;;; ;;; Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Nick Gasson ;;; ;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a ;;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), ;;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation ;;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, ;;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the ;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: ;;; ;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in ;;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software. ;;; ;;; THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR ;;; IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, ;;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;;; AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER ;;; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING ;;; FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER ;;; DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ;;; (import chicken scheme) (require 'tcp) (require 'posix) (require-extension data-structures symbol-utils apropos chicken-doc extras fmt srfi-14) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; ;;; SWANK server ;;; ;;; This section provides the plumbing to allow SLIME to tunnel requests into ;;; the swank:* functions in the next section which do the useful work. ;;; ;;; To start a server do: ;;; (swank-server-start) ;;; ;;; Then connect to it from Emacs using: ;;; M-x slime-connect ;;; And accept the default options. ;;; ;; Safe printing routine that always uses the server's standard output. (define debug-print (let ((normal-port (current-output-port))) (lambda args (with-output-to-port normal-port (lambda () (apply print args))) (flush-output normal-port)))) ;; Send list `msg' as a reply back to SLIME. (define (swank-write-packet msg out) (let* ((string (with-output-to-string (lambda () (write msg)))) (pad-hex (lambda (n) (pad-char #\0 (pad/left 6 (num n 16))))) (packet (fmt #f (pad-hex (string-length string)) string))) ;; This may be called by code that has set print-length-limit so we ;; have to use this kludge to avoid truncating the packet. (##sys#with-print-length-limit #f (lambda () (debug-print (fmt #f "WRITE " (wrt packet))) (display packet out))) (flush-output out))) ;; Replace Common Lisp-isms such as :foo, nil, and t with (quote foo), ;; (quote ()), and #t respectively. (define (swank-cleanup sexp) (define (cleanup-symbol sym) (let ((sym-str (symbol->string sym))) (cond ((eq? (string-ref sym-str 0) #\:) `(quote ,(string->symbol (substring sym-str 1)))) ((eq? sym 'nil) '(quote ())) ((eq? sym 't) #t) (else sym)))) (cond ((list? sexp) (map swank-cleanup sexp)) ((symbol? sexp) (cleanup-symbol sexp)) (else sexp))) ;; Tail-recursive loop to read commands from SWANK socket and dispatch them. ;; Several calls to this may be active at once e.g. when using the debugger. (define (swank-event-loop in out) (let* ((length (read in)) (request (read in))) (cond ((or (eof-object? length) (eof-object? request)) (void)) (else (debug-print (fmt #f "READ " (wrt length) (wrt request))) (case (car request) ((:emacs-rex) (begin (apply swank-emacs-rex in out (swank-cleanup (cdr request))) (swank-event-loop in out))) ((:emacs-return-string) (cadddr request))))))) ;; Store the callchain away for later inspection (define *recent-call-chain* #f) ;; Format the call chain for output by SLIME. (define (swank-call-chain chain) (define (frame-string f) (fmt #f (pad 9 (dsp (vector-ref f 0))) (pad 11 (dsp (cond ((##sys#structure? (vector-ref f 2) 'frameinfo) "[ more... ]") (else "")))) " " (dsp (or (vector-ref f 1) "")))) (define (loop n frames) (cond ((null? frames) '()) (else (cons (list n (frame-string (car frames))) (loop (add1 n) (cdr frames)))))) (loop 0 (reverse chain))) ;; Called when an exception is thrown while evaluating a swank:* function. (define (swank-exception in out id exn chain) (let ((get-key (lambda (key) ((condition-property-accessor 'exn key '()) exn)))) (debug-print (fmt #f "ERROR msg: " (get-key 'message) " args: " (get-key 'arguments) " loc " (get-key 'location))) (let ((first-line (fmt #f "Error: " (cond ((get-key 'location) => (lambda (l) (fmt #f "(" l ") "))) (else "")) (get-key 'message) ": " (fmt-join wrt (get-key 'arguments) " ")))) (swank-write-packet `(:debug 0 0 ; Thread, level (dummy values) (,first-line "[ inspect ]" nil) ; Condition (("ABORT" "Return to SLIME's top level")) ; Restarts ,(swank-call-chain chain) ; Frames (,id)) ; Emacs continuations out)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (swank-write-packet '(:debug-activate 0 0 nil) out)) (lambda () (swank-event-loop in out)) (lambda () (swank-write-packet '(:debug-return 0 0 nil) out))))) ;; Create an output port that sends data back to SLIME to be printed on ;; the REPL. (define (swank-output-port out) (make-output-port (lambda (str) (swank-write-packet `(:write-string ,(fmt #f str)) out)) void void)) ;; Create an input port that reads data by calling back into Emacs. (define (swank-input-port in out) (let ((buffer #f)) (define (read-callback) (if buffer (let ((char (read-char buffer))) (if (eof-object? char) (begin (set! buffer #f) (read-callback)) char)) (begin (swank-write-packet '(:read-string 0 1) out) (let ((result (swank-event-loop in out))) (if (string? result) (begin (set! buffer (with-input-from-string result current-input-port)) (read-callback)) #!eof))))) (define (ready-callback) buffer) (make-input-port read-callback ready-callback void))) ;; Evaluate an S-expression and returns a pair (condition . trace) if an ;; exception is raised or (#t . value) on success. (define (swank-eval-or-condition sexp) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (skip) (with-exception-handler (lambda (exn) (let ((chain (or ((condition-property-accessor 'exn 'call-chain #f) exn) (get-call-chain)))) (set! *recent-call-chain* (reverse chain)) (skip (cons exn chain)))) (lambda () (cons #t (eval sexp))))))) ;; The only SWANK command we handle at the moment. Argument is an expression ;; to be evaluated, which should be a call to a swank:* function. Any output ;; produced by the expression will be returned to SLIME as a string. Any ;; error generated by the expression will be caught in the exception handler ;; above. (define (swank-emacs-rex in out sexp package thread id) (let ((result `(:return (:abort nil) ,id))) (dynamic-wind void (lambda () (let ((thing (with-output-to-port (swank-output-port out) (lambda () (with-input-from-port (swank-input-port in out) (lambda () (swank-eval-or-condition sexp))))))) (cond ((not (condition? (car thing))) (set! result `(:return ,(cdr thing) ,id))) (((condition-predicate 'exn) (car thing)) (swank-exception in out id (car thing) (cdr thing))) (((condition-predicate 'user-interrupt) (car thing)) (set! result `(:return (:abort user-interrupt) ,id)))))) ;; Output is always written when unwinding the stack to ensure we ;; reply to every message e.g. when escaping via continuation to ;; the top level after exiting the debugger. (lambda () (swank-write-packet result out))))) ;; The top level continuation. By invoking this we can jump out of the ;; debugger and get back to the REPL. (define *swank-top-level* #f) ;; Start up a TCP server, wait for a connection, then jump into the main ;; event loop. If `file' is specified it is used as a filename to write ;; the server port number into. This is polled by SLIME to see if the ;; SWANK server has started. Use `swank-server-start' rather than calling ;; this directly. (define (swank-make-server port file) (define (write-port-file port file) (call-with-output-file file (lambda (handle) (write port handle)))) (tcp-read-timeout #f) (let ((listener (tcp-listen port))) (if file (write-port-file port file)) (dynamic-wind (lambda () #f) (lambda () (call-with-values (lambda () (tcp-accept listener)) (lambda (in out) (call/cc (lambda (hop) (set! *swank-top-level* hop))) ;; Whenever we escape from the debugger we'll end up here (let ((orig-handler (current-exception-handler))) (with-exception-handler (lambda (exn) (cond (((condition-predicate 'user-interrupt) exn) (*swank-top-level* (void))) (else (orig-handler exn)))) (lambda () (swank-event-loop in out))))))) (lambda () (tcp-close listener))))) ;; Wrapper for `swank-make-server' with optional `port' and `file' arguments. (define swank-server-start (case-lambda (() (swank-make-server 