/* * z3lib (c)1993,2000,2005,2006/GPL,BSD Oskar Schirmer, schirmer@scara.com * combined huffman/lz compression library * now rfc1951 conformant */ #include "z3lib.h" #include "z3liblib.h" #include "z3crc32.h" #include "z3blib.h" // #define D(x) x #define DE(x) #ifndef D #define D(x) #endif #define z3b_moddictbits(x) ((x) & ((1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) - 1)) const static __u8 z3b_hclen_sort[Z3B_NBCODELENGTHSCODES] = {16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15}; #ifndef Z3LIB_DECODE_ONLY #define z3be_data(zh,i) z3relref(__u8, (zh)->data)[((__s32)(i))] #define z3be_histogram3(zh,bits,code) \ z3relref(__u32, (zh)->histogram3)[((bits)<<8)+(code)] #define z3be_distances3(zh,dist) z3be_histogram3(zh,Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX,dist) struct z3be_handle *z3be_start(void *memory, unsigned int memsize, int preferlonger, int limitlength3) { struct z3be_handle *zh; unsigned int size; if ((memory == NULL) || (memsize < (limitlength3 ? (Z3BE_MEMSIZE_MIN + Z3BE_MEMSIZE_EXTRA3) : Z3BE_MEMSIZE_MIN))) { return NULL; } zh = (struct z3be_handle *)memory; size = memsize - sizeof(struct z3be_handle) + sizeof(zh->mem); if (size > (1UL << 23)) { size = (1UL << 23); } if (limitlength3) { size -= Z3BE_MEMSIZE_EXTRA3; z3relrefset(zh->histogram3, zh->mem[size]); memset(&zh->mem[size], 0, Z3BE_MEMSIZE_EXTRA3); } else { zh->histogram3 = NULL; } zh->limitwp = zh->dsize = size/2; z3relrefset(zh->data, zh->mem[size/2]); zh->dpos = 0; zh->dshift = 0; zh->ipos = 0; zh->mlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1; zh->pbits = 0; zh->pbits_nb = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_end; zh->bfinal = 0; zh->longermlen = preferlonger ? Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1 : 0; z3relrefset(zh->ll.code, zh->huff_ll_code[0]); z3relrefset(zh->ll.size, zh->huff_ll_size[0]); z3relrefset(zh->dc.code, zh->huff_dc_code[0]); z3relrefset(zh->dc.size, zh->huff_dc_size[0]); memset(&zh->hashtab[0], -1, sizeof(zh->hashtab)); /* -1 is NIL, >=0 is position+dshift mod 32k */ memset(&zh->histogram, 0, sizeof(struct z3be_histogram)); zh->histogram.literal[Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK] = 1; D(fprintf(stderr, "START mem=%p, data=%p, size=%d, dsize=%d\n", zh->mem, &z3be_data(zh, 0), size, zh->dsize);) return zh; } static __s16 z3be_hash(const __u8 *data) { __s16 r; if ((data[0] == data[1]) && (data[0] == data[2])) { r = data[0] + (1 << Z3BE_HASHBITS); } else { r = (((((__u8)(9 * data[0])) << 2) ^ data[1]) << 2) ^ data[2]; DE(if ((r & ((1 << Z3BE_HASHBITS) - 1)) != r) fprintf(stderr, "hash calc ERROR %d %02x %02x %02x\n", r, data[0], data[1], data[2]);) } return r; } static void z3be_put_hashtable(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 tabhash, __u32 pos) { __s16 e, r, d; r = z3b_moddictbits(pos + zh->dshift); DE(if ((tabhash != z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, pos))) && !zh->bfinal) fprintf(stderr, "hashtab ERROR: %d, t=%lu\n", z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, pos)), tabhash);) e = zh->hashtab[tabhash]; if (e >= 0) { /* link into chain for new hash value */ d = z3b_moddictbits(r - e); if (z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, pos-d)) == tabhash) { D(fprintf(stderr, "HASH1 th=%lu, pos=%lu, r=%d, e=%d, d=%d\n", tabhash, pos, r, e, d);) if ((d == 1) && (tabhash & (1 << Z3BE_HASHBITS))) { d = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(r - 1)]; if (d >= 0) { d = -1; } else if ((d - 1) < 0) { d -= 1; } D(fprintf(stderr, "HASH2 th=%lu, pos=%lu, r=%d, e=%d, d=%d\n", tabhash, pos, r, e, d);) } } else { /* the reference from hashtab was old */ d = 0; D(fprintf(stderr, "HASH3 th=%lu, pos=%lu, r=%d, e=%ld, d=%ld\n", tabhash, pos, r, e, d);) } } else { /* this point is the only one for the new hash value */ d = 0; D(fprintf(stderr, "HASH0 th=%lu, pos=%lu, r=%d, e=%d\n", tabhash, pos, r, e);) } zh->hashforw[r] = d; zh->hashtab[tabhash] = r; D(fprintf(stderr, "%d<-tab[%lu], %d<-forw[%d]=%d\n", r, tabhash, e, r, d);) } static void z3be_histogram_literal(struct z3be_histogram *h, __u8 d) { h->literal[d] += 1; } static void z3be_put_literal(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 tabhash) { __u32 i; i = zh->ipos; D(fprintf(stderr, " LITERAL: th=%lu, data=%02x\n", tabhash, z3be_data(zh, i));) z3be_histogram_literal(&zh->histogram, z3be_data(zh, i)); zh->mem[i] = (__u8)-1; /* mark as literal */ z3be_put_hashtable(zh, tabhash, i); zh->ipos = i + 1; } const static __u16 z3be_lengths_base_number[((Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES+3)>>2)-1] = {10, 18, 34, 66, 130, 257, 0xFFFF}; const static __u16 z3be_lengths_class[((Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES+3)>>2)-1] = { 257-3, (265<<1)-11, (269<<2)-19, (273<<3)-35, (277<<4)-67, (281<<5)-131, (285<<6)-258 }; static __u32 z3be_class_length(__u32 length) { __u32 i; i = 0; while (z3be_lengths_base_number[i] < (__u16)length) { i += 1; } return (length + z3be_lengths_class[i]) >> i; } static __u32 z3be_class_distance(__u32 distance) { __u32 i, d; i = 0; d = distance; while (d >= 4) { i += 2; d >>= 1; } return d + i; } static void z3be_histogram_ref3(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 distclass, __u8 *data) { __u32 c; if (distclass >= (Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES - 2 * Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX)) { c = distclass - (Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES - 2 * Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX); z3be_distances3(zh, c) += 1; c /= 2; z3be_histogram3(zh, c, data[0]) += 1; z3be_histogram3(zh, c, data[1]) += 1; z3be_histogram3(zh, c, data[2]) += 1; } } static void z3be_histogram_reference(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 length, __u32 distance, __u8 *data) { __u32 c; zh->histogram.literal[z3be_class_length(length)] += 1; c = z3be_class_distance(distance); zh->histogram.distance[c] += 1; if ((zh->histogram3 != NULL) && (length == 3)) { z3be_histogram_ref3(zh, c, data); } } static void z3be_put_reference(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 len, __u32 tabhash) { __u32 l, i; i = zh->ipos; l = i - zh->match - 1; DE(if (l >= (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS)) fprintf(stderr, "reference ERROR 1\n");) DE(if ((len < Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) || (len > Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH)) fprintf(stderr, "reference ERROR 2\n");) DE({int x=0;do{if(z3be_data(zh,i+x)!