;;;; apropos.scm -*- Scheme -*- ;;;; Kon Lovett, Jul '18 ;;;; Kon Lovett, Oct '17 ;;;; Kon Lovett, Mar '09 ;;;; From the Chicken 4 core, Version 4.0.0x5 - SVN rev. 13662 ;; Issues ;; ;; - Use of 'global-symbol' routines is just wrong when an ;; evaluation-environment (##sys#environment?) is not the ;; interaction-environment. ;; ;; - Doesn't show something similar to procedure-information for macros. And ;; how could it. ;; ;; - Could be re-written to use the "environments" extension. Which in turn would ;; need to support syntactic environments, at least for lookup opertations. ;; ;; - The Chicken 'environment' object does not hold the (syntactic) bindings ;; for any syntactic keywords from the R5RS. The public API of 'apropos' ;; attempts to hide this fact. ;; ;; - old csi option ;; ; {{search|mode pre[fix]|suff[ix]|#t}} : {{#:search-mode #:prefix|#:suffix|#t}} ;; ; {{SEARCH-MODE}} : Either {{#:prefix}}, {{#:suffix}}, or {{#t}} for contains. The default is {{#t}}. (module apropos () (import scheme (chicken module)) (import apropos-api apropos-csi) (reexport apropos-api apropos-csi) ) ;module apropos