[CHICKEN]: http://call-cc.org [stb_image_resize.h]: https://github.com/nothings/stb # stb-image-resize This is a [CHICKEN] egg that wraps [stb_image_resize.h] version 0.95 from Jorge L Rodriguez and friends. It works on [CHICKEN] 4 and 5. # API [procedure] (image-resize pixels width height channels target-width target-height #!key filter region alpha-channel) Takes in raw `pixels` (a srfi-4 u8/u16/u32/f32vector) of size `width`*`height`*`channels` and returns raw pixels after resizing. The returned type is the same as `pixels`' of size `target-width`*`target-height`*`channels`. `channels` must be an integer between 0 and 64 and keys are processed as follows. - `filter:` one of `box`, `triangle`, `cubicbspline`, `catmullrom` or `mitchell`. The default uses `catmullrom` for up-sampling and `mitchell` for down-sampling. - `region:` a vector of 4 elements `s0 t0 s1 t1`, representing the UV-coordinates to use as source image. This can be used to crop the image. These values must be in the range of `[0, 1]` and represent the fraction of the input image. `#(0 0 0.5 1)`, for example, cuts off the right half of the image. - `alpha-channel:` index of channel which is the alpha channel in the image. supply `#f` (default) for no alpha channel. # Examples ``` $ csi -R srfi-4 -R stb-image-resize -p '(image-resize (f32vector 0 4 8) 3 1 1 1 1)' #f32(4.0) ``` See `example.scm` for a thumbnail creation example.