;;;; composite-entropy-source.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Apr, '17 #| === Composite Entropy Source ==== Usage (use composite-entropy-source) ==== composite-entropy-source (composite-entropy-source [ENTROPY-SOURCE ...] [#:comb-int (COMB-INT INTEGER-COMBINE)] [#:comb-real (COMB-REAL REAL-COMBINE)]) => entropy-source Returns a new {{entropy-source}} that combines the behaviors of the supplied {{ENTROPY-SOURCE ...}}. {{INTEGER-COMBINE}} default is {{(lambda (ints bnd) (modulo (apply + ints) bnd))}}. {{REAL-COMBINE}} default is {{(lambda (reals prec) (apply * reals))}}. Does not register the constructed {{entropy-source}}. Experimental at best. |# (module composite-entropy-source (;export *composite-entropy-source composite-entropy-source) (import scheme chicken) (use (only data-structures conc reverse-string-append ->string intersperse) (only type-errors error-argument-type) srfi-1 srfi-4 entropy-source srfi-27-vector-support srfi-27) ;;; (include "srfi-27-common-types") ;; (define (pull-rest-argument rest0) (let loop ((irest rest0) (orest '())) (cond ((null? irest) (reverse! orest) ) ((keyword? (car irest)) (loop (cddr irest) orest) ) (else (loop (cdr irest) (cons (car irest) orest)) ) ) ) ) ;; composite-entropy-source ;; ;; returns the composite name & constructor ;FIXME - the combinators are suspect (: composite-entropy-source (#!rest --> entropy-source)) ; (define (composite-entropy-source #!rest rest0 #!key (comb-int (lambda (ints n) (modulo (reduce fx+ 0 ints) n))) (comb-real (lambda (reals unit) (reduce fp* 1.0 reals)))) ;scrub keyword arguments (let* ( (rest (pull-rest-argument rest0) ) (srcs0 (if (null? rest) (error 'composite-entropy-source "no entropy-sources to combine") (map (cut check-entropy-source 'composite-entropy-source <>) rest) ) ) ) ;collect features (let loop ((srcs srcs0) (names '()) (docus '())) (if (null? srcs) ;then make composed entropy-source (*composite-entropy-source comb-int comb-real (string->symbol (reverse-string-append (intersperse names "+"))) (reverse-string-append (intersperse docus " & ")) srcs0) ;else collect info (let ((es (car srcs))) (loop (cdr srcs) (cons (->string (*entropy-source-name es)) names) (cons (*entropy-source-documentation es) docus)) ) ) ) ) ) ;; *composite-entropy-source ;; ;; returns the composite constructor (: *composite-entropy-source (procedure procedure entropy-source-name string (list-of entropy-source) --> entropy-source)) ; (define (*composite-entropy-source comb-int comb-real def-name def-docu srcs) (let ( (u8proc (lambda () (comb-int (map (lambda (es) ((@entropy-source-u8 es)) ) srcs) 255) ) ) (f64proc (lambda () (comb-real (map (lambda (es) ((@entropy-source-f64 es)) ) srcs) #f) ) ) ) (letrec ( (ctor (lambda (#!optional (name def-name) (docu def-docu)) (*make-entropy-source ; ctor ; name ; docu ; u8proc ; f64proc ; (lambda (u8cnt u8vec) (let ((u8vec (or u8vec (make-u8vector u8cnt)))) (u8vector-filled! u8vec u8proc 0 u8cnt) u8vec ) ) ; (lambda (f64cnt f64vec) (let ((f64vec (or f64vec (make-f64vector f64cnt)))) (f64vector-filled! f64vec f64proc 0 f64cnt) f64vec ) ) ) ) ) ) ctor ) ) ) ) ;module composite-entropy-source