;; The contents of this demo file are made available under the CC0 1.0 ;; Universal Public Domain Dedication. See LICENSE-CC0.txt or visit ;; http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ (define +title+ "The Sea and the Stars") ;;; Change to #t for fullscreen mode. (define *fullscreen?* #f) ;;; This is a demo program showing various 2D accelerated renderer ;;; features. It renders a scene of a starry night sky above a rolling ;;; ocean. ;;; ;;; This program demonstrates the following concepts: ;;; ;;; - Creating a window and renderer ;;; - Rendering to the screen ;;; - Rendering to a texture (render target) ;;; - Rendering to a surface (software renderer) ;;; - Converting a surface to a texture ;;; - Procedurally generating circle and gradient textures ;;; - Setting a texture's alpha mod, color mod, and blend mode ;;; - Setting the renderer draw color ;;; - Rendering points, lines, and rectangles ;;; - Procedurally animating a scene over time ;;; ;;; Controls: ;;; ;;; - Escape: Quit the program ;;; - C: Generate new constellations ;;; - Space: Pause or unpause animation ;;; - Left arrow: Decrease animation speed ;;; - Right arrow: Increase animation speed ;;; ;;; Creator: John Croisant (cond-expand (chicken-4 (use (prefix sdl2 sdl2:) miscmacros)) (chicken-5 (import (chicken condition) (rename (chicken random) (pseudo-random-integer random)) (srfi 1) (prefix sdl2 sdl2:) miscmacros))) ;;; Convenience aliases. (define C sdl2:make-color) (define P sdl2:make-point) (define R sdl2:make-rect) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; INITIALIZATION ;;; Initialize the parts of SDL that we need. (sdl2:set-main-ready!) (sdl2:init! '(video timer)) ;;; Automatically call sdl2:quit! when program exits normally. (on-exit sdl2:quit!) ;;; Call sdl2:quit! and then call the original exception handler if an ;;; unhandled exception reaches the top level. (current-exception-handler (let ((original-handler (current-exception-handler))) (lambda (exception) (sdl2:quit!) (original-handler exception)))) ;;; Request to use the best available render quality for scaling and ;;; rotating textures. (sdl2:set-hint! 'render-scale-quality "best") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; SCENE SETTINGS (define +screen-width+ 800) (define +screen-height+ 400) (define +water-height+ 100) (define +sky-height+ (- +screen-height+ +water-height+)) (define +sky-rect+ (R 0 0 +screen-width+ +sky-height+)) (define +num-dim-stars+ 3000) (define +dim-star-group-size+ 50) (define +dim-star-min-bright+ 0.0) (define +dim-star-max-bright+ 0.35) (define +constellation-min-stars+ 4) (define +constellation-max-stars+ 7) ;;; The areas of the sky where constellations will appear. (define +constellation-rects+ (list (R (+ 50 (random 50)) (+ 10 (random 60)) 150 100) (R (+ 300 (random 50)) (+ 10 (random 60)) 100 200) (R (+ 500 (random 50)) (+ 10 (random 60)) 150 150))) ;;; Moon's base position (no rotation; 45 degrees above horizon) (define +moon-base-pos+ (P (- (/ +screen-width+ 2) 150) (- +sky-height+ 150))) ;;; Moon's pivot relative to base position. (define +moon-pivot+ (P 150 150)) ;;; Moon angle change per second. (define +moon-speed+ 3.5) ;;; Number of moon craters. More is slower, but better looking. (define +moon-craters+ 350) (define +wave-block-w+ 17) ; block width (define +wave-height+ 25) ; height of peaks (define +wave-period+ 350) ; space between peaks (define +wave-speed+ 1.5) ; how fast waves move ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; COLORS (define +zenith-color+ (C 10 10 30)) (define +horizon-color+ (C 20 30 90)) (define +star-color+ (C 230 230 255)) (define +star-line-color+ (C 50 60 90)) (define +moon-color+ (C 220 220 220)) (define +wave-hl-color+ (C 80 90 120)) (define +white+ (C 255 255 255)) (define +black+ (C 0 0 0)) ;;; Return a copy of the given color, but with different alpha. (define (transparent color #!optional (alpha 0)) (sdl2:color-set! (sdl2:copy-color color) #f #f #f alpha)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; WINDOW / RENDERER (define-values (*window* *renderer*) (sdl2:create-window-and-renderer! +screen-width+ +screen-height+ (if *fullscreen?