(module scheme.write (display write write-shared write-simple) (import (rename scheme (display display-simple) (write write-simple)) (only chicken.base foldl when optional) (only chicken.platform feature?) (only chicken.type :) (only chicken.fixnum fx+ fx= fx<=)) (when (feature? 'csi) (set! ##sys#repl-print-hook (lambda (o p) (write o p) (newline)))) (define (interesting? o) (or (pair? o) (and (vector? o) (fx<= 1 (vector-length o))))) (define (uninteresting? o) (not (interesting? o))) (define (display-char c p) ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 2) p c)) (define (display-string s p) ((##sys#slot (##sys#slot p 2) 3) p s)) ;; Build an alist mapping `interesting?` objects to boolean values ;; indicating whether those objects occur shared in `o`. (define (find-shared o cycles-only?) (define seen '()) (define (seen? x) (assq x seen)) (define (seen! x) (set! seen (cons (cons x 1) seen))) ;; Walk the form, tallying the number of times each object is ;; encountered. This has the effect of filling `seen` with ;; occurence counts for all objects satisfying `interesting?`. (let walk! ((o o)) (when (interesting? o) (cond ((seen? o) => (lambda (p) (set-cdr! p (fx+ (cdr p) 1)))) ((pair? o) (seen! o) (walk! (car o)) (walk! (cdr o))) ((vector? o) (seen! o) (let ((len (vector-length o))) (do ((i 0 (fx+ i 1))) ((fx= i len)) (walk! (vector-ref o i)))))) ;; If we're only interested in cycles and this object isn't ;; self-referential, discount it (resulting in `write` rather ;; than `write-shared` behavior). (when cycles-only? (let ((p (seen? o))) (when (fx<= (cdr p) 1) (set-cdr! p 0)))))) ;; Mark shared objects #t, unshared objects #f. (foldl (lambda (a p) (if (fx<= (cdr p) 1) (cons (cons (car p) #f) a) (cons (cons (car p) #t) a))) '() seen)) (define (write-with-shared-structure writer obj cycles-only? port) (define label 0) (define (assign-label! pair) (set-cdr! pair label) (set! label (fx+ label 1))) (define shared (find-shared obj cycles-only?)) (define (write-interesting/shared o) (cond ((pair? o) (display-char #\( port) (write/shared (car o)) (let loop ((o (cdr o))) (cond ((null? o) (display-char #\) port)) ((and (pair? o) (not (cdr (assq o shared)))) (display-char #\space port) (write/shared (car o)) (loop (cdr o))) (else (display-string " . " port) (write/shared o) (display-char #\) port))))) ((vector? o) (display-string "#(" port) (write/shared (vector-ref o 0)) (let ((len (vector-length o))) (do ((i 1 (fx+ i 1))) ((fx= i len) (display-char #\) port)) (display-char #\space port) (write/shared (vector-ref o i))))))) (define (write/shared o) (if (uninteresting? o) (writer o port) (let* ((p (assq o shared)) (d (cdr p))) (cond ((not d) (write-interesting/shared o)) ((number? d) (display-char #\# port) (writer d port) (display-char #\# port)) (else (display-char #\# port) (writer label port) (display-char #\= port) (assign-label! p) (write-interesting/shared o)))))) (write/shared obj)) (: display (* #!optional output-port -> undefined)) (define (display o . p) (write-with-shared-structure display-simple o #t (optional p (current-output-port)))) (: write (* #!optional output-port -> undefined)) (define (write o . p) (write-with-shared-structure write-simple o #t (optional p (current-output-port)))) (: write-shared (* #!optional output-port -> undefined)) (define (write-shared o . p) (write-with-shared-structure write-simple o #f (optional p (current-output-port)))))