chicken-cjson =============== [Chicken Scheme]: [cjson]: [medea]: [json]: [jq]: [Chicken Scheme] bindings for the JSON parser [cjson]. It cannot read from ports and must have the entire JSON object in memory. `chicken-cjson` only parses JSON, does not serialize. The `string->json` procedure returns the same datastrucures as `medea`'s, `read-json`, so if you're passing that strings already, `string->json` should be a drop-in replacement: ```bash $ printf '{"array":[1,2,3],"null":null}' | csi -R cjson -p '(string->json (read-line))' ((null . null) (array . #(1.0 2.0 3.0))) $ printf '{"array":[1,2,3],"null":null}' | csi -R medea -p '(read-json (read-line))' ((array . #(1 2 3)) (null . null)) ``` `chicken-cjson` may offer a significant performance improvement over [medea] and [json], but comes at a price: all data must be availabe as a string. This means you cannot parse JSON coming in from a port directly, and that's why there is no `read-json` here. `chicken-cjson` offers an alternative API which exposes a JSON c-struct as a `#` scheme record, and accompanying procedures like `cjson-string`. This is for performance reasons and allows you to pick apart JSON objects using lolevel C-functions, without transitioning into the Scheme data-structure. This may be faster but is a lot uglier: ```bash $ printf '{"array":[1,2,3],"null":null}' |\ csi -R cjson -p '(cjson-double (cjson-array-ref (cjson-obj-ref (string->cjson (read-line)) "array") 1))' 2.0 ``` Note that if you know that a number is fixnum, you can use `cjson-int` instead. ## Requirements None. [cjson] comes bundled. ## TODO - Make `cjson-schemify` faster yet by avoiding the O(n) procedures `cjson-obj-ref` and `cjson-array-ref` - Update to [cjson] version [1.2.1]( - Add support for modifying `cjson` records like `cJSON_AddItemToArray` - Make `with-cjson` that allocates and deallocates in block, and does it fast? - Make a common JSON API for all json parsers in CHICKEN? ## API [procedure] (string->cjson string) Note that that's not `string->json`! Parses the string and returns a `#` record which holds a c-struct representing the JSON. The returned record has a finalizer attached to it so the underlying c-struct gets freed on garbage collection. [procedure] (string->cjson* string) Like `string->cjson` but does not attach a finalizer to the `#` record. `cjson-free` must be explicitly called later on the returned value to avoid memory leaks. This is sometimes faster than attaching finalizers, particularly if there are large numbers of `#` objects. [procedure] (cjson->string cjson [pretty-print?]) Convert the `#` object to its JSON-representation, returned as a string. `pretty-print?` defaults to true. Note that this can only serialize [cjson] records, and not scheme objects. [procedure] (cjson-schemify cjson) Convert the `#` object to scheme data-structures. The data-structures are the same as [medea]'s, where `array => vector` and `object => alist`. [procedure] (string->json string) Make scheme data-structures of the json data in `string` using [cjson]: ```scheme (define (string->json str) (let* ((j (string->cjson* str)) (s (cjson-schemify j))) (cjson-free j) s)) ``` For string inputs, this should be API-equivalent of [medea]'s `(read-json)`. [procedure] (cjson-type cjson) Pick out the type of a [cjson] record. Returns a fixnum. [variable] cjson/false [variable] cjson/true [variable] cjson/null [variable] cjson/number [variable] cjson/string [variable] cjson/array [variable] cjson/object Exposes the [cjson]-type constants. [procedure] (cjson-int cjson) [procedure] (cjson-double cjson) [procedure] (cjson-string cjson) [procedure] (cjson-key cjson) "Unbox" the json value. `cjson-type` must match like this: ```scheme (select (cjson-type cjson) ((cjson/false) #f) ((cjson/true) #t) ((cjson/null) 'null) ((cjson/number) (cjson-double cjson)) ((csjon/string) (cjson-string cjson)) (else (error "probably a vector or object"))) ``` [procedure] (cjson-array-size cjson) Return the number of elements in the array. If [cjson]'s type is not an array, this is undefined bahaviour. [procedure] (cjson-array-ref cjson index) Return the element of `cjson` at position `index`. `index` must be a fixnum. Undefined behaviour if `cjson` is not an array. [procedure] (cjson-obj-ref cjson key) Select field `key` from `cjson`. Key must be a string. Undefined behaviour if `cjson` is not of type `cjosn/object`. ## Performance The performance characteristics of JSON parsing is mysterious. It is recommended to use [medea] or [json] in most usage-cases because they can parse directly off ports and they also serialize. For particular cases, however, there may be significant performace improvements in using [cjson]. Sometimes the speedup is negligible: ```bash $ (echo '[' ; for i in {0..1000} ; do echo '"str", 1, 2, 3, 4,' ; done ; echo ' 0]') > bigjson $ time csi -R medea -e '(pp (read-json))' < bigjson >/dev/null real 0m0.152s user 0m0.140s sys 0m0.013s $ time csi -R cjson -e '(pp (string->json (read-string)))' < bigjson >/dev/null real 0m0.114s user 0m0.103s sys 0m0.010s ``` Here, having to doing a `read-string` first isn't great. [cjson] may shine when you already have the JSON data as a string: ```bash $ for i in {0..100000} ; do echo '{"field" : {"id" : 1}}' ; done > jsonlines $ time csi -R medea -R ports -e '(port-for-each (lambda (line) (pp (alist-ref `field (read-json line)))) read-line)' < jsonlines > /dev/null real 0m3.997s user 0m3.933s sys 0m0.067s $ time csi -R cjson -R ports -e '(port-for-each (lambda (line) (pp (alist-ref `field (string->json line)))) read-line)' < jsonlines > /dev/null real 0m1.099s user 0m1.083s sys 0m0.017s ``` That's four times faster. In some cases, though, keeping the `#` record and using its combersome API can pay off: ```bash $ JSON='{"field" : {"id" : "ID"} , "a":1, "b":2, "c":[1,{"x":{"y":"y"}},3],"d":{"e":[]}}' $ for i in {0..100000} ; do echo $JSON ; done > jsonlines $ for f in test*.scm ; do echo ===== $f === ; cat $f ; done ===== test-cjson.scm === (import cjson ports) (port-for-each (lambda (line) (let ((cjson (string->cjson* line))) (print (cjson-string (cjson-obj-ref (cjson-obj-ref cjson "field") "id"))) (cjson-free cjson))) read-line) ===== test-medea.scm === (import medea ports) (port-for-each (lambda (line) (print (alist-ref 'id (alist-ref 'field (read-json line))))) read-line) $ for f in test*.scm ; do echo $f ; time csi -s $f < jsonlines >/dev/null ; done test-cjson.scm real 0m0.541s user 0m0.523s sys 0m0.020s test-medea.scm real 0m13.870s user 0m13.717s sys 0m0.153s $ time jq '' < jsonlines > /dev/null real 0m0.513s user 0m0.500s sys 0m0.017s ``` In this particular run, `chicken-cjson` is 25 times faster than medea, and performas about as well as [jq]. This speedup typically only happens where you are parsing a lot of JSON, but only a small part of that needs to go back into scheme. Also, this only works because we have one JSON object per line, effectively giving us a json-object delimiter.