;;;; sqlite3.scm ;;;; bindings to the SQLite3 database library ;; Notes ;; ;; - Due to 'usual-integrations' the 'string-length' procedure is rewritten ;; to the "core" implementation. So even if the utf-8 module is "imported" ;; into the top-level a byte length will result. (define-extension sqlite3 (export ;; classes initialize ;; methods & procedures sqlite3:open sqlite3:define-collation sqlite3:define-function sqlite3:set-busy-timeout! sqlite3:interrupt! sqlite3:auto-committing? sqlite3:changes sqlite3:last-insert-rowid sqlite3:finalize! sqlite3:prepare sqlite3:repair! sqlite3:reset! sqlite3:bind-parameter-count sqlite3:bind-parameter-index sqlite3:bind-parameter-name sqlite3:bind! sqlite3:bind-parameters! sqlite3:step! sqlite3:column-count sqlite3:column-type sqlite3:column-declared-type sqlite3:column-name sqlite3:column-data sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements sqlite3:exec sqlite3:update sqlite3:first-result sqlite3:first-row sqlite3:fold-row sqlite3:for-each-row sqlite3:map-row sqlite3:with-transaction sqlite3:complete? sqlite3:library-version sqlite3:boolean-value ) ) (declare (usual-integrations) (fixnum-arithmetic) (no-procedure-checks-for-usual-bindings) ; redefinition of imported variable `initialize' from `tinyclos' (disable-warning redef) (unused ; Stop annoying messages chicken_sqlite3_function_stub chicken_sqlite3_collation_stub chicken_sqlite3_final_stub chicken_sqlite3_step_stub ) (bound-to-procedure ##sys#expand-home-path #;##sys#pathname-resolution abort-sqlite3-null-error sqlite3:errmsg ) ) #>#include <# #;(use srfi-1 srfi-12 srfi-13 srfi-18 srfi-26 srfi-69 extras lolevel) (use (srfi 1 12 13 18 26 69) extras lolevel) (use tinyclos synch miscmacros) ;;; ;; Only works when the invoked object is a procedure. ;; Macros & values will not work. (define-macro thunker cut) ;;; Foreign types & values ;; Enumeration and constant definitions (define-foreign-enum (sqlite3:status int) #f ; no aliases (ok SQLITE_OK #f) ; Successful result (error SQLITE_ERROR) ; SQL error or missing database (internal SQLITE_INTERNAL) ; NOT USED. Internal logic error in SQLite (permission SQLITE_PERM) ; Access permission denied (abort SQLITE_ABORT) ; Callback routine requested an abort (busy SQLITE_BUSY) ; The database file is locked (locked SQLITE_LOCKED) ; A table in the database is locked (no-memory SQLITE_NOMEM) ; A malloc() failed (read-only SQLITE_READONLY) ; Attempt to write a readonly database (interrupt SQLITE_INTERRUPT) ; Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt() (io-error SQLITE_IOERR) ; Some kind of disk I/O error occurred (corrupt SQLITE_CORRUPT) ; The database disk image is malformed (not-found SQLITE_NOTFOUND) ; NOT USED. Table or record not found (full SQLITE_FULL) ; Insertion failed because database is full (cant-open SQLITE_CANTOPEN) ; Unable to open the database file (protocol SQLITE_PROTOCOL) ; NOT USED. Database lock protocol error (empty SQLITE_EMPTY) ; Database is empty (schema SQLITE_SCHEMA) ; The database schema changed (too-big SQLITE_TOOBIG) ; String or BLOB exceeds size limit (constraint SQLITE_CONSTRAINT) ; Abort due to contraint violation (mismatch SQLITE_MISMATCH) ; Data type mismatch (misuse SQLITE_MISUSE) ; Library used incorrectly (no-lfs SQLITE_NOLFS) ; Uses OS features not supported on host (authorization SQLITE_AUTH) ; Authorization denied (format SQLITE_FORMAT) ; Auxiliary database format error (range SQLITE_RANGE) ; 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range (not-a-database SQLITE_NOTADB) ; File opened that is not a database file (row SQLITE_ROW) ; sqlite3_step() has another row ready (done SQLITE_DONE) ) ; sqlite3_step() has finished executing (define-foreign-enum (sqlite3:type int) #f ; no aliases (integer SQLITE_INTEGER) (float SQLITE_FLOAT) (text SQLITE_TEXT) (blob SQLITE_BLOB) (null SQLITE_NULL) ) ;; Types (define-foreign-type