;;;; utf8-case-map.scm -- Unicode locale-aware case-mappings ;; ;; Copyright (c) 2004-2010 Alex Shinn. All rights reserved. ;; BSD-style license: http://synthcode.com/license.txt ;; Usage: ;; ;; (utf8-string-upcase str-or-port [locale]) ;; (utf8-string-downcase str-or-port [locale]) ;; (utf8-string-titlecase str-or-port [locale]) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (declare (no-bound-checks) (no-procedure-checks) ) (module utf8-case-map ( char-downcase* char-upcase* char-titlecase* utf8-string-upcase utf8-string-downcase utf8-string-titlecase) (import scheme chicken extras ports posix srfi-4 utf8-lolevel (except utf8-srfi-14 char-set:hex-digit) unicode-char-sets) (require-library posix srfi-4 utf8-lolevel utf8-srfi-14 unicode-char-sets) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (define *data-file-path* (list "./data" (repository-path))) (define (find-data-file name) (let lp ((ls *data-file-path*)) (and (pair? ls) (let ((path (string-append (car ls) "/" name))) (if (file-exists? path) path (lp (cdr ls))))))) (define char->ucs char->integer) (define ucs->char integer->char) (define read-binary-uint32-le ;; files distributed as little-endian in egg (lambda (port) (let* ((b1 (read-byte port)) (b2 (read-byte port)) (b3 (read-byte port)) (b4 (read-byte port))) (if (eof-object? b4) b4 (bitwise-ior b1 (arithmetic-shift b2 8) (arithmetic-shift b3 16) (arithmetic-shift b4 24)))))) (define read-binary-uint16-le ;; files distributed as little-endian in egg (lambda (port) (let* ((b1 (read-byte port)) (b2 (read-byte port))) (if (eof-object? b2) b2 (bitwise-ior b1 (arithmetic-shift b2 8)))))) ;; currently only defined for u16 and u32 vectors (define (read-block! vec port) (cond ((u16vector? vec) (let ((len (u16vector-length vec))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i len)) (u16vector-set! vec i (read-binary-uint16-le port))))) ((u32vector? vec) (let ((len (u32vector-length vec))) (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i len)) (u32vector-set! vec i (read-binary-uint32-le port))))) (else (error 'read-block! "unsupported type" vec)))) (define (with-string-io* s thunk) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (with-input-from-port (if (string? s) (open-input-string s) s) thunk)))) (define (display-utf8 x) (if (char? x) (write-utf8-char x) (display x))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; simple case conversions (define *char-case-file-1* "case-map-1.dat") (define *char-case-table-1* (or (condition-case (and-let* ((file (find-data-file *char-case-file-1*)) (size (file-size file)) (vec (make-u32vector (quotient size 4)))) (call-with-input-file file (cut read-block! vec <>) #:binary) vec) (var () #f)) (begin (warning "couldn't load case-map-1.dat") (make-u32vector 0)))) (define *char-case-count-1* (- (quotient (u32vector-length *char-case-table-1*) 4) 1)) (define (char-case-index tab i) (if (zero? (u32vector-length tab)) 0 (do ((j 0 (+ j 4))) ((>= (u32vector-ref tab j) i) (quotient j 4))))) (define (char-case-search tab i off . opt) (let-optionals* opt ((lo 0) (hi *char-case-count-1*)) (and (>= hi lo) (cond ((= i (u32vector-ref tab (* lo 4))) (u32vector-ref tab (+ (* lo 4) off))) ((= i (u32vector-ref tab (* hi 4))) (u32vector-ref tab (+ (* hi 4) off))) (else (let loop ((a lo) (b hi)) (if (= a b) #f (let* ((mid (+ a (quotient (- b a) 2))) (ind (* mid 4)) (val (u32vector-ref tab ind))) (cond ((< i val) (if (= mid b) #f (loop a mid))) ((> i val) (if (= mid a) #f (loop mid b))) (else (u32vector-ref tab (+ ind off)))))))))))) ;; just inline these two indexes for speed (define *index-2500* (char-case-index *char-case-table-1* #x2500)) (define *index-FF20* (char-case-index *char-case-table-1* #xFF20)) (define (char-map-single-case i off) (cond ((< i 128) #f) ((< i #x2500) (and-let* ((j (char-case-search *char-case-table-1* i off 0 *index-2500*))) (ucs->char j))) ((> i #xFF20) (and-let* ((j (char-case-search *char-case-table-1* i off *index-FF20* *char-case-count-1*))) (ucs->char j))) (else #f))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; special casing (define *char-case-file-2* "case-map-2.dat") (define *char-case-table-2* (or (and-let* ((file (find-data-file *char-case-file-2*))) (condition-case (with-input-from-file file read) (var () #f))) (begin (warning "couldn't load case-map-2.dat") '#()))) (define *char-case-length-2* (vector-length *char-case-table-2*)) (define (char-map-multi-case i off) (let loop ((a 0) (b *char-case-length-2*)) (if (= a b) #f (let* ((mid (+ a (quotient (- b a) 2))) (vec (vector-ref *char-case-table-2* mid)) (val (vector-ref vec 0))) (cond ((< i val) (if (= mid b) #f (loop a mid))) ((> i val) (if (= mid a) #f (loop mid b))) (else (vector-ref vec off))))))) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; interface ;; returns a single char (define (char-upcase-single c) (let ((i (char->ucs c))) (if (< i 128) (char-upcase c) (or (char-map-single-case i 1) c)))) (define (char-downcase-single c) (let ((i (char->ucs c))) (if (< i 128) (char-downcase c) (or (char-map-single-case i 2) c)))) (define (char-titlecase-single c) (let ((i (char->ucs c))) (if (< i 128) (char-upcase c) (or (char-map-single-case i 3) c)))) ;; may return a char or string (define (char-downcase* c) (or (char-map-multi-case (char->ucs c) 1) (char-downcase-single c))) (define (char-titlecase* c) (or (char-map-multi-case (char->ucs c) 2) (char-titlecase-single c))) (define (char-upcase* c) (or (char-map-multi-case (char->ucs c) 3) (char-upcase-single c))) (define (lang? opt . args) (and (pair? opt) (let ((lang (car opt))) (and (>= (string-length lang) 2) (let lp ((ls args)) (and (pair? ls) (or (let ((lang2 (car ls))) (and (eqv? (string-ref lang 0) (string-ref lang2 0)) (eqv? (string-ref lang 1) (string-ref lang2 1)))) (lp (cdr ls))))))))) (define grave-accent (char->utf8-string (ucs->char #x0300))) (define acute-accent (char->utf8-string (ucs->char #x0301))) (define tilde-accent (char->utf8-string (ucs->char #x0303))) (define dot-above (char->utf8-string (ucs->char #x0307))) (define dotted-capital-i (ucs->char #x0130)) (define dotless-small-i (ucs->char #x0131)) (define dotted-small-i (string-append "i" dot-above)) (define dotted-small-i/grave (string-append "i" dot-above grave-accent)) (define dotted-small-i/acute (string-append "i" dot-above acute-accent)) (define dotted-small-i/tilde (string-append "i" dot-above tilde-accent)) (define small-final-sigma (ucs->char #x03C2)) (define small-sigma (ucs->char #x03C3)) ;; takes an optional locale string (define (utf8-string-upcase str . opt) (with-string-io* str (lambda () (if (lang? opt "tr" "az") (let loop ((c (read-utf8-char))) (unless (eof-object? c) (display-utf8 (if (eqv? c #\i) dotted-capital-i (char-upcase* c))) (loop (read-utf8-char)))) (let loop ((c (read-utf8-char))) (unless (eof-object? c) (display-utf8 (char-upcase* c)) (loop (read-utf8-char)))))))) (define (char-downcase-locale c next opt) (or (case (char->ucs c) ;; Final Sigma ((#x03A3) (if (and (char? next) (char-set-contains? char-set:greek next)) small-sigma small-final-sigma)) ;; Lithuanian (XXXX add More_Above logic) ((#x00CC) (and (lang? opt "lt") dotted-small-i/grave)) ((#x00CD) (and (lang? opt "lt") dotted-small-i/acute)) ((#x0128) (and (lang? opt "lt") dotted-small-i/tilde)) ;; Turkish and Azeri ((#x0130) (if (lang? opt "tr" "az") #\i dotted-small-i)) ((#x0307) (and (lang? opt "tr" "az") "")) ((#x0049) (and (lang? opt "tr" "az") dotless-small-i)) (else #f)) (char-downcase* c))) (define (utf8-string-downcase str . opt) (with-string-io* str (lambda () (let loop ((c (read-utf8-char))) (unless (eof-object? c) (let ((next (read-utf8-char))) (display-utf8 (char-downcase-locale c next opt)) (loop next))))))) ;; Note: there are some characters which define case mappings (such as ;; the circled latin letters), but which unicode doesn't consider ;; alphabetic. So the faster and more natural test for the alphabetic ;; property doesn't work, and we somewhat clumsily test whether or not ;; the characters are either upper or lowercase. ;; ;; An alternative approach is to explicitly compare the script property ;; of successive characters and start a new word when that property ;; changes. So a consecutive string of Greek letters followed ;; immediately by Latin characters would result in the first Greek ;; letter and first Latin character being uppercased, as opposed to just ;; the first Greek letter as we do now. (define (has-case? c) ;;(char-set-contains? char-set:alphabetic c) (or (char-set-contains? char-set:uppercase c) (char-set-contains? char-set:lowercase c))) (define (utf8-string-titlecase str . opt) (with-string-io* str (lambda () (letrec ((in-word (lambda (c) (unless (eof-object? c) (let ((next (read-utf8-char))) (display-utf8 (char-downcase-locale c next opt)) (if (has-case? c) (in-word next) (out-word next)))))) (out-word (lambda (c) (unless (eof-object? c) (let ((next (read-utf8-char))) (cond ((has-case? c) (display-utf8 (if (eqv? c #\i) (if (lang? opt "tr" "az") dotted-capital-i #\I) (char-titlecase* c))) (in-word next)) (else (display-utf8 c) (out-word next)))))))) (out-word (read-utf8-char)))))) )