=z3be_data(zh,zh->match+x))fprintf(stderr,"reference ERROR 3: data[%d+%d]=%02x,data[%d+%d]=%02x\n",i,x,z3be_data(zh,i+x),zh->match,x,z3be_data(zh,zh->match+x));}while(++xmem[i] = (__u8)(l >> 8); /* >=0, mark as reference */ zh->mem[i+1] = (__u8)l; zh->mem[i+2] = (__u8)(len - Z3B_LZMINLENGTH); z3be_put_hashtable(zh, tabhash, i); l = zh->dpos - zh->ipos - (Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - 1); if (l > len) { l = len; } while (--l > 0) { i += 1; z3be_put_hashtable(zh, z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, i)), i); } zh->ipos += len; } static int z3be_put_few(struct z3be_handle *zh) { __u32 t, l, n, j, m, lj, t2, lr; __s32 h, i, s; t = z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, zh->ipos)); l = zh->dpos - zh->ipos; if (l > Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH) { l = Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH; } if (zh->mlen < Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { h = zh->hashtab[t]; D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW0 mlen=%d, t=%04x, h=%d\n", zh->mlen, t, h);) if (h >= 0) { i = z3b_moddictbits(h - zh->dshift - zh->ipos) + zh->ipos - (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS); if (z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, i)) != t) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW0A\n");) zh->hashtab[t] = h = -1; } else if (t & (1 << Z3BE_HASHBITS)) { n = z3lib_countsingle((__u8)t, &z3be_data(zh, zh->ipos+1), l-1); zh->mrunl = n; D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW0B n=%d, data:%02x\n", n, z3be_data(zh, zh->ipos+1));) if (n > Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { zh->mlen = n - 1; } } else { zh->mrunl = 0; } } } else { h = 0; i = zh->match; } lr = zh->mrunl; D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW1 ipos/dpos: %lu/%lu, h=%ld, l=%lu, mrunl=%lu, t=%04x, i=%ld\n", zh->ipos, zh->dpos, h, l, lr, t, i);) if (h >= 0) { do { n = z3lib_countequal(&z3be_data(zh, zh->ipos), &z3be_data(zh, i), l); if (n > zh->mlen) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW3 match=%ld, mlen=%lu, h=%ld\n", i, n, h);) zh->mlen = n; zh->match = i; } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW2 i=%ld, n=%lu, h=%ld, data:%02x %02x...\n", i, n, h, z3be_data(zh,i), z3be_data(zh,i+1));) } h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; if (h < 0) { j = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - h; if (j >= lr) { if (zh->mlen < lr) { s = i + Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - (zh->ipos - (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)); if (s > lr) { s = lr; } D(else fprintf(stderr, "FEW3C s=%ld, lr=%lu\n", s, lr);) if (zh->mlen < s) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW3B match=%ld, mlen=%lu, h=%ld, i=%ld, data", i-(s-Z3B_LZMINLENGTH), s, h, i);{int x=0;while(xmlen = s; zh->match = i + Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - s; } } if (j > lr) { i += Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - lr - 1; if ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)zh->ipos) { n = z3lib_countequal(&z3be_data(zh, zh->ipos), &z3be_data(zh, i), l); if (n > zh->mlen) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW3A match=%ld, mlen=%lu, h=%ld\n", i, n, h);) zh->mlen = n; zh->match = i; } h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; if (h < 0) { i += h; if ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)zh->ipos) { h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; } } } } else { i += h; if ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)zh->ipos) { h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; } } } else { i += h; if ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)zh->ipos) { h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; } } } i -= h; } while ((h > 0) && (n < l) && ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)zh->ipos)); } if (zh->mlen < l) { if (zh->mlen >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { if (zh->mlen >= lr) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW4/REF: mlen=%lu, match=%ld\n", zh->mlen, zh->match);) if (zh->longermlen) { zh->longermlen = zh->mlen; j = zh->ipos; do { m = zh->longermlen; j += 1; l = zh->dpos - j; if (l > Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH) { l = Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH; } n = z3lib_countsingle(z3be_data(zh, j-1), &z3be_data(zh, j), l); if (n > zh->longermlen) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW92 match=%ld, lmlen=%lu, j=%lu\n", j-1, n, j);) zh->longermlen = n; zh->longermatch = j-1; lj = j; } t2 = z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, j)); h = zh->hashtab[t2]; i = z3b_moddictbits(h - zh->dshift - j) + j - (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS); if ((h >= 0) && (z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, i)) != t2)) { h = -1; } if ((h >= 0) && (n < l) && ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)j)) { if (lr >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { lr -= 1; } else if (t2 & (1 << Z3BE_HASHBITS)) { lr = z3lib_countsingle((__u8)t2, &z3be_data(zh, j+1), l-1); } else { lr = 0; } do { n = z3lib_countequal(&z3be_data(zh, j), &z3be_data(zh, i), l); if (n > zh->longermlen) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW93 match=%ld, lmlen=%lu, j=%lu, h=%ld\n", i, n, j, h);) zh->longermlen = n; zh->longermatch = i; lj = j; } h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; if (h < 0) { if ((Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - h) > lr) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW94 h=%ld, j:%lu, ipos:%lu, lr:%lu, i=%ld, t2=%04x\n", h, j, zh->ipos, lr, i, t2);) i += Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - lr - 1; if ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)j) { n = z3lib_countequal(&z3be_data(zh, j), &z3be_data(zh, i), l); if (n > zh->longermlen) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW93A match=%ld, lmlen=%lu, j=%lu, h=%ld\n", i, n, j, h);) zh->longermlen = n; zh->longermatch = i; lj = j; } h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW95 h=%ld, i=%ld\n", h, i);) if (h < 0) { i += h; h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW96 h=%ld, i=%ld\n", h, i);) } } } else { i += h; if (((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)j) && ((Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - h) > zh->longermlen)) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW93B match=%ld, lmlen=%lu, j=%lu, h=%ld\n", i, Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-h, j, h);) zh->longermlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH - h; zh->longermatch = i; lj = j; } h = zh->hashforw[z3b_moddictbits(i + zh->dshift)]; } } i -= h; } while ((h > 0) && (n < l) && ((i + (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)) >= (__s32)j)); } } while ((zh->longermlen > m) && (zh->longermlen < l) && (j < (zh->ipos + zh->mlen))); D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW8 m=%lu, l=%lu, lmlen=%lu, lj=%lu\n", m, l, zh->longermlen, lj);) if (zh->longermlen > zh->mlen) { j = lj - zh->ipos; if ((zh->longermlen < (zh->dpos - lj)) || (zh->longermlen == Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH) || (j >= zh->mlen)) { if (j < Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW80\n");) z3be_put_literal(zh, t); while (--j > 0) { t = z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, zh->ipos)); z3be_put_literal(zh, t); } } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW81\n");) z3be_put_reference(zh, j, t); } zh->longermlen = zh->mlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1; return 1; } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW82\n");) return 0; } } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW83\n");) z3be_put_reference(zh, zh->mlen, t); zh->longermlen = zh->mlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1; return ((zh->dpos - zh->ipos) >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH); } } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW84\n");) z3be_put_reference(zh, zh->mlen, t); zh->mlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1; return ((zh->dpos - zh->ipos) >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH); } } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW5A/LIT\n");) zh->mlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1; z3be_put_literal(zh, t); return (l > Z3B_LZMINLENGTH); } } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW5/LIT\n");) z3be_put_literal(zh, t); return (l > Z3B_LZMINLENGTH); } } else if (l == Z3B_LZMAXLENGTH) { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW6/REF: mlen=%lu\n", zh->mlen);) z3be_put_reference(zh, zh->mlen, t); zh->mlen = Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1; return ((zh->dpos - zh->ipos) >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH); } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "FEW7\n");) return 0; } } __u32 z3be_put(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u8 *data, __u32 datasize) { __u32 i, d; D(fprintf(stderr, "PUT(%p, %p, %d), shift=%lu, %02x %02x ...\n", zh, data, datasize, zh->dshift, data[0], data[1]);) i = zh->limitwp - zh->dpos; if (i > datasize) { i = datasize; } if (i > 0) { memcpy(&z3be_data(zh, zh->dpos), data, i); d = zh->dpos; while (((d - zh->dpos) < i) && ((d - zh->ipos) < (Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1))) { D(fprintf(stderr, "PUT2: i=%lu, d=%lu, dpos=%lu, ipos=%lu, dshift=%lu\n", i, d, zh->dpos, zh->ipos, zh->dshift);) if ((d + zh->dshift) >= (Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1)) { z3be_put_hashtable(zh, z3be_hash(&z3be_data(zh, d - (Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1))), d - (Z3B_LZMINLENGTH-1)); } d += 1; } zh->dpos += i; if ((zh->dpos - zh->ipos) >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { while (z3be_put_few(zh)); } } return i; } void z3be_push(struct z3be_handle *zh) { __u32 j; zh->bfinal = 1; if ((zh->dpos - zh->ipos) < Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { while (zh->ipos < zh->dpos) { z3be_put_literal(zh, 0); } } else { if (zh->longermlen >= Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { j = zh->dpos - zh->ipos - zh->longermlen; if (j < Z3B_LZMINLENGTH) { D(fprintf(stderr, "PUSH80\n");) DE(if (j == 0) fprintf(stderr, "PUSH ERROR\n");) do { z3be_put_literal(zh, 0); } while (--j > 0); } else { D(fprintf(stderr, "PUSH81\n");) z3be_put_reference(zh, j, 0); } zh->match = zh->longermatch; } z3be_put_reference(zh, zh->dpos - zh->ipos, 0); } } static __u32 z3be_tell_fixed(struct z3be_histogram *h) { __u32 i, n, l; i = 0; n = 0; do { n += h->literal[i]; } while (++i < 144); l = 8 * n + 3; n = 0; do { n += h->literal[i]; } while (++i < 256); l += 9 * n; n = 0; do { n += h->literal[i]; } while (++i < 265); l += 7 * n; n = 0; do { n += h->literal[i]; if (!(i & 3)) l -= n; } while (++i < 280); l += (7+4) * n - h->literal[i]; n = 0; do { n += h->literal[i]; } while (++i < 285); l += (8+5) * n + 8 * h->literal[i]; D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL fixed literal: %lu\n", l);) i = 0; n = 0; do { n += h->distance[i]; } while (++i < 4); do { l -= n; n += h->distance[i++]; n += h->distance[i++]; } while (i < Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES); l += (5+13) * n; D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL fixed total: %lu\n", l);) return l; } static __u16 *z3be_dynh_sortindex(__u32 *histo, __u16 *iold, __u16 *inew, __u32 num) { __u32 n; n = 0; do { D(fprintf(stderr,"dynh sortindex histo[%3d]:%7d\n",n,histo[n]);) iold[n] = n; } while (++n < num); n = 1; while (n < num) { __u16 *t = inew; __u32 i = 0; do { __u32 a, b; a = b = 0; while ((b < n) && ((i+n+b) < num) && (a < n)) { if (histo[iold[i+a]] <= histo[iold[i+n+b]]) { *t++ = iold[i+a]; a += 1; } else { *t++ = iold[i+n+b]; b += 1; } } while ((b < n) && ((i+n+b) < num)) { *t++ = iold[i+n+b]; b += 1; } while ((a < n) && ((i+a) < num)) { *t++ = iold[i+a]; a += 1; } i += 2*n; } while (i < num); t = iold; iold = inew; inew = t; n <<= 1; } return iold; } static void z3be_dynh_cumulatetree(__u32 *histo, __u16 *index, __u32 *cumul, __u16* refer, __u32 num) { __u32 n, c, s; cumul[0] = histo[index[0]] + histo[index[1]]; refer[1] = refer[0] = num; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cumul %d(%lu) + %d(%lu) -> %d(%lu) [%d, %d]\n", 0, histo[index[0]], 1, histo[index[1]], num, cumul[0], index[0], index[1]);) n = 2; c = 0; s = 1; while (s < (num-1)) { if ((n >= num) || ((s > (c+1)) && (cumul[c+1] < histo[index[n]]))) { cumul[s] = cumul[c] + cumul[c+1]; refer[num+c+1] = refer[num+c] = num+s; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cumul %d(%lu) + %d(%lu) -> %d(%lu)\n", num+c, cumul[c], num+c+1, cumul[c+1], num+s, cumul[s]);) c += 2; } else if (((n+1) >= num) || (cumul[c] < histo[index[n+1]])) { cumul[s] = histo[index[n]] + cumul[c]; refer[num+c] = refer[n] = num+s; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cumul %d(%lu) + %d(%lu) -> %d(%lu) [%d]\n", n, histo[index[n]], num+c, cumul[c], num+s, cumul[s], index[n]);) c += 1; n += 1; } else { cumul[s] = histo[index[n]] + histo[index[n+1]]; refer[n] = refer[n+1] = num+s; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cumul %d(%lu) + %d(%lu) -> %d(%lu) [%d, %d]\n", n, histo[index[n]], n+1, histo[index[n+1]], num+s, cumul[s], index[n], index[n+1]);) n += 2; } s += 1; } } static void z3be_dynh_bitspercode(__u16 *refer, __u32 num, __u8 max, __u32 *small, __u32 *large) { __u32 s, le, lt; s = 2*num - 2; refer[s] = 0; do { __u32 i; s -= 1; refer[s] = i = refer[refer[s]] + 1; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh bitspercode (%d): %d\n", s, i);) if (i <= max) le = s; if (i < max) lt = s; } while (s > 0); *small = le; *large = lt; } static void z3be_dynh_cutdistantleaves(__u16 *refer, __u32 small, __u32 large, __u32 num, __u8 max) { __s32 t; t = 0; while (small > 0) { small -= 1; t += ((1UL << 31) >> refer[small]); t -= ((1UL << 31) >> max); refer[small] = max; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cutdistant-(%3d): %3d [%08x]\n", small, max, t);) if (t < 0) { __u16 i; i = refer[large] + 1; refer[large] = i; if (i == max) large += 1; t += ((1UL << 31) >> i); D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cutdistant+(%3d): %3d [%08x]\n", large, i, t);) } } while (t > 0) { large -= 1; t -= ((1UL << 31) >> max); refer[large] = max-1; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynh cutdistant/(%3d): %3d [%08x]\n", large, max-1, t);) } DE(if (t != 0) fprintf(stderr, "dynh cutdistant ERROR %08x\n", t);) } static void z3be_dynamic_histogram(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 *histo, __u8 *clen, __u32 num, __u8 max) { __u32 n, small, large; __u16 *index, *non0, *refer; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynamic_histogram(%p, %p, %lu, %d)\n", histo, clen, num, max);) memset(clen, 0, num); index = z3be_dynh_sortindex(histo, &zh->temp_dynh_i[0][0], &zh->temp_dynh_i[2][0], num); n = num; non0 = index; while ((n > 2) && (histo[*non0] == 0)) { n -= 1; non0 += 1; } if (n <= 2) { __u16 i; i = non0[2-n]; while ((n > 0) && (histo[i] == 0)) { non0[2-n] = index[2-n]; index[2-n] = i; n -= 1; i = non0[2-n]; } n = 2; } refer = &zh->temp_dynh_i[1][-((index - &zh->temp_dynh_i[0][0]) / 2)]; z3be_dynh_cumulatetree(histo, non0, &zh->temp_dynh_cumul[0], refer, n); z3be_dynh_bitspercode(refer, n, max, &small, &large); z3be_dynh_cutdistantleaves(refer, small, large, n, max); do { n -= 1; clen[non0[n]] = refer[n]; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynamic_histogram %3d:%3d\n", non0[n], refer[n]);) } while (n > 0); } static void z3be_dynclc_add(int cnt, __u8 code, __u32 *clcount) { while (cnt > 0) { if (code == 0) { if (cnt < 3) { clcount[code] += cnt; cnt = 0; } else if (cnt >= 11) { clcount[18] += 1; cnt -= 138; } else { clcount[17] += 1; cnt = 0; } } else { if (cnt <= 3) { clcount[code] += cnt; cnt = 0; } else { clcount[16] += 1; if (cnt > 6) { cnt -= 6; } else { cnt = 1; } } } } } static __u32 z3be_dynclc_count(__u8 *clen, __u32 num, __u32 *clcount) { __u32 n; int i, r; __u8 l; n = 0; i = 0; l = 0; do { if (l != clen[n]) { z3be_dynclc_add(i, l, clcount); l = clen[n]; i = 0; } i += 1; n += 1; } while (n < num); r = i; if (l == 0) i -= Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES; if (i < 0) i = 0; z3be_dynclc_add(i, l, clcount); D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL dynclc_count(%lu) -> %d\n", num, Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES - (r-i));) return Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES - (r-i); } struct z3be_extrabits { __u16 code; __s16 extra; }; struct z3be_extrabits z3be_extrabits_clc[] = { {16, 2}, {17, 3}, {18, 7}, {19, -1} }; struct z3be_extrabits z3be_extrabits_ll[] = { {265, 1}, {269, 2}, {273, 3}, {277, 4}, {281, 5}, {285, 0}, {286, -1} }; struct z3be_extrabits z3be_extrabits_dc[] = { {4, 1}, {6, 2}, {8, 3}, {10, 4}, {12, 5}, {14, 6}, {16, 7}, {18, 8}, {20, 9}, {22, 10}, {24, 11}, {26, 12}, {28, 13}, {30, -1} }; static __u32 z3be_dynamic_amount(__u32 *histo, __u8 *clen, struct z3be_extrabits *eb) { __u32 n, s, e; n = 0; s = 0; e = 0; do { do { s += histo[n] * (clen[n] + e); n += 1; } while (n != eb->code); e = eb->extra; D(fprintf(stderr, "dynamic_amount[%3d] e=%2d, s=%d\n", n, e, s);) } while ((*eb++).extra >= 0); return s; } static __u32 z3be_tell_dynamic(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_weighing *weighing, __u32 ref3toolarge) { __u32 n; weighing->histogram = zh->histogram; weighing->limit3 = ((1 << 7) << ref3toolarge); while (ref3toolarge < Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX) { n = 0; do { D(if(z3be_histogram3(zh,ref3toolarge,n)!=0)fprintf(stderr,"TELL DYN(%d) lit[%3d]:%6d + %d\n",ref3toolarge,n,weighing->histogram.literal[n],z3be_histogram3(zh,ref3toolarge,n));) weighing->histogram.literal[n] += z3be_histogram3(zh, ref3toolarge, n); } while (++n < (1 << 8)); n = z3be_distances3(zh, 2 * ref3toolarge); weighing->histogram.distance[2 * ref3toolarge + (Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES - 2 * Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX)] -= n; weighing->histogram.literal[Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK+1] -= n; n = z3be_distances3(zh, 2 * ref3toolarge + 1); weighing->histogram.literal[Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK+1] -= n; weighing->histogram.distance[2 * ref3toolarge + 1 + (Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES - 2 * Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX)] -= n; ref3toolarge += 1; } z3be_dynamic_histogram(zh, &weighing->histogram.literal[0], &weighing->codelen_ll[0], Z3B_NBCODES, 15); z3be_dynamic_histogram(zh, &weighing->histogram.distance[0], &weighing->codelen_dc[0], Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES, 15); memset(&zh->temp_tell_clcnt[0], 0, sizeof(zh->temp_tell_clcnt)); weighing->hlit = z3be_dynclc_count(&weighing->codelen_ll[0], Z3B_NBCODES, &zh->temp_tell_clcnt[0]); weighing->hdist = z3be_dynclc_count(&weighing->codelen_dc[0], Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES, &zh->temp_tell_clcnt[0]); z3be_dynamic_histogram(zh, &zh->temp_tell_clcnt[0], &weighing->codelen_clc[0], Z3B_NBCODELENGTHSCODES, 7); n = Z3B_NBCODELENGTHSCODES; while ((z3b_hclen_sort[n-1] != 0) && (zh->temp_tell_clcnt[z3b_hclen_sort[n-1]] == 0)) { n -= 1; } weighing->hclen = n - 4; D({int i=0;while(itemp_tell_clcnt[z3b_hclen_sort[i]]);i+=1;}fprintf(stderr, "TELL hclen=%d\n", weighing->hclen);}) n = 3 + 5+5+4 + 3*n; n += z3be_dynamic_amount(&zh->temp_tell_clcnt[0], &weighing->codelen_clc[0], &z3be_extrabits_clc[0]); n += z3be_dynamic_amount(&weighing->histogram.literal[0], &weighing->codelen_ll[0], &z3be_extrabits_ll[0]); n += z3be_dynamic_amount(&weighing->histogram.distance[0], &weighing->codelen_dc[0], &z3be_extrabits_dc[0]); return n; } __u32 z3be_tell(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_weighing *weighing, __u32 *inpipe) { __u32 n, c, nb, cb; if (zh->state == z3be_state_end) { zh->state = z3be_state_init; } weighing->wpos = zh->ipos; D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL wpos=%d, len(nc)=%d\n", weighing->wpos, 8*(weighing->wpos+5));) weighing->len[Z3B_BTYPE_NC] = 8 * (weighing->wpos + 5); weighing->len[Z3B_BTYPE_FIXED] = z3be_tell_fixed(&zh->histogram); if (zh->histogram3 != NULL) { c = cb = 0; nb = (__u32)-1; do { n = z3be_tell_dynamic(zh, weighing, c); D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL_DYN(%lu) = %lu\n", c, n);) if (n < nb) { nb = n; cb = c; } } while (++c <= Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX); if (cb < Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX) { n = z3be_tell_dynamic(zh, weighing, cb); weighing->histogram = zh->histogram; } } else { n = z3be_tell_dynamic(zh, weighing, Z3BE_REF3TOOLARGE_MAX); } weighing->len[Z3B_BTYPE_DYNAMIC] = n; D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL len(dyn)=%d\n", n);) weighing->btype = Z3B_BTYPE_DYNAMIC; if ((weighing->wpos < (1UL << 16)) && (weighing->len[Z3B_BTYPE_NC] < n)) { weighing->btype = Z3B_BTYPE_NC; } if (weighing->len[Z3B_BTYPE_FIXED] < n) { weighing->btype = Z3B_BTYPE_FIXED; } n = weighing->wpos; zh->limitwp = zh->dsize + ((n >= (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS)) ? 