sqlite3:context (c-pointer "sqlite3_context")) (define-foreign-type sqlite3:value (c-pointer "sqlite3_value")) ;;; Classes for databases and statements (define-class () ()) (define-foreign-type sqlite3:database (instance "sqlite3" ) (lambda (db) (unless (slot-ref db 'this) (abort-sqlite3-null-error 'sqlite3:database->c-pointer db)) db)) (define-class () (database sql)) (define-foreign-type sqlite3:statement (instance "sqlite3_stmt" ) (lambda (stmt) (unless (slot-ref stmt 'this) (abort-sqlite3-null-error 'sqlite3:statement->c-pointer stmt)) stmt)) (define-method (initialize (this ) initargs) (call-next-method) (initialize-slots this initargs) ) ;;; Helpers ;; Expand variables in pathname (define sqlite3:resolve-pathname ##sys#expand-home-path #; ;not needed, yet (cute ##sys#pathname-resolution <> identity) ) ;; Conditions (define (make-exn-condition loc msg . args) (make-property-condition 'exn 'location loc 'message msg 'arguments args) ) (define (make-sqlite3-condition sta) (make-property-condition 'sqlite3 'status sta) ) (define (make-sqlite3-error-condition loc msg sta . args) (make-composite-condition (apply make-exn-condition loc msg args) (make-sqlite3-condition sta)) ) (define (make-no-data-condition loc stmt params) (make-sqlite3-error-condition loc "the statement returned no data" 'done stmt params) ) ;; Errors (define ((abort-sqlite3-error loc db . args) sta) (abort (apply make-sqlite3-error-condition loc (if db (sqlite3:errmsg db) (symbol->string sta)) sta args)) ) (define (check-sqlite3-type loc obj class) (unless (instance-of? obj class) (abort (make-composite-condition (make-exn-condition loc (string-append "bad argument type " (class-name (class-of obj)) ", expected " (class-name class)) obj) (make-property-condition 'type) (make-sqlite3-condition 'error)))) ) (define (abort-sqlite3-null-error loc obj) (abort (make-sqlite3-error-condition loc (string-append "bad " (class-name (class-of obj)) " object, contained pointer is #f") 'error obj)) ) (define (print-error msg obj) (print-error-message obj (current-error-port) (string-append "Error: " msg)) ) ;; Tree dictionary (define (make-hash-table-tree/synch id . args) (make-object/synch (apply make-hash-table args) id) ) (define (hash-table-tree-set! ht-tree keys value) (if (null? (cdr keys)) (hash-table-set! ht-tree (car keys) value) (hash-table-update! ht-tree (car keys) (cute hash-table-tree-set! <> (cdr keys) value) (thunker make-hash-table)) ) ht-tree ) (define (hash-table-tree-delete! ht-tree keys) (if (null? (cdr keys)) (hash-table-delete! ht-tree (car keys)) (hash-table-update! ht-tree (car keys) (cute hash-table-tree-delete! <> (cdr keys)) (thunker make-hash-table)) ) ht-tree ) (define (hash-table-tree-ref ht-tree keys #!optional (thunk (thunker abort (make-composite-condition (make-exn-condition 'hash-table-tree-ref "hash-table-tree does not contain path" ht-tree keys) (make-property-condition 'access))))) (let/cc return (let loop ([ht ht-tree] [keys keys] ) (if (null? keys) ht (loop (hash-table-ref ht (car keys) (thunker return (thunk))) (cdr keys)) ) ) ) ) (define (hash-table-tree-ref/default ht-tree keys default) (hash-table-tree-ref ht-tree keys (lambda () default)) ) (define (hash-table-tree-clear! htt id elt-clear) (cond [(hash-table-ref/default htt id #f) => (cute hash-table-walk <> elt-clear) ] ) (hash-table-delete! htt id) ) ;; SQL collation sequence interface (define *sqlite3:collations* (make-hash-table-tree/synch 'sqlite3:collations)) (define-external (chicken_sqlite3_collation_stub (scheme-object qn) (int la) (c-pointer da) (int lb) (c-pointer db)) int (let/cc return (let ([r #f]) (dynamic-wind noop (lambda () (handle-exceptions exn (print-error "in collation function" exn) (let ([a (make-string la)] [b (make-string lb)] ) (move-memory! da a la) (move-memory! db b lb) (set! r ((vector-ref (call-with/synch *sqlite3:collations* (cute hash-table-tree-ref <> qn)) 1) a b))))) (lambda () (if (and (integer? r) (exact? r)) (return r) (begin (print-error "in collation function: invalid return value" (->string r)) (return 0))))) ) ) ) (define sqlite3_create_collation (foreign-lambda* sqlite3:status ((sqlite3:database db) (c-string name) (scheme-object qn)) #<) (name )) (cond [(sqlite3_create_collation db name #f) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:define-collation db name) ] [else (let ([qn (list (pointer->address (slot-ref db 'this)) name)]) (call-with/synch *sqlite3:collations* (lambda (col) (cond [(hash-table-tree-ref/default col qn #f) => (lambda (info) (hash-table-tree-delete! col qn) (object-release (vector-ref info 0))) ] ) ) ) ) ] ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:define-collation (db ) (name ) (proc )) (let ([qn (object-evict (list (pointer->address (slot-ref db 'this)) name))]) (cond [(sqlite3_create_collation db name qn) => (lambda (s) (object-release qn) ((abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:define-collation db name proc) s)) ] [else (call-with/synch *sqlite3:collations* (cute hash-table-tree-set! <> qn (vector qn proc))) ] ) ) ) ;;; SQL function interface (define *sqlite3:functions* (make-hash-table-tree/synch 'sqlite3:functions)) (define *sqlite3:seeds* (make-hash-table-tree/synch 'sqlite3:seeds)) (define (sqlite3:parameter-data n args) (let loop ([i 0]) (if (<= n i) '() (cons (case ((foreign-lambda* sqlite3:type (((c-pointer sqlite3:value) args) (int i)) "return(sqlite3_value_type(args[i]));") args i) [(integer) ((foreign-lambda* integer (((c-pointer sqlite3:value) args) (int i)) "return(sqlite3_value_double(args[i]));") args i) ] [(float) ((foreign-lambda* double (((c-pointer sqlite3:value) args) (int i)) "return(sqlite3_value_double(args[i]));") args i) ] [(text) ((foreign-primitive scheme-object (((c-pointer sqlite3:value) args) (int i)) "int n = sqlite3_value_bytes(args[i]);" "C_word *s = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(n));" "return(C_string(&s, n, (char *)sqlite3_value_text(args[i])));") args i) ] [(blob) ((foreign-primitive scheme-object (((c-pointer sqlite3:value) args) (int i)) "int n = sqlite3_value_bytes(args[i]);" "C_word *s = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(n));" "return(C_bytevector(&s, n, (char *)sqlite3_value_blob(args[i])));") args i) ] [else ] ) (loop (add1 i)) ) ) ) ) (define-generic sqlite3:set-result!) (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx ) (v )) ((foreign-lambda* void ((sqlite3:context ctx) (scheme-pointer v) (int n)) "sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, v, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);") ctx v (blob-size v)) ) ; Deprecated (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx ) (v )) ((foreign-lambda* void ((sqlite3:context ctx) (scheme-pointer v) (int n)) "sqlite3_result_blob(ctx, v, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);") ctx v (byte-vector-length v)) ) (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx ) (v )) ((foreign-lambda void "sqlite3_result_int" sqlite3:context int) ctx v) ) (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx ) (v )) ((foreign-lambda void "sqlite3_result_double" sqlite3:context double) ctx v) ) (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx ) (v )) ((foreign-lambda* void ((sqlite3:context ctx) (scheme-pointer v) (int n)) "sqlite3_result_text(ctx, v, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT);") ctx v (string-length v)) ) (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx ) (v )) ((foreign-lambda void "sqlite3_result_null" sqlite3:context) ctx) ) (define-method (sqlite3:set-result! (ctx )) ((foreign-lambda void "sqlite3_result_null" sqlite3:context) ctx) ) (define sqlite3_user_data (foreign-lambda scheme-object "sqlite3_user_data" sqlite3:context)) (define-external (chicken_sqlite3_function_stub (c-pointer ctx) (int n) (c-pointer args)) void (let/cc return (dynamic-wind noop (lambda () (handle-exceptions exn (print-error "in SQL function" exn) (sqlite3:set-result! ctx (apply (vector-ref (call-with/synch *sqlite3:functions* (cute hash-table-tree-ref <> (sqlite3_user_data ctx))) 1) (sqlite3:parameter-data n args) ) ) ) ) (lambda () (return (void)) ) ) ) ) (define sqlite3_aggregate_context (foreign-lambda* integer ((sqlite3:context ctx)) "return((int)sqlite3_aggregate_context(ctx, 1));")) (define-external (chicken_sqlite3_step_stub (c-pointer ctx) (int n) (c-pointer args)) void (let/cc return (dynamic-wind noop (lambda () (handle-exceptions exn (print-error "in step of SQL function" exn) (let ([info (call-with/synch *sqlite3:functions* (cute hash-table-tree-ref <> (sqlite3_user_data ctx)))]) (call-with/synch *sqlite3:seeds* (cute hash-table-update!/default <> (sqlite3_aggregate_context ctx) (lambda (seed) (apply (vector-ref info 1) seed (sqlite3:parameter-data n args))) (vector-ref info 2)) ) ) ) ) (lambda () (return (void)) ) ) ) ) (define-external (chicken_sqlite3_final_stub (c-pointer ctx)) void (let/cc return (let ([agc (sqlite3_aggregate_context ctx)]) (dynamic-wind noop (lambda () (handle-exceptions exn (print-error "in final of SQL function" exn) (let ([info (call-with/synch *sqlite3:functions* (cute hash-table-tree-ref <> (sqlite3_user_data ctx)))]) (cond [((vector-ref info 3) (call-with/synch *sqlite3:seeds* (cute hash-table-ref/default <> agc (vector-ref info 2)))) => (cute sqlite3:set-result! ctx <>) ] [else (sqlite3:set-result! ctx) ] ) ) ) ) (lambda () (call-with/synch *sqlite3:seeds* (cute hash-table-delete! <> agc)) (return (void)) ) ) ) ) ) (define-generic sqlite3:define-function) (define-method (sqlite3:define-function (db ) (name ) (n ) (proc )) (let ([qn (object-evict (list (pointer->address (slot-ref db 'this)) name))]) (cond [((foreign-lambda* sqlite3:status ((sqlite3:database db) (c-string name) (int n) (scheme-object qn)) #< (lambda (s) (object-release qn) ((abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:define-function db name n proc) s)) ] [else (call-with/synch *sqlite3:functions* (cute hash-table-tree-set! <> qn (vector qn proc))) ] ) ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:define-function (db ) (name ) (n ) (step-proc ) (seed ) #!optional (final-proc identity)) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:define-function final-proc ) (let ([qn (object-evict (list (pointer->address (slot-ref db 'this)) name))]) (cond [((foreign-lambda* sqlite3:status ((sqlite3:database db) (c-string name) (int n) (scheme-object qn)) #< (lambda (s) (object-release qn) ((abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:define-function db name n step-proc seed final-proc) s)) ] [else (call-with/synch *sqlite3:functions* (cute hash-table-tree-set! <> qn (vector qn step-proc seed final-proc))) ] ) ) ) ;;; Database interface ;; Get any error message (define sqlite3:errmsg (foreign-lambda c-string "sqlite3_errmsg" sqlite3:database) ) ;; Open a database (define (sqlite3:open path) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:open path ) (let-location ([db c-pointer]) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_open" nonnull-c-string (c-pointer sqlite3:database)) (sqlite3:resolve-pathname path) #$db) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:open #f path) ] [else (make 'this db) ] ) ) ) ;; Set a timeout until a busy error is thrown (define (sqlite3:set-busy-timeout! db #!optional (ms 0)) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:set-busy-timeout! db ) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_busy_timeout" sqlite3:database int) db ms) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:set-busy-timeout! db db ms) ] ) ) ;; Cancel any running database operation