;;; tcp6.scm ;;; License ;; Copyright (c) 2011, Jim Ursetto ;; Copyright (c) 2008-2011, The Chicken Team ;; Copyright (c) 2000-2007, Felix L. Winkelmann ;; All rights reserved. ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in ;; the documentation and/or other materials provided with the ;; distribution. ;; - Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors ;; may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this ;; software without specific prior written permission. ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS ;; "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT ;; LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS ;; FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE ;; COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, ;; INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ;; (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR ;; SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ;; HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, ;; STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ;; ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED ;; OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (import scheme chicken) (use extras) (require-library srfi-1) (import (only srfi-1 filter)) (define-inline (tcp-error where msg . args) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:network-error where msg args)) (define *support-ipv6-v6only?* (let ((s #f)) (let ((rc (handle-exceptions exn #f (set! s (socket af/inet6 sock/stream)) ;; test ipv6 (and save?) (set! (ipv6-v6-only? s) #t) ;; test v6only #t))) (when s (socket-close* s)) rc))) ;; Force tcp4 for (tcp-listen port) when v6only enabled or ;; unsupported. This will fail on an IPv6-only system. Assume when ;; host is unspecified, the first addrinfo result on a dual-stack ;; system is "::". If it is "", IPv6 will be disabled. (define (bind-tcp-socket port host) (let* ((family (if (and (not host) (or (tcp-bind-ipv6-only) (not *support-ipv6-v6only?*))) af/inet #f)) (ai (address-information host port family: family type: sock/stream flags: ai/passive))) (when (null? ai) (tcp-error 'tcp-listen "node or service lookup failed" host port)) (let* ((ai (car ai)) (addr (addrinfo-address ai))) (let* ((so (socket (addrinfo-family ai) (addrinfo-socktype ai) 0)) (s (socket-fileno so))) (when (= (addrinfo-family ai) af/inet6) (when *support-ipv6-v6only?* ;; TODO: If host is not #f, can probably omit setting v6only. (set! (ipv6-v6-only? so) (tcp-bind-ipv6-only)))) (set! (so-reuse-address? so) #t) (socket-bind so addr) so)))) (define-constant default-backlog 10) (define-record-type tcp6-listener (make-tcp6-listener socket) tcp-listener? (socket tcp-listener-socket)) (define (tcp-listen port #!optional (w default-backlog) host) (let ((so (bind-tcp-socket port host))) (socket-listen so w) (make-tcp6-listener so))) (define (tcp-listener-fileno tcpl) (socket-fileno (tcp-listener-socket tcpl))) (define (tcp-close tcpl) (socket-close (tcp-listener-socket tcpl))) ;; Currently we rely on socket egg defaults for these (define-constant +input-buffer-size+ 1024) (define-constant +output-chunk-size+ 8192) (define tcp-buffer-size (make-parameter #f)) (define tcp-read-timeout (make-parameter (* 60 1000))) (define tcp-write-timeout (make-parameter (* 60 1000))) (define tcp-connect-timeout (make-parameter #f)) (define tcp-accept-timeout (make-parameter #f)) (define tcp-bind-ipv6-only (make-parameter #f)) (define (tcp-accept tcpl) (parameterize ((socket-accept-timeout (tcp-accept-timeout))) (let ((so (socket-accept (tcp-listener-socket tcpl)))) (parameterize (;;(socket-send-size +output-chunk-size+) ;;(socket-receive-buffer-size +input-buffer-size+) (socket-send-buffer-size (tcp-buffer-size)) )) (socket-i/o-ports so)))) (define (tcp-accept-ready? tcpl) (socket-accept-ready? (tcp-listener-socket tcpl))) (define-inline (network-error where msg . args) (apply ##sys#signal-hook #:network-error where msg args)) ;; Sequentially connect to all addrinfo objects until one succeeds, as long ;; as the connection is retryable (e.g. refused, no route, or timeout). ;; Otherwise it will error out on non-recoverable errors. ;; Silently skips non-stream objects for user convenience. ;; Returns: I/O ports bound to the succeeding connection, or throws an error ;; corresponding to the last failed connection attempt. ;; WARNING: On Windows, address-information returns 0 for socket-type unless ;; provided via type: (which is redundant info). (define (tcp-connect/ai ais) ;; Filter first to preserve our "last exception" model. Filter on sock/stream rather ;; than ipproto/tcp because Windows is silly. (let ((ais (filter (lambda (ai) (eq? (addrinfo-socktype ai) sock/stream)) ais))) (parameterize ((socket-connect-timeout (tcp-connect-timeout)) (socket-receive-timeout (tcp-read-timeout)) (socket-send-timeout (tcp-write-timeout)) ;; (socket-send-size +output-chunk-size+) ;; (socket-receive-buffer-size +input-buffer-size+) (socket-send-buffer-size (tcp-buffer-size)) ) (socket-i/o-ports (socket-connect/ai ais))))) (define (tcp-connect host . more) (let ((port (optional more #f))) (##sys#check-string host) (unless port (set!-values (host port) (parse-inet-address host)) (unless port (network-error 'tcp-connect "no port specified" host))) (let ((ais (address-information host port type: sock/stream))) ;; protocol: problematic on WIN (when (null? ais) (network-error 'tcp-connect "node and/or service lookup failed" host port)) (tcp-connect/ai ais)))) (define (tcp-addresses p) (##sys#check-port p 'tcp-addresses) (let ((so (socket-i/o-port->socket p))) (values (sockaddr-address (socket-name so)) (sockaddr-address (socket-peer-name so))))) (define (tcp-port-numbers p) (##sys#check-port p 'tcp-port-numbers) (let ((so (socket-i/o-port->socket p))) (values (sockaddr-port (socket-name so)) (sockaddr-port (socket-peer-name so))))) (define (tcp-listener-port tcpl) (sockaddr-port (socket-name (tcp-listener-socket tcpl)))) (define (tcp-abandon-port p) (socket-abandon-port p)) (define (tcp-port->socket p) (socket-i/o-port->socket p)) ;;; notes ;; added tcp-bind-ipv6-only param; if af/inet6, will set IPV6_V6ONLY option on socket ;; tcp-listen accepts service name string ;; tcp-connect accepts service name string (may issue SRV request) ;; tcp-connect connects to multiple addresses (or explicitly with tcp-connect/ai) ;; input buffer and output chunk size are not configurable without using [[socket]] calls ;; On XP, you must do 'netsh interface ipv6 install' to activate ipv6.