0 : (n - (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS))); n = zh->dsize - zh->dpos; *inpipe = zh->dpos - zh->ipos; D(fprintf(stderr, "TELL type=%d, more space: %d\n", weighing->btype, n);) return n; } static void z3be_buildcodetable(struct z3be_handle_huff *hh, __u8 *clen, __u32 nb) { __u32 i, n, c, l, b; n = 0; i = nb; do { i -= 1; if ((z3relref(__u8, hh->size)[i] = clen[i]) > n) { n = clen[i]; } } while (i > 0); D(fprintf(stderr, "buildcodetable(%lu), n=%lu\n", nb, n);) l = 1; c = 0; while (l <= n) { i = 0; do { if (clen[i] == l) { D(fprintf(stderr, "buildcodetable code[%3d] = %08x/%d\n", i, c, l);) z3relref(__u16, hh->code)[i] = c; b = l - 1; while ((c & (1 << b)) && (b != 0)) { b -= 1; } c += (3 << b) - (1 << l); } i += 1; } while (i < nb); l += 1; } } static void z3be_setfixedtable(struct z3be_handle *zh) { __u8 clen[Z3B_NBCODESPLUSUNUSED]; memset(&clen[0], 8, sizeof(clen)); memset(&clen[144], 9, 256-144); memset(&clen[256], 7, 280-256); z3be_buildcodetable(&zh->ll, &clen[0], Z3B_NBCODESPLUSUNUSED); memset(&clen[0], 5, Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES); z3be_buildcodetable(&zh->dc, &clen[0], Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES); } static void z3be_get_last(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u32 wpos, struct z3be_histogram *histogram) { __u32 i; __u8 l; if (wpos < zh->dpos) { z3lib_memmoveleft(&zh->mem[0], &zh->mem[wpos], zh->dpos - wpos); } z3lib_memmoveleft(&z3be_data(zh, -(1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)), &z3be_data(zh, wpos - (1L << Z3B_DICTBITS)), (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) + zh->dpos - wpos); i = 0; do { DE(if(zh->histogram.literal[i]literal[i])fprintf(stderr,"GETLAST ERROR MINUS/L[%3d] %d < %d\n",i,zh->histogram.literal[i],histogram->literal[i]);) zh->histogram.literal[i] -= histogram->literal[i]; } while (++i < Z3B_NBCODES); i = 0; do { DE(if(zh->histogram.distance[i]distance[i])fprintf(stderr,"GETLAST ERROR MINUS/D[%3d] %d < %d\n",i,zh->histogram.distance[i],histogram->distance[i]);) zh->histogram.distance[i] -= histogram->distance[i]; } while (++i < Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES); /* should be 0 now, when wpos = zh->ipos */ zh->histogram.literal[Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK] = 1; zh->dshift += wpos; zh->dpos -= wpos; zh->ipos -= wpos; zh->match -= wpos; zh->limitwp = zh->dsize; zh->state = z3be_state_end; if (zh->histogram3 != NULL) { memset(&z3relref(__u32, (zh)->histogram3)[0], 0, Z3BE_MEMSIZE_EXTRA3); DE(i=0;do{if(z3be_histogram3(zh,0,i)!=0)fprintf(stderr,"GETLAST ERROR UNCLEAR1(%d)\n",i);i++;}while(i<8*256);i=0;do{if(z3be_distances3(zh,i)!=0)fprintf(stderr,"GETLAST ERROR UNCLEAR2(%d)\n",i);i++;}while(i<16);) i = 0; while (i < zh->ipos) { if (zh->mem[i] == (__u8)-1) { i += 1; } else { l = zh->mem[i+2]; if (l == 0) { z3be_histogram_ref3(zh, z3be_class_distance((((__u32)zh->mem[i]) << 8) | zh->mem[i+1]), &z3be_data(zh, i)); } i += l+3; } } DE(if(i!=zh->ipos)fprintf(stderr,"GETLAST ERROR1: i=%lu, wpos=%lu, ipos=%lu\n", i, wpos, zh->ipos);) } } static void z3be_get_codebits(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u8 nb, __u16 bits) { D(fprintf(stderr, " codebits: %08x/%d\n", bits, nb);) zh->pbits |= (bits << zh->pbits_nb); zh->pbits_nb += nb; } static void z3be_get_encode(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_handle_huff *hh, __u32 data) { D(fprintf(stderr, " encode[%p]: %3d\n", hh, data);) z3be_get_codebits(zh, z3relref(__u8, hh->size)[data], z3relref(__u16, hh->code)[data]); } static void z3be_get_encode_clc(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_handle_huff *hh, int data) { int h; h = zh->runlength; if ((data != zh->lcode) || (h >= ((zh->lcode == 0) ? 138 : 6))) { if (zh->lcode == 0) { if (h >= 11) { z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, 18); z3be_get_codebits(zh, 7, h - 11); } else if (h >= 3) { z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, 17); z3be_get_codebits(zh, 3, h - 3); } else { while (h > 0) { z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, zh->lcode); h -= 1; } } } else { if (h >= 3) { z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, 16); z3be_get_codebits(zh, 2, h - 3); } else { while (h > 0) { z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, zh->lcode); h -= 1; } } } if ((data != zh->lcode) && (data > 0)) { z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, data); zh->runlength = 0; } else { zh->runlength = 1; } zh->lcode = data; } else { zh->runlength += 1; } } static void z3be_get_encode_length(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_handle_huff *hh, __u32 length) { __u32 i; i = 0; while (z3be_lengths_base_number[i] < (__u16)length) { i += 1; } D(fprintf(stderr, "encode_length(%lu): i=%d\n", length, i);) z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, (length + z3be_lengths_class[i]) >> i); if ((length > 10) && (length < 258)) { z3be_get_codebits(zh, i, (length - z3be_lengths_base_number[i-1] - 1) & ((1 << i) - 1)); } } static int z3be_get_encode_distance(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_handle_huff *hh, __u32 distance) { __u32 i, l; i = 0; l = 4; while (distance > l) { i += 1; l <<= 1; } D(fprintf(stderr, "encode_distance(%lu): i=%lu, l=%lu\n", distance, i, l);) z3be_get_encode(zh, hh, ((distance-1) >> i) + 2*i); if (i > 0) { zh->runlength = i; zh->lcode = (distance-1) & ((1 << i) - 1); } return i; } static void z3be_get_encode_distance2(struct z3be_handle *zh) { z3be_get_codebits(zh, zh->runlength, zh->lcode); } static int z3be_get_one(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_weighing *weighing) { __u32 n; switch (zh->state) { case z3be_state_init: if (zh->bfinal && (weighing->wpos == zh->ipos)) { zh->pbits |= (1 << zh->pbits_nb); } D(fprintf(stderr,"init/bfinal: %d, wpos=%lu, dpos=%lu, ipos=%lu\n", zh->bfinal, weighing->wpos, zh->dpos, zh->ipos);) n = weighing->btype; zh->pbits |= (n << (zh->pbits_nb+1)); zh->pbits_nb += 3; switch (n) { case Z3B_BTYPE_NC: zh->pbits_nb = (zh->pbits_nb + 7) & ~7; zh->state = z3be_state_nc; break; case Z3B_BTYPE_FIXED: z3be_setfixedtable(zh); zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_data; break; case Z3B_BTYPE_DYNAMIC: z3be_get_codebits(zh, 5+5+4, weighing->hlit | ((weighing->hdist | (weighing->hclen << 5)) << 5)); zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_clc; break; } break; case z3be_state_nc: zh->pbits = weighing->wpos | ((~weighing->wpos) << 16); zh->pbits_nb = 32; zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_ncdata; break; case z3be_state_ncdata: if (zh->count >= weighing->wpos) { D(fprintf(stderr,"GET LAST NC zh.count=%d, w.wpos=%d, zh.dpos=%d, ipos=%d\n",zh->count,weighing->wpos,zh->dpos,zh->ipos);) z3be_get_last(zh, zh->count, &weighing->histogram); return 0; } zh->pbits = z3be_data(zh, zh->count); zh->pbits_nb = 8; zh->count += 1; break; case z3be_state_clc: if (zh->count < (weighing->hclen + 4)) { z3be_get_codebits(zh, 