as soon as possible (define (sqlite3:interrupt! db) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:interrupt! db ) ((foreign-lambda void "sqlite3_interrupt" sqlite3:database) db) ) ;; Check whether the database is in autocommit mode (define (sqlite3:auto-committing? db) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:auto-committing? db ) ((foreign-lambda bool "sqlite3_get_autocommit" sqlite3:database) db) ) ;; Get the number of changes made to the database (define (sqlite3:changes db #!optional (total #f)) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:changes db ) (if total ((foreign-lambda number "sqlite3_total_changes" sqlite3:database) db) ((foreign-lambda number "sqlite3_changes" sqlite3:database) db) ) ) ;; Get the row ID of the last inserted row (define (sqlite3:last-insert-rowid db) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:last-insert-rowid db ) ((foreign-lambda number "sqlite3_last_insert_rowid" sqlite3:database) db) ) ;; Close a database (define-generic sqlite3:finalize!) (define-method (sqlite3:finalize! (db )) (cond [(not (slot-ref db 'this)) (void) ] [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_close" sqlite3:database) db) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:finalize! db db) ] [else (let ([id (pointer->address (slot-ref db 'this))] [release-qns (lambda (_ info) (object-release (vector-ref info 0)))] ) (call-with/synch *sqlite3:collations* (cute hash-table-tree-clear! <> id release-qns)) (call-with/synch *sqlite3:functions* (cute hash-table-tree-clear! <> id release-qns)) ) (slot-set! db 'this #f) ] ) ) ;;; Statement interface ;; Create a new statement (define (sqlite3:prepare db sql) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:prepare db ) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:prepare sql ) (let-location ([stmt c-pointer] [tail c-string]) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_prepare" sqlite3:database scheme-pointer int (c-pointer sqlite3:statement) (c-pointer (const c-string))) db sql (string-length sql) #$stmt #$tail) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:prepare db db sql) ] [else (values (make 'this stmt 'database db 'sql sql) tail) ] ) ) ) ;; Recompile an existing statement and transfer all bindings (define (sqlite3:repair! stmt) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:repair! stmt ) (let ([fresh (sqlite3:prepare (slot-ref stmt 'database) (slot-ref stmt 'sql))]) (dynamic-wind noop (lambda () (let ([old (slot-ref stmt 'this)] [new (slot-ref fresh 'this)] ) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_transfer_bindings" c-pointer c-pointer) old new) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:repair! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt) ] [else (slot-set! stmt 'this new) (slot-set! fresh 'this old) ] ) ) ) (lambda () (sqlite3:finalize! fresh))) ) ) ;; Discard an existing statement ;; (define-generic sqlite3:finalize!) (define-method (sqlite3:finalize! (stmt )) (cond [(not (slot-ref stmt 'this)) (void) ] [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_finalize" sqlite3:statement) stmt) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:finalize! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt) ] [else (slot-set! stmt 'this #f) ] ) ) ;; Reset an existing statement to process it again (define sqlite3_reset (foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_reset"sqlite3:statement)) (define (sqlite3:reset! stmt) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:reset! stmt ) (cond [(sqlite3_reset stmt) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:reset! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt) ] ) ) ;; Get number of bindable parameters (define (sqlite3:bind-parameter-count stmt) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:bind-parameter-count stmt ) ((foreign-lambda int "sqlite3_bind_parameter_count" sqlite3:statement) stmt) ) ;; Get index of a bindable parameter or #f if no parameter with the ;; given name exists (define (sqlite3:bind-parameter-index stmt name) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:bind-parameter-index stmt ) (let ([i ((foreign-lambda int "sqlite3_bind_parameter_index" sqlite3:statement nonnull-c-string) stmt name)]) (if (zero? i) #f (sub1 i) ) ) ) ;; Get the name of a bindable parameter (define (sqlite3:bind-parameter-name stmt i) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:bind-parameter-name stmt ) ((foreign-lambda c-string "sqlite3_bind_parameter_name" sqlite3:statement int) stmt (add1 i)) ) ;; Bind data as parameters to an existing statement (define-generic sqlite3:bind!) (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i ) (v )) (cond [((foreign-lambda* sqlite3:status ((sqlite3:statement stmt) (int i) (scheme-pointer v) (int n)) "return(sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i, v, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT));") stmt (add1 i) v (blob-size v)) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i v) ] ) ) ; Deprecated (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i ) (v )) (cond [((foreign-lambda* sqlite3:status ((sqlite3:statement stmt) (int i) (scheme-pointer v) (int n)) "return(sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, i, v, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT));") stmt (add1 i) v (byte-vector-length v)) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i v) ] ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i ) (v )) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_bind_int" sqlite3:statement int int) stmt (add1 i) (or (and v 1) 0)) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i v) ] ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i ) (v )) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_bind_int" sqlite3:statement int int) stmt (add1 i) v) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i v) ] ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i ) (v )) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_bind_double" sqlite3:statement int double) stmt (add1 i) v) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i v) ] ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i ) (v )) (cond [((foreign-lambda* sqlite3:status ((sqlite3:statement stmt) (int i) (scheme-pointer v) (int n)) "return(sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, i, v, n, SQLITE_TRANSIENT));") stmt (add1 i) v (string-length v)) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i v) ] ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:bind! (stmt ) (i )) (cond [((foreign-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_bind_null" sqlite3:statement int) stmt (add1 i)) => (abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:bind! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt i) ] ) ) ; Helper (define (bind-parameters! loc stmt params) (sqlite3:reset! stmt) (let ([cnt (sqlite3:bind-parameter-count stmt)]) (if (= cnt (length params)) (unless (zero? cnt) (for-each (lambda (i v) (if (eq? v) (sqlite3:bind! stmt i) (sqlite3:bind! stmt i v) ) ) (iota cnt) params) ) (abort (make-composite-condition (make-exn-condition loc (conc "bad parameter count - received " (length params) " but expected " cnt)) (make-property-condition 'arity) (make-sqlite3-condition 'error))) ) ) ) (define (sqlite3:bind-parameters! stmt . params) (bind-parameters! 'sqlite3:bind-parameters! stmt params) ) ;; Single-step a prepared statement, return #t if data is available, ;; #f otherwise (define (sqlite3:step! stmt) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:step! stmt ) (let retry () (let ([s ((foreign-safe-lambda sqlite3:status "sqlite3_step" sqlite3:statement) stmt)]) (case s [(row) #t ] [(done) #f ] [(error) (let ([s (sqlite3_reset stmt)]) (case s [(schema) (sqlite3:repair! stmt) (retry) ] [else ((abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:step! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt) s) ] ) ) ] [else ((abort-sqlite3-error 'sqlite3:step! (slot-ref stmt 'database) stmt) s) ] ) ) ) ) ;; Retrieve information from a prepared/stepped statement (define (sqlite3:column-count stmt) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:column-count stmt ) ((foreign-lambda int "sqlite3_column_count" sqlite3:statement) stmt) ) (define (sqlite3:column-type stmt i) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:column-type stmt ) ((foreign-lambda sqlite3:type "sqlite3_column_type" sqlite3:statement int) stmt i) ) (define (sqlite3:column-declared-type stmt i) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:column-declared-type stmt ) ((foreign-lambda c-string "sqlite3_column_decltype" sqlite3:statement int) stmt i) ) (define (sqlite3:column-name stmt i) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:column-name stmt ) ((foreign-lambda c-string "sqlite3_column_name" sqlite3:statement int) stmt i) ) ;; Retrieve data from a stepped statement (define (sqlite3:column-data stmt i) (case (sqlite3:column-type stmt i) [(integer) ((foreign-lambda integer "sqlite3_column_double" sqlite3:statement int) stmt i) ] [(float) ((foreign-lambda double "sqlite3_column_double" sqlite3:statement int) stmt i) ] [(text) ((foreign-primitive scheme-object ((sqlite3:statement stmt) (int i)) "int n = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, i);" "C_word *s = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(n));" "return(C_string(&s, n, (char *)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, i)));") stmt i) ] [(blob) ((foreign-primitive scheme-object ((sqlite3:statement stmt) (int i)) "int n = sqlite3_column_bytes(stmt, i);" "C_word *s = C_alloc(C_SIZEOF_STRING(n));" "return(C_bytevector(&s, n, (char *)sqlite3_column_blob(stmt, i)));") stmt i) ] [else ] ) ) ;;; Easy statement interface ;; Compile a statement and call a procedure on it, then finalize the ;; statement in a dynamic-wind exit block if it hasn't been finalized yet. (define (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements proc db . sqls) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements db ) (let ([stmts #f]) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (unless stmts (set! stmts (map (cute sqlite3:prepare db <>) sqls)))) (lambda () (apply proc stmts)) (lambda () (when stmts (map sqlite3:finalize! stmts) (set! stmts #f)))) ) ) ;; Step through a statement and ignore possible results (define-generic sqlite3:exec) (define-method (sqlite3:exec (stmt ) . params) (bind-parameters! 'sqlite3:exec stmt params) (while (sqlite3:step! stmt)) (void) ) (define-method (sqlite3:exec (db ) (sql ) . params) (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements (cute apply sqlite3:exec <> params) db sql) ) ;; Step through a statement, ignore possible results and return the ;; count of changes performed by this statement (define-generic sqlite3:update) (define-method (sqlite3:update (stmt ) . params) (sqlite3:reset! stmt) (apply sqlite3:exec stmt params) (sqlite3:changes (slot-ref stmt 'database)) ) (define-method (sqlite3:update (db ) (sql ) . params) (apply sqlite3:exec db sql params) (sqlite3:changes db) ) ;; Return only the first column of the first result row produced by this ;; statement (define-generic sqlite3:first-result) (define-method (sqlite3:first-result (stmt ) . params) (bind-parameters! 'sqlite3:first-result stmt params) (if (sqlite3:step! stmt) (let ([r (sqlite3:column-data stmt 0)]) (sqlite3:reset! stmt) r ) (abort (make-no-data-condition 'sqlite3:first-result stmt params)) ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:first-result (db ) (sql ) . params) (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements (cute apply sqlite3:first-result <> params) db sql) ) ;; Return only the first result row produced by this statement as a list (define-generic sqlite3:first-row) (define-method (sqlite3:first-row (stmt ) . params) (bind-parameters! 