;;;; setup-helper.scm -*- Hen -*- ;;;; Kon Lovett, Mar '09 ;;; Release 4 Only! (use extras) ;for sprintf (use data-structures) ;for ->string (use files) ;for make-pathname (use setup-api) ;for required-chicken-version ;;; Extension Information (define (verify-extension-name nam) (let ((extnam (->string nam))) (unless (string=? extnam (extension-name)) (error "unexpected extension-name" extnam (extension-name)) ) ) ) ;;; Support ;; Simple type error report (define (sh:error-type loc obj) (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type" obj) ) ;; Filename Support (define-constant CHICKEN-SOURCE-EXTENSION "scm") (define-constant CHICKEN-IMPORT-EXTENSION "import") (define-constant CHICKEN-INLINE-EXTENSION "inline") (define-constant HTML-EXTENSION "html") (define-constant STATIC-ARCHIVE-EXTENSION "a") (define-constant OBJECT-BINARY-EXTENSION "o") (cond-expand (windows (define-constant EXECUTABLE-EXTENSION "exe") (define-constant DIRECTORY-SEPARATOR "\\") ) (else (define-constant EXECUTABLE-EXTENSION #f) (define-constant DIRECTORY-SEPARATOR "/") ) ) (define (installation-chicken-home) (if (not (installation-prefix)) (chicken-home) (make-pathname `(,(installation-prefix) "share") "chicken") ) ) (define (installation-repository-path) ;A sub-dir using the current binary version number. ;(Note that this is only indirectly related to the ;Chicken version number.) (make-pathname `(,(installation-prefix) "lib" "chicken") (number->string (##sys#fudge 42))) ) (define (directory-separator? obj) (let ((obj (cond ;not a good idea but ... ((symbol? obj) (symbol->string obj)) ((char? obj) (string obj)) ((string? obj) obj) (else (sh:error-type 'directory-separator? obj) ) ) ) ) (string=? obj DIRECTORY-SEPARATOR) ) ) (define (filename bn #!optional en) (make-pathname #f (->string bn) (and en (->string en))) ) (define (make-directory-name dir) (let ((dir (if (symbol? dir) (symbol->string dir) dir))) (cond ((string? dir) (let ((end (sub1 (string-length dir)))) (if (not (directory-separator? (string-ref dir end))) dir (substring dir 0 end) ) ) ) ((pair? dir) (let ((len (length dir))) (if (= 1 len) (->string (car dir)) ;Ensures no trailing directory separator. (make-pathname (map ->string (take dir (sub1 len))) (->string (last dir))) ) ) ) (else (sh:error-type 'make-directory-name dir) ) ) ) ) (define (document-filename bn) (filename bn HTML-EXTENSION) ) (define (source-filename bn) (filename bn CHICKEN-SOURCE-EXTENSION) ) (define (shared-library-filename bn) (filename bn ##sys#load-library-extension) ) (define (shared-filename bn) (filename bn ##sys#load-dynamic-extension) ) (define (static-library-filename bn) (filename bn STATIC-ARCHIVE-EXTENSION) ) (define (static-filename bn) (filename bn OBJECT-BINARY-EXTENSION) ) (define (import-filename bn) (filename bn CHICKEN-IMPORT-EXTENSION) ) (define (source-import-filename bn) (source-filename (import-filename bn)) ) (define (shared-import-filename bn) (shared-filename (import-filename bn)) ) (define (inline-filename bn) (filename bn CHICKEN-INLINE-EXTENSION) ) (define (program-filename bn) (filename bn EXECUTABLE-EXTENSION) ) (define (make-home-pathname bn) (make-pathname (installation-chicken-home) bn) ) (define (make-repository-pathname bn) (make-pathname (installation-repository-path) bn) ) ;; File Support (define (copy-file-relative fn dn) ;This subverts the "installation-prefix" relative insurance. ;(and uses the builtin to-path creation "feature"). (copy-file `(,fn ,fn) dn #t dn) ) (define (copy-file-absolute fn dn) ;Keeps the "installation-prefix" relative insurance. ;(and uses the builtin to-path creation "feature"). (copy-file `(,fn ,fn) dn) ) (define (copy-file-to-directory fn dn) (copy-file-relative fn dn) ) (define (copy-to-repository fn) (copy-file-relative fn (installation-repository-path)) ) (define (copy-to-home fn) (copy-file-relative fn (installation-chicken-home)) ) ;; Single File Install Support (define (install-in-repository fn) (when (setup-install-mode) (copy-to-repository fn) ) ) (define (install-in-home fn) (when (setup-install-mode) (copy-to-home fn) ) ) ;; SRFI-29 Bundle Support (define (srfi-29-bundles-home) (make-repository-pathname "srfi-29-bundles") ) (define (make-srfi-29-bundle-directory-name spec) (if (null? spec) (srfi-29-bundles-home) (make-directory-name (append (list (srfi-29-bundles-home)) spec)) ) ) (define (install-srfi-29-bundle nam . spec) (when (setup-install-mode) (unless (directory? (srfi-29-bundles-home)) (error "missing SRFI-29 bundles directory; please install SRFI-29") ) (let* ((spec (map ->string spec)) (nam (->string nam)) (dir (make-srfi-29-bundle-directory-name spec)) ) ;Explicit curdir ('.') because problems in the past. (copy-file (make-pathname (append '(".") spec) nam) (make-pathname dir nam) #t dir) ) ) ) ;; Compile Support #; (define include-path-options (make-parameter (cond-expand (macosx '(-I/opt/local/include -I/sw/include)) (else '())))) #; (define library-path-options (make-parameter (cond-expand (macosx '(-L/opt/local/lib -L/sw/lib)) (else '())))) ;Bad idea to make `-local' the default for a module compile (but not an import ;compile) since it means something like `fluid-let' cannot be used on an ;exported binding. (define default-static-compile-options (make-parameter '( -c -optimize-leaf-routines -inline))) (define default-shared-compile-options (make-parameter '( -shared -optimize-leaf-routines -inline))) (define default-import-compile-options (make-parameter '( -shared -optimize-leaf-routines -inline -local -no-trace -no-lambda-info))) (define (compile-static nam #!key (options '()) inline?) (compile ,(source-filename nam) ,@(default-static-compile-options) -unit ,nam ,@(if (memq '-output-file options) '() `(-output-file ,(static-filename nam))) ,@(if inline? `(-emit-inline-file ,(inline-filename nam)) '()) ,@options) ) (define (compile-shared nam #!key (options '()) inline?) (compile ,(source-filename nam) ,@(default-shared-compile-options) ,@(if (memq '-output-file options) '() `(-output-file ,(shared-filename nam))) ,@(if inline? `(-emit-inline-file ,(inline-filename nam)) '()) ,@options) ) (define (compile-shared-module nam #!key (options '()) inline?) (compile ,(source-filename nam) ,@(default-shared-compile-options) ,@(if (memq '-output-file options) '() `(-output-file ,(shared-filename nam))) -emit-import-library ,nam ,@(if inline? `(-emit-inline-file ,(inline-filename nam)) '()) ,@options) (compile ,(source-import-filename nam) ,@(default-import-compile-options) -output-file ,(shared-import-filename nam)) ) ;; Install Support (define default-static-install-options (make-parameter '())) (define default-shared-install-options (make-parameter '())) (define default-shared-module-install-options (make-parameter '())) (define default-shared+static-module-install-options (make-parameter '())) (define (install-static-extension nam ver #!key (options '()) (files '()) output-file?) (install-extension nam `(,@(if output-file? '() `(,(static-filename nam))) ,@files) `(,@(default-static-install-options) (version ,ver) (static ,(static-filename nam)) (documentation ,(document-filename nam)) ,@options)) ) (define (install-shared-extension nam ver #!key (options '()) (files '()) output-file?) (install-extension nam `(,@(if output-file? '() `(,(shared-filename nam))) ,@files) `(,@(default-shared-install-options) (version ,ver) (documentation ,(document-filename nam)) ,@options)) ) (define (install-shared-extension-module nam ver #!key (options '()) (files '()) output-file?) (install-extension nam `(,@(if output-file? '() `(,(shared-filename nam))) ,(shared-import-filename nam) ,@files) `(,@(default-shared-module-install-options) (version ,ver) (documentation ,(document-filename nam)) ,@options)) ) (define (install-shared+static-extension-module nam ver #!key (options '()) (files '()) shared-output-file? static-output-file?) (install-extension nam `(,@(if shared-output-file? '() `(,(shared-filename nam))) ,(shared-import-filename nam) ,@(if static-output-file? '() `((static-filename nam))) ,@files) `(,@(default-shared+static-module-install-options) (version ,ver) (static ,(static-filename nam)) (documentation ,(document-filename nam)) ,@options)) ) ;; Setup Support (define (setup-static-extension nam ver #!key (compile-options '()) inline? (install-options '()) (files '())) (and-let* ((of (memq '-output-file compile-options))) (set! files (append files (list (cadr of)))) ) (compile-static nam options: compile-options inline?: inline?) (install-static-extension nam ver options: install-options files: files) ) (define (setup-shared-extension nam ver #!key (compile-options '()) inline? (install-options '()) (files '())) (and-let* ((of (memq '-output-file compile-options))) (set! files (append files (list (cadr of)))) ) (compile-shared nam options: compile-options inline?: inline?) (install-shared-extension nam ver options: install-options files: files) ) (define (setup-shared-extension-module nam ver #!key (compile-options '()) inline? (install-options '()) (files '())) (and-let* ((of (memq '-output-file compile-options))) (set! files (append files (list (cadr of)))) ) (compile-shared-module nam options: compile-options inline?: inline?) (install-shared-extension-module nam ver options: install-options files: files) ) (define (setup-shared+static-extension-module nam ver #!key (shared-compile-options '()) shared-inline? (static-compile-options '()) static-inline? (install-options '()) (files '())) (compile-static nam options: static-compile-options inline?: static-inline?) (compile-shared-module nam options: shared-compile-options inline?: shared-inline?) (install-shared+static-extension-module nam ver options: install-options files: files) ) ;; Empty "Conglomerate" Extension Support (define (install-extension-tag nam ver) (install-extension nam '() `((version ,ver))))