(define _eqv?_7 eqv?) (define _cons_23 cons) (define _append_24 append) (define _list_25 list) (define _vector_26 vector) (define _list->vector_27 list->vector) (define make-xml-token (lambda (_kind_38 _head_39) (cons _kind_38 _head_39))) (define xml-token? pair?) (define ssax:warn (lambda (_port_38 _msg_39 . _other-msg_40) (apply cerr (cons* nl "Warning: " _msg_39 _other-msg_40)))) (define parser-error (lambda (_port_38 _msg_39 . _specializing-msgs_40) (apply error (cons _msg_39 _specializing-msgs_40)))) (define equal_? (lambda (_e1_38 _e2_39) (if (eq? (if (string? 'A) (string->symbol 'A) 'A) (string->symbol "A")) (equal? _e1_38 _e2_39) (if (symbol? _e1_38) (if (symbol? _e2_39) (string-ci=? (symbol->string _e1_38) (symbol->string _e2_39)) #f) (if (pair? _e1_38) (if (pair? _e2_39) (if (equal_? (car _e1_38) (car _e2_39)) (equal_? (cdr _e1_38) (cdr _e2_39)) #f) #f) (if (vector? _e1_38) (if (vector? _e2_39) (equal_? (vector->list _e1_38) (vector->list _e2_39)) #f) (equal? _e1_38 _e2_39))))))) (define unesc-string (lambda (_str_38) (call-with-input-string _str_38 (lambda (_port_45) ((letrec ((_loop_46 (lambda (_frags_47) ((lambda (_token_48) ((lambda (_cterm_49) ((lambda (_frags_50) (if (eof-object? _cterm_49) (string-concatenate-reverse/shared _frags_50) ((lambda (_cchar_51) (if (eof-object? _cchar_51) (error "unexpected EOF after reading % in unesc-string:" _str_38) (_loop_46 (cons ((lambda (_key_52) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_52 '#\n) #t #f) (string #\newline) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_52 '#\r) #t #f) (string char-return) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_52 '#\t) #t #f) (string char-tab) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_52 '#\%) #t #f) "%" (error "bad %-char in unesc-string:" _cchar_51)))))) _cchar_51) _frags_50)))) (read-char _port_45)))) (cons _token_48 _frags_47))) (read-char _port_45))) (next-token '() '(#\% *eof*) "unesc-string" _port_45))))) _loop_46) '()))))) (define string-whitespace? (lambda (_str_38) ((lambda (_len_39) (if (zero? _len_39) #t (if (= 1 _len_39) (char-whitespace? (string-ref _str_38 0)) (if (= 2 _len_39) (if (char-whitespace? (string-ref _str_38 0)) (char-whitespace? (string-ref _str_38 1)) #f) ((letrec ((_loop_40 (lambda (_i_41) ((lambda (_x_42) (if _x_42 _x_42 (if (char-whitespace? (string-ref _str_38 _i_41)) (_loop_40 (+ 1 _i_41)) #f))) (>= _i_41 _len_39))))) _loop_40) 0))))) (string-length _str_38)))) (define assq-values (lambda (_val_38 _alist_39) ((letrec ((_loop_40 (lambda (_alist_41 _scanned_42) (if (null? _alist_41) (values #f _scanned_42) (if (equal? _val_38 (caar _alist_41)) (values (car _alist_41) (append _scanned_42 (cdr _alist_41))) (_loop_40 (cdr _alist_41) (cons (car _alist_41) _scanned_42))))))) _loop_40) _alist_39 '()))) (define fold-right (lambda (_kons_38 _knil_39 _lis1_40) ((letrec ((_recur_41 (lambda (_lis_42) (if (null? _lis_42) _knil_39 ((lambda (_head_43) (_kons_38 _head_43 (_recur_41 (cdr _lis_42)))) (car _lis_42)))))) _recur_41) _lis1_40))) (define fold (lambda (_kons_38 _knil_39 _lis1_40) ((letrec ((_lp_41 (lambda (_lis_42 _ans_43) (if (null? _lis_42) _ans_43 (_lp_41 (cdr _lis_42) (_kons_38 (car _lis_42) _ans_43)))))) _lp_41) _lis1_40 _knil_39))) (define ssax:S-chars (map ascii->char '(32 10 9 13))) (define ssax:skip-S (lambda (_port_38) (skip-while ssax:S-chars _port_38))) (define ssax:ncname-starting-char? (lambda (_a-char_38) (if (char? _a-char_38) ((lambda (_x_39) (if _x_39 _x_39 (char=? #\_ _a-char_38))) (char-alphabetic? _a-char_38)) #f))) (define ssax:read-NCName (lambda (_port_38) (begin ((lambda (_first-char_39) ((lambda (_x_40) (if _x_40 _x_40 (parser-error _port_38 "XMLNS [4] for '" _first-char_39 "'"))) (ssax:ncname-starting-char? _first-char_39))) (peek-char _port_38)) (string->symbol (next-token-of (lambda (_c_39) (if (eof-object? _c_39) #f (if (char-alphabetic? _c_39) _c_39 (if (string-index "0123456789.-_" _c_39) _c_39 #f)))) _port_38))))) (define ssax:read-QName (lambda (_port_38) ((lambda (_prefix-or-localpart_39) ((lambda (_key_40) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_40 '#\:) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_38) (cons _prefix-or-localpart_39 (ssax:read-NCName _port_38))) _prefix-or-localpart_39)) (peek-char _port_38))) (ssax:read-NCName _port_38)))) (define ssax:Prefix-XML (string->symbol "xml")) (assert (eq? (if (string? '_) (string->symbol '_) '_) (call-with-input-string "_" ssax:read-NCName))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '_) (string->symbol '_) '_) (call-with-input-string "_" ssax:read-QName))) (assert (eq? (string->symbol "_abc_") (call-with-input-string "_abc_;" ssax:read-NCName))) (assert (eq? (string->symbol "_abc_") (call-with-input-string "_abc_;" ssax:read-QName))) (assert (eq? (string->symbol "_a.b") (call-with-input-string "_a.b " ssax:read-QName))) (assert (equal? (cons (string->symbol "_a.b") (string->symbol "d.1-ef-")) (call-with-input-string "_a.b:d.1-ef-;" ssax:read-QName))) (assert (equal? (cons (string->symbol "a") (string->symbol "b")) (call-with-input-string "a:b:c" ssax:read-QName))) (assert (failed? (call-with-input-string ":abc" ssax:read-NCName))) (assert (failed? (call-with-input-string "1:bc" ssax:read-NCName))) (define name-compare (letrec ((_symbol-compare_38 (lambda (_symb1_39 _symb2_40) (if (eq? _symb1_39 _symb2_40) '= (if (stringstring _symb1_39) (symbol->string _symb2_40)) '< '>))))) (lambda (_name1_39 _name2_40) (if (symbol? _name1_39) (if (symbol? _name2_40) (_symbol-compare_38 _name1_39 _name2_40) '<) (if (symbol? _name2_40) '> (if (eq? _name2_40 ssax:largest-unres-name) '< (if (eq? _name1_39 ssax:largest-unres-name) '> (if (eq? (car _name1_39) (car _name2_40)) (_symbol-compare_38 (cdr _name1_39) (cdr _name2_40)) (_symbol-compare_38 (car _name1_39) (car _name2_40)))))))))) (define ssax:largest-unres-name (cons (string->symbol "#LARGEST-SYMBOL") (string->symbol "#LARGEST-SYMBOL"))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '=) (string->symbol '=) '=) (name-compare (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '<) (string->symbol '<) '<) (name-compare (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) (if (string? 'ABCD) (string->symbol 'ABCD) 'ABCD)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '>) (string->symbol '>) '>) (name-compare (if (string? 'XB) (string->symbol 'XB) 'XB) (if (string? 'ABCD) (string->symbol 'ABCD) 'ABCD)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '>) (string->symbol '>) '>) (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) (if (string? 'PRE) (string->symbol 'PRE) 'PRE)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '<) (string->symbol '<) '<) (name-compare (if (string? 'HTML) (string->symbol 'HTML) 'HTML) '(HTML . PRE)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '=) (string->symbol '=) '=) (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) '(HTML . PRE)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '<) (string->symbol '<) '<) (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) '(XML . PRE)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '>) (string->symbol '>) '>) (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) '(HTML . P)))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '<) (string->symbol '<) '<) (name-compare '(HTML . PRE) ssax:largest-unres-name))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '<) (string->symbol '<) '<) (name-compare '(ZZZZ . ZZZ) ssax:largest-unres-name))) (assert (eq? (if (string? '>) (string->symbol '>) '>) (name-compare ssax:largest-unres-name '(ZZZZ . ZZZ)))) (define ssax:read-markup-token (letrec ((_read-cdata_38 (lambda (_port_40) (begin (assert (string=? "CDATA[" (read-string 6 _port_40))) (make-xml-token 'CDSECT #f)))) (_skip-comment_39 (lambda (_port_40) (begin (assert-curr-char '(#\-) "XML [15], second dash" _port_40) (if (not (find-string-from-port? "-->" _port_40)) (parser-error _port_40 "XML [15], no -->")) (make-xml-token 'COMMENT #f))))) (lambda (_port_40) (begin (assert-curr-char '(#\<) "start of the token" _port_40) ((lambda (_key_41) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_41 '#\/) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_40) ((lambda (_val_42) (begin (ssax:skip-S _port_40) (assert-curr-char '(#\>) "XML [42]" _port_40) _val_42)) (make-xml-token 'END (ssax:read-QName _port_40)))) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_41 '#\?) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_40) (make-xml-token 'PI (ssax:read-NCName _port_40))) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_41 '#\!) #t #f) ((lambda (_key_42) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_42 '#\-) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_40) (_skip-comment_39 _port_40)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_42 '#\[) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_40) (_read-cdata_38 _port_40)) (make-xml-token 'DECL (ssax:read-NCName _port_40))))) (peek-next-char _port_40)) (make-xml-token 'START (ssax:read-QName _port_40)))))) (peek-char _port_40)))))) (define ssax:skip-pi (lambda (_port_38) (if (not (find-string-from-port? "?>" _port_38)) (parser-error _port_38 "Failed to find ?> terminating the PI")))) (define ssax:read-pi-body-as-string (lambda (_port_38) (begin (ssax:skip-S _port_38) (string-concatenate/shared ((letrec ((_loop_39 (lambda () ((lambda (_pi-fragment_40) (if (eqv? #\> (peek-next-char _port_38)) (begin (read-char _port_38) (cons _pi-fragment_40 '())) (cons* _pi-fragment_40 "?" (_loop_39)))) (next-token '() '(#\?) "reading PI content" _port_38))))) _loop_39)))))) (assert (equal? "p1 content " (call-with-input-string "" (lambda (_port_44) (begin (ssax:read-markup-token _port_44) (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string _port_44)))))) (assert (equal? "pi2? content? ?" (call-with-input-string "" (lambda (_port_44) (begin (ssax:read-markup-token _port_44) (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string _port_44)))))) (define ssax:skip-internal-dtd (lambda (_port_38) (if (not (find-string-from-port? "]>" _port_38)) (parser-error _port_38 "Failed to find ]> terminating the internal DTD subset")))) (define ssax:read-cdata-body ((lambda (_cdata-delimiters_38) (lambda (_port_39 _str-handler_40 _seed_41) ((letrec ((_loop_42 (lambda (_seed_43) ((lambda (_fragment_44) ((lambda (_key_45) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_45 '#\newline) #t #f) (_loop_42 (_str-handler_40 _fragment_44 nl _seed_43)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_45 '#\]) #t #f) (if (not (eqv? (peek-char _port_39) #\])) (_loop_42 (_str-handler_40 _fragment_44 "]" _seed_43)) ((letrec ((_check-after-second-braket_46 (lambda (_seed_47) ((lambda (_key_48) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_48 '#\>) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_39) _seed_47) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_48 '#\]) #t #f) (_check-after-second-braket_46 (_str-handler_40 "]" "" _seed_47)) (_loop_42 (_str-handler_40 "]]" "" _seed_47))))) (peek-next-char _port_39))))) _check-after-second-braket_46) (if (zero? (string-length _fragment_44)) _seed_43 (_str-handler_40 _fragment_44 "" _seed_43)))) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_45 '#\&) #t #f) ((lambda (_ent-ref_46) (if (if (string=? "gt" _ent-ref_46) (eqv? (peek-char _port_39) #\;) #f) (begin (read-char _port_39) (_loop_42 (_str-handler_40 _fragment_44 ">" _seed_43))) (_loop_42 (_str-handler_40 _ent-ref_46 "" (_str-handler_40 _fragment_44 "&" _seed_43))))) (next-token-of (lambda (_c_46) (if (not (eof-object? _c_46)) (if (char-alphabetic? _c_46) _c_46 #f) #f)) _port_39)) (begin (if (eqv? (peek-char _port_39) #\newline) (read-char _port_39)) (_loop_42 (_str-handler_40 _fragment_44 nl _seed_43))))))) (read-char _port_39))) (next-token '() _cdata-delimiters_38 "reading CDATA" _port_39))))) _loop_42) _seed_41))) (list char-return #\newline #\] #\&))) (letrec ((_test_44 (lambda (_str_46 _expected-result_47) (begin (newline) (display "body: ") (write _str_46) (newline) (display "Result: ") ((lambda (_result_48) (begin (write _result_48) (assert (equal? _result_48 _expected-result_47)))) (reverse (call-with-input-string (unesc-string _str_46) (lambda (_port_48) (ssax:read-cdata-body _port_48 _consumer_45 '())))))))) (_consumer_45 (lambda (_fragment_46 _foll-fragment_47 _seed_48) (cons* (if (equal? _foll-fragment_47 (string #\newline)) " NL" _foll-fragment_47) _fragment_46 _seed_48)))) (begin (_test_44 "]]>" '()) (_test_44 "abcd]]>" '("abcd" "")) (_test_44 "abcd]]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "")) (_test_44 "abcd]]]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "" "]" "")) (_test_44 "abcd]]]]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "" "]" "" "]" "")) (_test_44 "abcd]]]a]]>" '("abcd" "" "]" "" "]]" "" "a" "")) (_test_44 "abc%r%ndef%n]]>" '("abc" " NL" "def" " NL")) (_test_44 "%r%n%r%n]]>" '("" " NL" "" " NL")) (_test_44 "%r%n%r%na]]>" '("" " NL" "" " NL" "a" "")) (_test_44 "%r%r%r%na]]>" '("" " NL" "" " NL" "" " NL" "a" "")) (_test_44 "abc&!!!]]