;;;; chicken-thread-object-primitives.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '18 ;;;; (Was thread-object-primitive.scm) ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '17 ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '09 ; Usage ; ; (include "chicken-object-primitives") ; (include "chicken-thread-object-primitives") ;; Notes ; ; Provides inlines & macros for thread objects. Use of these procedures ; by non-core & non-core-extensions is highly suspect. Many of these routines ; are unsafe. ; ; In fact, any use is suspect ;-) ;;; Thread object helpers: ;; Thread layout: ; ; 0 Tag - 'thread ; 1 Thunk (procedure) ; 2 Results (#f until thunk return then list-of object) ; 3 State (symbol) ; 4 Block-timeout (fixnum or #f) ; 5 State buffer (vector) ; 0 Dynamic winds (list) ; 1 Standard input (port) ; 2 Standard output (port) ; 3 Standard error (port) ; 4 Exception handler (procedure) ; 5 Parameters (vector) ; 6 Name (object) ; 7 Reason (condition or #f) ; 8 Owned Mutexes (list-of mutex) ; 9 Quantum (fixnum) ; 10 Specific (object) ; 11 Block object (type depends on blocking type) ; 12 Recipients (list-of thread) ; 13 Unblocked by timeout? (boolean) (define-inline (%thread? x) (%structure-instance? x 'thread) ) (define-inline (%thread-thunk th) (%structure-ref th 1) ) (define-inline (%thread-thunk-set! th tk) (%structure-set!/mutate th 1 tk) ) (define-inline (%thread-results th) (%structure-ref th 2) ) (define-inline (%thread-results-set! th rs) (%structure-set!/mutate th 2 rs) ) (define-inline (%thread-state th) (%structure-ref th 3) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-set! th st) (%structure-set!/mutate th 3 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-block-timeout th) (%structure-ref th 4) ) (define-inline (%thread-block-timeout-set! th to) (%structure-set!/immediate th 4 to) ) (define-inline (%thread-block-timeout-clear! th) (%thread-block-timeout-set! th #f) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-dynamic-winds th) (%vector-ref (%thread-state-buffer th) 0) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-standard-input th) (%vector-ref (%thread-state-buffer th) 1) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-standard-output th) (%vector-ref (%thread-state-buffer th) 2) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-standard-error th) (%vector-ref (%thread-state-buffer th) 3) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-exception-handler th) (%vector-ref (%thread-state-buffer th) 4) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-parameters th) (%vector-ref (%thread-state-buffer th) 5) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-dynamic-winds th st) (%vector-set!/mutate (%thread-state-buffer th) 0 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-standard-input-set! th st) (%vector-set!/mutate (%thread-state-buffer th) 1 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-standard-output-set! th st) (%vector-set!/mutate (%thread-state-buffer th) 2 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-standard-error-set! th st) (%vector-set!/mutate (%thread-state-buffer th) 3 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-exception-handler-set! th st) (%vector-set!/mutate (%thread-state-buffer th) 4 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-state-parameters-set! th st) (%vector-set!/mutate (%thread-state-buffer th) 5 st) ) (define-inline (%thread-name th) (%structure-ref th 6) ) (define-inline (%thread-reason th) (%structure-ref th 7) ) (define-inline (%thread-reason-set! th cd) (%structure-set!/mutate th 7 cd) ) (define-inline (%thread-mutexes th) (%structure-ref th 8) ) (define-inline (%thread-mutexes-set! th wt) (%structure-set!/mutate th 8 wx) ) (define-inline (%thread-mutexes-empty? th) (%null? (%thread-mutexes th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-mutexes-empty! th) (%structure-set!/immediate th 8 '()) ) (define-inline (%thread-mutexes-add! th mx) (%thread-mutexes-set! th (%cons mx (%thread-mutexes th))) ) (define-inline (%thread-mutexes-delete! th mx) (%thread-mutexes-set! th (%delq! mx (%thread-mutexes th))) ) (define-inline (%thread-quantum th) (%structure-ref th 9) ) (define-inline (%thread-quantum-set! th qt) (%structure-set!/immediate th 9 qt) ) (define-inline (%thread-specific th) (%structure-ref th 10) ) (define-inline (%thread-specific-set! th x) (%structure-set!/mutate th 10 x) ) (define-inline (%thread-block-object th) (%structure-ref th 11) ) (define-inline (%thread-block-object-set! th x) (%structure-set!/mutate th 11 x) ) (define-inline (%thread-block-object-clear! th) (%structure-set!/immediate th 11 #f) ) (define-inline (%thread-recipients th) (%structure-ref th 12) ) (define-inline (%thread-recipients-set! th x) (%structure-set!