# chicken-sdl2 [CHICKEN Scheme](http://call-cc.org/) bindings to [Simple DirectMedia Layer](http://libsdl.org/) 2 (SDL2). - Version: 0.1.1 (2015-12-22) - Project: https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2 - Issues: https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2/issues - API Docs: http://api.call-cc.org/doc/sdl2 - License: [BSD 2-Clause](LICENSE-BSD.txt) - Maintainer: John Croisant (john+chicken at croisant dot net) ## Synopsis chicken-sdl2 makes it easy to use Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) version 2 from the CHICKEN Scheme language. SDL is a popular library used in games and other media-rich software. chicken-sdl2 provides a programmer-friendly, convenient, and CHICKEN-idiomatic interface to SDL2. It takes care of the annoying low-level C stuff for you, so you can focus on making your game. If a feature you need is not yet available in chicken-sdl2, please [file a feature request](CONTRIBUTING.md#filing-feature-requests) or contact a maintainer, so we can prioritize adding it. ## Installation If you run into trouble installing chicken-sdl2, please [file a support request](CONTRIBUTING.md#filing-support-requests) so we can help you, and so we can improve the install process and instructions for future users. ### Dependencies chicken-sdl2 requires **SDL version 2.0.0 or higher**. It will not work with SDL 1. (For SDL 1, try the [sdl-base](http://wiki.call-cc.org/eggref/4/sdl-base) egg instead.) chicken-sdl2 requires CHICKEN Scheme 4.8 or higher. Please file an issue or contact the maintainer if you need to use this library with an earlier version of CHICKEN Scheme. ### Installing from egg repository When installing chicken-sdl2, you should set the SDL2_FLAGS environment variable to a string of compiler flags to be used when compiling the egg. If you have the `sdl2-config` helper program installed on your system, you can set appropriate flags and install the extension like so (notice these are back ticks, not quotes): ``` export SDL2_FLAGS=`sdl2-config --cflags --libs` chicken-install sdl2 ``` If you do not have the `sdl2-config` helper program installed on your computer, you may manually specify SDL-related compiler flags (notice these are double quotes, not back ticks): ``` export SDL2_FLAGS="-I/usr/local/include/SDL2 -L/usr/local/lib -lSDL2" chicken-install sdl2 ``` The SDL2_FLAGS environment variable only needs to be set during installation of the egg, not during normal use. ### Installing from source To install chicken-sdl2 from source, clone the repository or download the source from the project page, then run the `chicken-install` command (with no arguments) from within the project's directory. Like above, you should set the SDL2_FLAGS environment variable before installing the extension: ``` export SDL2_FLAGS=`sdl2-config --cflags --libs` chicken-install ``` ## Demos and Examples After you have installed chicken-sdl2, you can try compiling and running chicken-sdl2 demos and examples. The [demos directory](https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2/tree/master/demos) contains small programs demonstrating how to use various features of chicken-sdl2. E.g. to compile and run the basics demo: ``` csc demos/basics.scm demos/basics ``` The [chicken-sdl2-examples repository](https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2-examples) contains complete example games and programs made with chicken-sdl2. ## Related libraries - [chicken-sdl2-image](https://gitlab.com/chicken-sdl2/chicken-sdl2-image): Bindings to [SDL_image](http://www.libsdl.org/projects/SDL_image/) 2 ## Contributing chicken-sdl2 is a volunteer effort, and your help is appreciated. There are many ways to get involved in the project, whether you are an experienced programmer or not. For more information about how you can help, please see the [contribution guide](CONTRIBUTING.md). Please be aware that all project participants are expected to abide by the [Contributor Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md). We are committed to making participation in this project a welcoming and harassment-free experience.