4005 #f)) ((port) (swank-make-server port #f)) ((port file) (swank-make-server port file)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;; SWANK commands ;;; ;;; The functions in this section implement the SWANK API proper. ;;; ;; Called at startup to determine various information about the inferior ;; Lisp process. (define (swank:connection-info) `(:ok (:pid ,(current-process-id) :package (:name CSI :prompt CSI) :encoding (:coding-systems (,swank:coding-system)) :lisp-implementation (:type "Chicken Scheme" :version ,(chicken-version))))) ;; For us this call is fairly pointless, but it names the REPL. (define (swank:create-repl . _) '(:ok ("CSI" "CSI"))) ;; Parse `str' into a list of forms. (define (string->forms str) (define (get-forms) (let ((form (read))) (cond ((eof-object? form) '()) (else (cons form (get-forms)))))) (with-input-from-string str get-forms)) ;; Evaluate `str' as if enclosed in (begin ...) and return the results. (define (swank:listener-eval str) (call-with-values (lambda () (let ((forms (string->forms str))) (if (not (null? forms)) (eval `(begin ,@forms))))) (lambda results `(:ok (:values ,@(map (lambda (r) (fmt #f (wrt r))) results)))))) ;; "Compile" a string. For us this just means eval and discard the ;; results, the behaviour of which might be different to what SLIME ;; or the user expected. (define (swank:compile-string-for-emacs str buffer position filename _) (let ((forms (string->forms str))) (for-each (lambda (form) (eval form)) forms) `(:ok (:compilation-result nil t 0.0 nil nil)))) ; TODO: eval time ;; Evaluate an expression and return a result for the minibuffer. (define (swank:interactive-eval str) (let* ((forms (string->forms str)) (result (if (not (null? forms)) (fmt #f "=> " (eval `(begin ,@forms))) "; No value"))) `(:ok ,result))) (define swank:interactive-eval-region swank:interactive-eval) ;; Evaluate an expression and pretty-print the result. (define (swank:pprint-eval str) `(:ok ,(fmt #f (pretty (eval `(begin ,@(string->forms str))))))) ;; Given a function name return a list of its arguments. This uses ;; the symbol-utils extension. (define (swank:operator-arglist func _) `(:ok ,(let ((sym (string->symbol func))) (cond ((unbound? sym) 'nil) ((procedure? (symbol-value sym)) (fmt #f (procedure-information (symbol-value sym)))) (else 'nil))))) ;; Immediately return from all nested debugging sessions back to ;; the top level. (define (swank:throw-to-toplevel) (*swank-top-level* (void))) ;; Invoke the given debug restart. We only support one restart at ;; the moment which jumps back to the top level. (define (swank:invoke-nth-restart-for-emacs _ _) (*swank-top-level* (void))) ;; Return the local variables for frame n ;(:ok (((:name "SB-DEBUG::ARG-0" ; :id 0 :value "(ERROR \"foo\")") ; (:name "SB-DEBUG::ARG-1" :id 0 ; :value "#")) nil)) (define (frame-info callframe) (let* ((form (##sys#slot callframe 1)) (data (##sys#slot callframe 2)) (frameinfo (##sys#structure? data 'frameinfo)) (counter (if frameinfo (##sys#slot frameinfo 1) data))) (if frameinfo (let ((ev-list (fold append '() (map (lambda (e v) (do ((i 0 (add1 i)) (be e (cdr be)) (res '())) ((null? be) res) (set! res (cons (list ':name (symbol->string (car be)) ':id i ':value (->string (##sys#slot v i))) res)))) (##sys#slot data 2) (##sys#slot data 3))))) (if (null? ev-list) 'nil ev-list)) 'nil))) (define (get-local frame index) (and-let* ((vars (frame-info frame)) (frame (and (> (length vars) index) (list-ref vars index)))) (fprintf (current-error-port) "~a -> ~a~%~!" vars frame) frame)) (define (variable-from-callchain frame-idx var-idx) (and-let* ((chain *recent-call-chain*) (frame (and (> (length chain) frame-idx) (list-ref chain frame-idx)))) (get-local frame var-idx))) (define (swank:frame-locals-and-catch-tags n . _) (let ((cc *recent-call-chain*)) (if (and cc (>= n 0) (< n (length cc))) `(:ok (,(frame-info (list-ref cc n)) nil)) '(:ok (nil nil))))) ;; Return the backtrace frames between `start' and `end'. ;; TODO: currently does nothing as we only seem to get eight stack ;; frames from get-call-chain. (define (swank:backtrace start end) '(:ok nil)) ;; Load the specified file. (define (swank:load-file file) (load