;; -*- indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
(module args
(;; Option lists
;; Usage printing
(chicken base)
(chicken format)
(chicken keyword)
(chicken process-context)
;;; macro: (args:make-option (OPTION-NAME ...) ARG-TYPE [BODY])
;; Make an args:option record, suitable for passing to args:parse.
;; OPTION-NAME ... is a sequence of short or long option names. They must be literal
;; symbols; single-character symbols become short options, and longer symbols become
;; long options. So (args:make-option (c cookie) <...>) specifies a short option -c
;; and long option --cookie. Underneath, (c cookie) becomes '(#\c "cookie"), as
;; expected by SRFI 37's OPTION.
;; ARG-DATA is either a pair (ARG-TYPE ARG-NAME) or a plain keyword ARG-TYPE.
;; ARG-TYPE is a keyword that specifies whether the option takes an argument:
;; #:required Argument is required
;; #:optional Argument is optional
;; #:none Does not take an argument (actually, any other value than
;; #:required or #:optional is interpreted as #:none)
;; ARG-NAME, if provided, is a string specifying the name of the argument.
;; This name is used in the help text produced by args:usage.
;; BODY is an optional sequence of statements executed when this option is encountered.
;; Behind the scenes, BODY is wrapped in code which adds the current option and its
;; argument to the final options alist. So, simply leave BODY blank and options
;; will be collected for you. BODY is an option-processor as defined in SRFI 37,
;; and has access to the variables OPT (the current #), NAME (the option name)
;; and ARG (argument value or #f).
(define-record args:option option arg-name docstring)
;;; procedure: (args:parse ARGS OPTIONS-LIST [OPTIONALS])
;; [chicken-specific dependencies: FPRINTF; GET-KEYWORD; ARGV]
;; Parse ARGS, a list of command-line arguments given as strings,
;; and return two values: an alist of option names (symbols) and their values,
;; and a list of operands (non-option arguments).
;; Operands are returned in order, but options are returned in reverse order.
;; Duplicate options are retained in the options alist, so this lets ASSQ
;; find the -last- occurrence of any duplicate option on the command line.
;; A (name . value) pair is added for each alias of every option found,
;; so any alias is a valid lookup key.
;; OPTIONS-LIST is a list of accepted options, each created by
;; args:make-option.
;; OPTIONALS is an optional sequence of keywords and values:
;; #:operand-proc PROCEDURE -- calls PROCEDURE for each operand
;; returns next seed (values OPTIONS OPERANDS)
;; #:unrecognized-proc PROCEDURE -- calls PROCEDURE for each unrecognized option
;; The default operand-proc is a no-op, and the default unrecognized-proc
;; issues an error message and calls the help option's processor.
;; See the args-fold documentation for usage information and an explanation
;; of the procedure arguments; OPTIONS and OPERANDS are seed values.
;; Two prefabricated unrecognized-procs are provided:
;; args:ignore-unrecognized-options
;; args:accept-unrecognized-options
(define (find-named-option name opts)
(find (lambda (o)
(member name (option-names (args:option-option o))))
(define (find-help-option opts)
(any (lambda (n) (find-named-option n opts))
;;; parameter: args:help-options
;; List of option names (strings or single characters, as in SRFI 37)
;; to be considered 'help' options, in order of preference. args:parse
;; uses this to select a help option from the option list it is passed.
;; This is currently used only for unrecognized options, for which the
;; help option is automatically invoked.
(define args:help-options
(make-parameter '("help" #\h #\?)))
(define (args:parse args options-list . optionals)
(let ((help-option (find-help-option options-list)))
(receive (options operands)
(args-fold args
(map (lambda (x) (args:option-option x))
(get-keyword #:unrecognized-proc optionals
(lambda () ; thunk
;; Default: print unrecognized option and execute help procedure,
;; if a help option was provided.
(lambda (opt name arg options operands)
(fprintf (current-error-port)
"~A: unrecognized option: ~A\n"
(program-name) name)
(if help-option
((option-processor (args:option-option help-option))
opt name arg options operands)
(exit 1)))))
;; modify the operands list for operands
(get-keyword #:operand-proc optionals
(lambda () (lambda (operand options operands)
(values options
(cons operand operands)))))
'() ;; seed 1: options alist
'()) ;; seed 2: operands list
(values options (reverse operands)))))
;;; Prefabbed unrecognized option procedures
;; Suitable for use as the #:unrecognized-proc in args:parse.
;; Silently ignore unrecognized options, and omit from the options alist.
(define args:ignore-unrecognized-options
(lambda (o n x options operands)
(values options operands)))
;; Silently add unrecognized options to the options alist.
(define args:accept-unrecognized-options
(lambda (o n x options operands)
(values (cons (cons (string->symbol (if (char? n) (string n) n))
;;; Usage handling
;; Change #\c => "-c" and "cookie" to "--cookie".
(define (dashify x)
(if (char? x)
(string #\- x)
(string-append "--" x)))
;; O is an args:option
;; Join together option names in O with commas, and append the
;; argument type and name
(define (spaces n)
(let loop ((ls '()) (n n))
(if (<= n 0)
(list->string ls)
(loop (cons #\space ls)
(- n 1)))))
(define (commify o) ;; more at home in Stalin?