* '(fullscreen) '()))) (set! (sdl2:window-title *window*) +title+) (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color *renderer*) +black+) (sdl2:render-clear! *renderer*) (set! (sdl2:render-viewport *renderer*) (R 0 0 +screen-width+ +screen-height+)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; UTILITY PROCEDURES (define +pi+ 3.141592653589793) (define +2pi+ 6.283185307179586) (define +pi/2+ 1.570796326794897) (define +pi/180+ 0.017453292519943295) (define +180/pi+ 57.29577951308232) ;;; Clamp the given numeric value to be between min and max. (define (clamp x min max) (cond ((< x min) min) ((> x max) max) (else x))) (define (smoothstep x edge0 edge1) (let ((x (clamp (/ (- x edge0) (- edge1 edge0)) 0.0 1.0))) (* x x (- 3 (* 2 x))))) ;;; Returns the distance-squared between the two points. If you need ;;; the distance, call sqrt on the result. (define (distance-sq x1 y1 x2 y2) (let ((dx (- x1 x2)) (dy (- y1 y2))) (+ (* dx dx) (* dy dy)))) ;;; Sine wave that ranges from 0 to 1 instead of -1 to 1. (define (sin01 theta) (+ 0.5 (* 0.5 (sin theta)))) (define (move-point point x-offset y-offset) (P (+ x-offset (sdl2:point-x point)) (+ y-offset (sdl2:point-y point)))) (define (move-rect rect x-offset y-offset) (R (+ x-offset (sdl2:rect-x rect)) (+ y-offset (sdl2:rect-y rect)) (sdl2:rect-w rect) (sdl2:rect-h rect))) (define (scale-rect rect w-scale h-scale) (R (sdl2:rect-x rect) (sdl2:rect-y rect) (* w-scale (sdl2:rect-w rect)) (* h-scale (sdl2:rect-h rect)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; DRAW CIRCLE ;;; Return a new 32-bit surface containing a circle. fg and bg are the ;;; foreground and background colors. smooth is the distance to smooth ;;; the edges. This is an expensive operation, so don't call it every ;;; frame. (define (draw-circle radius #!key (smooth 2) (fg +white+) (bg (transparent fg))) (let ((size (ceiling (+ 2 (* radius 2)))) (center (+ 1 radius)) (edge0-sq (* (- radius smooth) (- radius smooth))) (edge1-sq (* radius radius))) (let ((surf (sdl2:make-surface size size 32))) (sdl2:lock-surface! surf) ;; Iterate through every pixel and calculate its color, based on ;; its distance from the center. (For speed of computation, this ;; uses distance squared instead of distance.) (do ((x 0 (add1 x))) ((>= x size)) (do ((y 0 (add1 y))) ((>= y size)) (let ((i (smoothstep (distance-sq x y center center) edge0-sq edge1-sq))) (set! (sdl2:surface-ref surf x y) (sdl2:color-lerp fg bg (exact->inexact i)))))) (sdl2:unlock-surface! surf) surf))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; RENDER GRADIENT ;;; Render a vertical gradient going from color1 (at the top) to ;;; color2 (at the bottom). (define (render-vgradient! renderer rect color1 color2 bands) (let ((old-clip-rect (sdl2:render-clip-rect renderer)) (step (/ 1.0 bands))) (receive (x y w h) (sdl2:rect->values rect) ;; Set the clip rect so we don't overflow the requested rect. (set! (sdl2:render-clip-rect renderer) rect) (let* ((band-height (+ 1 (ceiling (/ h bands)))) (band (R 0 0 w band-height))) (do ((i 0.0 (+ i step))) ((> i 1.0)) (sdl2:rect-set! band x (+ y (floor (* i h)))) (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) (sdl2:color-lerp color1 color2 i)) (sdl2:render-fill-rect! renderer band))) ;; Restore