file) `(:ok t)) ;; A more advanced version of swank:operator-arglist which highlights ;; the the current cursor position in the argument list. (define (swank:autodoc forms . args) (define (find-cursor thing) (cond ((and (list? thing) (memq 'swank::%cursor-marker% thing)) thing) ((list? thing) (let loop ((elems thing)) (if (null? elems) #f (or (find-cursor (car elems)) (loop (cdr elems)))))) (else #f))) (define (highlight-arg info args) (cond ((null? info) '()) ((null? args) info) ((not (pair? info)) ; Variable length argument list (list '===> info '<===)) ((eq? (car args) 'swank::%cursor-marker%) (append (list '===> (car info) '<===) (cdr info))) ((and (string? (car args)) (string=? (car args) "")) (highlight-arg info (cdr args))) (else (cons (car info) (highlight-arg (cdr info) (cdr args)))))) (define (symbol-procedure? sym) (handle-exceptions exn #f (procedure? (eval sym)))) (define (info sym) (cond ((unbound? sym) #f) ((symbol-procedure? sym) (let ((pi (procedure-information (symbol-value sym)))) (if (pair? pi) pi `(,pi . args)))) (else #f))) ;; Choose a doc-node from all matches, this is only a heuristic solution. ;; The heuristic is to find the doc node that has the same name as the symbol, ;; and the module name is listed in ##sys#module-table. If there are multiple ;; such nodes, choose the first one. ;; (define (guess-doc-node doc-nodes) (case (length doc-nodes) ((0) #f) ;; ((1) (car doc-nodes)) (else (any (lambda (n) (and (assoc (car (chicken-doc#node-path n)) ##sys#module-table) n)) doc-nodes)))) (define (signature-from-doc sym) (cond ((eq? sym 'define) )) (if (or (##sys#macro? sym) (symbol-procedure? sym)) (let* ((doc-nodes (match-nodes sym)) (guessed-doc-node (guess-doc-node doc-nodes))) (cond ((null? doc-nodes) #f) (guessed-doc-node (car (string->forms (string-delete (char-set #\[ #\]) (chicken-doc#node-signature guessed-doc-node))))) (else #f))) #f)) (let ((where (find-cursor forms))) (if (and where (string? (car where))) (let* ((sym (string->symbol (car where))) (i (or (signature-from-doc sym) (info sym)))) (if i `(:ok (,(fmt #f (highlight-arg i where)) t)) `(:ok (:not-available t)))) '(:ok (:not-available t))))) ;; Return a list of all symbols that start with `prefix'. (define (swank:simple-completions prefix _) (let ((comps (filter (lambda (str) (string-prefix? prefix str)) (map (lambda (info) (symbol->string (car info))) (apropos-information-list prefix))))) `(:ok (,comps ,(if (= (length comps) 1) (car comps) prefix))))) (define (swank:describe-symbol sym) `(:ok ,(with-output-to-string (lambda () (doc-dwim sym))))) (define swank:documentation-symbol swank:describe-symbol) (define (swank:describe-definition-for-emacs sym type) (swank:describe-symbol sym)) (define (swank:apropos-list-for-emacs str . _) (define (slime-node-type node) (case (node-type node) ((procedure) ':function) ((read syntax) ':macro) ((setter) ':setf) ((class) ':class) ((method) ':generic-function) ((egg) ':egg) ; Not visible (else ':variable))) `(:ok ,(map (lambda (node) (list ':designator (fmt #f (node-id node)) (slime-node-type node) (node-signature node))) (match-nodes (irregex str))))) (define (swank:inspect-frame-var frame index) ;; an answer seems to be ;; (:ok (:id number :title "variable-name" ;; :content (( "type" (:value variable-value id))) begin end length)) ;; whereas begin and end are used to display a chunk out of a longer list of things ;; the id in variable value can be used to further inquire a value ;; The return of variable form callchain is (:name name :id id :value) ;; TODO: Use csi's describe function for the content part (and-let* ((var (variable-from-callchain frame index)) (name (second var)) (id (fourth var)) (value (sixth var)) (value-len (or (and (list? value) (length value)) 1))) `(:ok (:id 0 :title ,(->string name) :content (("unknown type? " (:value ,(->string value) 1)) 0 0 ,value-len))))) (define (swank:quit-inspector) '(:ok nil)) (define swank:coding-system "utf-8-unix") ;; Unimplemented. (define (swank:buffer-first-change . _) '(:ok nil)) (define (swank:filename-to-modulename . _) '(:ok nil)) (define (swank:find-definitions-for-emacs . _) '(:ok nil)) (define (swank:swank-require . _) '(:ok nil))