3, weighing->codelen_clc[z3b_hclen_sort[zh->count]]); zh->count += 1; } else { z3be_buildcodetable(&zh->ll, &weighing->codelen_clc[0], Z3B_NBCODELENGTHSCODES); zh->runlength = 0; zh->lcode = 0; zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_ll; } break; case z3be_state_ll: if (zh->count < (weighing->hlit + 257)) { z3be_get_encode_clc(zh, &zh->ll, weighing->codelen_ll[zh->count]); zh->count += 1; } else { z3be_get_encode_clc(zh, &zh->ll, -1); zh->runlength = 0; zh->lcode = 0; zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_dc; } break; case z3be_state_dc: if (zh->count < (weighing->hdist + 1)) { z3be_get_encode_clc(zh, &zh->ll, weighing->codelen_dc[zh->count]); zh->count += 1; } else { z3be_get_encode_clc(zh, &zh->ll, -1); z3be_buildcodetable(&zh->ll, &weighing->codelen_ll[0], Z3B_NBCODES); z3be_buildcodetable(&zh->dc, &weighing->codelen_dc[0], Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES); zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3be_state_data; } break; case z3be_state_data: if (zh->count < weighing->wpos) { if ((zh->mem[zh->count] == (__u8)-1) || ((zh->histogram3 != NULL) && (zh->mem[zh->count+2] == 0) && (((((__u32)zh->mem[zh->count]) << 8) | zh->mem[zh->count+1]) >= weighing->limit3) && (zh->mem[zh->count+2] = zh->mem[zh->count+1] = (__u8)-1))) { D({char c=z3be_data(zh,zh->count);fprintf(stderr, "encode LIT %08x '%c'\n", c, isprint(c) ? c : '.');}) z3be_get_encode(zh, &zh->ll, z3be_data(zh, zh->count)); zh->count += 1; } else { D({char *c=&z3be_data(zh,zh->count); int x=-1; int d=1+((((__u32)zh->mem[zh->count]) << 8) | zh->mem[zh->count+1]); int i; int l=Z3B_LZMINLENGTH + (__u32)zh->mem[zh->count+2];fprintf(stderr,"encode REF(l=%d,d=%d,c=%d):",l,d,zh->count);i=0;while(i=0){fprintf(stderr,"REF MISMATCH (%d) '",x);i=0;while(ill, Z3B_LZMINLENGTH + (__u32)zh->mem[zh->count+2]); zh->state = z3be_state_distance; } } else { z3be_get_encode(zh, &zh->ll, Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK); D(fprintf(stderr,"GET LAST D zh.count=%d, w.wpos=%d, zh.dpos=%d, ipos=%d\n",zh->count,weighing->wpos,zh->dpos,zh->ipos);) z3be_get_last(zh, zh->count, &weighing->histogram); } break; case z3be_state_distance: if (z3be_get_encode_distance(zh, &zh->dc, 1 + ((((__u32)zh->mem[zh->count]) << 8) | zh->mem[zh->count+1])) != 0) { zh->state = z3be_state_distance2; } else { if (0) { case z3be_state_distance2: z3be_get_encode_distance2(zh); } zh->count += zh->mem[zh->count+2] + Z3B_LZMINLENGTH; zh->state = z3be_state_data; } break; case z3be_state_end: return 0; } return 1; } __u32 z3be_get(struct z3be_handle *zh, struct z3be_weighing *weighing, __u8 *code, __u32 codesize) { __u32 n; __u8 *c; int nb; c = code; n = codesize; do { nb = zh->pbits_nb; if (nb >= 8) { do { D(fprintf(stderr, "get byte (%2d): %02x\n", nb, (__u8)zh->pbits);) nb -= 8; *c++ = (__u8)zh->pbits; zh->pbits >>= 8; n -= 1; } while ((n > 0) && (nb >= 8)); zh->pbits_nb = nb; } } while ((n > 0) && z3be_get_one(zh, weighing)); return codesize - n; } __u32 z3be_finish(struct z3be_handle *zh, __u8 *code) { if (code != NULL) *code = (__u8)zh->pbits; return zh->pbits_nb; } #endif /* Z3LIB_DECODE_ONLY */ #ifndef Z3LIB_ENCODE_ONLY struct z3bd_handle *z3bd_start(__u32 pending_bits, int pending_nb, void *memory, unsigned int memsize) { struct z3bd_handle *zh; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_start(%08x, %d)\n", pending_bits, pending_nb);) if ((memory == NULL) || (memsize < Z3BD_MEMSIZE)) { return NULL; } zh = (struct z3bd_handle *)memory; zh->pbits = pending_bits; zh->pbits_nb = pending_nb; zh->din = zh->dout = 0; zh->state = z3bd_state_init; zh->error = z3err_none; z3relrefset(zh->ll.bit1, zh->huff_ll_bit1[0]); z3relrefset(zh->ll.bit0, zh->huff_ll_bit0[0]); z3relrefset(zh->ll.length, zh->huff_ll_length[0]); z3relrefset(zh->dc.bit1, zh->huff_dc_bit1[0]); z3relrefset(zh->dc.bit0, zh->huff_dc_bit0[0]); z3relrefset(zh->dc.length, zh->huff_dc_length[0]); z3relrefset(zh->clc.bit1, zh->huff_clc_bit1[0]); z3relrefset(zh->clc.bit0, zh->huff_clc_bit0[0]); z3relrefset(zh->clc.length, zh->huff_clc_length[0]); return zh; } __u32 z3bd_get(struct z3bd_handle *zh, __u8 **data) { __u32 n; if (data == NULL) { return 0; } if ((zh == NULL) || (zh->error != z3err_none)) { *data = NULL; return 0; } if (zh->din >= zh->dout) { n = zh->din - zh->dout; } else { n = (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) - zh->dout; } if ((n == 0) && (zh->state == z3bd_state_end)) { *data = NULL; } else { *data = &zh->data[zh->dout]; } zh->dout = z3b_moddictbits(zh->dout + n); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_get done: %lu, (din=%lu, dout=%lu) %08x: %02x...\n", n, zh->din, zh->dout, *data, (*data == NULL) ? 0 : **data);) return n; } static int z3bd_buildcodetable(struct z3bd_handle_huff *hf, __u32 nb) { __u32 c, l, n, i, b; __u16 start[32]; __u16 chain[Z3B_NBCODESPLUSUNUSED]; __u32 codes[Z3B_NBCODESPLUSUNUSED]; __u16 bit[32+1]; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable(%lu)\n", nb);) n = 0; do { start[n] = nb; n += 1; } while (n < 32); n = nb; do { n -= 1; l = z3relref(__u8, hf->length)[n]; if (l > 31) return 0; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, chain(%3d): l=%2d, ->%3d\n", n, l, start[l]);) chain[n] = start[l]; start[l] = n; } while (n > 0); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, chain done\n", nb);) c = 0; l = 0; do { memcpy(&hf->code[1 << l], &hf->code[0], (1 << l) * sizeof(hf->code[0])); memcpy(&hf->size[1 << l], &hf->size[0], (1 << l) * sizeof(hf->size[0])); l += 1; n = start[l]; while (n < nb) { hf->code[c] = n; hf->size[c] = l; b = l - 1; while (c & (1 << b)) { if (b == 0) { D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, eight(%3d): code=%02x, size=%d\n", n, c, l);) if (chain[n] < nb) return 0; do { if (l < 8) { memcpy(&hf->code[1 << l], &hf->code[0], (1 << l) * sizeof(hf->code[0])); memcpy(&hf->size[1 << l], &hf->size[0], (1 << l) * sizeof(hf->size[0])); } l += 1; if (start[l] < nb) return 0; } while (l < 31); D(for (i = 0; i < (1<<8); i++) fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable code[%02x]=%3d/%2d\n", i, hf->code[i], hf->size[i]);) return 1; } b -= 1; } D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, eight(%3d): code=%02x, size=%d, b=%2d\n", n, c, l, b);) c += (3 << b) - (1 << l); n = chain[n]; } } while (l < 8); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, eight\n", nb);) i = 0; do { l += 1; n = start[l]; while (n < nb) { if (b < 8) { bit[7] = n; hf->code[c] = n; hf->size[c] = l; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, long first\n", n);) } else { if ((b == 8) || (c & (1 << (b-1)))) { z3relref(__u16, hf->bit1)[bit[b-1]] = n; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, long bit0[%3d]=%3d, bit1[%3d]=%3d\n", n, bit[b+1], bit[b-1], n);) } D(else fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, long bit0[%3d]=%3d\n", n, bit[b+1]);) z3relref(__u16, hf->bit0)[n] = bit[b+1]; bit[b] = n; } codes[i++] = c; b = l - 1; while (c & (1 << b)) { if (b == 0) { D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, long(%3d): code=%08x, size=%2d\n", n, c, l);) if (chain[n] < nb) return 0; while (l < 31) { l += 1; if (start[l] < nb) return 0; } D(for (i = 0; i < (1<<8); i++) fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable code[%02x]=%3d/%2d\n", i, hf->code[i], hf->size[i]);) return 1; } b -= 1; } D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable, long(%3d): code=%08x, size=%2d, b=%2d\n", n, c, l, b);) c += (3 << b) - (1 << l); n = chain[n]; } } while (l < 31); D(for (i = 0; i < (1<<8); i++) fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_buildcodetable code[%02x]=%3d/%2d\n", i, hf->code[i], hf->size[i]);) return 1; } static void z3bd_setfixedtable(struct z3bd_handle *zh) { D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_setfixedtable\n");) memset(&zh->huff_ll_length[0], 8, sizeof(zh->huff_ll_length)); memset(&zh->huff_ll_length[144], 9, 256-144); memset(&zh->huff_ll_length[256], 7, 280-256); z3bd_buildcodetable(&zh->ll, Z3B_NBCODESPLUSUNUSED); memset(&zh->huff_dc_length[0], 5, Z3B_NBDISTANCECODESPLUSUNUSED); z3bd_buildcodetable(&zh->dc, Z3B_NBDISTANCECODESPLUSUNUSED); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_setfixedtable done\n");) } static __u32 z3bd_huffman1(struct z3bd_handle *zh, struct z3bd_handle_huff *hf, __u32 code, __u32 nbits) { __u32 alternate; alternate = zh->alternate; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_huffman1(%2d), code=%04x, alternate=%04x, pbits=%08x\n", nbits, code, alternate, zh->pbits);) zh->pbits_nb -= nbits; do { if (zh->pbits & 1) { code = alternate; alternate = z3relref(__u16, hf->bit1)[alternate]; } else { alternate = z3relref(__u16, hf->bit0)[alternate]; } zh->pbits >>= 1; nbits -= 1; } while (nbits > 0); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_huffman1 done, code=%04x, alternate=%04x\n", code, alternate);) zh->alternate = alternate; return code; } static __u32 z3bd_huffman0(struct z3bd_handle *zh, struct z3bd_handle_huff *hf, __u32 nbits) { __u16 code; __u16 alternate; code = hf->code[(__u8)zh->pbits]; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_huffman0(%2d), code=%04x\n", nbits, code);) zh->pbits_nb -= nbits; if (nbits <= 8) { zh->pbits >>= nbits; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_huffman0 done, code=%04x\n", code);) } else { nbits -= 8; zh->pbits >>= 8; alternate = z3relref(__u16, hf->bit1)[code]; do { if (zh->pbits & 1) { code = alternate; alternate = z3relref(__u16, hf->bit1)[alternate]; } else { alternate = z3relref(__u16, hf->bit0)[alternate]; } zh->pbits >>= 1; nbits -= 1; } while (nbits > 0); zh->alternate = alternate; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_huffman0 done, code=%04x, alternate=%04x\n", code, alternate);) } return code; } static void z3bd_copystring(struct z3bd_handle *zh, __u32 length, __u32 distance) { __u32 i = zh->din; __u32 r = z3b_moddictbits(i - distance); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_copystring(%d, -%d: %d): %02x...\n", length, distance, r, zh->data[r]);) do { __u32 l; l = length; if (l > distance) l = distance; if (l > ((1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) - i)) l = (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) - i; if (l > ((1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) - r)) l = (1UL << Z3B_DICTBITS) - r; memcpy(&zh->data[i], &zh->data[r], l); i = z3b_moddictbits(i+l); r = z3b_moddictbits(r+l); length -= l; } while (length > 0); zh->din = i; } const static __u8 z3bd_lengths_extra_bits[(Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES+3)>>2] = {0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0}; const static __u16 z3bd_lengths_base_length[(Z3B_NBLENGTHCODES+3)>>2] = {257-3, 261-7, (265<<1)-11, (269<<2)-19, (273<<3)-35, (277<<4)-67, (281<<5)-131, 285-258}; const static __u8 z3bd_codelengths_repeatbits[19-16] = {2, 3, 7}; static int z3bd_put_one(struct z3bd_handle *zh) { __u32 n, m; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_put_one, state=%d\n", zh->state);) switch (zh->state) { case z3bd_state_init: if (zh->pbits_nb < 3) return 0; zh->bfinal = zh->pbits & 0x01; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_init bfinal=%d, btype=%d\n", zh->pbits & 0x01, (zh->pbits >> 1) & 0x03);) switch (zh->pbits & (0x03 << 1)) { case (Z3B_BTYPE_NC << 1): zh->state = z3bd_state_nc; break; case (Z3B_BTYPE_FIXED << 1): z3bd_setfixedtable(zh); zh->state = z3bd_state_data; break; case (Z3B_BTYPE_DYNAMIC << 1): zh->state = z3bd_state_dh; break; default: zh->error = z3err_bd_btype3; return 0; } zh->pbits >>= 3; zh->pbits_nb -= 3; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_put_one, init, done\n");) break; case z3bd_state_nc: if (zh->pbits_nb < 16) return 0; if (zh->pbits_nb & 7) { zh->pbits >>= (zh->pbits_nb & 7); zh->pbits_nb &= ~7; } zh->count = (__u16)zh->pbits; zh->state = z3bd_state_nclen; zh->pbits >>= 16; zh->pbits_nb -= 16; break; case z3bd_state_nclen: if (zh->pbits_nb < 16) return 0; if (zh->count != (((__u16)zh->pbits) ^ 0xFFFF)) { zh->error = z3err_bd_nlenmismatch; return 0; } zh->state = z3bd_state_ncdata; zh->pbits >>= 16; zh->pbits_nb -= 16; break; case z3bd_state_ncdata: if (zh->count == 0) { zh->state = z3bd_state_end; return 0; } if (zh->pbits_nb < 8) return 0; n = z3b_moddictbits(zh->din+1); if (n == zh->dout) return 0; zh->data[zh->din] = (__u8)zh->pbits; zh->din = n; zh->count -= 1; zh->pbits >>= 8; zh->pbits_nb -= 8; break; case z3bd_state_dh: if (zh->pbits_nb < (5+5+4)) return 0; zh->pbits_nb -= (5+5+4); zh->value = (zh->pbits & ((1 << 5) - 1)) + Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK+1; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_dh, HLIT=%d\n", zh->value);) if (zh->value > Z3B_NBCODES) { zh->error = z3err_bd_hlitexceed; return 0; } zh->pbits >>= 5; zh->distance = (zh->pbits & ((1 << 5) - 1)) + 1; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_dh, HDIST=%d\n", zh->distance);) if (zh->distance > Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES) { zh->error = z3err_bd_hdistexceed; return 0; } zh->pbits >>= 5; zh->clen = (zh->pbits & ((1 << 4) - 1)) + 4; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_dh, HCLEN=%d\n", zh->clen);) zh->pbits >>= 4; memset(&zh->huff_clc_length[0], 0, Z3B_NBCODELENGTHSCODES); zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3bd_state_codelengths; break; case z3bd_state_codelengths: if (zh->pbits_nb < 3) return 0; zh->pbits_nb -= 3; zh->huff_clc_length[z3b_hclen_sort[zh->count]] = zh->pbits & ((1 << 3) - 1); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_codelengths, clc.length[%d]=%d\n", z3b_hclen_sort[zh->count], zh->pbits & ((1 << 3) - 1));) zh->pbits >>= 3; zh->count += 1; if (zh->count >= zh->clen) { if (!z3bd_buildcodetable(&zh->clc, Z3B_NBCODELENGTHSCODES)) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codelengthtable; return 0; } memset(&zh->huff_ll_length[0], 