the original clip rect (set! (sdl2:render-clip-rect renderer) old-clip-rect)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; SKY ;;; Generate a 1px-wide vertical gradient texture. The texture is ;;; created in a very roundabout way in order to demonstrate as much ;;; rendering functionality as possible. (define (make-sky-texture renderer height) ;; Create a temporary surface, and a software renderer that draws ;; onto that surface. (let* ((surf (sdl2:make-surface 1 height 32)) (surf-renderer (sdl2:create-software-renderer! surf))) ;; Render the vertical gradient to the surface. (render-vgradient! surf-renderer (R 0 0 1 height) +zenith-color+ +horizon-color+ height) ;; Convert the surface to a texture (using the main renderer). (sdl2:create-texture-from-surface renderer surf))) (define *sky-texture* (make-sky-texture *renderer* 40)) (set! (sdl2:texture-blend-mode *sky-texture*) 'blend) ;; Render the sky texture, stretched to fit the screen width. (define (render-sky! renderer) (set! (sdl2:texture-alpha-mod *sky-texture*) 255) (sdl2:render-copy! renderer *sky-texture* #f (R 0 120 +screen-width+ (- +sky-height+ 120)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; STARS (define (generate-stars n rect) (receive (x y w h) (sdl2:rect->values rect) (list-tabulate n (lambda (_) (P (+ x (random w)) (+ y (random h))))))) (define *dim-stars* (list-tabulate (inexact->exact (round (/ +num-dim-stars+ +dim-star-group-size+))) (lambda (_) (generate-stars +dim-star-group-size+ +sky-rect+)))) (define (render-stars! renderer time star-groups min-bright max-bright) (for-each (lambda (star-group i) (render-star-group! renderer star-group (star-bright time i min-bright max-bright))) star-groups (iota (length star-groups)))) (define (render-star-group! renderer points brightness) (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) (sdl2:color-lerp +horizon-color+ +star-color+ brightness)) ;; Render the stars (en masse) (sdl2:render-draw-points! renderer points)) ;; Complicated math to make the stars have different brightnesses and ;; twinkle over time. (define (star-bright time i min-bright max-bright) (let ((base (+ min-bright (* (- max-bright min-bright) (/ (modulo i 13) 13)))) (vary (* (sin (* 0.3 (modulo i 29) (+ (* 29 i) time))) (sin (* 0.5 (modulo i 13) (+ (* 13 i) time)))))) (* base (min 1.0 (+ 0.75 (* 0.5 vary)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; CONSTELLATIONS (define (generate-constellations) (map (lambda (rect) (generate-stars (+ +constellation-min-stars+ (random (- +constellation-max-stars+ +constellation-min-stars+))) rect)) +constellation-rects+)) (define *constellations* (make-parameter (generate-constellations))) (define (render-constellation! renderer time constellation) ;; Draw the lines between stars (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) +star-line-color+) (sdl2:render-draw-lines! renderer constellation) ;; Draw the stars (individually) (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) +star-color+) (for-each (lambda (point) (sdl2:render-draw-point! renderer (sdl2:point-x point) (sdl2:point-y point))) constellation)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; MOON ;;; A white circle on a transparent background. (define +moon-body+ (sdl2:create-texture-from-surface *renderer* (draw-circle 29 smooth: 3 fg: +white+))) (set! (sdl2:texture-blend-mode +moon-body+) 'blend) ;;; A gray circle on a white background, with mod (multiply) blend ;;; mode. Rendering this texture will make a dark circle. (define +moon-crater+ (sdl2:create-texture-from-surface *renderer* (draw-circle 5 smooth: 3 fg: (C 245 245 240) bg: +white+))) (set! (sdl2:texture-blend-mode +moon-crater+) 'mod) ;;; A white circle on a