>" '("abc" "&" "" "" "!!!" "")) (_test_44 "abc]]>>&]]]>and]]>" '("abc" "" "]]" "" "" ">" "" "&" "gt" "" "" "&" "amp" "" ";" "" "]" "" "]]" "" "" ">" "and" "")))) (define ssax:read-char-ref (lambda (_port_38) ((lambda (_base_39) ((lambda (_name_40) ((lambda (_char-code_41) (begin (read-char _port_38) (if (integer? _char-code_41) (ucscode->char _char-code_41) (parser-error _port_38 "[wf-Legalchar] broken for '" _name_40 "'")))) (string->number _name_40 _base_39))) (next-token '() '(#\;) "XML [66]" _port_38))) (if (eqv? (peek-char _port_38) #\x) (begin (read-char _port_38) 16) 10)))) (define ssax:predefined-parsed-entities (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "amp") '"&") (_cons_23 (string->symbol "lt") '"<") (_cons_23 (string->symbol "gt") '">") (_cons_23 (string->symbol "apos") '"'") (_cons_23 (string->symbol "quot") '"\""))) (define ssax:handle-parsed-entity (lambda (_port_38 _name_39 _entities_40 _content-handler_41 _str-handler_42 _seed_43) ((lambda (_tmp_44) (if _tmp_44 ((lambda (_decl-entity_45) ((lambda (_ent-body_46 _new-entities_47) (if (string? _ent-body_46) (call-with-input-string _ent-body_46 (lambda (_port_48) (_content-handler_41 _port_48 _new-entities_47 _seed_43))) (if (procedure? _ent-body_46) ((lambda (_port_48) ((lambda (_val_49) (begin (close-input-port _port_48) _val_49)) (_content-handler_41 _port_48 _new-entities_47 _seed_43))) (_ent-body_46)) (parser-error _port_38 "[norecursion] broken for " _name_39)))) (cdr _decl-entity_45) (cons (cons _name_39 #f) _entities_40))) _tmp_44) ((lambda (_tmp_45) (if _tmp_45 ((lambda (_decl-entity_46) (_str-handler_42 (cdr _decl-entity_46) "" _seed_43)) _tmp_45) (parser-error _port_38 "[wf-entdeclared] broken for " _name_39))) (assq _name_39 ssax:predefined-parsed-entities)))) (assq _name_39 _entities_40)))) (define make-empty-attlist (lambda () '())) (define attlist-add (lambda (_attlist_38 _name-value_39) (if (null? _attlist_38) (cons _name-value_39 _attlist_38) ((lambda (_key_40) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_40 '=) #t #f) #f (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_40 '<) #t #f) (cons _name-value_39 _attlist_38) (cons (car _attlist_38) (attlist-add (cdr _attlist_38) _name-value_39))))) (name-compare (car _name-value_39) (caar _attlist_38)))))) (define attlist-null? null?) (define attlist-remove-top (lambda (_attlist_38) (values (car _attlist_38) (cdr _attlist_38)))) (define attlist->alist (lambda (_attlist_38) _attlist_38)) (define attlist-fold fold) (define ssax:read-attributes ((lambda (_value-delimeters_38) (letrec ((_read-named-entity_39 (lambda (_port_41 _entities_42 _fragments_43) ((lambda (_name_44) (begin (assert-curr-char '(#\;) "XML [68]" _port_41) (ssax:handle-parsed-entity _port_41 _name_44 _entities_42 (lambda (_port_45 _entities_46 _fragments_47) (_read-attrib-value_40 '*eof* _port_45 _entities_46 _fragments_47)) (lambda (_str1_45 _str2_46 _fragments_47) (if (equal? "" _str2_46) (cons _str1_45 _fragments_47) (cons* _str2_46 _str1_45 _fragments_47))) _fragments_43))) (ssax:read-NCName _port_41)))) (_read-attrib-value_40 (lambda (_delimiter_41 _port_42 _entities_43 _prev-fragments_44) ((lambda (_new-fragments_45) ((lambda (_cterm_46) (if ((lambda (_x_47) (if _x_47 _x_47 (eqv? _cterm_46 _delimiter_41))) (eof-object? _cterm_46)) _new-fragments_45 (if (eqv? _cterm_46 char-return) (begin (if (eqv? (peek-char _port_42) #\newline) (read-char _port_42)) (_read-attrib-value_40 _delimiter_41 _port_42 _entities_43 (cons " " _new-fragments_45))) (if (memv _cterm_46 ssax:S-chars) (_read-attrib-value_40 _delimiter_41 _port_42 _entities_43 (cons " " _new-fragments_45)) (if (eqv? _cterm_46 #\&) (if (eqv? (peek-char _port_42) #\#) (begin (read-char _port_42) (_read-attrib-value_40 _delimiter_41 _port_42 _entities_43 (cons (string (ssax:read-char-ref _port_42)) _new-fragments_45))) (_read-attrib-value_40 _delimiter_41 _port_42 _entities_43 (_read-named-entity_39 _port_42 _entities_43 _new-fragments_45))) (parser-error _port_42 "[CleanAttrVals] broken")))))) (read-char _port_42))) (cons (next-token '() (cons _delimiter_41 _value-delimeters_38) "XML [10]" _port_42) _prev-fragments_44))))) (lambda (_port_41 _entities_42) ((letrec ((_loop_43 (lambda (_attr-list_44) (if (not (ssax:ncname-starting-char? (ssax:skip-S _port_41))) _attr-list_44 ((lambda (_name_45) (begin (ssax:skip-S _port_41) (assert-curr-char '(#\=) "XML [25]" _port_41) (ssax:skip-S _port_41) ((lambda (_delimiter_46) (_loop_43 ((lambda (_x_47) (if _x_47 _x_47 (parser-error _port_41 "[uniqattspec] broken for " _name_45))) (attlist-add _attr-list_44 (cons _name_45 (string-concatenate-reverse/shared (_read-attrib-value_40 _delimiter_46 _port_41 _entities_42 '()))))))) (assert-curr-char '(#\' #\") "XML [10]" _port_41)))) (ssax:read-QName _port_41)))))) _loop_43) (make-empty-attlist))))) (append ssax:S-chars '(#\< #\&)))) (letrec ((_test_44 (lambda (_str_45 _decl-entities_46 _expected-res_47) (begin (newline) (display "input: ") (write _str_45) (newline) (display "Result: ") ((lambda (_result_48) (begin (write _result_48) (newline) (assert (equal? _result_48 _expected-res_47)))) (call-with-input-string (unesc-string _str_45) (lambda (_port_48) (ssax:read-attributes _port_48 _decl-entities_46)))))))) (begin (_test_44 "" '() '()) (_test_44 "href='http://a%tb%r%n%r%n%nc'" '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "href") '"http://a b c"))) (_test_44 "href='http://a%tb%r%r%n%rc'" '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "href") '"http://a b c"))) (_test_44 "_1 ='12&' _2= \"%r%n%t12 3\">" '() (_list_25 '(_1 . "12&") (_cons_23 '_2 (unesc-string " 12%n3")))) (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&ent;34' />" '((ent . "<xx>")) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Abc") (unesc-string "<&>%n")) (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Next") '"1234"))) (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&ent;34' />" '((ent . "<xx>")) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Abc") (unesc-string "<&>%r")) (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Next") '"1234"))) (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&en;34' />" (_list_25 (_cons_23 'en (lambda () (open-input-string ""xx'")))) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Abc") (unesc-string "<&>%n")) (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Next") '"12\"xx'34"))) (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&ent;34' />" '((ent . "<&ent1;T;>") (ent1 . "&")) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Abc") (unesc-string "<&>%n")) (_cons_23 (string->symbol "Next") '"12<&T;>34"))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&ent;34' />" '((ent . "<&ent1;T;>") (ent1 . "&")) '()))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&ent;34' />" '((ent . "<&ent;T;>") (ent1 . "&")) '()))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "%tAbc='<&> '%nNext='12&ent;34' />" '((ent . "<&ent1;T;>") (ent1 . "&ent;")) '()))) (_test_44 "html:href='http://a%tb%r%n%r%n%nc'" '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "html") (string->symbol "href")) '"http://a b c"))) (_test_44 "html:href='ref1' html:src='ref2'" '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "html") (string->symbol "href")) '"ref1") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "html") (string->symbol "src")) '"ref2"))) (_test_44 "html:href='ref1' xml:html='ref2'" '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "html") (string->symbol "href")) '"ref1") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 ssax:Prefix-XML (string->symbol "html")) '"ref2"))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "html:href='ref1' html:href='ref2'" '() '()))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "html:href='<' html:href='ref2'" '() '()))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "html:href='ref1' html:href='&ref2;'" '() '()))))) (define ssax:resolve-name (lambda (_port_38 _unres-name_39 _namespaces_40 _apply-default-ns?_41) (if (pair? _unres-name_39) (cons ((lambda (_tmp_42) (if _tmp_42 (cadr _tmp_42) (if (eq? (car _unres-name_39) ssax:Prefix-XML) ssax:Prefix-XML (parser-error _port_38 "[nsc-NSDeclared] broken; prefix " (car _unres-name_39))))) (assq (car _unres-name_39) _namespaces_40)) (cdr _unres-name_39)) (if _apply-default-ns?_41 ((lambda (_default-ns_42) (if (if _default-ns_42 (cadr _default-ns_42) #f) (cons (cadr _default-ns_42) _unres-name_39) _unres-name_39)) (assq '*DEFAULT* _namespaces_40)) _unres-name_39)))) ((lambda (_namespaces_44) ((lambda (_namespaces-def_45) ((lambda (_namespaces-undef_46) ((lambda (_port_47) (begin (assert (equal? (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) _namespaces_44 #t))) (assert (equal? '(DEF . ABC) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) _namespaces-def_45 #t))) (assert (equal? (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) _namespaces-def_45 #f))) (assert (equal? (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 (if (string? 'ABC) (string->symbol 'ABC) 'ABC) _namespaces-undef_46 #t))) (assert (equal? '(UHTML . ABC) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 '(HTML . ABC) _namespaces-def_45 #t))) (assert (equal? '(UHTML . ABC) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 '(HTML . ABC) _namespaces-def_45 #f))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 ssax:Prefix-XML 'space) (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 (_cons_23 (string->symbol "xml") 'space) _namespaces-def_45 #f))) (assert (failed? (ssax:resolve-name _port_47 '(XXX . ABC) _namespaces-def_45 #f))))) (current-input-port))) (cons '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) _namespaces-def_45))) (cons '(*DEFAULT* DEF . URN-DEF) _namespaces_44))) '((HTML UHTML . URN-HTML) (HTML UHTML-1 . URN-HTML) (A UHTML . URN-HTML))) (define ssax:uri-string->symbol (lambda (_uri-str_38) (string->symbol _uri-str_38))) (define ssax:complete-start-tag ((lambda (_xmlns_38 _largest-dummy-decl-attr_39) (letrec ((_adjust-namespace-decl_40 (lambda (_port_43 _attrs_44 _namespaces_45) ((letrec ((_loop_46 (lambda (_attrs_47 _proper-attrs_48 _namespaces_49) (if (null? _attrs_47) (values _proper-attrs_48 _namespaces_49) (if (eq? _xmlns_38 (caar _attrs_47)) (_loop_46 (cdr _attrs_47) _proper-attrs_48 (if (equal? "" (cdar _attrs_47)) (cons (cons* '*DEFAULT* #f #f) _namespaces_49) (_add-ns_41 _port_43 '*DEFAULT* (cdar _attrs_47) _namespaces_49))) (if (if (pair? (caar _attrs_47)) (eq? _xmlns_38 (caaar _attrs_47)) #f) (_loop_46 (cdr _attrs_47) _proper-attrs_48 (_add-ns_41 _port_43 (cdaar _attrs_47) (cdar _attrs_47) _namespaces_49)) (_loop_46 (cdr _attrs_47) (cons (car _attrs_47) _proper-attrs_48) _namespaces_49))))))) _loop_46) _attrs_44 '() _namespaces_45))) (_add-ns_41 (lambda (_port_43 _prefix_44 _uri-str_45 _namespaces_46) (begin (if (equal? "" _uri-str_45) (parser-error _port_43 "[dt-NSName] broken for " _prefix_44) #f) ((lambda (_uri-symbol_47) ((letrec ((_loop_48 (lambda (_nss_49) (if (null? _nss_49) (cons (cons* _prefix_44 _uri-symbol_47 _uri-symbol_47) _namespaces_46) (if (eq? _uri-symbol_47 (cddar _nss_49)) (cons (cons* _prefix_44 (cadar _nss_49) _uri-symbol_47) _namespaces_46) (_loop_48 (cdr _nss_49))))))) _loop_48) _namespaces_46)) (ssax:uri-string->symbol _uri-str_45))))) (_validate-attrs_42 (lambda (_port_43 _attlist_44 _decl-attrs_45) (letrec ((_add-default-decl_46 (lambda (_decl-attr_47 _result_48) (call-with-values (lambda () (apply values _decl-attr_47)) (lambda (_attr-name_49 _content-type_50 _use-type_51 _default-value_52) (begin (if (eq? _use-type_51 'REQUIRED) (parser-error _port_43 "[RequiredAttr] broken for" _attr-name_49) #f) (if _default-value_52 (cons (cons _attr-name_49 _default-value_52) _result_48) _result_48))))))) ((letrec ((_loop_47 (lambda (_attlist_48 _decl-attrs_49 _result_50) (if (attlist-null? _attlist_48) (attlist-fold _add-default-decl_46 _result_50 _decl-attrs_49) (call-with-values (lambda () (attlist-remove-top _attlist_48)) (lambda (_attr_51 _attr-others_52) (call-with-values (lambda () (if (attlist-null? _decl-attrs_49) (values _largest-dummy-decl-attr_39 _decl-attrs_49) (attlist-remove-top _decl-attrs_49))) (lambda (_decl-attr_53 _other-decls_54) ((lambda (_key_55) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_55 '<) #t #f) (if ((lambda (_x_56) (if _x_56 _x_56 (if (pair? (car _attr_51)) (eq? _xmlns_38 (caar _attr_51)) #f))) (eq? _xmlns_38 (car _attr_51))) (_loop_47 _attr-others_52 _decl-attrs_49 (cons _attr_51 _result_50)) (parser-error _port_43 "[ValueType] broken for " _attr_51)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_55 '>) #t #f) (_loop_47 _attlist_48 _other-decls_54 (_add-default-decl_46 _decl-attr_53 _result_50)) (call-with-values (lambda () (apply values _decl-attr_53)) (lambda (_attr-name_56 _content-type_57 _use-type_58 _default-value_59) (begin (if (eq? _use-type_58 'FIXED) ((lambda (_x_60) (if _x_60 _x_60 (parser-error _port_43 "[FixedAttr] broken for " _attr-name_56))) (equal? (cdr _attr_51) _default-value_59)) (if (eq? _content-type_57 'CDATA) #t (if (pair? _content-type_57) ((lambda (_x_60) (if _x_60 _x_60 (parser-error _port_43 "[enum] broken for " _attr-name_56 "=" (cdr _attr_51)))) (member (cdr _attr_51) _content-type_57)) (ssax:warn _port_43 "declared content type " _content-type_57 " not verified yet")))) (_loop_47 _attr-others_52 _other-decls_54 (cons _attr_51 _result_50)))))))) (name-compare (car _attr_51) (car _decl-attr_53))))))))))) _loop_47) _attlist_44 _decl-attrs_45 '()))))) (lambda (_tag-head_43 _port_44 _elems_45 _entities_46 _namespaces_47) ((lambda (_attlist_48) ((lambda (_empty-el-tag?