;;;; uuid-ossp.scm ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jan '06 (module uuid-ossp (;export ; uuid? uuid-null? uuid-compare uuid=? uuid? uuid<=? uuid>=? uuid-copy uuid-clear! make-uuid string->uuid uuid->string ; uuid-version uuid-nil? uuid-clone uuid-load! uuid-load uuid-import uuid-import-binary uuid-import-siv uuid-export uuid-export-binary uuid-export-text uuid-export-siv ;Deprecated uuid<>?) (import scheme chicken foreign) (use lolevel) (declare (always-bound +uuid-error-codes+ UUID_LEN_BIN UUID_LEN_STR UUID_LEN_SIV UUID_RC_OK UUID_RC_ARG UUID_RC_MEM UUID_RC_SYS UUID_RC_INT UUID_RC_IMP UUID_MAKE_V1 UUID_MAKE_V1MC UUID_MAKE_V3 UUID_MAKE_V4 UUID_MAKE_V5 UUID_FMT_BIN UUID_FMT_STR UUID_FMT_TXT UUID_FMT_SIV) (bound-to-procedure uuid_create uuid_destroy uuid_clone uuid_load uuid_make_0 uuid_make_2 uuid_isnil uuid_compare uuid_import uuid_export uuid_error uuid_version)) #> #include "uuid-ossp-fix.h" <# (define UUID_LEN_BIN (foreign-value "uuid_LEN_BIN" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_LEN_STR (foreign-value "uuid_LEN_STR" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_LEN_SIV (foreign-value "uuid_LEN_SIV" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_RC_OK (foreign-value "uuid_RC_OK" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_RC_ARG (foreign-value "uuid_RC_ARG" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_RC_MEM (foreign-value "uuid_RC_MEM" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_RC_SYS (foreign-value "uuid_RC_SYS" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_RC_INT (foreign-value "uuid_RC_INT" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_RC_IMP (foreign-value "uuid_RC_IMP" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_MAKE_V1 (foreign-value "uuid_MAKE_V1" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_MAKE_V1MC (foreign-value "uuid_MAKE_V1MC" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_MAKE_V3 (foreign-value "uuid_MAKE_V3" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_MAKE_V4 (foreign-value "uuid_MAKE_V4" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_MAKE_V5 (foreign-value "uuid_MAKE_V5" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_FMT_BIN (foreign-value "uuid_FMT_BIN" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_FMT_STR (foreign-value "uuid_FMT_STR" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_FMT_TXT (foreign-value "uuid_FMT_TXT" unsigned-int)) (define UUID_FMT_SIV (foreign-value "uuid_FMT_SIV" unsigned-int)) ;; (define-foreign-type size_t "size_t") ;types like this should be collected somewhere (define-foreign-type uuid_rc_t unsigned-int) (define-foreign-type uuid_fmt_t unsigned-int) (define-foreign-type uuid_t (struct "uuid_st")) (define uuid_create (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_create (c-pointer (c-pointer uuid_t)))) (define uuid_destroy (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_destroy (c-pointer uuid_t))) (define uuid_clone (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_clone (const (c-pointer uuid_t)) (c-pointer (c-pointer uuid_t)))) (define uuid_load (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_load (c-pointer uuid_t) (const c-string))) (define uuid_make_0 (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_make (c-pointer uuid_t) unsigned-int)) (define uuid_make_2 (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_make (c-pointer uuid_t) unsigned-int (c-pointer