black background, with add blend mode. ;;; Rendering this will make a bright circle. (define +moon-glow+ (sdl2:create-texture-from-surface *renderer* (draw-circle 20 smooth: 20 fg: +white+ bg: +black+))) (set! (sdl2:texture-blend-mode +moon-glow+) 'add) (define (make-moon-texture renderer) (let* ((moon-size (sdl2:texture-w +moon-body+)) (texture (sdl2:create-texture renderer 'rgba8888 'target moon-size moon-size))) (set! (sdl2:texture-blend-mode texture) 'blend) ;; Render to the texture. (set! (sdl2:render-target renderer) texture) ;; Draw the base shape (a big bright circle). (sdl2:render-copy! renderer +moon-body+ #f (R 0 0 moon-size moon-size)) ;; Draw some random craters (darker, smaller circles). (dotimes (i +moon-craters+) (let ((crater-size (round (* (sdl2:texture-w +moon-crater+) (+ 0.2 (/ (random 250) 100)))))) (sdl2:render-copy! renderer +moon-crater+ #f (R (random moon-size) (random moon-size) crater-size crater-size)))) ;; Draw some highlight in the top left side. (set! (sdl2:texture-alpha-mod +moon-glow+) 30) (sdl2:render-copy! renderer +moon-glow+ #f (R 0 0 (round (* 0.75 moon-size)) (round (* 0.75 moon-size)))) ;; Reset render target. (set! (sdl2:render-target renderer) #f) ;; Return the completed moon texture. texture)) (define +moon-texture+ (make-moon-texture *renderer*)) ;;; Rotation 0 means the base position, which is 45 degrees above the ;;; horizon. The rotation is adjusted -90 degrees so the moon starts ;;; below the horizon, for dramatic effect. (define (moon-rotation time) (+ -90 (* +moon-speed+ time))) (define (render-moon! renderer time) (let* ((x (sdl2:point-x +moon-base-pos+)) (y (sdl2:point-y +moon-base-pos+)) (size (sdl2:texture-w +moon-texture+)) (size/2 (round (/ (sdl2:texture-w +moon-texture+) 2)))) ;; Render moon body (sdl2:render-copy-ex! renderer +moon-texture+ #f (R (- x size/2) (- y size/2) size size) (moon-rotation time) +moon-pivot+ ;; Flip horizontally and vertically, merely to demonstrate how. '(horizontal vertical)) ;; Render moon glow (set! (sdl2:texture-alpha-mod +moon-glow+) 40) (sdl2:render-copy-ex! renderer +moon-glow+ #f (R (- x size) (- y size) (* size 2) (* size 2)) (moon-rotation time) (move-point +moon-pivot+ size/2 size/2)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; WAVES (define +num-waves+ (inexact->exact (ceiling (/ +screen-width+ +wave-block-w+)))) (define *waves* (list-tabulate +num-waves+ (lambda (i) (R (* i +wave-block-w+) 0 +wave-block-w+ 10)))) (define (update-wave! rect i num time y-offset) ;; This math is probably "wrong" but it looks okay. (let* ((theta (+ (* +2pi+ (/ (sdl2:rect-x rect) +wave-period+)) (* +wave-speed+ time))) (h (+ y-offset +water-height+ (* +wave-height+ (sin01 theta)))) (h* (round h))) (sdl2:rect-set! rect #f (- +screen-height+ h*) #f h*))) (define (render-wave-gradient! renderer time rect) ;; Draw the sky gradient, partially transparent and flipped. (set! (sdl2:texture-alpha-mod *sky-texture*) 160) (sdl2:render-copy-ex! renderer *sky-texture* #f rect 0.0 #f '(vertical))) (define (render-wave-highlight! renderer time rect) (receive (x y w h) (sdl2:rect->values rect) ;; Adjust the highlight color based on how close the rect is to ;; its peak height. (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) (sdl2:color-lerp +zenith-color+ +wave-hl-color+ (max 0.4 (/ (- +sky-height+ y) +wave-height+)))) (let ((hirect (R (+ x 4) (+ y 4) (- w 8) ;; Adjust the height using a sine wave, so it seems to undulate. (floor (+ (* 10 (sin (* 0.03 (+ x y time)))) (* h 0.25)))))) ;; Draw the highlight rect outline. (sdl2:render-draw-rect! renderer hirect) ;; Draw a vertical line down the middle. (let* ((w/2 (floor (/ (sdl2:rect-w hirect) 2))) (line-x (+ (sdl2:rect-x