_49) (call-with-values (lambda () (if _elems_45 ((lambda (_tmp_50) (if _tmp_50 ((lambda (_decl-elem_51) (values (if _empty-el-tag?_49 'EMPTY-TAG (cadr _decl-elem_51)) (caddr _decl-elem_51))) _tmp_50) (parser-error _port_44 "[elementvalid] broken, no decl for " _tag-head_43))) (assoc _tag-head_43 _elems_45)) (values (if _empty-el-tag?_49 'EMPTY-TAG 'ANY) #f))) (lambda (_elem-content_50 _decl-attrs_51) ((lambda (_merged-attrs_52) (call-with-values (lambda () (_adjust-namespace-decl_40 _port_44 _merged-attrs_52 _namespaces_47)) (lambda (_proper-attrs_53 _namespaces_54) (values (ssax:resolve-name _port_44 _tag-head_43 _namespaces_54 #t) (fold-right (lambda (_name-value_55 _attlist_56) ((lambda (_x_57) (if _x_57 _x_57 (parser-error _port_44 "[uniqattspec] after NS expansion broken for " _name-value_55))) (attlist-add _attlist_56 (cons (ssax:resolve-name _port_44 (car _name-value_55) _namespaces_54 #f) (cdr _name-value_55))))) (make-empty-attlist) _proper-attrs_53) _namespaces_54 _elem-content_50)))) (if _decl-attrs_51 (_validate-attrs_42 _port_44 _attlist_48 _decl-attrs_51) (attlist->alist _attlist_48)))))) (begin (ssax:skip-S _port_44) (if (eqv? #\/ (assert-curr-char '(#\> #\/) "XML [40], XML [44], no '>'" _port_44)) (assert-curr-char '(#\>) "XML [44], no '>'" _port_44) #f)))) (ssax:read-attributes _port_44 _entities_46))))) (string->symbol "xmlns") (list ssax:largest-unres-name #f #f #f))) ((lambda (_urn-a_44) ((lambda (_urn-b_45) ((lambda (_urn-html_46) ((lambda (_namespaces_47) ((lambda (_test_48) (begin (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 '() (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f ">"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 '() (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(EMPTY-TAG)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f "/>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"a")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(EMPTY-TAG)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f "HREF='a'/>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"a")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") _urn-a_44)) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f "HREF='a' xmlns='urn:a'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"a")) (_cons_23 (cons '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f "HREF='a' xmlns=''>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "UA:TAG1" #f "HREF='a' xmlns=''/>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"a")) (_cons_23 (cons '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "A:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns=''>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"a")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "A:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns='urn:b'>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "B:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns:b=''/>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"a")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "B:TAG1" #f "A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"a") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"SRC") (string->symbol '"SRC") '"SRC")) '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "B:TAG1" #f "B:SRC='b' A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"a") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "B:TAG1" #f "B:HREF=\"b\" A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "B:TAG1" #f "HREF=\"b\" HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:a'/>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "B:TAG1" #f "B:HREF=\"b\" A:HREF='a' xmlns:B='urn:a'/>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"a") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") _urn-a_44)) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f "A:HREF=\"b\" HREF='a' xmlns='urn:a'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UHTML") (string->symbol '"UHTML") '"UHTML") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"a") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"b")) (_cons_23 (append (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HTML") (string->symbol '"HTML") '"HTML") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UHTML") (string->symbol '"UHTML") '"UHTML") _urn-html_46)) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45))) _namespaces_47) '(ANY)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" #f "B:HREF=\"b\" xmlns:B='urn:b' xmlns:HTML='http://w3c.org/html' HTML:HREF='a' >"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" '((TAG2 ANY ())) "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") '(ANY ()))) "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'ANY (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF1") (string->symbol '"HREF1") '"HREF1") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f))))) "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(EMPTY-TAG)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f))))) "HREF='b'/>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f))))) ">"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(("c") REQUIRED #f))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(("c" "b") IMPLIED #f))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA FIXED "c"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA FIXED "b"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA FIXED "b"))))) ">"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA IMPLIED "b"))))) ">"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 '() (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f))))) ">"))) (assert (failed? (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"c")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"c")) (_cons_23 _namespaces_47 '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "A:TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(NMTOKEN REQUIRED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "c"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "B:TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "urn:b"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "B:TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '(CDATA REQUIRED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "urn:b"))))) "B:HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f)) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") '(CDATA IMPLIED "urn:b"))))) "HREF='b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1") 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '(CDATA REQUIRED #f))))) "HREF='b' xmlns='urn:b'>"))) (assert (equal? (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) (_cons_23 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '"b")) (_cons_23 (cons (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (_cons_23 _urn-b_45 _urn-b_45)) _namespaces_47) '(PCDATA)))) (_test_48 "B:TAG1" (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (if (string? '"TAG1") (string->symbol '"TAG1") '"TAG1")) 'PCDATA (_list_25 (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF")) '(CDATA REQUIRED #f))))) "B:HREF='b' xmlns:B='urn:b'>"))))) (lambda (_tag-head-name_48 _elems_49 _str_50) (call-with-input-string _str_50 (lambda (_port_51) (call-with-values (lambda () (ssax:complete-start-tag (call-with-input-string _tag-head-name_48 (lambda (_port_52) (ssax:read-QName _port_52))) _port_51 _elems_49 '() _namespaces_47)) list)))))) (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UHTML") (string->symbol '"UHTML") '"UHTML") _urn-html_46)) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") _urn-a_44))))) (string->symbol "http://w3c.org/html"))) (string->symbol "urn:b"))) (string->symbol "urn:a")) (define ssax:read-external-id (lambda (_port_38) ((lambda (_discriminator_39) (begin (assert-curr-char ssax:S-chars "space after SYSTEM or PUBLIC" _port_38) (ssax:skip-S _port_38) ((lambda (_delimiter_40) (if (eq? _discriminator_39 (string->symbol "SYSTEM")) ((lambda (_val_41) (begin (read-char _port_38) _val_41)) (next-token '() (list _delimiter_40) "XML [11]" _port_38)) (if (eq? _discriminator_39 (string->symbol "PUBLIC")) (begin (skip-until (list _delimiter_40) _port_38) (assert-curr-char ssax:S-chars "space after PubidLiteral" _port_38) (ssax:skip-S _port_38) ((lambda (_delimiter_41) ((lambda (_systemid_42) (begin (read-char _port_38) _systemid_42)) (next-token '() (list _delimiter_41) "XML [11]" _port_38))) (assert-curr-char '(#\' #\") "XML [11]" _port_38))) (parser-error _port_38 "XML [75], " _discriminator_39 " rather than SYSTEM or PUBLIC")))) (assert-curr-char '(#\' #\") "XML [11], XML [12]" _port_38)))) (ssax:read-NCName _port_38)))) (define ssax:scan-Misc (lambda (_port_38) ((letrec ((_loop_39 (lambda (_c_40) (if (eof-object? _c_40) _c_40 (if (not (char=? _c_40 #\<)) (parser-error _port_38 "XML [22], char '" _c_40 "' unexpected") ((lambda (_token_41) ((lambda (_key_42) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_42 'COMMENT) #t #f) (_loop_39 (ssax:skip-S _port_38)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_42 'PI) #t (if (_eqv?_7 _key_42 'DECL) #t (if (_eqv?_7 _key_42 'START) #t #f))) _token_41 (parser-error _port_38 "XML [22], unexpected token of kind " (car _token_41))))) (car _token_41))) (ssax:read-markup-token _port_38))))))) _loop_39) (ssax:skip-S _port_38)))) (define ssax:read-char-data ((lambda (_terminators-usual_38 _terminators-usual-eof_39 _handle-fragment_40) (lambda (_port_41 _expect-eof?_42 _str-handler_43 _seed_44) (if (eqv? #\< (peek-char _port_41)) ((lambda (_token_45) ((lambda (_key_46) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_46 'START) #t (if (_eqv?_7 _key_46 'END) #t #f)) (values _seed_44 _token_45) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_46 'CDSECT) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_47) (ssax:read-char-data _port_41 _expect-eof?_42 _str-handler_43 _seed_47)) (ssax:read-cdata-body _port_41 _str-handler_43 _seed_44)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_46 'COMMENT) #t #f) (ssax:read-char-data _port_41 _expect-eof?_42 _str-handler_43 _seed_44) (values _seed_44 _token_45))))) (car _token_45))) (ssax:read-markup-token _port_41)) ((lambda (_char-data-terminators_45) ((letrec ((_loop_46 (lambda (_seed_47) ((lambda (_fragment_48) ((lambda (_term-char_49) (if (eof-object? _term-char_49) (values (_handle-fragment_40 _fragment_48 _str-handler_43 _seed_47) _term-char_49) ((lambda (_key_50) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_50 '#\<) #t #f) ((lambda (_token_51) ((lambda (_key_52) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_52 'CDSECT) #t #f) (_loop_46 (ssax:read-cdata-body _port_41 _str-handler_43 (_handle-fragment_40 _fragment_48 _str-handler_43 _seed_47))) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_52 'COMMENT) #t #f) (_loop_46 (_handle-fragment_40 _fragment_48 _str-handler_43 _seed_47)) (values (_handle-fragment_40 _fragment_48 _str-handler_43 _seed_47) _token_51)))) (car _token_51))) (ssax:read-markup-token _port_41)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_50 '#\&) #t #f) ((lambda (_key_51) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_51 '#\#) #t #f) (begin (read-char _port_41) (_loop_46 (_str-handler_43 _fragment_48 (string (ssax:read-char-ref _port_41)) _seed_47))) ((lambda (_name_52) (begin (assert-curr-char '(#\;) "XML [68]" _port_41) (values (_handle-fragment_40 _fragment_48 _str-handler_43 _seed_47) (make-xml-token 'ENTITY-REF _name_52)))) (ssax:read-NCName _port_41)))) (peek-next-char _port_41)) (begin (if (eqv? (peek-next-char _port_41) #\newline) (read-char _port_41)) (_loop_46 (_str-handler_43 _fragment_48 (string #\newline) _seed_47)))))) _term-char_49))) (peek-char _port_41))) (next-token '() _char-data-terminators_45 "reading char data" _port_41))))) _loop_46) _seed_44)) (if _expect-eof?_42 _terminators-usual-eof_39 _terminators-usual_38))))) (list #\< #\& char-return) (list #\< '*eof* #\& char-return) (lambda (_fragment_38 _str-handler_39 _seed_40) (if (zero? (string-length _fragment_38)) _seed_40 (_str-handler_39 _fragment_38 "" _seed_40))))) (letrec ((_test_44 (lambda (_str_49 _expect-eof?_50 _expected-data_51 _expected-token_52) (begin (newline) (display "body: ") (write _str_49) (newline) (display "Result: ") (call-with-values (lambda () (call-with-input-string (unesc-string _str_49) (lambda (_port_53) (ssax:read-char-data _port_53 _expect-eof?_50 _str-handler_45 '())))) (lambda (_seed_53 _token_54) ((lambda (_result_55) (begin (write _result_55) (display " ") (display _token_54) (assert (equal? _result_55 (map unesc-string _expected-data_51)) (if (eq? _expected-token_52 _eof-object_46) (eof-object? _token_54) (equal? _token_54 _expected-token_52))))) (reverse _seed_53))))))) (_str-handler_45 (lambda (_fragment_49 _foll-fragment_50 _seed_51) (if (zero? (string-length _foll-fragment_50)) (cons _fragment_49 _seed_51) (cons* _foll-fragment_50 _fragment_49 _seed_51)))) (_eof-object_46 (lambda () _eof-object_46)) (_a-ref_47 (make-xml-token (if (string? 'ENTITY-REF) (string->symbol 'ENTITY-REF) 'ENTITY-REF) (string->symbol "lt"))) (_a-tag_48 (make-xml-token (if (string? 'START) (string->symbol 'START) 'START) (string->symbol "BR")))) (begin (_test_44 "" #t '() _eof-object_46) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "" #f '() _eof-object_46))) (_test_44 " " #t '(" ") _eof-object_46) (_test_44 "