/mutate th 12 x) ) (define-inline (%thread-recipients-empty? th) (%null? (%condition-variable-waiters th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-recipients-empty! th) (%structure-set!/immediate th 12 '()) ) (define-inline (%thread-recipients-add! th rth) (%thread-recipients-set! t (%cons rth (%thread-recipients t))) ) (define-inline (%thread-recipients-process! th tk) (let ((rs (%thread-recipients t))) (unless (%null? rs) (for-each tk rs) ) ) (%thread-recipients-empty! t) ) (define-inline (%thread-unblocked-by-timeout? th) (%structure-ref th 13) ) (define-inline (%thread-unblocked-by-timeout-set! th f) (%structure-set!/immediate th 13 f) ) (define-inline (%thread-blocked-for-timeout? th) (and (%thread-block-timeout th) (not (%thread-block-object th))) ) (define-inline (%thread-blocked? th) (%eq? 'blocked (%thread-state th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-created? th) (%eq? 'created (%thread-state th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-ready? th) (%eq? 'ready (%thread-state th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-sleeping? th) (%eq? 'sleeping (%thread-state th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-suspended? th) (%eq? 'suspended (%thread-state th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-terminated? th) (%eq? 'terminated (%thread-state th)) ) (define-inline (%thread-dead? th) (%eq? 'dead (%thread-state th)) ) ;; Synonyms (define-inline (%current-thread) ##sys#current-thread ) ;;; Mutex object helpers: ;; Mutex layout: ; ; 0 Tag - 'mutex ; 1 Name (object) ; 2 Thread (thread or #f) ; 3 Waiting threads (FIFO list) ; 4 Abandoned? (boolean) ; 5 Locked? (boolean) ; 6 Specific (object) (define-inline (%mutex? x) (%structure-instance? x 'mutex) ) (define-inline (%mutex-name mx) (%structure-ref mx 1) ) (define-inline (%mutex-thread mx) (%structure-ref mx 2) ) (define-inline (%mutex-thread-set! mx th) (%structure-set!/mutate mx 2 th) ) (define-inline (%mutex-thread-clear! mx) (%structure-set!/immediate mx 2 #f) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters mx) (%structure-ref mx 3) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters-set! mx wt) (%structure-set!/mutate mx 3 wt) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters-empty? mx) (%null? (%mutex-waiters mx)) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters-empty! mx) (%structure-set!/immediate mx 3 '()) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters-add! mx th) (%mutex-waiters-set! mx (%append! (%mutex-waiters mx) (%cons th '()))) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters-delete! mx th) (%mutex-waiters-set! mx (%delq! th (%mutex-waiters mx))) ) (define-inline (%mutex-waiters-pop! mx) (let* ((wt (%mutex-waiters mx) ) (top (%car wt) ) ) (%mutex-waiters-set! mx (%cdr wt)) top ) ) (define-inline (%mutex-abandoned? mx) (%structure-ref mx 4) ) (define-inline (%mutex-abandoned-set! mx f) (%structure-set!/immediate mx 4 f) ) (define-inline (%mutex-locked? mx) (%structure-ref mx 5) ) (define-inline (%mutex-locked-set! mx f) (%structure-set!/immediate mx 5 f) ) (define-inline (%mutex-specific mx) (%structure-ref mx 6) ) (define-inline (%mutex-specific-set! mx x) (%structure-set!/mutate mx 6 x) ) ;;; Condition-variable object: ;; Condition-variable layout: ; ; 0 Tag - 'condition-variable ; 1 Name (object) ; 2 Waiting threads (FIFO list) ; 3 Specific (object) (define-inline (%condition-variable? x) (%structure-instance? x 'condition-variable) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-name cv) (%structure-ref cv 1) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters cv) (%structure-ref cv 2) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters-set! cv x) (%structure-set!/mutate cv 2 x) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters-empty? cv) (%null? (%condition-variable-waiters cv)) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters-empty! cv) (%structure-set!/immediate cv 2 '()) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters-add! cv th) (%condition-variable-waiters-set! cv (%append! (%condition-variable-waiters cv) (%cons th '()))) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters-delete! cv th) (%condition-variable-waiters-set! cv (%delq! th (%condition-variable-waiters cv))) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-waiters-pop! mx) (let* ( (wt (%condition-variable-waiters mx) ) (top (%car wt) ) ) ; (%condition-variable-waiters-set! mx (%cdr wt)) top ) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-specific cv) (%structure-ref cv 3) ) (define-inline (%condition-variable-specific-set! cv x) (%structure-set!/mutate cv 3 x) )