Simple-Configuration ================================================ This is a small scheme library to hande configurations in a simple manner. It uses lists as the basic datastructure to hold configurations. Examples: (define my-config '((production (database (username "prod") (password "prodpwd") (host ""))) (development (database (username "dev") (password "devpwd") (host ""))) (logging (destination "/var/log/application.log") (levels (error warning))))) ;; now you can access the data like so (config-ref my-config '(production database username)) ;; => "prod" (config-ref my-config '(production database)) ;; => (username "prod") (config-ref my-config '(production database)) ;; => ((username "prod") (password "prodpwd") (host "")) (config-let my-config ((db-user (production database username)) (db-pw (production database password)) (db-host (production database host))) (connect-to-database db-host db-user db-pw)) ;; postprocess data (config-ref my-config '(logging levels) post-process: (lambda (ls) (cons 'critical ls))) ;; => (critical error warning)