix lolevel foreigners xlib ports files) ;; http://paste.call-cc.org/paste?id=16706e0fe1ae3eecb85762a87ebbff295c8a7632#a2 (define (unsigned-list->unsigneda l) (let ((buffer (allocate (* (length l) c-sizeof-long)))) (for-each-indexed (lambda (v i) (c-longunsigned-set! buffer (* i c-sizeof-long) v)) l) buffer)) ;; Really qobischeme (define (eleventh x) (caddr (cddddr (cddddr x)))) (define (twelfth x) (cadddr (cddddr (cddddr x)))) (define (xor a b) (if a (not b) b)) (define (usleep microseconds) ((foreign-lambda void "usleep" integer) microseconds)) (define (fuck-up) (error "fuck-up")) ;;; Temporary files (define *tmp* "/tmp") (define (tmp pathname) (string-append *tmp* "/" pathname)) (define (with-temporary-file _ f) (let* ((name (create-temporary-file)) (result (f name))) (delete-file* name) result)) ;;; Pathnames ;;; needs work: missing notions: ., .., foo~, foo.~n~, .foo, #foo#, /foo/, and ;;; foo/ (define *panic?* #t) (define *program* #f) (define (panic format-string . &rest) (cond (*panic?* (format (current-error-port) "~a: ~a~%" *program* (apply format #f format-string &rest)) (exit -1)) (else (apply error 'panic format-string &rest)))) (define (has-directory? pathname) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (let loop ((l (reverse (string->list pathname)))) (and (not (null? l)) (or (char=? (first l) #\/) (loop (rest l)))))) (define (get-directory pathname) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (unless (has-directory? pathname) (panic "No directory")) (let ((l (string->list pathname))) (substring pathname 0 (- (length l) (positionv #\/ (reverse l)) 1)))) (define (strip-directory pathname) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (if (has-directory? pathname) (let ((l (string->list pathname))) (substring pathname (- (length l) (positionv #\/ (reverse l))) (length l))) pathname)) (define (directory-list d) (directory d)) (define (has-extension? pathname) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (let loop ((l (reverse (string->list pathname)))) (and (not (null? l)) (not (char=? (first l) #\/)) (or (char=? (first l) #\.) (loop (rest l)))))) (define (extension pathname) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (unless (has-extension? pathname) (panic "No extension")) (substring pathname (- (string-length pathname) (positionv #\. (reverse (string->list pathname)))) (string-length pathname))) (define (strip-extension pathname) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (let loop ((l (reverse (string->list pathname)))) (cond ((or (null? l) (char=? (first l) #\/)) pathname) ((char=? (first l) #\.) (list->string (reverse (rest l)))) (else (loop (rest l)))))) (define (default-extension pathname extension) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (if (has-extension? pathname) pathname (string-append pathname "." extension))) (define (replace-extension pathname extension) (when (string=? pathname "-") (panic "Invalid pathname")) (string-append (strip-extension pathname) "." extension)) (define (read-object-from-file pathname) (if (string=? pathname "-") (read) (call-with-input-file pathname read))) (define (write-object-to-file object pathname) (cond ((string=? pathname "-") (pp object) (newline)) (else (call-with-output-file pathname (lambda (port) (pp object port) (newline port)))))) (define (read-text-file pathname) (if (string=? pathname "-") (let loop ((lines '()) (line (read-line))) (if (eof-object? line) (reverse lines) (loop (cons line lines) (read-line)))) (call-with-input-file pathname read-lines))) (define (write-text-file lines pathname) (if (string=? pathname "-") (for-each (lambda (line) (write-line line)) lines) (call-with-output-file pathname (lambda (port) (for-each (lambda (line) (write-line line port)) lines))))) (define (read-from-string string) (with-input-from-string string read)) ;;; End from QobiScheme ;; Almost compatible with idealib-c-macros.sch: ;; s/unsigned/unsigned int/ ;; s/string/c-string/ ;; s/pointer/c-pointer/ ;; Query replace regexp (default c-value \(.*?\) \(.*?\)) -> c-value \1 "\2")): ;; ;; Note that + and = do not work on pointers, use pointer+ and pointer=? (define getenv get-environment-variable) (define-syntax c-value (syntax-rules () ((_ type name) (foreign-value name type)))) (define-syntax c-sizeof (syntax-rules () ((_ type) (foreign-type-size type)))) (define-syntax c-function (syntax-rules () ((_ return-type (name arguments ...)) (foreign-lambda return-type name arguments ...)))) (define bit-not bitwise-not) (define bit-and bitwise-and) (define bit-or bitwise-ior) (define (bit-lsh n o) (arithmetic-shift n o)) (define (bit-rsh n o) (arithmetic-shift n (- o))) (define flush-buffer flush-output) (define c-sizeof-short (foreign-type-size "short")) (define c-sizeof-int (foreign-type-size "int")) (define c-sizeof-long (foreign-type-size "long")) (define c-sizeof-float (foreign-type-size "float")) (define c-sizeof-double (foreign-type-size "double")) ;; This is intentionally not defined because any code that uses it ;; will eventually fail in any system but Scheme->C ;; (define c-sizeof-tscp (foreign-type-size "void*")) (define c-sizeof-s2cuint (foreign-type-size "void*")) (define c-sizeof-pointer (foreign-type-size "void*")) (define (pointer-pointer-ref ptr-to-ptr) ((foreign-lambda* c-pointer ((c-pointer ptr)) "C_return(*(void**)ptr);") ptr-to-ptr)) (define (pointer-pointer-set! ptr-to-ptr val) ((foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ptr) (c-pointer value)) "*(void**)ptr = value;" "C_return(0);") ptr-to-ptr val)) (define (c-string->string ptr) ((foreign-lambda* c-string ((c-pointer string)) "C_return(string);") ptr)) ;; Scheme->C SRFI-4 compatibility (define (c-byte-ref ptr off) (pointer-u8-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-shortint-ref ptr off) (pointer-s16-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-shortunsigned-ref ptr off) (pointer-u16-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-int-ref ptr off) (pointer-s32-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-unsigned-ref ptr off) (pointer-u32-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-longint-ref ptr off) ((foreign-lambda* long ((c-pointer ptr)) "C_return(*(long*)ptr);") (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-longunsigned-ref ptr off) ((foreign-lambda* unsigned-long ((c-pointer ptr)) "C_return(*(long*)ptr);") (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-s2cuint-ref ptr off) (pointer-pointer-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) ;; This is intentionally not defined because any code that uses it ;; will eventually fail in any system but Scheme->C ;; c-tscp-ref (define (c-float-ref ptr off) (pointer-f32-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-double-ref ptr off) (pointer-f64-ref (pointer+ ptr off))) (define (c-byte-set! ptr off val) (pointer-u8-set! (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-shortint-set! ptr off val) (pointer-s16-set! (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-shortunsigned-set! ptr off val) (pointer-u16-set! (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-int-set! ptr off val) (pointer-s32-set! (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-unsigned-set! ptr off val) (pointer-u32-set! (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-longint-set! ptr off val) ((foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ptr) (long val)) "*(long*)ptr = val;" "C_return(0);") (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-longunsigned-set! ptr off val) ((foreign-lambda* void ((c-pointer ptr) (unsigned-long val)) "*(long*)ptr = val;" "C_return(0);") (pointer+ ptr off) val)) (define (c-s2cuint-set! ptr off val) (pointer-pointer-set! (pointer+ ptr off) val)) ;; This is intentionally not defined because any code that uses it ;; will eventually fail in any system but Scheme->C ;; c-tscp-set! ;; TODO Why does this setfault without exact->inexact when passing in an exact? (define (c-float-set! ptr off val) (pointer-f32-set! (pointer+ ptr off) (exact->inexact val))) (define (c-double-set! ptr off val) (pointer-f64-set! (pointer+ ptr off) (exact->inexact val))) ;; toollib-c-bindings compatibility (define malloc allocate) (define memcpy move-memory!) (define bzero (c-function void ("bzero" c-pointer int))) (define (with-alloc x f) (let* ((data (malloc x)) (r (begin (bzero data x) (f data)))) (free data) r)) (define (with-file-stream f filename mode) (let* ((file (fopen filename mode)) (result (f file))) (fclose file) result)) (define (with-buffer-stream f buffer size mode) (let* ((file (fmemopen buffer size mode)) (result (f file))) (fclose file) result)) (define fclose (c-function void ("fclose" c-pointer))) (define fopen (c-function c-pointer ("fopen" c-string c-string))) (define fmemopen (c-function c-pointer ("fmemopen" c-pointer unsigned-int c-string))) (define (with-c-string str f) (with-alloc (+ (string-length str) 1) (lambda (buf) (for-each-indexed (lambda (c i) (c-byte-set! buf i (char->integer c))) (string->list str)) (c-byte-set! buf (string-length str) 0) (f buf (+ (string-length str) 1))))) (define (c-null-separated-strings->strings c-strings) (let loop ((c-strings c-strings) (strings '()) (i 0)) (if (pointer=? (address->pointer 0) (c-s2cuint-ref c-strings 0)) (reverse strings) (loop (pointer+ c-strings (c-sizeof "void*")) (cons (c-string->string (c-s2cuint-ref c-strings 0)) strings) (+ i 1))))) (define (with-vector->c-array f set-element element-size v) (with-array (vector-length v) element-size (lambda (array) (f (vector->c-array array v set-element element-size))))) (define (with-c-pointers f v) (with-vector->c-array f c-s2cuint-set! c-sizeof-s2cuint v)) (define (list->c-array array l set-element element-size) (define (for-each-indexed f l) (let loop ((i 0) (l l)) (unless (null? l) (f (first l) i) (loop (+ i 1) (cdr l))))) (for-each-indexed (lambda (x i) (set-element array (* i element-size) x)) l) array) (define (list->c-inexact-array array l element-size signed?) (list->c-array array l (c-sized-inexact-ptr-set! element-size signed?) element-size)) (define (list->c-exact-array array l element-size signed?) (list->c-array array l (c-sized-int-ptr-set! element-size signed?) element-size)) (define (vector->c-array array v set-element element-size) (for-each-vector (lambda (x i) (set-element array (* i element-size) x)) v (enumerate-vector (vector-length v))) array) (define (vector->c-inexact-array array v element-size signed?) (vector->c-array array v (c-sized-inexact-ptr-set! element-size signed?) element-size)) (define (vector->c-exact-array array v element-size signed?) (vector->c-array array v (c-sized-int-ptr-set! element-size signed?) element-size)) (define (with-array elements element-size f) (with-alloc (* elements element-size) f)) (define (c-array->list array get-element element-size nr-elements) (vector->list (c-array->vector array get-element element-size nr-elements))) (define (c-array->vector array get-element element-size nr-elements) (map-n-vector (lambda (x) (get-element array (* x element-size))) nr-elements)) (define (c-exact-array->list array element-size nr-elements signed?) (vector->list (c-exact-array->vector array element-size nr-elements signed?))) (define (c-exact-array->vector array element-size nr-elements signed?) (c-array->vector array (c-sized-int-ptr-ref element-size signed?) element-size nr-elements)) (define (c-inexact-array->list array element-size nr-elements signed?) (vector->list (c-inexact-array->vector array element-size nr-elements signed?))) (define (c-inexact-array->vector array element-size nr-elements signed?) (c-array->vector array (c-sized-inexact-ptr-ref element-size signed?) element-size nr-elements)) (define (c-sized-int-ptr-ref size signed?) (cond ((= size 1) c-byte-ref) ((= size c-sizeof-short) (if signed? c-shortint-ref c-shortunsigned-ref)) ((= size c-sizeof-int) (if signed? c-int-ref c-unsigned-ref)) ((= size c-sizeof-long) (if signed? c-longint-ref c-longunsigned-ref)) (else (error "unknown size" size)))) (define (c-sized-int-ptr-set! size signed?) (cond ((= size 1) c-byte-set!) ((= size c-sizeof-short) (if signed? c-shortint-set! c-shortunsigned-set!)) ((= size c-sizeof-int) (if signed? c-int-set! c-unsigned-set!)) ((= size c-sizeof-long) (if signed? c-longint-set! c-longunsigned-set!)) (else (error "unknown size" size)))) (define (c-sized-inexact-ptr-ref size signed?) (cond ((= size c-sizeof-float) c-float-ref) ((= size c-sizeof-double) c-double-ref) (else (error "unknown size" size)))) (define (c-sized-inexact-ptr-set! size signed?) (cond ((= size c-sizeof-float) c-float-set!) ((= size c-sizeof-double) c-double-set!) (else (error "unknown size" size)))) (define popen open-input-pipe) (define pclose close-input-pipe) ;;; X11 (foreign-declare "#include \"dither.c\"") (define (c-docolordither pic24 w h rdisp gdisp bdisp idisp maplen) ((foreign-lambda c-pointer "DoColorDither" c-pointer int int c-pointer c-pointer c-pointer c-pointer int) pic24 w h rdisp gdisp bdisp idisp maplen)) (foreign-declare "#include ") (define (ylookupstring event . opt) (let* ((buffer-size 100) (buffer (make-blob buffer-size)) (status (if (= (length opt) 2) (cadr opt) #f))) (let-location ((keysym long)) (let ((size ((foreign-lambda int "XLookupString" c-pointer blob int c-pointer c-pointer) event buffer buffer-size (location keysym) status))) (if (null? opt) (substring (blob->string buffer) 0 size) (list (substring (blob->string buffer) 0 size) (if (car opt) keysym #f))))))) (define (xallocnamedcolor3 dpy cmap colorname) ;; TODO Change this to a let-location (let* ((color1 (allocate (foreign-type-size "XColor"))) (color2 (allocate (foreign-type-size "XColor"))) (return-value (xallocnamedcolor dpy cmap colorname color1 color2))) (list return-value color1 color2))) (define (xquerypointer2 dpy w) ;; TODO Change this to a let-location (let* ((root (allocate (foreign-type-size "Window"))) (child (allocate (foreign-type-size "Window")))) (let-location ((root c-pointer) (child c-pointer) (root-x int) (root-y int) (win-x int) (win-y int) (mask unsigned-int)) (let ((r (xquerypointer dpy w (location root) (location child) (location root-x) (location root-y) (location win-x) (location win-y) (location mask)))) (list r root child root-x root-y win-x win-y mask))))) )