(let ((arg-type (lambda (args:o o-name)
(let* ((arg-name (args:option-arg-name args:o))
(o (args:option-option args:o)))
(cond ((option-required-arg? o)
(string-append (if (char? o-name)
" " "=")
((option-optional-arg? o)
(string-append (if (char? o-name)
" [" "[=")
arg-name "]"))
(else ""))))))
(let loop ((accum #f)
(names (option-names (args:option-option o))))
(if (null? names)
(let* ((name (car names))
(if (null? (cdr names))
(arg-type o name)
(loop (string-append (or accum
;; Must deal with first one specially
(if (string? name)
(spaces (+ 2 (string-length (args:separator))))
(if accum (args:separator) "")
(dashify name) may-be-arg)
(cdr names)))))))
;;; parameter: args:width
;; We don't auto-format the left column (the option keys) based on the length of the longest
;; option, but you can override it manually.
;; Example: (parameterize ((args:width 40)) (args:usage opts))
(define args:width (make-parameter 25))
;;; parameter: args:separator
;; The separator used between options. Default: ", "
;; Example: (parameterize ((args:separator " ")) (args:usage opts))
(define args:separator (make-parameter ", "))
(define args:indent (make-parameter 1))
;; O is an args:option
(define (usage-line o)
(let ((option-string (commify o)))
(string-append (spaces (args:indent))
(string-pad-right option-string (args:width))
(args:option-docstring o) "\n")))
;;; procedure: (args:usage OPTION-LIST)
;; Generate a formatted list of options from OPTION-LIST,
;; and return a string suitable for embedding into help text.
;; The single string consists of multiple lines, with a newline
;; at the end of each line. Thus, a typical use would be
;; (print (args:usage opts)).
(define (args:usage opts)
(apply string-append (map usage-line opts)))
;;; macro: (args:make-option (OPTION-NAME ...) ARG-DATA [BODY])
;; OPTION-NAME ... is a sequence of short or long option names. They must be literal
;; symbols; single-character symbols become short options, and longer symbols become
;; long options. So (args:make-option (c cookie) <...>) specifies a short option -c
;; and long option --cookie. Underneath, (c cookie) becomes '(#\c "cookie"), as
;; expected by SRFI 37's OPTION.
;; ARG-DATA is either a pair (ARG-TYPE ARG-NAME) or a plain keyword ARG-TYPE.
;; ARG-TYPE is a keyword that specifies whether the option takes an argument:
;; #:required Argument is required
;; #:optional Argument is optional
;; #:none Does not take an argument (actually, any other value than
;; #:required or #:optional is interpreted as #:none)
;; ARG-NAME, if provided, is a string specifying the name of the argument.
;; This name is used in the help text produced by args:usage.
;; BODY is an optional sequence of statements executed when this option is encountered.
;; Behind the scenes, BODY is wrapped in code which adds the current option and its
;; argument to the final options alist. So, simply leave BODY blank and options
;; will be collected for you. BODY is an option-processor as defined in SRFI 37,
;; and has access to the variables OPT (the current # ), NAME (the option name)
;; and ARG (argument value or #f).
;; Note: If an option is of type #:none, the option's value will be #t when provided.
;; This differs from the stock srfi-37 implementation, which sets the value #f.
;; This makes the option into a "boolean" that can be tested with alist-ref, and
;; opens up the future possibility of accepting --no-xxx options which set the
;; value of 'xxx' to #f. Behavior changed in args 1.5.
;; Options of type #:optional still return #f. Use assq instead of alist-ref
;; to detect an option was passed without an argument.
(define-syntax args:make-option
(lambda (x r c)
(let ((names (cadr x))
(arg-data (caddr x))
(docstring (cadddr x))
(body (cddddr x))
(%lambda (r 'lambda))
(%begin (r 'begin))
(%values (r 'values))
(%if (r 'if))
(%and (r 'and))
(%not (r 'not))
(%or (r 'or))
(%eq? (r 'eq?))
(%car (r 'car))
(%cons (r 'cons))
(%append (r 'append))
(%map (r 'map))
(%let (r 'let))
(fprintf (r 'fprintf))
(current-error-port (r 'current-error-port))
(option (r 'option))
(make-args:option (r 'make-args:option))
(let* ((srfi37-names (map (lambda (name)
(let ((str (symbol->string (strip-syntax name))))
(if (= (string-length str) 1)
(string-ref str 0)
(arg-name (if (pair? arg-data) (cadr arg-data) "ARG"))
(arg-type (if (pair? arg-data) (car arg-data) arg-data)))
(,option ',srfi37-names
,(eq? arg-type #:required)
,(eq? arg-type #:optional)
(,%lambda (opt name arg options operands)
(,%if (,%and (,%not arg) (,%eq? ,arg-type #:required))
(,fprintf (,current-error-port)
"~A: option ~A requires an argument\n"
(,(r 'program-name)) name)
(,%values options operands))
(,%let ((arg (,%if (,%or (,%eq? ,arg-type #:required)
(,%eq? ,arg-type #:optional))
#t))) ;; convert #f to #t when #:none
(,%values (,%append (,%map (,%lambda (n) (,%cons n arg))
;;(values (cons (cons name arg) options) operands)))