(use srfi-18) (define (thunk->thread thunk) @("Creates a thread from {{thunk}} and start the thread." (thunk "The thunk to threadify") (@to "thread")) (let ((thread (make-thread thunk))) (thread-start! thread) thread)) (define (parallel-execute . thunks) @("Executes thunks in parallel; returns a thunk which can be executed to terminate the threads." (thunks "The thunks to execute in parallel") (@to "thunk")) (let ((threads (map thunk->thread thunks))) (lambda () (for-each thread-terminate! threads)))) (define with-mutex-locked @("Evaluates the thunk having locked the mutex, unlocking it thereafter." (mutex "The mutex to lock and unlock") (thunk "The thunk to evaluate") (conditional-variable "An optional conditional-variable to block on at unlock") (@to "object")) (case-lambda ((mutex thunk) (with-mutex-locked mutex thunk #f)) ((mutex thunk conditional-variable) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (mutex-lock! mutex)) thunk (lambda () (mutex-unlock! mutex conditional-variable)))))) (define (make-serializer) @("Creates a serializer which returns serialized procedures in a common set; returns a procedure taking {{f}}, the procedure to serialize." (@to "procedure") (@example-no-eval "Create a serializer and run some thunks." (define s (make-serializer)) (parallel-execute (s (lambda () (set! x (* x x)))) (s (lambda () (set! x (+ x 1))))))) (let ((mutex (make-mutex))) (lambda (f) (lambda args (with-mutex-locked mutex (lambda () (apply f args)))))))