'sqlite3:first-row stmt params) (if (sqlite3:step! stmt) (map (cute sqlite3:column-data stmt <>) (iota (sqlite3:column-count stmt))) (abort (make-no-data-condition 'sqlite3:first-row stmt params)) ) ) (define-method (sqlite3:first-row (db ) (sql ) . params) (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements (cute apply sqlite3:first-row <> params) db sql)) ;; Apply a procedure to the values of the result columns for each result row ;; while executing the statement and accumulating results. (define (%fold-row loc proc stmt init params) (bind-parameters! loc stmt params) (let ([cl (iota (sqlite3:column-count stmt))]) (let loop ([acc init]) (if (sqlite3:step! stmt) (loop (apply proc acc (map (cute sqlite3:column-data stmt <>) cl))) acc ) ) ) ) (define-generic sqlite3:fold-row) (define-method (sqlite3:fold-row (proc ) (stmt ) (init ) . params) (%fold-row 'sqlite3:fold-row proc stmt init params) ) (define-method (sqlite3:fold-row (proc ) (db ) (sql ) (init ) . params) (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements (cute apply sqlite3:fold-row proc <> init params) db sql) ) ;; Apply a procedure to the values of the result columns for each result row ;; while executing the statement and discard the results (define (for-each-row-proc proc) (lambda (acc . cols) (apply proc cols) acc ) ) (define-generic sqlite3:for-each-row) (define-method (sqlite3:for-each-row (proc ) (stmt ) . params) (%fold-row 'sqlite3:for-each-row (for-each-row-proc proc) stmt (void) params) ) (define-method (sqlite3:for-each-row (proc ) (db ) (sql ) . params) (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements (cute apply sqlite3:for-each-row proc <> params) db sql) ) ;; Apply a procedure to the values of the result columns for each result row ;; while executing the statement and accumulate the results in a list (define (map-row-proc proc) (lambda (acc . cols) (cons (apply proc cols) acc) ) ) (define-generic sqlite3:map-row) (define-method (sqlite3:map-row (proc ) (stmt ) . params) (reverse! (%fold-row 'sqlite3:map-row (map-row-proc proc) stmt '() params)) ) (define-method (sqlite3:map-row (proc ) (db ) (sql ) . params) (sqlite3:call-with-temporary-statements (cute apply sqlite3:map-row proc <> params) db sql) ) ;;; Utility procedures ;; Run a thunk within a database transaction, commit if return value is ;; true, rollback if return value is false or the thunk is interrupted by ;; an exception (define (sqlite3:with-transaction db thunk #!optional (type 'deferred)) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:with-transaction db ) (check-sqlite3-type 'sqlite3:with-transaction thunk ) (unless (memq type '(deferred immediate exclusive)) (abort (make-composite-condition (make-exn-condition 'sqlite3:with-transaction "bad argument: expected deferred, immediate or exclusive" type) (make-property-condition 'type))) ) (let ([success? #f]) (dynamic-wind (lambda () (sqlite3:exec db (string-append "BEGIN " (symbol->string type) " TRANSACTION;"))) (lambda () (set! success? (thunk))) (lambda () (sqlite3:exec db (if success? "COMMIT TRANSACTION;" "ROLLBACK TRANSACTION;")))) ) ) ;; Check if the given string is a valid SQL statement (define sqlite3:complete? (foreign-lambda bool "sqlite3_complete" nonnull-c-string)) ;; Return a descriptive version string (define sqlite3:library-version (foreign-lambda c-string "sqlite3_libversion") ) ;; Return a Scheme boolean for the usual SQLite column boolean values (define (sqlite3:boolean-value v) (cond [(string? v) (or (string-ci=? "Y" v) (string-ci=? "YES" v) (string=? "Yes" v)) ] [(and (integer? v) (exact? v)) (not (zero? v)) ] [else #f ] ) )