;;;; test-support.scm -- runtime for test extension ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Alex Shinn. All rights reserved. ;; BSD-style license: http://synthcode.com/license.txt ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (require-library regex data-structures extras ports) (import scheme chicken regex data-structures extras ports) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; test-group representation (define (make-test-group name) (list name (cons 'start-time (current-seconds)) (cons 'start-milliseconds (current-milliseconds)))) (define test-group-name car) (define (test-group-ref group field . o) (apply assq-ref (cdr group) field o)) (define (test-group-set! group field value) (cond ((assq field (cdr group)) => (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x value))) (else (set-cdr! group (cons (cons field value) (cdr group)))))) (define (test-group-inc! group field) (cond ((assq field (cdr group)) => (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x (+ 1 (cdr x))))) (else (set-cdr! group (cons (cons field 1) (cdr group)))))) (define (test-group-push! group field value) (cond ((assq field (cdr group)) => (lambda (x) (set-cdr! x (cons value (cdr x))))) (else (set-cdr! group (cons (cons field (list value)) (cdr group)))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; utilities (define (every pred ls) (let lp ((ls ls)) (or (null? ls) (and (pred (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls)))))) (define (assq-ref ls key . o) (cond ((assq key ls) => cdr) ((pair? o) (car o)) (else #f))) (define (approx-equal? a b epsilon) (< (abs (- 1 (abs (if (zero? b) (+ 1 a) (/ a b))))) epsilon)) ;; partial pretty printing to abbreviate `quote' forms and the like (define (write-to-string x) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (let wr ((x x)) (if (pair? x) (cond ((and (symbol? (car x)) (pair? (cdr x)) (null? (cddr x)) (assq (car x) '((quote . "'") (quasiquote . "`") (unquote . ",") (unquote-splicing . ",@")))) => (lambda (s) (display (cdr s)) (wr (cadr x)))) (else (display "(") (wr (car x)) (let lp ((ls (cdr x))) (cond ((pair? ls) (display " ") (wr (car ls)) (lp (cdr ls))) ((not (null? ls)) (display " . ") (write ls)))) (display ")"))) (write x)))))) (define (truncate-source x width . o) (let* ((str (write-to-string x)) (len (string-length str))) (cond ((<= len width) str) ((and (pair? x) (eq? 'let (car x))) (if (and (pair? o) (car o)) (truncate-source (car (reverse x)) width #t) (string-append "..." (truncate-source (car (reverse x)) (- width 3) #t)))) ((and (pair? x) (eq? 'call-with-current-continuation (car x))) (truncate-source (cons 'call/cc (cdr x)) width (and (pair? o) (car o)))) (else (string-append (substring str 0 (min (max 0 (- width 3)) (string-length str))) "..."))))) (define (test-get-name! info) (or (assq-ref info 'name) (assq-ref info 'gen-name) (let ((name (cond ((assq-ref info 'source) => (lambda (src) (truncate-source src (- (current-column-width) 12)))) ((current-test-group) => (lambda (g) (string-append "test-" (number->string (test-group-ref g 'count 0))))) (else "")))) (if (pair? info) (set-cdr! info (cons (cons 'gen-name name) (cdr info)))) name))) (define (test-print-name info . indent) (let ((width (- (current-column-width) (or (and (pair? indent) (car indent)) 0))) (name (test-get-name! info))) (display name) (display " ") (let ((diff (- width 9 (string-length name)))) (cond ((positive? diff) (display (make-string diff #\.))))) (display " ") (flush-output))) (define (test-group-indent-width group) (let ((level (max 0 (+ 1 (- (test-group-ref group 'level 0) (test-first-indentation)))))) (* 4 (min level (test-max-indentation))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ansi tools (define (red x) (string-append "\x1B[31m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) (define (green x) (string-append "\x1B[32m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) (define (yellow x) (string-append "\x1B[33m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) ;; (define (blue x) (string-append "\x1B[34m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) ;; (define (magenta x) (string-append "\x1B[35m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) ;; (define (cyan x) (string-append "\x1B[36m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) (define (bold x) (string-append "\x1B[1m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) (define (underline x) (string-append "\x1B[4m" (->string x) "\x1B[0m")) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (test-run expect expr info) (if (and (cond ((current-test-group) => (lambda (g) (not (test-group-ref g 'skip-group?)))) (else #t)) (every (lambda (f) (f info)) (current-test-filters))) ((current-test-applier) expect expr info) ((current-test-skipper) expect expr info))) (define (test-default-applier expect expr info) (let* ((group (current-test-group)) (verbose? (and group (test-group-ref group 'verbosity))) (indent (and verbose? (test-group-indent-width group)))) (cond (verbose? (cond ((and (equal? 0 (test-group-ref group 'count 0)) (zero? (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-count 0)) (test-group-ref group 'verbosity)) (newline) (print-header-line (string-append "testing " (or (test-group-name group) "")) (or indent 0)))) (if (and indent (positive? indent)) (display (make-string indent #\space))) (test-print-name info indent))) (let ((expect-val (condition-case (expect) (e () (warning "bad expect value") (print-error-message e) #f)))) (condition-case (let ((res (expr))) (let ((status (if (and (not (assq-ref info 'expect-error)) (if (assq-ref info 'assertion) res ((current-test-comparator) expect-val res))) 'PASS 'FAIL)) (info `((result . ,res) (expected . ,expect-val) ,@info))) ((current-test-handler) status expect expr info))) (e () ((current-test-handler) (if (assq-ref info 'expect-error) 'PASS 'ERROR) expect expr (append `((exception . ,e) (trace . ,get-call-chain)) info))))))) (define (test-default-skipper expect expr info) ((current-test-handler) 'SKIP expect expr info)) (define (test-default-handler status expect expr info) ;; update group info (let* ((group (current-test-group)) (verbose? (and group (test-group-ref group 'verbosity))) (indent (cond (group => (lambda (group) (make-string (+ 4 (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0)) #\space))) (else (make-string 4 #\space))))) (cond ((current-test-group) => (lambda (group) (if (not (eq? 'SKIP status)) (test-group-inc! group 'count)) (test-group-inc! group status)))) (cond ((or (eq? status 'FAIL) (eq? status 'ERROR)) (test-failure-count (+ 1 (test-failure-count))))) (cond ((not verbose?) (write-char (case status ((PASS) #\.) ((FAIL) #\x) ((ERROR) #\!) (else #\space))) (if (zero? (modulo (test-group-ref group 'count) (current-column-width))) (newline))) ((not (eq? status 'SKIP)) ;; display status (display "[") (if (not (eq? status 'ERROR)) (display " ")) ; pad (display ((if (test-ansi?) (case status ((ERROR) (compose underline red)) ((FAIL) red) ((SKIP) yellow) (else green)) identity) status)) (display "]") (newline) ;; display status explanation (cond ((not (eq? status 'PASS)) (display indent))) (cond ((eq? status 'ERROR) (cond ((assq 'exception info) => (lambda (e) (print-error-message (cdr e) (current-output-port))))) ;;(print-call-chain (current-output-port) 10) ) ((and (eq? status 'FAIL) (assq-ref info 'assertion)) (display "assertion failed\n")) ((and (eq? status 'FAIL) (assq-ref info 'expect-error)) (display "expected an error but got ") (write (assq-ref info 'result)) (newline)) ((eq? status 'FAIL) (display "expected ") (write (assq-ref info 'expected)) (display " but got ") (write (assq-ref info 'result)) (newline))) ;; display line, source and values info (cond ((or (not (current-test-group)) (test-group-ref (current-test-group) 'verbosity)) (case status ((FAIL ERROR) (cond ((assq-ref info 'line-number) => (lambda (line) (display " in line ") (write line) (cond ((assq-ref info 