;;;; test.scm -- simple friendly test suite ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Alex Shinn. All rights reserved. ;; BSD-style license: http://synthcode.com/license.txt (module test (test test-error test-assert test-group test-group-inc! current-test-group test-begin test-end test-syntax-error test-info test-vars test-run test-exit current-test-verbosity current-test-epsilon current-test-comparator current-test-applier current-test-handler current-test-skipper current-test-group-reporter test-failure-count test-total-count) (import scheme chicken) (include "test-support.scm") ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; test interface (define-syntax test (syntax-rules () ((test expect expr) (test #f expect expr)) ((test name expect (expr ...)) (test-info name expect (expr ...) ())) ((test name (expect ...) expr) (test-syntax-error 'test "the test expression should come last " (test name (expect ...) expr))) ((test name expect expr) (test-info name expect expr ())) ((test a ...) (test-syntax-error 'test "2 or 3 arguments required" (test a ...))) )) (define-syntax test-assert (syntax-rules () ((_ expr) (test-assert #f expr)) ((_ name expr) (test-info name #f expr ((assertion . #t)))) ((test a ...) (test-syntax-error 'test-assert "1 or 2 arguments required" (test a ...))) )) (define-syntax test-error (syntax-rules () ((_ expr) (test-error #f expr)) ((_ name expr) (test-info name #f expr ((expect-error . #t)))) ((test a ...) (test-syntax-error 'test-error "1 or 2 arguments required" (test a ...))) )) ;; (define-syntax test-error* ;; (syntax-rules () ;; ((_ ?msg (?error-type ...) ?expr) ;; (let-syntax ((expression: ;; (syntax-rules () ;; ((_ ?expr) ;; (condition-case (begin ?expr "") ;; ((?error-type ...) '(?error-type ...)) ;; (exn () (##sys#slot exn 1))))))) ;; (test ?msg '(?error-type ...) (expression: ?expr)))) ;; ((_ ?msg ?error-type ?expr) ;; (test-error* ?msg (?error-type) ?expr)) ;; ((_ ?error-type ?expr) ;; (test-error* (sprintf "~S" '?expr) ?error-type ?expr)))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; group interface (define-syntax test-group (syntax-rules () ((_ name-expr body ...) (let ((name name-expr) (old-group (current-test-group))) (if (not (string? name)) (syntax-error 'test-group "a name is required, got " 'name-expr name)) (test-begin name) (condition-case (begin body ...) (e () (warning "error in group outside of tests") (print-error-message e) (test-group-inc! (current-test-group) 'count) (test-group-inc! (current-test-group) 'ERROR) (test-failure-count (+ 1 (test-failure-count))))) (test-end name) (current-test-group old-group))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; utilities (define-syntax test-syntax-error (syntax-rules () ((_) (syntax-error "invalid use of test-syntax-error")))) (define-syntax test-info (syntax-rules () ((test-info name expect expr info) (test-vars () name expect expr ((source . expr) . info))))) (define-syntax test-vars (syntax-rules () ;; Consider trying to determine "interesting" variables as in ;; Oleg's ASSERT macro (which unfortunately requires code walking ;; to detect lambda's, a point Oleg ignores). We could hack it by ;; not walking into let/lambda's and/or wrapping the value binding ;; in error handlers. ((_ (vars ...) n expect expr ((key . val) ...)) (test-run (lambda () expect) (lambda () expr) (cons (cons 'name n) '((source . expr) ;;(var-names . (vars ...)) ;;(var-values . ,(list vars)) (key . val) ...)))))))