Benchmarks of the SSAX parser String-value benchmark ---------------------- This benchmark compares the performance of SSAX and Expat in "untagging" of an XML document representing a full binary tree See ../docs/SSAX-benchmark-1.html for more details about the benchmark and for the discussion of its results. This benchmark requires Expat, which you can obtain from, for example, Expat is often included as a standard component of an OS distribution (e.g., /usr/lib/libexpat* or /usr/local/lib/libexpat.{a,so}. Run "locate expat" to see if Expat libraries are already installed on your system). You may need to adjust the Makefile to account for location of the Expat library and of the Scheme compiler on your system. The Makefile as it is written assumes a Bigloo Scheme system and Expat, at the "standard" locations (under /usr/local). $ make bench1 will make the test files, make benchmark applications and run them.