; Author: Juergen Lorenz, ju (at) jugilo (dot) de ; ; