;; Copyright (c) 2010-2018, Mario Domenech Goulart ;; All rights reserved. ;; ;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions ;; are met: ;; 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. ;; 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the ;; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ;; 3. The name of the authors may not be used to endorse or promote products ;; derived from this software without specific prior written permission. ;; ;; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHORS ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS ;; OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED ;; WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ;; ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY ;; DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL ;; DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE ;; GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS ;; INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER ;; IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR ;; OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN ;; IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (module awful (;; Parameters awful-apps debug-file debug-db-query? debug-db-query-prefix db-credentials ajax-library enable-ajax ajax-namespace enable-session page-access-control page-access-denied-message page-doctype page-css page-charset login-page-path main-page-path app-root-path valid-password? page-template ajax-invalid-session-message web-repl-access-control web-repl-access-denied-message session-inspector-access-control session-inspector-access-denied-message page-exception-message http-request-variables db-connection page-javascript sid enable-javascript-compression javascript-compressor debug-resources enable-session-cookie session-cookie-name session-cookie-setter awful-response-headers development-mode? enable-web-repl-fancy-editor web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri awful-listen awful-accept awful-backlog awful-listener javascript-position awful-resources-table sxml->html enable-sxml literal-script/style? ;; Procedures include-javascript add-javascript add-css debug debug-pp $session $session-set! $ $db $db-row-obj define-page undefine-page define-session-page ajax ajax-link periodical-ajax login-form define-login-trampoline enable-web-repl enable-session-inspector awful-version load-apps reload-apps link form redirect-to add-request-handler-hook! remove-request-handler-hook! set-page-title! html-page ;; Macros (define-app path-split path-prefix? match-matcher) ;; spiffy-request-vars wrapper with-request-variables true-boolean-values as-boolean as-list as-number as-alist as-vector as-hash-table as-string as-symbol nonempty ;; Required by the awful server add-resource! register-dispatcher register-root-dir-handler awful-start ;; Required by db-support eggs db-enabled? db-inquirer db-connect db-disconnect sql-quoter db-make-row-obj db-query-transformer ;; Required by awful-static-pages %path-procedure-result ) ; end export list (import scheme) (cond-expand (chicken-4 ;; Units (import chicken data-structures extras files irregex ports srfi-1 srfi-69) (use posix srfi-13 tcp utils) ;; Eggs (use intarweb spiffy spiffy-request-vars uri-common http-session json spiffy-cookies sxml-transforms) ;; For match-matcher (import-for-syntax irregex) ;; Special definitions (define slurp read-all)) (chicken-5 ;; Built-in modules (import (chicken base) (chicken condition) (chicken process-context posix) (chicken string) (chicken io) (chicken irregex) (chicken file) (chicken fixnum) (chicken format) (chicken keyword) (chicken pathname) (chicken platform) (chicken port) (chicken pretty-print) (chicken process-context) (chicken tcp) (chicken time) (chicken time posix) (chicken type) (chicken string) (chicken condition)) ;; Eggs (import intarweb spiffy spiffy-request-vars uri-common http-session json spiffy-cookies srfi-1 srfi-13 srfi-69 sxml-transforms) ;; For match-matcher (import-for-syntax (chicken irregex)) ;; Special definitions (define (slurp file) (with-input-from-file file read-string)) (define (read-file #!optional (port ##sys#standard-input) (reader read) max) (define (slurp port) (do ((x (reader port) (reader port)) (i 0 (fx+ i 1)) (xs '() (cons x xs)) ) ((or (eof-object? x) (and max (fx>= i max))) (##sys#fast-reverse xs)))) (if (port? port) (slurp port) (call-with-input-file port slurp)))) (else (error "Unsupported CHICKEN version."))) (include "version.scm") ;;; Parameters ;; User-configurable parameters (define awful-apps (make-parameter '())) (define debug-file (make-parameter #f)) (define debug-db-query? (make-parameter #t)) (define debug-db-query-prefix (make-parameter "")) (define db-credentials (make-parameter #f)) (define ajax-library (make-parameter "//ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.0/jquery.min.js")) (define enable-ajax (make-parameter #f)) (define ajax-namespace (make-parameter "ajax")) (define enable-session (make-parameter #f)) (define page-access-control (make-parameter (lambda (path) #t))) (define page-access-denied-message (make-parameter (lambda (path) '(h3 "Access denied.")))) (define page-doctype (make-parameter "")) (define page-css (make-parameter #f)) (define page-charset (make-parameter #f)) (define login-page-path (make-parameter "/login")) ;; don't forget no-session: #t for this page (define main-page-path (make-parameter "/")) (define app-root-path (make-parameter "/")) (define valid-password? (make-parameter (lambda (user password) #f))) (define page-template (make-parameter (lambda args (apply html-page args)))) (define ajax-invalid-session-message (make-parameter "Invalid session.")) (define web-repl-access-control (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define web-repl-access-denied-message (make-parameter '(h3 "Access denied."))) (define session-inspector-access-control (make-parameter (lambda () #f))) (define session-inspector-access-denied-message (make-parameter '(h3 "Access denied."))) (define enable-javascript-compression (make-parameter #f)) (define javascript-compressor (make-parameter identity)) (define awful-response-headers (make-parameter #f)) (define development-mode? (make-parameter #f)) (define enable-web-repl-fancy-editor (make-parameter #t)) (define web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri (make-parameter "http://parenteses.org/awful/codemirror")) (define page-exception-message (make-parameter (lambda (exn) '(h3 "An error has occurred while processing your request.")))) (define debug-resources (make-parameter #f)) ;; usually useful for awful development debugging (define enable-session-cookie (make-parameter #t)) (define session-cookie-name (make-parameter "awful-cookie")) (define session-cookie-setter (make-parameter (lambda (sid) (set-cookie! (session-cookie-name) sid)))) (define javascript-position (make-parameter 'top)) ;; enable-sxml is deprecated and currently unused. (define enable-sxml (make-parameter #t)) (define literal-script/style? (make-parameter #f)) (define sxml->html (make-parameter (let ((rules `((literal *preorder* . ,(lambda (t b) b)) . ,universal-conversion-rules*))) (lambda (sxml) (with-output-to-string (lambda () (SRV:send-reply (pre-post-order* sxml rules)))))))) ;; Parameters for internal use (but exported, since they are internally used by other eggs) (define http-request-variables (make-parameter #f)) (define db-connection (make-parameter #f)) (define page-javascript (make-parameter "")) (define sid (make-parameter #f)) (define db-enabled? (make-parameter #f)) (define awful-listen (make-parameter tcp-listen)) (define awful-accept (make-parameter tcp-accept)) (define awful-backlog (make-parameter 100)) (define awful-listener (make-parameter (let ((listener #f)) (lambda () (unless listener (set! listener ((awful-listen) (server-port) (awful-backlog) (server-bind-address)))) listener)))) ;; Parameters for internal use and not exported (define %redirect (make-parameter #f)) (define %web-repl-path (make-parameter #f)) (define %session-inspector-path (make-parameter #f)) (define %error (make-parameter #f)) (define %page-title (make-parameter #f)) (define %page-css (make-parameter #f)) (define-record not-set) (define not-set (make-not-set)) ;; %path-procedure-result is actually exported, because ;; awful-static-pages needs it (define %path-procedure-result (make-parameter not-set)) ;; db-support parameters (set by awful- eggs) (define missing-db-msg "Database access is not enabled (see `enable-db').") (define db-inquirer (make-parameter (lambda (query) (error '$db missing-db-msg)))) (define db-connect (make-parameter (lambda (credentials) (error 'db-connect missing-db-msg)))) (define db-disconnect (make-parameter (lambda (connection) (error 'db-disconnect missing-db-msg)))) (define sql-quoter (make-parameter (lambda args (error 'sql-quote missing-db-msg)))) (define db-make-row-obj (make-parameter (lambda (q) (error '$db-row-obj missing-db-msg)))) (define db-query-transformer (make-parameter (lambda (q) q))) ;;; html-page (define (format-sxml-attribs attribs) (if (null? attribs) '() `((@ ,@attribs)))) (define (apply-tag-attribs/sxml tag attribs . content) (cons tag (append (format-sxml-attribs attribs) content))) (define (html-page contents #!key css title doctype headers charset content-type literal-style? (html-attribs '()) (body-attribs '())) (let ((page (apply-tag-attribs/sxml 'html html-attribs (append '(head) (if (or charset content-type) `((meta (@ (http-equiv "Content-Type") (content ,(string-append (or content-type "application/xhtml+xml") "; charset=" (or charset "UTF-8")))))) '()) (if title `((title ,title)) '()) (cond ((string? css) `((link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,css) (type "text/css"))))) ((list? css) (map (lambda (f) (if (list? f) (let ((data (slurp (make-pathname (current-directory) (car f))))) `(style ,(if literal-style? `(literal ,data) data))) `(link (@ (rel "stylesheet") (href ,f) (type "text/css"))))) css)) (else '())) (if headers `(,headers) '())) (if (null? contents) (apply-tag-attribs/sxml 'body body-attribs) (apply-tag-attribs/sxml 'body body-attribs contents))))) (if doctype (append `((literal ,doctype)) `(,page)) page))) ;;; Misc (define (concat args #!optional (sep "")) (string-intersperse (map ->string args) sep)) (define-syntax with-request-variables (syntax-rules () ((_ bindings body ...) (with-request-vars* $ bindings body ...)))) (define (string->symbol* str) (if (string? str) (string->symbol str) str)) (define (plist->alist pls) ;; (plist->alist '(foo: bar baz: quux)) => ((foo bar) (baz quux)) (let loop ((pls pls) (als '())) (if (null? pls) (reverse! als) (let ((hd (string->symbol (keyword->string (car pls)))) (tl (cdr pls))) (if (null? tl) (error 'plist->alist pls) (loop (cdr tl) (cons (list hd (car tl)) als))))))) (define (load-apps apps) (for-each load apps)) (define (reload-apps apps) (reset-resources!) (when (development-mode?) (development-mode-actions)) (load-apps apps)) (define (define-reload-page) ;; Define a /reload page for reloading awful apps (define-page "/reload" (lambda () (reload-apps (awful-apps)) `((p "The following awful apps have been reloaded on " ,(seconds->string (current-seconds))) (ul ,@(map (lambda (app) `(li (code ,app))) (awful-apps))))) no-ajax: #t title: "Awful reloaded applications")) (define (development-mode-actions) (print "Awful is running in development mode.") (debug-log (current-error-port)) ;; Print the call chain, the error message and links to the ;; web-repl and session-inspector (if enabled) (page-exception-message (lambda (exn) `((pre ,(with-output-to-string (lambda () (print-call-chain) (print-error-message exn)))) (p "[" (a (@ (href ,(or (%web-repl-path) "/web-repl"))) "Web REPL") "]" ,(if (enable-session) `(" [" (a (@ (href ,(or (%session-inspector-path) "/session-inspector"))) "Session inspector") "]") '()))))) ;; If web-repl has not been activated, activate it allowing access ;; to the localhost at least (`web-repl-access-control' can be ;; used to provide more permissive control) (unless (%web-repl-path) (let ((old-access-control (web-repl-access-control))) (web-repl-access-control (lambda () (or (old-access-control) (equal? (remote-address) ""))))) (enable-web-repl "/web-repl")) ;; If session-inspector has not been activated, and if ;; `enable-session' is #t, activate it allowing access to the ;; localhost at least (`session-inspector-access-control' can be ;; used to provide more permissive control) (when (and (enable-session) (not (%session-inspector-path))) (let ((old-access-control (session-inspector-access-control))) (session-inspector-access-control (lambda () (or (old-access-control) (equal? (remote-address) "")))) (enable-session-inspector "/session-inspector"))) ;; The reload page (define-reload-page)) (define (awful-start thunk #!key dev-mode? port ip-address (use-fancy-web-repl? #t) privileged-code) (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor use-fancy-web-repl?) (when dev-mode? (development-mode? #t) (development-mode-actions)) (when port (server-port port)) (when ip-address (server-bind-address ip-address)) ;; if privileged-code is provided, it is loaded before switching ;; user/group (when privileged-code (privileged-code)) (let ((listener ((awful-listener)))) (switch-user/group (spiffy-user) (spiffy-group)) (when (and (not (eq? (software-type) 'windows)) (zero? (current-effective-user-id))) (print "WARNING: awful is running with administrator privileges (not recommended)")) ;; load apps (thunk) ;; Check for invalid JavaScript positioning (unless (memq (javascript-position) '(top bottom)) (error 'awful-start "Invalid value for `javascript-position'. Valid ones are: `top' and `bottom'.")) (register-root-dir-handler) (register-dispatcher) (accept-loop listener (awful-accept)))) (define (get-sid #!optional force-read-sid) (and (or (enable-session) force-read-sid) (if (enable-session-cookie) (or (read-cookie (session-cookie-name)) ($ 'sid)) ($ 'sid)))) (define (redirect-to new-uri) ;; Just set the `%redirect' internal parameter, so `run-resource' is ;; able to know where to redirect. (%redirect new-uri) "") ;;; Application definition (define (path-split path) (cons "/" (string-split path "/"))) (define (path-prefix? prefix path) (let ((len-prefix (length prefix))) (and (<= len-prefix (length path)) (equal? prefix (take path len-prefix))))) (define (match-matcher matcher-obj path thunk) (cond ((procedure? matcher-obj) (when (matcher-obj path) (thunk))) ((list? matcher-obj) (when (path-prefix? matcher-obj (path-split path)) (thunk))) ((irregex? matcher-obj) (when (irregex-match matcher-obj path) (thunk))) (else (error 'define-app "Unknown matcher object" matcher-obj)))) (define-syntax define-app (syntax-rules (matcher: handler-hook: parameters:) ((_ id matcher: matcher handler-hook: proc body ...) (let ((proc* proc) (matcher* matcher)) (add-request-handler-hook! 'id (lambda (path handler) (match-matcher matcher* path (lambda () (proc* handler))))) (proc* (lambda () body ...)))) ((_ id matcher: matcher parameters: params body ...) (let ((matcher* matcher)) (add-request-handler-hook! 'id (lambda (path handler) (match-matcher matcher* path (lambda () (parameterize params (handler)))))) (parameterize params body ...))) ((_ id matcher: matcher body ...) (let ((matcher* matcher)) (add-request-handler-hook! 'id (lambda (path handler) (match-matcher matcher* path handler))) body ...)))) ;;; JavaScript (define (include-javascript . files) (map (lambda (file) `(script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src ,file)))) files)) (define (add-javascript . code) (page-javascript (string-append (page-javascript) (concat code)))) (define (maybe-compress-javascript js no-javascript-compression) (if (and (enable-javascript-compression) (javascript-compressor) (not no-javascript-compression)) (string-trim-both ((javascript-compressor) js)) js)) ;;; CSS (define (add-css . css) (%page-css (string-append (or (%page-css) "") (string-intersperse css "")))) ;;; Debugging (define (debug . args) (cond ((string? (debug-file)) (with-output-to-file (debug-file) (lambda () (print (concat args))) append:)) ((output-port? (debug-file)) (with-output-to-port (debug-file) (lambda () (print (concat args))))))) (define (debug-pp arg) (cond ((string? (debug-file)) (with-output-to-file (debug-file) (cut pp arg) append:)) ((output-port? (debug-file)) (with-output-to-port (debug-file) (cut pp arg))))) ;;; Session access (define ($session var #!optional default) (session-ref (sid) (string->symbol* var) default)) (define ($session-set! var #!optional val) (if (list? var) (for-each (lambda (var/val) (session-set! (sid) (string->symbol* (car var/val)) (cdr var/val))) var) (session-set! (sid) (string->symbol* var) val))) (define (awful-refresh-session!) (when (and (enable-session) (session-valid? (sid))) (session-refresh! (sid)))) ;;; Session-aware procedures for HTML code generation (define (link url text . rest) (let ((pass-sid? (and (not (enable-session-cookie)) (sid) (session-valid? (sid)) (not (get-keyword no-session: rest)))) (arguments (or (get-keyword arguments: rest) '())) (separator (or (get-keyword separator: rest) ";&"))) `(a (@ ,@(append `((href ,(if url (string-append url (if (or pass-sid? (not (null? arguments))) (string-append "?" (form-urlencode (append arguments (if pass-sid? `((sid . ,(sid))) '())) separator: separator)) "")) "#"))) (plist->alist rest))) ,text))) (define (form contents . rest) (let ((pass-sid? (and (not (enable-session-cookie)) (sid) (session-valid? (sid)) (not (get-keyword no-session: rest))))) `(form (@ ,@(append (plist->alist rest) (list (if pass-sid? `(input (@ (type "hidden") (name "sid") (value ,(sid)))) '())))) ,contents))) ;;; HTTP request variables access (define ($ var #!optional default/converter) (unless (http-request-variables) (http-request-variables (request-vars))) ((http-request-variables) var default/converter)) ;;; DB access (define ($db q #!key (default '()) values) (unless (db-enabled?) (error '$db "Database access doesn't seem to be enabled. Did you call `(enable-db)'?")) (debug-query q) ((db-inquirer) q default: default values: values)) (define (debug-query q) (when (and (debug-file) (debug-db-query?)) (debug (string-append (debug-db-query-prefix) q)))) (define ($db-row-obj q) (debug-query q) ((db-make-row-obj) q)) ;;; Parameters resetting (define (reset-per-request-parameters) ;; to cope with spiffy's thread reuse (http-request-variables #f) (awful-response-headers #f) (db-connection #f) (sid #f) (%redirect #f) (%error #f) (%page-title #f)) ;;; Request handling hooks (define *request-handler-hooks* '()) (define (add-request-handler-hook! name proc) (set! *request-handler-hooks* (alist-update! name proc *request-handler-hooks*))) (define (remove-request-handler-hook! name) (set! *request-handler-hooks* (alist-delete! name *request-handler-hooks*))) ;;; Resources (root-path (current-directory)) (define *resources* (make-hash-table equal?)) (define (awful-resources-table) *resources*) (define (register-dispatcher) (handle-not-found (let ((old-handler (handle-not-found))) (lambda (_) (let* ((path-list (uri-path (request-uri (current-request)))) (method (request-method (current-request))) (path (if (null? (cdr path-list)) (car path-list) (string-append "/" (string-intersperse (cdr path-list) "/")))) (proc/strict? (resource-ref path (root-path) method))) (if proc/strict? (run-resource (car proc/strict?) path) (if (equal? (last path-list) "") ;; requested path is a ;; dir try to find a procedure with the trailing ;; slash removed and run it _only_ if the resource ;; has been defined as not strict. (let* ((proc/strict? (resource-ref (string-chomp path "/") (root-path) method)) (proc (and proc/strict? (car proc/strict?))) (strict? (and proc/strict? (cdr proc/strict?)))) (if (and proc (not