hirect) w/2))) (sdl2:render-draw-line! renderer line-x (+ (sdl2:rect-y hirect) w/2) line-x (+ (sdl2:rect-y hirect) (sdl2:rect-h hirect) (- w/2))))))) (define (render-waves! renderer time waves y-offset) ;; Update all the waves. (let ((num (length waves))) (for-each (cut update-wave! <> <> num time y-offset) waves (iota num))) ;; Draw the wave rects, en masse. (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) +zenith-color+) (sdl2:render-fill-rects! renderer waves) ;; Individually draw a gradient on each wave. (for-each (cut render-wave-gradient! renderer time <>) waves) ;; Draw a border around each wave rect, en masse. (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) +zenith-color+) (sdl2:render-draw-rects! renderer waves) ;; Individually draw a highlight near the top of each wave. (for-each (cut render-wave-highlight! renderer time <>) waves)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; RENDER SCENE (define (render-scene! renderer time) (set! (sdl2:render-draw-color renderer) +zenith-color+) (sdl2:render-fill-rect! renderer #f) (render-sky! renderer) (render-stars! renderer time *dim-stars* +dim-star-min-bright+ +dim-star-max-bright+) (for-each (cut render-constellation! renderer time <>) (*constellations*)) (render-moon! renderer time) (render-waves! renderer time *waves* 0)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; EVENT HANDLING (define *paused?* (make-parameter #f)) (define *old-ticks* (make-parameter (sdl2:get-ticks))) (define *time* (make-parameter 0.0)) (define *time-scale* (make-parameter 1.0)) ;;; Disable various irrelevant event types, to avoid wasted time and ;;; memory garbage from handling them. (set! (sdl2:event-state 'text-editing) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'text-input) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'mouse-button-down) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'mouse-button-up) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'mouse-motion) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'mouse-wheel) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'finger-down) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'finger-up) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'finger-motion) #f) (set! (sdl2:event-state 'multi-gesture) #f) (define (handle-event ev exit-main-loop!) (case (sdl2:event-type ev) ;; User requested app quit (e.g. clicked the close button). ((quit) (exit-main-loop! #t)) ;; Keyboard key pressed ((key-down) (case (sdl2:keyboard-event-sym ev) ;; Escape quits the program ((escape) (exit-main-loop! #t)) ;; C generates new random constellations. ((c) (set! (*constellations*) (generate-constellations))) ;; Space toggles pause ((space) (set! (*paused?*) (not (*paused?*)))) ;; Left arrow decreases time scale. ((left) (dec! (*time-scale*) 0.5)) ;; Right arrow increases time scale. ((right) (inc! (*time-scale*) 0.5)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; MAIN LOOP (define (main-loop) ;; Create a continuation that can be called to exit the main loop. (let/cc exit-main-loop! ;; Loop forever (until exit-main-loop! is called). (while #t ;; Handle all pending events. (sdl2:pump-events!) (while (sdl2:has-events?) (handle-event (sdl2:poll-event!) exit-main-loop!)) (let ((new-ticks (sdl2:get-ticks))) ;; Unless paused, update time (seconds) based on how many ;; ticks (ms) have passed since last frame, then re-render. (unless (*paused?*) (inc! (*time*) (* (*time-scale*) (/ (- new-ticks (*old-ticks*)) 1000))) (render-scene! *renderer* (*time*))) (set! (*old-ticks*) new-ticks)) ;; Present (i.e. show) any changes to the screen. (sdl2:render-present! *renderer*) ;; Pause briefly to let the CPU rest. (sdl2:delay! 20)))) (main-loop)