" #f '() _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "
" #f '(" ") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 " <" #f '(" ") _a-ref_47) (_test_44 " a<" #f '(" a") _a-ref_47) (_test_44 " a <" #f '(" a ") _a-ref_47) (_test_44 " a a
" #f '(" " " a a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 " %ra a
" #f '(" " "" "%n" "a a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 " %r%na a
" #f '(" " "" "%n" "a a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 " %r%na%t%r%r%na
" #f '(" " "" "%n" "a%t" "%n" "" "%n" "a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "a a a
" #f '("a" " a a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "!
" #f '("" "!") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "!%n
" #f '("" "!" "%n") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%t!%n
" #f '("%t" "!" "%n") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%t!%na a
" #f '("%t" "!" "%na a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%t!%ra a
" #f '("%t" "!" "" "%n" "a a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%t!%r%na a
" #f '("%t" "!" "" "%n" "a a") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 " %ta ! b
" #f '(" %ta " "!" " b ") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 " %ta b
" #f '(" %ta " " " " b ") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "
" #f '("<") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "
" #f '("]") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%t
" #f '("%t" "<") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%ta b
" #f '("%t" "<" "a b") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%t a b
" #f '("%t" "<" " a b") _a-tag_48) (_test_44 "%td a b
" #f '("%td " " <" "%n" "" "%n" " a b") _a-tag_48))) (define ssax:assert-token (lambda (_token_38 _kind_39 _gi_40 _error-cont_41) ((lambda (_x_42) (if _x_42 _x_42 (_error-cont_41 _token_38 _kind_39 _gi_40))) (if (xml-token? _token_38) (if (eq? _kind_39 (car _token_38)) (equal? _gi_40 (cdr _token_38)) #f) #f)))) (pp (lambda (_port_46 _target_47 _seed_48) ((lambda (_key_49) (begin (ssax:warn _port_46 "Skipping PI: " _target_47 nl) (ssax:skip-pi _port_46) _seed_48)) _target_47))) (pp (lambda (_port_46 _target_47 _seed_48) ((lambda (_key_49) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_49 'xml) #t #f) ((lambda (_port_50 _target_51 _seed_52) _seed_52) _port_46 _target_47 _seed_48) (begin (ssax:warn _port_46 "Skipping PI: " _target_47 nl) (ssax:skip-pi _port_46) _seed_48))) _target_47))) (pp (lambda (_port_46 _target_47 _seed_48) ((lambda (_key_49) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_49 'xml) #t #f) ((lambda (_port_50 _target_51 _seed_52) _seed_52) _port_46 _target_47 _seed_48) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_49 'html) #t #f) (list _port_46 _target_47 _seed_48) (ssax:warn _port_46 _target_47 _seed_48)))) _target_47))) (letrec ((_test_44 (lambda (_str_47 _doctype-fn_48 _expected_49) (begin (cout nl "Parsing: " _str_47 nl) ((lambda (_result_50) (begin (write _result_50) (assert (equal? _result_50 _expected_49)))) (_simple-parser_46 (unesc-string _str_47) _doctype-fn_48))))) (_dummy-doctype-fn_45 (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values #f '() '() _seed_48))) (_simple-parser_46 (lambda (_str_47 _doctype-fn_48) (call-with-input-string _str_47 (lambda (_port_49) ((lambda (_port_53 _seed_54) (letrec ((_element-parser_55 (lambda (_start-tag-head_59 _port_60 _elems_61 _entities_62 _namespaces_63 _preserve-ws?_64 _seed_65) (letrec ((_xml-space-gi_66 (cons ssax:Prefix-XML (string->symbol "space")))) ((letrec ((_handle-start-tag_67 (lambda (_start-tag-head_68 _port_69 _entities_70 _namespaces_71 _preserve-ws?_72 _parent-seed_73) (call-with-values (lambda () (ssax:complete-start-tag _start-tag-head_68 _port_69 _elems_61 _entities_70 _namespaces_71)) (lambda (_elem-gi_74 _attributes_75 _namespaces_76 _expected-content_77) ((lambda (_seed_78) ((lambda (_key_79) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_79 'EMPTY-TAG) #t #f) ((lambda (_elem-gi_80 _attributes_81 _namespaces_82 _parent-seed_83 _seed_84) ((lambda (_seed_85) ((lambda (_seed_86) (cons (cons _elem-gi_80 _seed_86) _parent-seed_83)) (if (attlist-null? _attributes_81) _seed_85 (cons (cons (if (string? '@) (string->symbol '@) '@) (map (lambda (_attr_86) (list (car _attr_86) (cdr _attr_86))) (attlist->alist _attributes_81))) _seed_85)))) (if (null? _namespaces_82) (reverse _seed_84) (cons (list (if (string? '*NAMESPACES*) (string->symbol '*NAMESPACES*) '*NAMESPACES*) _namespaces_82) (reverse _seed_84))))) _elem-gi_74 _attributes_75 _namespaces_76 _parent-seed_73 _seed_78) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_79 'EMPTY) #t #f) (begin (ssax:assert-token (if (eqv? #\< (ssax:skip-S _port_69)) (ssax:read-markup-token _port_69) #f) 'END _start-tag-head_68 (lambda (_token_80 _exp-kind_81 _exp-head_82) (parser-error _port_69 "[elementvalid] broken for " _token_80 " while expecting " _exp-kind_81 _exp-head_82))) ((lambda (_elem-gi_80 _attributes_81 _namespaces_82 _parent-seed_83 _seed_84) ((lambda (_seed_85) ((lambda (_seed_86) (cons (cons _elem-gi_80 _seed_86) _parent-seed_83)) (if (attlist-null? _attributes_81) _seed_85 (cons (cons (if (string? '@) (string->symbol '@) '@) (map (lambda (_attr_86) (list (car _attr_86) (cdr _attr_86))) (attlist->alist _attributes_81))) _seed_85)))) (if (null? _namespaces_82) (reverse _seed_84) (cons (list (if (string? '*NAMESPACES*) (string->symbol '*NAMESPACES*) '*NAMESPACES*) _namespaces_82) (reverse _seed_84))))) _elem-gi_74 _attributes_75 _namespaces_76 _parent-seed_73 _seed_78)) ((lambda (_preserve-ws?_80) ((letrec ((_loop_81 (lambda (_port_82 _entities_83 _expect-eof?_84 _seed_85) (call-with-values (lambda () (ssax:read-char-data _port_82 _expect-eof?_84 (lambda (_string1_86 _string2_87 _seed_88) (if (zero? (string-length _string2_87)) (cons _string1_86 _seed_88) (cons* _string2_87 _string1_86 _seed_88))) _seed_85)) (lambda (_seed_86 _term-token_87) (if (eof-object? _term-token_87) _seed_86 ((lambda (_key_88) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_88 'END) #t #f) (begin (ssax:assert-token _term-token_87 'END _start-tag-head_68 (lambda (_token_89 _exp-kind_90 _exp-head_91) (parser-error _port_82 "[GIMatch] broken for " _term-token_87 " while expecting " _exp-kind_90 _exp-head_91))) ((lambda (_elem-gi_89 _attributes_90 _namespaces_91 _parent-seed_92 _seed_93) ((lambda (_seed_94) ((lambda (_seed_95) (cons (cons _elem-gi_89 _seed_95) _parent-seed_92)) (if (attlist-null? _attributes_90) _seed_94 (cons (cons (if (string? '@) (string->symbol '@) '@) (map (lambda (_attr_95) (list (car _attr_95) (cdr _attr_95))) (attlist->alist _attributes_90))) _seed_94)))) (if (null? _namespaces_91) (reverse _seed_93) (cons (list (if (string? '*NAMESPACES*) (string->symbol '*NAMESPACES*) '*NAMESPACES*) _namespaces_91) (reverse _seed_93))))) _elem-gi_74 _attributes_75 _namespaces_76 _parent-seed_73 _seed_86)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_88 'PI) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_89) (_loop_81 _port_82 _entities_83 _expect-eof?_84 _seed_89)) ((lambda (_port_91 _target_92 _seed_93) ((lambda (_key_94) (begin (ssax:warn _port_91 "Skipping PI: " _target_92 nl) (ssax:skip-pi _port_91) _seed_93)) _target_92)) _port_82 (cdr _term-token_87) _seed_86)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_88 'ENTITY-REF) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_89) (_loop_81 _port_82 _entities_83 _expect-eof?_84 _seed_89)) (ssax:handle-parsed-entity _port_82 (cdr _term-token_87) _entities_83 (lambda (_port_89 _entities_90 _seed_91) (_loop_81 _port_89 _entities_90 #t _seed_91)) (lambda (_string1_89 _string2_90 _seed_91) (if (zero? (string-length _string2_90)) (cons _string1_89 _seed_91) (cons* _string2_90 _string1_89 _seed_91))) _seed_86)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_88 'START) #t #f) (begin (if (eq? _expected-content_77 'PCDATA) (parser-error _port_82 "[elementvalid] broken for " _elem-gi_74 " with char content only; unexpected token " _term-token_87)) ((lambda (_seed_89) (_loop_81 _port_82 _entities_83 _expect-eof?_84 _seed_89)) (_handle-start-tag_67 (cdr _term-token_87) _port_82 _entities_83 _namespaces_76 _preserve-ws?_80 _seed_86))) (parser-error _port_82 "XML [43] broken for " _term-token_87)))))) (car _term-token_87)))))))) _loop_81) _port_69 _entities_70 #f _seed_78)) ((lambda (_tmp_80) (if _tmp_80 ((lambda (_name-value_81) (equal? "preserve" (cdr _name-value_81))) _tmp_80) _preserve-ws?_72)) (assoc _xml-space-gi_66 _attributes_75)))))) _expected-content_77)) ((lambda (_elem-gi_78 _attributes_79 _namespaces_80 _expected-content_81 _seed_82) '()) _elem-gi_74 _attributes_75 _namespaces_76 _expected-content_77 _parent-seed_73))))))) _handle-start-tag_67) _start-tag-head_59 _port_60 _entities_62 _namespaces_63 _preserve-ws?_64 _seed_65)))) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-2_56 (lambda (_port_59 _elems_60 _entities_61 _namespaces_62 _seed_63) ((lambda (_token_64) (if (eof-object? _token_64) (parser-error _port_59 "XML [22], unexpected EOF") ((lambda (_key_65) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_65 'PI) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_66) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-2_56 _port_59 _elems_60 _entities_61 _namespaces_62 _seed_66)) ((lambda (_port_68 _target_69 _seed_70) ((lambda (_key_71) (begin (ssax:warn _port_68 "Skipping PI: " _target_69 nl) (ssax:skip-pi _port_68) _seed_70)) _target_69)) _port_59 (cdr _token_64) _seed_63)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_65 'START) #t #f) (_element-parser_55 (cdr _token_64) _port_59 _elems_60 _entities_61 _namespaces_62 #f ((lambda (_elem-gi_66 _seed_67) _seed_67) (cdr _token_64) _seed_63)) (parser-error _port_59 "XML [22], unexpected markup " _token_64)))) (car _token_64)))) (ssax:scan-Misc _port_59)))) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-1_57 (lambda (_port_59 _seed_60) ((lambda (_token_61) (if (eof-object? _token_61) (parser-error _port_59 "XML [22], unexpected EOF") ((lambda (_key_62) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_62 'PI) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_63) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-1_57 _port_59 _seed_63)) ((lambda (_port_65 _target_66 _seed_67) ((lambda (_key_68) (begin (ssax:warn _port_65 "Skipping PI: " _target_66 nl) (ssax:skip-pi _port_65) _seed_67)) _target_66)) _port_59 (cdr _token_61) _seed_60)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_62 'DECL) #t #f) (_handle-decl_58 _port_59 (cdr _token_61) _seed_60) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_62 'START) #t #f) (call-with-values (lambda () ((lambda (_elem-gi_63 _seed_64) (_doctype-fn_48 _elem-gi_63 _seed_64)) (cdr _token_61) _seed_60)) (lambda (_elems_63 _entities_64 _namespaces_65 _seed_66) (_element-parser_55 (cdr _token_61) _port_59 _elems_63 _entities_64 _namespaces_65 #f _seed_66))) (parser-error _port_59 "XML [22], unexpected markup " _token_61))))) (car _token_61)))) (ssax:scan-Misc _port_59)))) (_handle-decl_58 (lambda (_port_59 _token-head_60 _seed_61) (begin ((lambda (_x_62) (if _x_62 _x_62 (parser-error _port_59 "XML [22], expected DOCTYPE declaration, found " _token-head_60))) (eq? (string->symbol "DOCTYPE") _token-head_60)) (assert-curr-char ssax:S-chars "XML [28], space after DOCTYPE" _port_59) (ssax:skip-S _port_59) ((lambda (_docname_62) ((lambda (_systemid_63) ((lambda (_internal-subset?_64) (call-with-values (lambda () ((lambda (_port_65 _docname_66 _systemid_67 _internal-subset?_68 _seed_69) (begin (when _internal-subset?_68 (ssax:warn _port_65 "Internal DTD subset is not currently handled ") (ssax:skip-internal-dtd _port_65)) (ssax:warn _port_65 "DOCTYPE DECL " _docname_66 " " _systemid_67 " found and skipped") (_doctype-fn_48 _docname_66 _seed_69))) _port_59 _docname_62 _systemid_63 _internal-subset?_64 _seed_61)) (lambda (_elems_65 _entities_66 _namespaces_67 _seed_68) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-2_56 _port_59 _elems_65 _entities_66 _namespaces_67 _seed_68)))) (begin (ssax:skip-S _port_59) (eqv? #\[ (assert-curr-char '(#\> #\[) "XML [28], end-of-DOCTYPE" _port_59))))) (if (ssax:ncname-starting-char? (ssax:skip-S _port_59)) (ssax:read-external-id _port_59) #f))) (ssax:read-QName _port_59)))))) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-1_57 _port_53 _seed_54))) _port_49 '())))))) (begin (_test_44 "
" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR")))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "
" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 '()))) (_test_44 "

" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR")))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "
" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 '()))) (_test_44 " link itlink &amp;" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '("URL"))) (_cons_23 '" link " (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"I") (string->symbol '"I") '"I") '("itlink ")) '(" " "&" "amp;"))))))) (_test_44 " link itlink &amp;" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '("URL")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xml") (string->symbol '"xml") '"xml") (if (string? '"space") (string->symbol '"space") '"space")) '("preserve"))) (_cons_23 '" link " (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"I") (string->symbol '"I") '"I") '("itlink ")) '(" " "&" "amp;"))))))) (_test_44 " link itlink &amp;" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"HREF") (string->symbol '"HREF") '"HREF") '("URL")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xml") (string->symbol '"xml") '"xml") (if (string? '"space") (string->symbol '"space") '"space")) '("preserve"))) (_cons_23 '" link " (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"I") (string->symbol '"I") '"I") (_cons_23 (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xml") (string->symbol '"xml") '"xml") (if (string? '"space") (string->symbol '"space") '"space")) '("default"))) '("itlink "))) '(" " "&" "amp;"))))))) (_test_44 "This is item 1 %nItem 2%n " _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"itemize") (string->symbol '"itemize") '"itemize") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"item") (string->symbol '"item") '"item") '("This is item 1 ")) (unesc-string "%n") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"item") (string->symbol '"item") '"item") '("Item 2")) (unesc-string "%n ")))) (_test_44 "


" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P") (_cons_23 '"
" (_cons_23 nl '("" "]]" "" ">")))))) (_test_44 "


" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P") (_cons_23 '"
" (_cons_23 nl '("" "]]" "" ">")))))) (_test_44 "%n%n" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"Reports") (string->symbol '"Reports") '"Reports") (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"TStamp") (string->symbol '"TStamp") '"TStamp") '("1")))))) (_test_44 "%n%n" _dummy-doctype-fn_45 (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"T") (string->symbol '"T") '"T")))) (_test_44 "%n" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (begin (assert (equal? _elem-gi_47 (if (string? '"T") (string->symbol '"T") '"T"))) (values #f '() '() _seed_48))) (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"T") (string->symbol '"T") '"T")))) (_test_44 " ]>%n" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (begin (assert (equal? _elem-gi_47 (if (string? '"T") (string->symbol '"T") '"T"))) (values #f '() '() _seed_48))) (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"T") (string->symbol '"T") '"T")))) (_test_44 "
" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR")))) (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR")))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "
" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() '() _seed_48)) '()))) (_test_44 "
" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(PCDATA ()))) '() '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '("aa")))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "
" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(PCDATA ()))) '() '() _seed_48)) '()))) (_test_44 "
" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(ANY ())) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"I") (string->symbol '"I") '"I") '(PCDATA ()))) '() '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '"a" (_cons_23 (if (string? '"I") (string->symbol '"I") '"I") '("a"))))) (_test_44 "
Example: \"&example;\"
" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values #f '((example . "

