; ; Verifying the treaps package ; ; Modified for Chicken Scheme and the test package by Ivan Raikov (require-library srfi-1 srfi-13 treap test) (import srfi-1 srfi-13 treap test) (define (++ x) (fx+ 1 x)) (define (-- x) (fx- x 1)) (define min-key -1) (define max-key 10) (define a-key (quotient (+ min-key max-key) 2)) (define treap (make-treap (lambda (x y) (- x y)))) (define ;; a hard-wired association between a key and a value" compute-assoc (lambda (key) (cons key (++ key)))) (test-group "--> Sorting of a set of numbers via a treap" (test-assert (treap 'empty?) ) (test-assert (zero? (treap 'size))) (test-assert (zero? (treap 'depth))) (do ((i min-key (++ i))) ((> i max-key)) (test-assert (not ((treap 'put!) i (cdr (compute-assoc i))) ))) (print "treap depth: " (treap 'depth)) (treap 'debugprint) (test (++ (- max-key min-key)) (treap 'size) ) (test-assert (not (treap 'empty?))) (test (compute-assoc min-key) (treap 'get-min) ) (test (compute-assoc max-key) (treap 'get-max) ) (test ((treap 'get) min-key) (treap 'get-min) ) (test ((treap 'get) max-key) (treap 'get-max) ) (test (compute-assoc (++ min-key)) ((treap 'get) (++ min-key)) ) (test (compute-assoc (++ min-key)) ((treap 'get) (++ min-key) #f) ) (test-assert (not ((treap 'get) (-- min-key) #f))) (treap 'clear!) (test-assert (treap 'empty?) ) (test-assert (zero? (treap 'size)) ) (test-assert (zero? (treap 'depth)) ) (do ((i max-key (-- i))) ((< i min-key)) (test-assert (not ((treap 'put!) i (cdr (compute-assoc i)))))) (print "treap depth: " (treap 'depth)) (treap 'debugprint) (test (compute-assoc min-key) (treap 'get-min) ) (test (compute-assoc min-key) (treap 'delete-min!) ) (test-assert (not ((treap 'get) min-key #f)) ) (test (compute-assoc (++ min-key)) (treap 'get-min) ) (test (compute-assoc max-key) (treap 'get-max) ) (test (compute-assoc max-key) (treap 'delete-max!) ) (test-assert (not ((treap 'get) max-key #f)) ) (test (treap 'get-max) ((treap 'get) (-- max-key)) ) (test (treap 'size) (+ -2 (++ (- max-key min-key)))) (do ((i (++ min-key) (++ i))) ((> i (-- max-key))) (test (compute-assoc i) ((treap 'get) i #f)) (test (compute-assoc i) (treap 'delete-min!) ) (test-assert (not ((treap 'get) i #f) ))) (test-assert (treap 'empty?)) (test-assert (zero? (treap 'size)) ) (test-assert (zero? (treap 'depth)) ) (do ((i min-key) (j max-key) (direction #t (not direction))) ((< j i)) (cond (direction (test-assert (not ((treap 'put!) i (cdr (compute-assoc i))))) (set! i (++ i))) (else (test-assert (not ((treap 'put!) j (cdr (compute-assoc j))))) (set! j (-- j))))) (let* ((old-assoc (compute-assoc a-key)) (new-assoc (cons a-key #\a))) (test old-assoc ((treap 'get) a-key) ) (test old-assoc ((treap 'put!) a-key (cdr new-assoc)) ) (test new-assoc ((treap 'get) a-key) ) (test new-assoc ((treap 'delete!) a-key) ) (test-assert (not ((treap 'delete!) a-key #f) )) (test-assert (not ((treap 'put!) a-key (cdr old-assoc)) )) (test old-assoc ((treap 'put!) a-key (cdr old-assoc)) ) (test old-assoc ((treap 'get) a-key) )) (test (treap 'size) (++ (- max-key min-key))) (print "treap depth: " (treap 'depth)) (test-assert (not (treap 'empty?))) (let ((expected-key min-key)) ((treap 'for-each-ascending) (lambda (association) (test association (compute-assoc expected-key)) (set! expected-key (++ expected-key)))) (test expected-key (++ max-key) )) (let ((expected-key max-key)) ((treap 'for-each-descending) (lambda (association) (test association (compute-assoc expected-key)) (set! expected-key (-- expected-key)))) (test expected-key (-- min-key) ))) (test-exit)