0, Z3B_NBCODES); zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3bd_state_codeliterals; } break; case z3bd_state_codeliterals: m = zh->clc.size[(__u8)zh->pbits]; if (m == 0) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codeliteralundefined; return 0; } if (zh->pbits_nb < m) return 0; n = z3bd_huffman0(zh, &zh->clc, m); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_codeliterals length(%d) %d %d\n", n, zh->huff_clc_length[n], m);) if (zh->huff_clc_length[n] != m) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codeliteralexceed; return 0; } if (n >= 16) { zh->clen = n; case z3bd_state_codeliterals2: n = z3bd_codelengths_repeatbits[zh->clen - 16]; if (zh->pbits_nb < n) { zh->state = z3bd_state_codeliterals2; return 0; } zh->state = z3bd_state_codeliterals; zh->pbits_nb -= n; m = zh->pbits & ((1 << n) - 1); zh->pbits >>= n; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_codeliterals2 %02x/%d\n", m, n);) if (zh->clen == 16) { if (zh->count == 0) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codeliteralnoprevious; return 0; } n = zh->huff_ll_length[zh->count-1]; } else { n = 0; } if (zh->clen == 18) { m += 11; } else { m += 3; } if ((zh->count + m) > zh->value) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codeliteraltoomany; return 0; } } else { m = 1; } do { zh->huff_ll_length[zh->count] = n; zh->count += 1; m -= 1; } while (m > 0); if (zh->count >= zh->value) { if (!z3bd_buildcodetable(&zh->ll, Z3B_NBCODES)) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codeliteraltable; return 0; } memset(&zh->huff_dc_length[0], 0, Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES); zh->count = 0; zh->state = z3bd_state_codedistances; } break; case z3bd_state_codedistances: m = zh->clc.size[(__u8)zh->pbits]; if (m == 0) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codedistancesundefined; return 0; } if (zh->pbits_nb < m) return 0; n = z3bd_huffman0(zh, &zh->clc, m); if (zh->huff_clc_length[n] != m) { D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_codedistances length(%d) %d %d\n", n, zh->huff_clc_length[n], m);) zh->error = z3err_bd_codedistancesexceed; return 0; } if (n >= 16) { zh->clen = n; case z3bd_state_codedistances2: n = z3bd_codelengths_repeatbits[zh->clen - 16]; if (zh->pbits_nb < n) { zh->state = z3bd_state_codedistances2; return 0; } zh->state = z3bd_state_codedistances; zh->pbits_nb -= n; m = zh->pbits & ((1 << n) - 1); zh->pbits >>= n; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_codedistances2 %02x/%d\n", m, n);) if (zh->clen == 16) { if (zh->count == 0) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codedistancesnoprevious; return 0; } n = zh->huff_dc_length[zh->count-1]; } else { n = 0; } if (zh->clen == 18) { m += 11; } else { m += 3; } if ((zh->count + m) > zh->distance) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codedistancestoomany; return 0; } } else { m = 1; } do { zh->huff_dc_length[zh->count] = n; zh->count += 1; m -= 1; } while (m > 0); if (zh->count >= zh->distance) { if (!z3bd_buildcodetable(&zh->dc, Z3B_NBDISTANCECODES)) { zh->error = z3err_bd_codedistancestable; return 0; } zh->state = z3bd_state_data; } break; case z3bd_state_data: n = zh->ll.size[(__u8)zh->pbits]; if (n == 0) { zh->error = z3err_bd_dataundefined; return 0; } if (zh->pbits_nb < n) return 0; zh->value = z3bd_huffman0(zh, &zh->ll, n); if (0) { case z3bd_state_data1: zh->state = z3bd_state_data; n = zh->clen; } while ((m = zh->huff_ll_length[zh->value] - n) > 0) { if (zh->pbits_nb < m) { zh->clen = n; zh->state = z3bd_state_data1; return 0; } zh->value = z3bd_huffman1(zh, &zh->ll, zh->value, m); n += m; } if (zh->value == Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK) { zh->state = z3bd_state_end; return 0; } if (zh->value < Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK) { if (0) { case z3bd_state_literal: zh->state = z3bd_state_data; } n = z3b_moddictbits(zh->din+1); if (n == zh->dout) { zh->state = z3bd_state_literal; return 0; } D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_literal: data[%d++]=%02x\n", zh->din, (__u8)zh->value);) zh->data[zh->din] = (__u8)zh->value; zh->din = n; break; } zh->state = z3bd_state_length; break; case z3bd_state_length: m = (zh->value-1-Z3B_CODEENDOFBLOCK) >> 2; n = z3bd_lengths_extra_bits[m]; if (zh->pbits_nb < n) return 0; zh->value = ((zh->value << n) - z3bd_lengths_base_length[m]) + ((n != 0) ? (zh->pbits & ((1 << n) - 1)) : 0); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_length: %08x/%d: %d\n", (zh->pbits & ((1 << n) - 1)), n, zh->value);) zh->pbits >>= n; zh->pbits_nb -= n; case z3bd_state_length2: if ((z3b_moddictbits(zh->dout - zh->din - 1)) < zh->value) { zh->state = z3bd_state_length2; return 0; } zh->state = z3bd_state_distance; break; case z3bd_state_distance: n = zh->dc.size[(__u8)zh->pbits]; if (n == 0) { zh->error = z3err_bd_distanceundefined; return 0; } if (zh->pbits_nb < n) return 0; zh->distance = z3bd_huffman0(zh, &zh->dc, n); if (0) { case z3bd_state_distance1: n = zh->clen; } while ((m = zh->huff_dc_length[zh->distance] - n) > 0) { if (zh->pbits_nb < m) { zh->clen = n; zh->state = z3bd_state_distance1; return 0; } zh->distance = z3bd_huffman1(zh, &zh->dc, zh->distance, m); n += m; } zh->state = z3bd_state_distance2; break; case z3bd_state_distance2: n = (zh->distance >> 1); if (n > 0) n -= 1; if (zh->pbits_nb < n) return 0; m = ((zh->distance << n) - (n << (n+1)) + 1 + (zh->pbits & ((1 << n) - 1))); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_distance2: %08x/%d: %d\n", (zh->pbits & ((1 << n) - 1)), n, m);) z3bd_copystring(zh, zh->value, m); zh->pbits >>= n; zh->pbits_nb -= n; zh->state = z3bd_state_data; break; case z3bd_state_end: D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_state_end\n");) default: return 0; } D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_put_one, return 1\n");) return 1; } __u32 z3bd_put(struct z3bd_handle *zh, __u8 *code, __u32 codesize) { __u32 n; __u8 *c; if (zh == NULL) { return 0; } n = codesize; c = code; do { int nb = zh->pbits_nb; if ((nb <= 24) && (n > 0)) { do { zh->pbits |= (*c++ << nb); n -= 1; nb += 8; } while ((nb <= 24) && (n > 0)); zh->pbits_nb = nb; } D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_put(%lu): n=%lu, din=%lu, dout=%lu, pb=%08x, nb=%d\n", codesize, codesize-n, zh->din, zh->dout, zh->pbits, nb);) } while (z3bd_put_one(zh)); D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_put done: n=%lu, din=%lu, dout=%lu\n", n, zh->din, zh->dout);) if (zh->error != z3err_none) return 0; return codesize - n; } int z3bd_finish(struct z3bd_handle *zh, __u32 *pending_bits, int *pending_nb) { int e; e = zh->error; D(fprintf(stderr, "z3bd_finish: error=%d, state=%d, bfinal=%d\n", e, zh->state, zh->bfinal);) if ((e == z3err_none) && (zh->state == z3bd_state_end) && (!zh->bfinal)) { zh->bfinal = 1; zh->state = z3bd_state_init; return z3err_bd_notbfinal; } *pending_bits = zh->pbits; *pending_nb = zh->pbits_nb; return e; } #endif /* Z3LIB_ENCODE_ONLY */