An ampersand (&) may be escaped numerically (&#38;) or with a general entity (&amp;).

")) '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") (_cons_23 '"Example: \"" (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P") '("An ampersand (" "&" ") may be escaped numerically (" "&" "#38;) or with a general entity (" "&" "amp;).")) '("\"")))))) (_test_44 "
Example: \"&example;\"

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values #f (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"quote") (string->symbol '"quote") '"quote") '"example: ex") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"example") (string->symbol '"example") '"example") '""e;!?")) '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") '"Example: \"" (_cons_23 (if (string? '"Q") (string->symbol '"Q") '"Q") (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"I") (string->symbol '"I") '"I") '("example:")) '(" ex" "!"))) '"?" '"\" " (_list_25 (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P"))))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "
Example: \"&example;\"

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values #f (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"quote") (string->symbol '"quote") '"quote") '"example:") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"example") (string->symbol '"example") '"example") '""e;!?")) '() _seed_48)) '()))) (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values #f '() '() _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV")) (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '("B")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '("A"))) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))))))))) (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values #f '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))) _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV")) (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '("B")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '("A"))) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))))))))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") 'ANY (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "xx")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "URI1")))) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) '(ANY ())) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"EMPTY") (string->symbol '"EMPTY") '"EMPTY") '(())))) '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))) _seed_48)) '()))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") 'ANY (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") '(CDATA IMPLIED "URI1")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "xx")))) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) '(ANY ())) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))) _seed_48)) '()))) (assert (failed? (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") 'ANY (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") '(CDATA FIXED "URI2")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)))) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) '(ANY ())) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))) _seed_48)) '()))) (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") 'ANY (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") '(CDATA FIXED "URI1")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)))) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) '(ANY ())) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))) _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV")) (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '("B")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '("A"))) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))))))))) (_test_44 "

" (lambda (_elem-gi_47 _seed_48) (values (_list_25 (_list_25 (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV") 'ANY (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED #f)) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "xx")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"xmlns") (string->symbol '"xmlns") '"xmlns") (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C")) '(CDATA IMPLIED "URI2")))) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) '(ANY ())) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") '(EMPTY ()))) '() (_list_25 (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))) _seed_48)) (_list_25 (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"DIV") (string->symbol '"DIV") '"DIV")) (_list_25 '@ (_cons_23 (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B") '("B")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '("A")) (_cons_23 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2") (if (string? '"B") (string->symbol '"B") '"B")) '("xx"))) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2") (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"P") (string->symbol '"P") '"P")) (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2") (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))))) (_list_25 (if (string? '"BR") (string->symbol '"BR") '"BR") (_list_25 '*NAMESPACES* (_list_25 '(*DEFAULT* #f . #f) (_cons_23 '*DEFAULT* (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"A") (string->symbol '"A") '"A") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1"))) (_cons_23 (if (string? '"C") (string->symbol '"C") '"C") (_cons_23 (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2") (if (string? '"URI2") (string->symbol '"URI2") '"URI2"))) (_cons_23 '#f (_cons_23 (if (string? '"UA") (string->symbol '"UA") '"UA") (if (string? '"URI1") (string->symbol '"URI1") '"URI1")))))))))))) (define ssax:reverse-collect-str (lambda (_fragments_38) (if (null? _fragments_38) '() (if (null? (cdr _fragments_38)) _fragments_38 ((letrec ((_loop_39 (lambda (_fragments_40 _result_41 _strs_42) (if (null? _fragments_40) (if (null? _strs_42) _result_41 (cons (string-concatenate/shared _strs_42) _result_41)) (if (string? (car _fragments_40)) (_loop_39 (cdr _fragments_40) _result_41 (cons (car _fragments_40) _strs_42)) (_loop_39 (cdr _fragments_40) (cons (car _fragments_40) (if (null? _strs_42) _result_41 (cons (string-concatenate/shared _strs_42) _result_41))) '())))))) _loop_39) _fragments_38 '() '()))))) (define ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws (lambda (_fragments_38) (if (null? _fragments_38) '() (if (null? (cdr _fragments_38)) (if (if (string? (car _fragments_38)) (string-whitespace? (car _fragments_38)) #f) '() _fragments_38) ((letrec ((_loop_39 (lambda (_fragments_40 _result_41 _strs_42 _all-whitespace?_43) (if (null? _fragments_40) (if _all-whitespace?_43 _result_41 (cons (string-concatenate/shared _strs_42) _result_41)) (if (string? (car _fragments_40)) (_loop_39 (cdr _fragments_40) _result_41 (cons (car _fragments_40) _strs_42) (if _all-whitespace?_43 (string-whitespace? (car _fragments_40)) #f)) (_loop_39 (cdr _fragments_40) (cons (car _fragments_40) (if _all-whitespace?_43 _result_41 (cons (string-concatenate/shared _strs_42) _result_41))) '() #t)))))) _loop_39) _fragments_38 '() '() #t))))) (define ssax:xml->sxml (lambda (_port_38 _namespace-prefix-assig_39) (letrec ((_RES-NAME->SXML_40 (lambda (_res-name_42) (string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string (car _res-name_42)) ":" (symbol->string (cdr _res-name_42)))))) (_namespaces_41 (map (lambda (_el_42) (cons* #f (car _el_42) (ssax:uri-string->symbol (cdr _el_42)))) _namespace-prefix-assig_39))) ((lambda (_result_42) (cons '*TOP* (if (null? _namespace-prefix-assig_39) _result_42 (cons (list '@ (cons '*NAMESPACES* (map (lambda (_ns_43) (list (car _ns_43) (cdr _ns_43))) _namespace-prefix-assig_39))) _result_42)))) (reverse ((lambda (_port_45 _seed_46) (letrec ((_element-parser_47 (lambda (_start-tag-head_51 _port_52 _elems_53 _entities_54 _namespaces_55 _preserve-ws?_56 _seed_57) (letrec ((_xml-space-gi_58 (cons ssax:Prefix-XML (string->symbol "space")))) ((letrec ((_handle-start-tag_59 (lambda (_start-tag-head_60 _port_61 _entities_62 _namespaces_63 _preserve-ws?_64 _parent-seed_65) (call-with-values (lambda () (ssax:complete-start-tag _start-tag-head_60 _port_61 _elems_53 _entities_62 _namespaces_63)) (lambda (_elem-gi_66 _attributes_67 _namespaces_68 _expected-content_69) ((lambda (_seed_70) ((lambda (_key_71) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_71 'EMPTY-TAG) #t #f) ((lambda (_elem-gi_72 _attributes_73 _namespaces_74 _parent-seed_75 _seed_76) ((lambda (_seed_77 _attrs_78) (cons (cons (if (symbol? _elem-gi_72) _elem-gi_72 (_RES-NAME->SXML_40 _elem-gi_72)) (if (null? _attrs_78) _seed_77 (cons (cons '@ _attrs_78) _seed_77))) _parent-seed_75)) (ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws _seed_76) (attlist-fold (lambda (_attr_77 _accum_78) (cons (list (if (symbol? (car _attr_77)) (car _attr_77) (_RES-NAME->SXML_40 (car _attr_77))) (cdr _attr_77)) _accum_78)) '() _attributes_73))) _elem-gi_66 _attributes_67 _namespaces_68 _parent-seed_65 _seed_70) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_71 'EMPTY) #t #f) (begin (ssax:assert-token (if (eqv? #\< (ssax:skip-S _port_61)) (ssax:read-markup-token _port_61) #f) 'END _start-tag-head_60 (lambda (_token_72 _exp-kind_73 _exp-head_74) (parser-error _port_61 "[elementvalid] broken for " _token_72 " while expecting " _exp-kind_73 _exp-head_74))) ((lambda (_elem-gi_72 _attributes_73 _namespaces_74 _parent-seed_75 _seed_76) ((lambda (_seed_77 _attrs_78) (cons (cons (if (symbol? _elem-gi_72) _elem-gi_72 (_RES-NAME->SXML_40 _elem-gi_72)) (if (null? _attrs_78) _seed_77 (cons (cons '@ _attrs_78) _seed_77))) _parent-seed_75)) (ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws _seed_76) (attlist-fold (lambda (_attr_77 _accum_78) (cons (list (if (symbol? (car _attr_77)) (car _attr_77) (_RES-NAME->SXML_40 (car _attr_77))) (cdr _attr_77)) _accum_78)) '() _attributes_73))) _elem-gi_66 _attributes_67 _namespaces_68 _parent-seed_65 _seed_70)) ((lambda (_preserve-ws?_72) ((letrec ((_loop_73 (lambda (_port_74 _entities_75 _expect-eof?_76 _seed_77) (call-with-values (lambda () (ssax:read-char-data _port_74 _expect-eof?_76 (lambda (_string1_78 _string2_79 _seed_80) (if (zero? (string-length _string2_79)) (cons _string1_78 _seed_80) (cons* _string2_79 _string1_78 _seed_80))) _seed_77)) (lambda (_seed_78 _term-token_79) (if (eof-object? _term-token_79) _seed_78 ((lambda (_key_80) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_80 'END) #t #f) (begin (ssax:assert-token _term-token_79 'END _start-tag-head_60 (lambda (_token_81 _exp-kind_82 _exp-head_83) (parser-error _port_74 "[GIMatch] broken for " _term-token_79 " while expecting " _exp-kind_82 _exp-head_83))) ((lambda (_elem-gi_81 _attributes_82 _namespaces_83 _parent-seed_84 _seed_85) ((lambda (_seed_86 _attrs_87) (cons (cons (if (symbol? _elem-gi_81) _elem-gi_81 (_RES-NAME->SXML_40 _elem-gi_81)) (if (null? _attrs_87) _seed_86 (cons (cons '@ _attrs_87) _seed_86))) _parent-seed_84)) (ssax:reverse-collect-str-drop-ws _seed_85) (attlist-fold (lambda (_attr_86 _accum_87) (cons (list (if (symbol? (car _attr_86)) (car _attr_86) (_RES-NAME->SXML_40 (car _attr_86))) (cdr _attr_86)) _accum_87)) '() _attributes_82))) _elem-gi_66 _attributes_67 _namespaces_68 _parent-seed_65 _seed_78)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_80 'PI) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_81) (_loop_73 _port_74 _entities_75 _expect-eof?_76 _seed_81)) ((lambda (_port_83 _target_84 _seed_85) ((lambda (_key_86) ((lambda (_port_87 _pi-tag_88 _seed_89) (cons (list '*PI* _pi-tag_88 (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string _port_87)) _seed_89)) _port_83 _target_84 _seed_85)) _target_84)) _port_74 (cdr _term-token_79) _seed_78)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_80 'ENTITY-REF) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_81) (_loop_73 _port_74 _entities_75 _expect-eof?_76 _seed_81)) (ssax:handle-parsed-entity _port_74 (cdr _term-token_79) _entities_75 (lambda (_port_81 _entities_82 _seed_83) (_loop_73 _port_81 _entities_82 #t _seed_83)) (lambda (_string1_81 _string2_82 _seed_83) (if (zero? (string-length _string2_82)) (cons _string1_81 _seed_83) (cons* _string2_82 _string1_81 _seed_83))) _seed_78)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_80 'START) #t #f) (begin (if (eq? _expected-content_69 'PCDATA) (parser-error _port_74 "[elementvalid] broken for " _elem-gi_66 " with char content only; unexpected token " _term-token_79)) ((lambda (_seed_81) (_loop_73 _port_74 _entities_75 _expect-eof?_76 _seed_81)) (_handle-start-tag_59 (cdr _term-token_79) _port_74 _entities_75 _namespaces_68 _preserve-ws?_72 _seed_78))) (parser-error _port_74 "XML [43] broken for " _term-token_79)))))) (car _term-token_79)))))))) _loop_73) _port_61 _entities_62 #f _seed_70)) ((lambda (_tmp_72) (if _tmp_72 ((lambda (_name-value_73) (equal? "preserve" (cdr _name-value_73))) _tmp_72) _preserve-ws?_64)) (assoc _xml-space-gi_58 _attributes_67)))))) _expected-content_69)) ((lambda (_elem-gi_70 _attributes_71 _namespaces_72 _expected-content_73 _seed_74) '()) _elem-gi_66 _attributes_67 _namespaces_68 _expected-content_69 _parent-seed_65))))))) _handle-start-tag_59) _start-tag-head_51 _port_52 _entities_54 _namespaces_55 _preserve-ws?_56 _seed_57)))) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-2_48 (lambda (_port_51 _elems_52 _entities_53 _namespaces_54 _seed_55) ((lambda (_token_56) (if (eof-object? _token_56) (parser-error _port_51 "XML [22], unexpected EOF") ((lambda (_key_57) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_57 'PI) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_58) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-2_48 _port_51 _elems_52 _entities_53 _namespaces_54 _seed_58)) ((lambda (_port_60 _target_61 _seed_62) ((lambda (_key_63) ((lambda (_port_64 _pi-tag_65 _seed_66) (cons (list '*PI* _pi-tag_65 (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string _port_64)) _seed_66)) _port_60 _target_61 _seed_62)) _target_61)) _port_51 (cdr _token_56) _seed_55)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_57 'START) #t #f) (_element-parser_47 (cdr _token_56) _port_51 _elems_52 _entities_53 _namespaces_54 #f ((lambda (_elem-gi_58 _seed_59) _seed_59) (cdr _token_56) _seed_55)) (parser-error _port_51 "XML [22], unexpected markup " _token_56)))) (car _token_56)))) (ssax:scan-Misc _port_51)))) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-1_49 (lambda (_port_51 _seed_52) ((lambda (_token_53) (if (eof-object? _token_53) (parser-error _port_51 "XML [22], unexpected EOF") ((lambda (_key_54) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_54 'PI) #t #f) ((lambda (_seed_55) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-1_49 _port_51 _seed_55)) ((lambda (_port_57 _target_58 _seed_59) ((lambda (_key_60) ((lambda (_port_61 _pi-tag_62 _seed_63) (cons (list '*PI* _pi-tag_62 (ssax:read-pi-body-as-string _port_61)) _seed_63)) _port_57 _target_58 _seed_59)) _target_58)) _port_51 (cdr _token_53) _seed_52)) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_54 'DECL) #t #f) (_handle-decl_50 _port_51 (cdr _token_53) _seed_52) (if (if (_eqv?_7 _key_54 'START) #t #f) (call-with-values (lambda () ((lambda (_elem-gi_55 _seed_56) (values #f '() _namespaces_41 _seed_56)) (cdr _token_53) _seed_52)) (lambda (_elems_55 _entities_56 _namespaces_57 _seed_58) (_element-parser_47 (cdr _token_53) _port_51 _elems_55 _entities_56 _namespaces_57 #f _seed_58))) (parser-error _port_51 "XML [22], unexpected markup " _token_53))))) (car _token_53)))) (ssax:scan-Misc _port_51)))) (_handle-decl_50 (lambda (_port_51 _token-head_52 _seed_53) (begin ((lambda (_x_54) (if _x_54 _x_54 (parser-error _port_51 "XML [22], expected DOCTYPE declaration, found " _token-head_52))) (eq? (string->symbol "DOCTYPE") _token-head_52)) (assert-curr-char ssax:S-chars "XML [28], space after DOCTYPE" _port_51) (ssax:skip-S _port_51) ((lambda (_docname_54) ((lambda (_systemid_55) ((lambda (_internal-subset?_56) (call-with-values (lambda () ((lambda (_port_57 _docname_58 _systemid_59 _internal-subset?_60 _seed_61) (begin (when _internal-subset?_60 (ssax:warn _port_57 "Internal DTD subset is not currently handled ") (ssax:skip-internal-dtd _port_57)) (ssax:warn _port_57 "DOCTYPE DECL " _docname_58 " " _systemid_59 " found and skipped") (values #f '() _namespaces_41 _seed_61))) _port_51 _docname_54 _systemid_55 _internal-subset?_56 _seed_53)) (lambda (_elems_57 _entities_58 _namespaces_59 _seed_60) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-2_48 _port_51 _elems_57 _entities_58 _namespaces_59 _seed_60)))) (begin (ssax:skip-S _port_51) (eqv? #\[ (assert-curr-char '(#\> #\[) "XML [28], end-of-DOCTYPE" _port_51))))) (if (ssax:ncname-starting-char? (ssax:skip-S _port_51)) (ssax:read-external-id _port_51) #f))) (ssax:read-QName _port_51)))))) (_scan-for-significant-prolog-token-1_49 _port_45 _seed_46))) _port_38 '())))))) (define SSAX:XML->SXML ssax:xml->sxml) (letrec ((_test_44 (lambda (_str_45 _namespace-assig_46 _expected-res_47) (begin (newline) (display "input: ") (write (unesc-string _str_45)) (newline) (display "Result: ") ((lambda (_result_48) (begin (pp _result_48) (assert (equal_? _result_48 _expected-res_47)))) (call-with-input-string (unesc-string _str_45) (lambda (_port_48) (ssax:xml->sxml _port_48 _namespace-assig_46)))))))) (begin (_test_44 "
" '() '(*TOP* (BR))) (_test_44 "

