;;;; egg: versions ;;;; file: versions.setup ;;;; author: elf ;;;; date: 07 Apr 2008 ;;;; licence: BSD (see LICENCE) ;;;; dialect: r5rs ;;;; requires: chicken build tools ;;;; version: 1.0 ;;;; purpose: chicken-setup installation instructions for versions ;;;; ;;;; history: 1.2 20080709 (elf) Version increment to fix version->string ;;;; issue ;;;; history: 1.1 20080410 (Ivan Raikov) Added an invocation of csi to generate documentation ;;;; history: 1.0 20080407 (elf) Initial release ;;;; (compile -s -d0 -O2 -x -no-trace -no-lambda-info versions.scm -j versions) (compile -s -d0 -O2 versions.import.scm) (run (csi -qbs doc.scm > versions.html)) (install-extension 'versions '("versions.so" "versions.import.so" "versions.html") '((version 1.3) (documentation "versions.html")))