uuid_t) (const c-string))) (define uuid_isnil (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_isnil (const (c-pointer uuid_t)) (c-pointer int))) (define uuid_compare (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_compare (const (c-pointer uuid_t)) (const (c-pointer uuid_t)) (c-pointer int))) (define uuid_import (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_import (c-pointer uuid_t) uuid_fmt_t (const c-string) size_t)) (define uuid_export (foreign-lambda uuid_rc_t uuid_export (const (c-pointer uuid_t)) uuid_fmt_t (c-pointer c-pointer) (c-pointer size_t))) (define uuid_error (foreign-lambda c-string uuid_error uuid_rc_t)) (define uuid_version (foreign-lambda unsigned-long uuid_version)) ;; (define +uuid-error-codes+ `((,UUID_RC_OK . "everything ok") (,UUID_RC_ARG . "invalid argument") (,UUID_RC_MEM . "out of memory") (,UUID_RC_SYS . "system error") (,UUID_RC_INT . "internal error") (,UUID_RC_IMP . "not implemented"))) (define (uuid-error-string code) (or (uuid_error code) (let ((msg (assv code +uuid-error-codes+))) (if msg (cdr msg) "unknown result code" ) ) ) ) (define (signal-uuid-error code loc) (abort (make-composite-condition (make-property-condition 'exn 'location loc 'message (uuid-error-string code)) (make-property-condition 'uuid 'code code))) ) (define-inline (uuid-status-ok? code) (= UUID_RC_OK code) ) (define-inline (error-check code loc) (unless (uuid-status-ok? code) (signal-uuid-error code loc) ) ) ;; (define-inline (unbox-puuid boxed-puuid) boxed-puuid ) (define (free-uuid uuid) (uuid_destroy (unbox-puuid uuid)) ) (define-inline (box-puuid puuid) (set-finalizer! (tag-pointer puuid 'uuid-ossp) free-uuid) ) (define (new-uuid loc) (let-location ((puuid (c-pointer uuid_t))) (error-check (uuid_create (location puuid)) loc) (box-puuid puuid) ) ) (define-inline (%uuid? obj) (tagged-pointer? obj 'uuid-ossp) ) (define (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 loc) (let-location ((comp int)) (error-check (uuid_compare (unbox-puuid uuid1) (unbox-puuid uuid2) (location comp)) loc) comp ) ) ;; (define (uuid-import-format fmt str loc) (unless (string? str) (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a string" str)) (let ((str-len (select fmt ((UUID_FMT_BIN) UUID_LEN_BIN) ((UUID_FMT_STR) UUID_LEN_STR) ((UUID_FMT_SIV) UUID_LEN_SIV) (else (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - invalid format" fmt))))) (unless (= (string-length str) str-len) ;type-error here is dubious (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - invalid string length" str)) (let ((uuid (new-uuid loc))) (error-check (uuid_import (unbox-puuid uuid) fmt str str-len) loc) uuid ) ) ) (define (uuid-export-format uuid fmt loc) (let ((len-bias (select fmt ((UUID_FMT_BIN) 0) ((UUID_FMT_STR UUID_FMT_TXT UUID_FMT_SIV) 1) (else (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - invalid format" fmt))))) (let-location ((len size_t 0) (dat c-pointer #f) ) (error-check (uuid_export (unbox-puuid uuid) fmt (location dat) (location len)) loc) (when (or (null-pointer? dat) (zero? len)) (signal-uuid-error UUID_RC_INT loc)) (let ((str-len (fx- (inexact->exact len) len-bias))) (let ((str (make-string str-len))) (move-memory! dat (make-locative str) str-len) (free dat) str ) ) ) ) ) (define (get-ns-uuid uuid ns loc) (when (not ns) (set! ns "nil")) (unless (string? ns) (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a string" ns)) (let ((uuid (or uuid (new-uuid