" '() '(*TOP* (BR))) (_test_44 "
" '() '(*TOP* (BR (@ (CLEAR "ALL") (CLASS "Class1"))))) (_test_44 " link itlink &amp;" '() '(*TOP* (A (@ (HREF "URL")) " link " (I "itlink ") " &"))) (_test_44 " link itlink &amp;" '() '(*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL")) " link " (I "itlink ") " &"))) (_test_44 " link itlink &amp;" '() '(*TOP* (A (@ (xml:space "preserve") (HREF "URL")) " link " (I (@ (xml:space "default")) "itlink ") " &"))) (_test_44 "


" '() '(*TOP* (P (*PI* pi1 "p1 content ") "?" (*PI* pi2 "pi2? content? ?")))) (_test_44 "

some text 1%n"strong"%r

" '() (_list_25 '*TOP* (_list_25 'P (unesc-string "some text <1%n\"") '(B "strong") (unesc-string "\"%n")))) (_test_44 "


" '() (_list_25 '*TOP* (_list_25 'P (unesc-string "
%n]]>")))) (_test_44 "it's%r%nand that%n%r%n%r%n%n" '() (_list_25 '*TOP* (_list_25 'T1 (_list_25 'T2 (unesc-string "it's%nand that%n"))))) (_test_44 "it's%rand that%n%r%n%r%n%n" '() (_list_25 '*TOP* (_list_25 'T1 (_list_25 'T2 (unesc-string "it's%nand that%n"))))) (_test_44 "%n" '() '(*TOP* (T))) (_test_44 "%n%n 67 %n 95 %n" '() '(*TOP* (*PI* xml "version='1.0'") (WEIGHT (@ (unit "pound")) (NET (@ (certified "certified")) " 67 ") (GROSS " 95 ")))) (_test_44 "

" '() '(*TOP* (URI1:DIV (@ (URI1:B "A") (B "B")) (URI1:P (BR))))) (_test_44 "

" '((UA . "URI1")) '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (UA "URI1"))) (UA:DIV (@ (UA:B "A") (B "B")) (UA:P (BR))))) (_test_44 (string-append "" "" "Baby food" nl "") '() '(*TOP* (x (lineItem (@ (http://ecommerce.org/schema:taxClass "exempt")) "Baby food")))) (_test_44 (string-append "" "" "Baby food" "") '((EDI . "http://ecommerce.org/schema")) '(*TOP* (@ (*NAMESPACES* (EDI "http://ecommerce.org/schema"))) (x (lineItem (@ (EDI:taxClass "exempt")) "Baby food")))) (_test_44 (string-append "" "Cheaper by the Dozen" "1568491379") '() '(*TOP* (urn:loc.gov:books:book (urn:loc.gov:books:title "Cheaper by the Dozen") (urn:ISBN:0-395-36341-6:number "1568491379")))) (_test_44 (string-append "" "" "Cheaper by the Dozen" "1568491379" "" "" "

" "This is a funny book!" "

" "
" "
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HuntsmanBath, UK" "
BitterFuggles" "Wonderful hop, light alcohol, good summer beer" "Fragile; excessive variance pub to pub" "
" "
" "
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