*NOTE: DO NOT PATCH THIS EGG DIRECTLY, IT CONTAINS ONLY GENERATED CODE!* Read on for instructions on how to update. To update slatex, fetch it from http://evalwhen.com/slatex/ Also fetch the latest scmxlate from http://evalwhen.com/scmxlate/ Then run "csi scmxlate" from the slatex toplevel directory (you can copy scmxlate.scm to that dir, or run csi with the full path to it). Answer the questions scmxlate asks you, and you'll end up with a few generated files. Of those, only slatex.scm is important. The wrapper script "slatex" is replaced by slatex-program.scm in this distribution and the callsla.scm wrapper that ensures slatex is only loaded once is not needed for compiled libraries. Overwrite slatex.scm in this egg dir with the newly created version, and overwrite slatex.sty and cltl.sty with the updated versions. If you need to make changes in slatex itself, contact Dorai Sitaram and provide patches to him. If you need to make changes to the Chicken wrappers (the dialect file), please make them in the slatex distribution and provide patches back upstream to Dorai. You can generate a new slatex.scm using the newly patched version.