'file-name) => (lambda (file) (display " of file ") (write file)))) (newline)))) (cond ((assq-ref info 'source) => (lambda (s) (if (or (assq-ref info 'name) (> (string-length (write-to-string s)) (current-column-width))) (for-each (lambda (line) (display " ") (display line) (newline)) (string-split (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pp s))) "\n")))))) (cond ((assq-ref info 'values) => (lambda (v) (for-each (lambda (v) (display " ") (display (car v)) (display ": ") (write (cdr v)) (newline)) v))))) )))))) status) (define (test-default-group-reporter group) (define (plural word n) (if (= n 1) word (string-append word "s"))) (define (percent n d) (string-append " (" (number->string (/ (round (* 1000 (/ n d))) 10)) "%)")) (let* ((end-time (current-seconds)) (end-milliseconds (current-milliseconds)) (start-time (test-group-ref group 'start-time)) (start-milliseconds (or (test-group-ref group 'start-milliseconds) 0)) (duration (if (and start-time (> (- end-time start-time) 60)) (/ (- (+ (* end-time 1000) end-milliseconds) (+ (* start-time 1000) start-milliseconds)) 1000) (/ (- end-milliseconds start-milliseconds) 1000))) (count (or (test-group-ref group 'count) 0)) (pass (or (test-group-ref group 'PASS) 0)) (fail (or (test-group-ref group 'FAIL) 0)) (err (or (test-group-ref group 'ERROR) 0)) (skip (or (test-group-ref group 'SKIP) 0)) (subgroups-count (or (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-count) 0)) (subgroups-pass (or (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-pass) 0)) (indent (make-string (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0) #\space))) (if (not (test-group-ref group 'verbosity)) (newline)) (cond ((or (positive? count) (positive? subgroups-count)) (if (not (= count (+ pass fail err))) (warning "inconsistent count:" count pass fail err)) (display indent) (cond ((positive? count) (write count) (display (plural " test" count)))) (if (and (positive? count) (positive? subgroups-count)) (display " and ")) (cond ((positive? subgroups-count) (write subgroups-count) (display (plural " subgroup" subgroups-count)))) (display " completed in ") (write duration) (display " seconds") (cond ((not (zero? skip)) (display " (") (write skip) (display (plural " test" skip)) (display " skipped)"))) (display ".") (newline) (cond ((positive? fail) (display indent) (display ((if (test-ansi?) red identity) (string-append (number->string fail) (plural " failure" fail) (percent fail count) "."))) (newline))) (cond ((positive? err) (display indent) (display ((if (test-ansi?) (compose underline red) identity) (string-append (number->string err) (plural " error" err) (percent err count) "."))) (newline))) (cond ((positive? count) (display indent) (display ((if (and (test-ansi?) (= pass count)) green identity) (string-append (number->string pass) " out of " (number->string count) (percent pass count) (plural " test" pass) " passed."))) (newline))) (cond ((positive? subgroups-count) (display indent) (display ((if (and (test-ansi?) (= subgroups-pass subgroups-count)) green identity) (string-append (number->string subgroups-pass) " out of " (number->string subgroups-count) (percent subgroups-pass subgroups-count) (plural " subgroup" subgroups-pass) " passed."))) (newline))) )) (print-header-line (string-append "done testing " (or (test-group-name group) "")) (or (test-group-indent-width group) 0)) (newline) )) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define (test-equal? expect res) (or (equal? expect res) (and (number? expect) (inexact? expect) (approx-equal? expect res (current-test-epsilon))))) (define (print-header-line str . indent) (let* ((header (string-append (make-string (if (pair? indent) (car indent) 0) #\space) "-- " str " ")) (len (string-length header))) (display (if (test-ansi?) (bold header) header)) (display (make-string (max 0 (- (current-column-width) len)) #\-)) (newline))) (define (test-begin . o) (let* ((name (if (pair? o) (car o) "")) (group (make-test-group name)) (parent (current-test-group))) (cond ((and parent (equal? 