strict?)) (run-resource proc path) (old-handler _))) (old-handler _)))))))) (define (run-resource proc path) (reset-per-request-parameters) (let ((handler (lambda (path proc) (let ((resp (proc path))) (if (procedure? resp) (resp) (let ((out (->string resp))) (if (%error) (send-response code: 500 reason: "Internal server error" body: (let ((content ((page-exception-message) (%error)))) ((sxml->html) content)) headers: '((content-type text/html))) (if (%redirect) ;; redirection (let ((new-uri (if (string? (%redirect)) (uri-reference (%redirect)) (%redirect)))) (with-headers `((location ,new-uri)) (lambda () (send-status 302 "Found")))) (with-headers (append (or (awful-response-headers) `((content-type text/html))) (or (and-let* ((headers (awful-response-headers)) (content-length (alist-ref 'content-length headers))) (list (cons 'content-length content-length))) `((content-length ,(string-length out))))) (lambda () (write-logged-response) (unless (eq? 'HEAD (request-method (current-request))) (display out (response-port (current-response)))))))))))))) (call/cc (lambda (continue) (for-each (lambda (hook) ((cdr hook) path (lambda () (handler path proc) (continue #f)))) *request-handler-hooks*) (handler path proc))) ;; The value for %path-procedure-result is determined at path ;; matching time, before run-resource is called. If it was reset ;; by reset-per-request-parameters (which is called right at the ;; beginning of run-resource), its value would be reset. So we ;; reset it here, after the page handler used its value and ;; has finished. (%path-procedure-result not-set))) (define (resource-ref path vhost-root-path method) (when (debug-resources) (debug-pp (hash-table->alist *resources*))) (or (hash-table-ref/default *resources* (list path vhost-root-path method) #f) (resource-match/procedure path vhost-root-path method) (resource-match/regex path vhost-root-path method))) (define (resource-match/regex path vhost-root-path method) (let loop ((resources (hash-table->alist *resources*))) (if (null? resources) #f (let* ((current-resource (car resources)) (current-path (caar current-resource)) (current-vhost (cadar current-resource)) (current-method (caddar current-resource)) (current-proc (cdr current-resource))) (if (and (irregex? current-path) (equal? current-vhost vhost-root-path) (eq? current-method method) (irregex-match current-path path)) current-proc (loop (cdr resources))))))) (define (resource-match/procedure path vhost-root-path method) (let loop ((resources (hash-table->alist *resources*))) (if (null? resources) #f (let* ((current-resource (car resources)) (current-path/proc (caar current-resource)) (current-vhost (cadar current-resource)) (current-method (caddar current-resource)) (current-proc (cdr current-resource))) (if (and (procedure? current-path/proc) (equal? current-vhost vhost-root-path) (eq? current-method method)) ;; the arg to be given to the page handler (let ((result (current-path/proc path))) (if (list? result) (begin (%path-procedure-result result) current-proc) (loop (cdr resources)))) (loop (cdr resources))))))) (define (add-resource! path vhost-root-path proc method strict?) (let ((methods (if (list? method) method (list method)))) (for-each (lambda (method) (let ((upcase-method (string->symbol (string-upcase (symbol->string method))))) (hash-table-set! *resources* (list path vhost-root-path upcase-method) (cons proc strict?)))) methods))) (define (reset-resources!) (set! *resources* (make-hash-table equal?))) ;;; Root dir (define (register-root-dir-handler) (handle-directory (let ((old-handler (handle-directory))) (lambda (path) (cond ((resource-ref path (root-path) (request-method (current-request))) => (lambda (proc/strict?) (run-resource (car proc/strict?) path))) (else (old-handler path))))))) ;;; ;;; Pages ;;; (define (undefine-page path #!key vhost-root-path (method '(GET HEAD))) (for-each (lambda (method) (hash-table-delete! *resources* (list path (or vhost-root-path (root-path)) method))) (if (list? method) method (list method)))) (define (maybe-literal-javascript js) (if (literal-script/style?) `(literal ,js) js)) (define (include-page-javascript ajax? no-javascript-compression) (if ajax? `(script (@ (type "text/javascript")) ,(maybe-literal-javascript (maybe-compress-javascript (string-append "$(document).ready(function(){" (page-javascript) "});") no-javascript-compression))) (if (string-null? (page-javascript)) '() `(script (@ (type "text/javascript")) ,(maybe-literal-javascript (maybe-compress-javascript (page-javascript) no-javascript-compression)))))) (define (include-page-css) (if (%page-css) `(style ,(if (literal-script/style?) `(literal ,(%page-css)) (%page-css))) "")) (define (page-path path strict? #!optional namespace) (cond ((irregex? path) path) ((procedure? path) path) ((equal? path "/") (app-root-path)) (else (let ((path (make-pathname (cons (app-root-path) (if namespace (list namespace) '())) path))) (if strict? path (string-chomp path "/")))))) (define (set-page-title! title) (%page-title title)) ;;; Helper procedures for define-page (define-inline (use-ajax? use-ajax no-ajax) (or (string? use-ajax) (cond (no-ajax #f) ((not (ajax-library)) #f) ((and (ajax-library) use-ajax) #t) ((enable-ajax) #t) (else #f)))) (define-inline (use-session? use-session no-session) (or (not (enable-session)) no-session use-session (and (enable-session) (session-valid? (sid))))) (define-inline (apply-page-template contents css title doctype ajax? use-ajax headers charset no-javascript-compression) (let* ((out ((page-template) contents css: (or css (page-css)) title: (or (%page-title) title) doctype: (or doctype (page-doctype)) headers: `(,(include-page-css) ,(if ajax? `(script (@ (type "text/javascript") (src ,(if (string? use-ajax) use-ajax (ajax-library))))) "") ,(or headers '()) ,(if (eq? (javascript-position) 'top) (include-page-javascript ajax? no-javascript-compression) '())) charset: (or charset (page-charset)) literal-style?: (literal-script/style?)))) ((sxml->html) out))) (define-inline (maybe-create/refresh-session! use-session) (when use-session (if (session-valid? (sid)) (awful-refresh-session!) (begin (sid (session-create)) ((session-cookie-setter) (sid)))))) (define-inline (render-exception exn) (%error exn) (debug (with-output-to-string (lambda () (print-call-chain) (print-error-message exn)))) ((page-exception-message) exn)) (define-inline (redirect-to-login-page path) ((sxml->html) `(html (head (meta (@ (http-equiv "refresh") (content ,(sprintf "0;url=~a?reason=invalid-session&attempted-path=~a&user=~a~a" (login-page-path) path ($ 'user "") (if (and (not (enable-session-cookie)) ($ 'sid)) (string-append "&sid=" ($ 'sid)) ""))))))))) (define-inline (render-page contents path given-path no-javascript-compression ajax?) (let ((resp (cond ((irregex? path) (contents given-path)) ((not (not-set? (%path-procedure-result))) (let ((result (%path-procedure-result))) (apply contents result))) (else (contents))))) (if (procedure? resp) ;; eval resp here, where all ;; parameters' values are set (let ((out (resp))) (lambda () out)) `(,resp ,(if (eq? (javascript-position) 'bottom) (include-page-javascript ajax? no-javascript-compression) '()))))) (define (define-page path contents #!key css title doctype headers charset no-ajax no-template no-session no-db vhost-root-path no-javascript-compression use-ajax (method '(GET HEAD)) strict use-session) ;; for define-session-page (##sys#check-closure contents 'define-page) (let ((path (page-path path strict))) (add-resource! path (or vhost-root-path (root-path)) (lambda (#!optional given-path) (sid (get-sid use-session)) (when (and (db-credentials) (db-enabled?) (not no-db)) (db-connection ((db-connect) (db-credentials)))) (page-javascript "") (%page-css #f) (awful-refresh-session!) (let ((out (if (use-session? use-session no-session) (if ((page-access-control) (or given-path path)) (begin (maybe-create/refresh-session! use-session) (let* ((ajax? (use-ajax? use-ajax no-ajax)) (contents (handle-exceptions exn (render-exception exn) (render-page contents path given-path no-javascript-compression ajax?)))) (if (%redirect) #f ;; no need to do anything. Let ;; `run-resource' perform the redirection (if (procedure? contents) contents (if no-template ((sxml->html) contents) (apply-page-template contents css title doctype ajax? use-ajax headers charset no-javascript-compression)))))) ((sxml->html) ((page-template) ((page-access-denied-message) (or given-path path))))) (redirect-to-login-page (or given-path path))))) (when (and (db-connection) (db-enabled?) (not no-db)) ((db-disconnect) (db-connection))) out)) method strict)) path) (define (define-session-page path contents . rest) ;; `rest' are same keyword params as for `define-page' (except ;; `no-session', obviously) (apply define-page (append (list path contents) (list use-session: #t) rest))) ;;; Ajax (define (->jquery-selector s) (if (symbol? s) (conc "#" s) s)) (define (ajax path id event proc #!key (action 'html) (method 'POST) (arguments '()) target success no-session no-db no-page-javascript vhost-root-path live on content-type prelude update-targets (cache 'not-set) error-handler strict) (when (and on live) (error 'ajax "`live' and `on' cannot be used together.")) (let ((path (page-path path strict (ajax-namespace)))) (add-resource! path (or vhost-root-path (root-path)) (lambda (#!optional given-path) (sid (get-sid 'force)) (when update-targets (awful-response-headers '((content-type "application/json")))) (if (or (not (enable-session)) no-session (and (enable-session) (session-valid? (sid)))) (if ((page-access-control) path) (begin (when (and (db-credentials) (db-enabled?) (not no-db)) (db-connection ((db-connect) (db-credentials)))) (awful-refresh-session!) (let* ((out (if update-targets (with-output-to-string (lambda () (json-write (list->vector (map (lambda (id/content) (cons (car id/content) ((sxml->html) (cdr id/content)))) (proc)))))) ((sxml->html) (proc))))) (when (and (db-credentials) (db-enabled?) (not no-db)) ((db-disconnect) (db-connection))) out)) ((page-access-denied-message) path)) (ajax-invalid-session-message))) method strict) (let* ((arguments (if (and (sid) (session-valid? (sid))) (cons `(sid . ,(string-append "'" (sid) "'")) arguments) arguments)) (js-code (string-append (if (and id event) (let ((events (concat (if (list? event) event (list event)) " ")) (binder (if live "live" (if on "on" "bind")))) (string-append (if on (if (string? on) (sprintf "$('~a')." on) ;; start delegation from `on' "$(document).") (sprintf "$('~a')." (->jquery-selector id))) binder "('" events "',")) "") (if (and on (not (boolean? on))) (sprintf "'~a'," (->jquery-selector on)) "") (string-append "function(event){" (or prelude "") "$.ajax({type:'" (->string method) "'," "url:'" path "'," (if content-type (conc "contentType: '" content-type "',") "") "success:function(response){" (or success (cond (update-targets "$.each(response, function(id, html) { $('#' + id).html(html);});") (target (string-append "$('#" target "')." (->string action) "(response);")) (else "return;"))) "}," (if update-targets "dataType: 'json'," "") (if (eq? cache 'not-set) "" (if cache "cache:true," "cache:false,")) (if error-handler (string-append "error:" error-handler ",") "") (string-append "data:{" (string-intersperse (map (lambda (var/val) (conc "'" (car var/val) "':" (cdr var/val))) arguments) ",") "}") "})}") (if (and id event) ");\n" "")))) (unless no-page-javascript (add-javascript js-code)) js-code))) (define (periodical-ajax path interval proc #!key target (action 'html) (method 'POST) (arguments '()) success no-session no-db vhost-root-path live on content-type prelude update-targets cache error-handler strict) (add-javascript (string-append "setInterval(" (ajax path #f #f proc target: target action: action method: method arguments: arguments success: success no-session: no-session no-db: no-db vhost-root-path: vhost-root-path live: live on: on content-type: content-type prelude: prelude update-targets: update-targets error-handler: error-handler cache: cache strict: strict no-page-javascript: #t) ", " (->string interval) ");\n"))) (define (ajax-link path id text proc #!key target (action 'html) (method 'POST) (arguments '()) success no-session no-db (event 'click) vhost-root-path live on class hreflang type rel rev charset coords shape accesskey tabindex a-target content-type prelude update-targets error-handler cache strict) (ajax path id event proc target: target action: action method: method arguments: arguments success: success no-session: no-session vhost-root-path: vhost-root-path live: live on: on content-type: content-type prelude: prelude update-targets: update-targets error-handler: error-handler cache: cache strict: strict no-db: no-db) `(a (@ ,(cons '(href "#") (filter cadr `((id ,id) (class ,class) (hreflang ,hreflang) (type ,type) (rel ,rel) (rev ,rev) (charset ,charset) (coords ,coords) (shape ,shape) (accesskey ,accesskey) (tabindex ,tabindex) (target ,a-target))))) ,text)) ;;; Login form (define (login-form #!key (user-label "User: ") (password-label "Password: ") (submit-label "Submit") (trampoline-path "/login-trampoline") (refill-user #t)) (let ((attempted-path ($ 'attempted-path)) (user ($ 'user))) `(form (@ (action ,trampoline-path) (method "post")) ,(if attempted-path `(input (@ (type "hidden") (name "attempted-path") (value ,attempted-path))) '()) (span (@ (id "user-container")) (label (@ (id "user-label") (for "user")) ,user-label) (input (@ (type "text") (id "user") (name "user") (value ,(and refill-user user))))) (span (@ (id "password-container")) (label (@ (id "password-label") (for "password")) ,password-label) (input (@ (type "password") (id "password") (name "password")))) (input (@ (type "submit") (id "login-submit") (value ,submit-label)))))) ;;; Login trampoline (for redirection) (define (define-login-trampoline path #!key vhost-root-path hook) (define-page path (lambda () (let* ((user ($ 'user)) (password ($ 'password)) (attempted-path ($ 'attempted-path)) (password-valid? ((valid-password?) user password)) (new-sid (and password-valid? (session-create)))) (sid new-sid) (when (enable-session-cookie) ((session-cookie-setter) new-sid)) (when hook (hook user)) (html-page "" headers: `(meta (@ (http-equiv "refresh") (content ,(string-append "0;url=" (if new-sid (string-append (or attempted-path (main-page-path)) "?user=" user (if (enable-session-cookie) "" (string-append "&sid=" new-sid))) (string-append (login-page-path) "?reason=invalid-password&user=" user))))))))) method: 'POST vhost-root-path: vhost-root-path no-session: #t no-template: #t)) ;;; Web repl (define (enable-web-repl path #!key css (title "Awful Web REPL") headers) (unless (development-mode?) (%web-repl-path path)) (define (fancy-editor-js) (if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) `(script (@ (type: "text/javascript")) (literal ,(string-append " function addClass(element, className) { if (!editor.win.hasClass(element, className)) { element.className = ((element.className.split(' ')).concat([className])).join(' ');}} function removeClass(element, className) { if (editor.win.hasClass(element, className)) { var classes = element.className.split(' '); for (var i = classes.length - 1 ; i >= 0; i--) { if (classes[i] === className) { classes.splice(i, 1)}} element.className = classes.join(' ');}} var textarea = document.getElementById('prompt'); var editor = new CodeMirror(CodeMirror.replace(textarea), { height: '250px', width: '600px', content: textarea.value, parserfile: ['" (web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri) "/tokenizescheme.js', '" (web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri) "/parsescheme.js'], stylesheet: '" (web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri) "/schemecolors.css', autoMatchParens: true, path: '" (web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri) "/', disableSpellcheck: true, markParen: function(span, good) {addClass(span, good ? 'good-matching-paren' : 'bad-matching-paren');}, unmarkParen: function(span) {removeClass(span, 'good-matching-paren'); removeClass(span, 'bad-matching-paren');} });"))) '())) (define (web-repl-css) (let ((builtin-css `(style (@ (type "text/css")) ,(string-append "h1 { font-size: 18pt; background-color: #898E79; width: 590px; color: white; padding: 5px;}" "h2 { font-size: 14pt; background-color: #898E79; width: 590px; color: white; padding: 5px;}" "ul#button-bar { margin-left: 0; padding-left: 0; }" "#button-bar li {display: inline; list-style-type: none; padding-right: 10px; }" (if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) "div.border { border: 1px solid black; width: 600px;}" "#prompt { width: 600px; }") "#result { border: 1px solid #333; padding: 5px; width: 590px; }")))) (if headers (append (or css builtin-css) headers) (or css builtin-css)))) (define (web-eval) `(pre ,(with-output-to-string (lambda () (pp (handle-exceptions exn (begin (print-error-message exn) (print-call-chain)) (eval `(begin ,@(with-input-from-string ($ 'code "") read-file))))))))) (define-page path (lambda () (if ((web-repl-access-control)) (begin (page-javascript (string-append "$('#clear').click(function(){" (if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) "editor.setCode('');" "$('#prompt').val('');") "});")) (ajax (string-append path "-eval") 'eval 'click web-eval target: "result" arguments: `((code . ,(if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) "editor.getCode()" "$('#prompt').val()")))) (when (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) (ajax (string-append path "-eval") 'eval-region 'click web-eval target: "result" arguments: `((code . "editor.selection()")))) `((h1 ,title) (h2 "Input area") ,(let ((prompt `(textarea (@ (id "prompt") (name "prompt") (rows "10") (cols "90"))))) (if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) `(div (@ (class "border")) ,prompt) prompt)) (ul (@ (id "button-bar")) ,(map (lambda (item) `(li (button (@ (id ,(car item))) ,(cdr item)))) (append '(("eval" . "Eval")) (if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) '(("eval-region" . "Eval region")) '()) '(("clear" . "Clear"))))) (h2 "Output area") (div (@ (id "result"))) ,(fancy-editor-js))) (web-repl-access-denied-message))) headers: (append (if (enable-web-repl-fancy-editor) (include-javascript (make-pathname (web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri) "codemirror.js") (make-pathname (web-repl-fancy-editor-base-uri) "mirrorframe.js")) '()) (list (web-repl-css))) use-ajax: #t title: title css: css)) ;;; Session inspector (define (enable-session-inspector path #!key css (title "Awful session inspector") headers) (unless (development-mode?) (%session-inspector-path path)) (define builtin-css `(style (@ (type "text/css")) "h1 { font-size: 16pt; background-color: #898E79; width: 590px; color: white; padding: 5px;}\n" ".session-inspector-value { margin: 2px;}\n" ".session-inspector-var { margin: 0px; }\n" "#session-inspector-table { margin: 0px; width: 600px;}\n" "#session-inspector-table tr td, th { padding-left: 10px; border: 1px solid #333; vertical-align: middle; }\n")) (define-page path (lambda () (parameterize ((enable-session #t)) (if ((session-inspector-access-control)) (let ((bindings (session-bindings (sid)))) `((h1 title) ,(if (null? bindings) `(p "Session for sid " ,(sid) " is empty") `((p "Session for " ,(sid)) (table (@ (id "session-inspector-table")) (tr (th "Variables") (th "Values")) ,@(map (lambda (binding) (let ((var (car binding)) (val (with-output-to-string (lambda () (pp (cdr binding)))))) `(tr (td (span (@ (class "session-inspector-var")) ,var)) (td (pre (@ (class "session-inspector-value")) ,val))))) bindings)))))) (session-inspector-access-denied-message)))) headers: (if headers (append (or css builtin-css) headers) (or css builtin-css)) title: title css: css)) ) ; end module