loc)))) (error-check (uuid_load (unbox-puuid uuid) ns) loc) uuid ) ) (define (make-uuid-2 args uuid var loc) (unless (= 2 (length args)) (##sys#error-hook (foreign-value "C_BAD_MINIMUM_ARGUMENT_COUNT_ERROR" int) loc 3 (+ 1 (length args)) #f)) (let* ((ns (car args)) (ns-uuid (if (%uuid? ns) ns (get-ns-uuid #f ns loc))) (name (cadr args)) ) (unless (string? name) (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error loc "bad argument type - not a string" name)) (error-check (uuid_make_2 (unbox-puuid uuid) var (unbox-puuid ns-uuid) name) loc) ) ) ;; (define (uuid? obj) (%uuid? obj) ) (define (uuid-nil? uuid) (and (%uuid? uuid) (let-location ((result int)) (error-check (uuid_isnil (unbox-puuid uuid) (location result)) 'uuid-nil?) (not (zero? result)) ) ) ) ;compatibility w/ uuid-lib (define uuid-null? uuid-nil?) (define (uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2) (let ((cmp (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 'uuid-compare))) (cond ((negative? cmp) -1) ((zero? cmp) 0) (else 1) ) ) ) (define (uuid=? uuid1 uuid2) (zero? (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 'uuid=?)) ) (define (uuid<>? uuid1 uuid2) (not (zero? (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 'uuid<>?))) ) (define (uuid? uuid1 uuid2) (positive? (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 'uuid>?)) ) (define (uuid<=? uuid1 uuid2) (let ((cmp (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 'uuid<=?))) (or (zero? cmp) (negative? cmp)) ) ) (define (uuid>=? uuid1 uuid2) (let ((cmp (%uuid-compare uuid1 uuid2 'uuid>=?))) (or (zero? cmp) (positive? cmp) ) ) ) ;; (define (uuid-clone uuid) (let-location ((puuid (c-pointer uuid_t))) (error-check (uuid_clone (unbox-puuid uuid) (location puuid)) 'uuid-clone) (box-puuid puuid) ) ) ;compatibility w/ uuid-lib (define uuid-copy uuid-clone) (define (make-uuid . args) (let ((uuid (new-uuid 'make-uuid))) (let ((variant (and (not (null? args)) (car args)))) (case variant ((#f) ) ;the nil-uuid ((V1 time) (error-check (uuid_make_0 (unbox-puuid uuid) UUID_MAKE_V1) 'make-uuid)) ((V1-MC) (error-check (uuid_make_0 (unbox-puuid uuid) UUID_MAKE_V1MC) 'make-uuid)) ((V3) (make-uuid-2 (cdr args) uuid UUID_MAKE_V3 'make-uuid)) ((V4 random) (error-check (uuid_make_0 (unbox-puuid uuid) UUID_MAKE_V4) 'make-uuid)) ((V5) (make-uuid-2 (cdr args) uuid UUID_MAKE_V5 'make-uuid)) (else (##sys#signal-hook #:type-error 'make-uuid "bad argument type - invalid variant" variant) ) ) ) uuid ) ) (define (uuid-clear! uuid) (get-ns-uuid uuid "nil" 'uuid-clear!) ) (define (uuid-load! uuid #!optional ns) (get-ns-uuid uuid ns 'uuid-load!) ) (define (uuid-load #!optional ns) (get-ns-uuid #f ns 'uuid-load) ) (define (uuid-import str) (uuid-import-format UUID_FMT_STR str 'uuid-import) ) (define (uuid-import-binary str) (uuid-import-format UUID_FMT_BIN str 'uuid-import-binary) ) (define (uuid-import-siv str) (uuid-import-format UUID_FMT_SIV str 'uuid-import-binary) ) (define (uuid-export uuid) (uuid-export-format uuid UUID_FMT_STR 'uuid-export) ) (define (uuid-export-binary uuid) (uuid-export-format uuid UUID_FMT_BIN 'uuid-export-binary) ) (define (uuid-export-text uuid) (uuid-export-format uuid UUID_FMT_TXT 'uuid-export-text) ) (define (uuid-export-siv uuid) (uuid-export-format uuid UUID_FMT_SIV 'uuid-export-siv) ) (define (string->uuid str) (uuid-import str) ) (define (uuid->string uuid) (uuid-export uuid) ) (define uuid-version uuid_version) ) ;module uuid-ossp