0 (test-group-ref parent 'count 0)) (zero? (test-group-ref parent 'subgroups-count 0)) (test-group-ref parent 'verbosity)) (newline) (print-header-line (string-append "testing " (test-group-name parent)) (or (test-group-indent-width parent) 0)))) (test-group-set! group 'parent parent) (test-group-set! group 'verbosity (if parent (test-group-ref parent 'verbosity) (current-test-verbosity))) (test-group-set! group 'level (if parent (+ 1 (test-group-ref parent 'level 0)) 0)) (test-group-set! group 'skip-group? (or (and parent (test-group-ref parent 'skip-group?)) (not (every (lambda (f) (f group)) (current-test-group-filters))))) (current-test-group group))) (define (test-end . o) (cond ((current-test-group) => (lambda (group) (if (and (pair? o) (not (equal? (car o) (test-group-name group)))) (warning "mismatched test-end:" (car o) (test-group-name group))) (let ((parent (test-group-ref group 'parent))) (cond ((not (test-group-ref group 'skip-group?)) ;; only report if there's something to say ((current-test-group-reporter) group) (cond (parent (test-group-inc! parent 'subgroups-count) (cond ((and (zero? (test-group-ref group 'FAIL 0)) (zero? (test-group-ref group 'ERROR 0)) (= (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-pass 0) (test-group-ref group 'subgroups-count 0))) (test-group-inc! parent 'subgroups-pass))))))) (current-test-group parent) group))))) (define (test-exit . o) (exit (if (positive? (test-failure-count)) (if (pair? o) (car o) 1) 0))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; parameters (define current-test-group (make-parameter #f)) (define current-test-verbosity (make-parameter (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_QUIET") => (lambda (s) (equal? s "0"))) (else #t)))) (define current-test-epsilon (make-parameter 1e-5)) (define current-test-comparator (make-parameter test-equal?)) (define current-test-applier (make-parameter test-default-applier)) (define current-test-handler (make-parameter test-default-handler)) (define current-test-skipper (make-parameter test-default-skipper)) (define current-test-group-reporter (make-parameter test-default-group-reporter)) (define test-failure-count (make-parameter 0)) (define test-first-indentation (make-parameter (or (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_FIRST_INDENTATION") => string->number) (else #f)) 1))) (define test-max-indentation (make-parameter (or (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_MAX_INDENTATION") => string->number) (else #f)) 5))) (define (string->info-matcher str) (let ((rx (regexp str))) (lambda (info) (cond ((test-get-name! info) => (lambda (n) (string-search rx n))) (else #f))))) (define (string->group-matcher str) (let ((rx (regexp str))) (lambda (group) (string-search rx (car group))))) (define (getenv-filter-list proc name . o) (cond ((get-environment-variable name) => (lambda (s) (condition-case (let ((f (proc s))) (list (if (and (pair? o) (car o)) (complement f) f))) (e () (warning (string-append "invalid filter regexp '" s "' from environment variable: " name)) (print-error-message e) '())))) (else '()))) (define current-test-filters (make-parameter (append (getenv-filter-list string->info-matcher "TEST_FILTER") (getenv-filter-list string->info-matcher "TEST_REMOVE" #t)))) (define current-test-group-filters (make-parameter (append (getenv-filter-list string->group-matcher "TEST_GROUP_FILTER") (getenv-filter-list string->group-matcher "TEST_GROUP_REMOVE" #t)))) (define current-column-width (make-parameter (or (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_COLUMN_WIDTH") => string->number) (else #f)) 78))) (define test-ansi? (make-parameter (cond ((get-environment-variable "TEST_USE_ANSI") => (lambda (s) (not (equal? s "0")))) (else (and (##sys#tty-port? (current-output-port)) (member (get-environment-variable "TERM") '("xterm" "xterm-color" "xterm-256color" "rxvt" "kterm" "linux" "screen" "screen-256color" "vt100")))))))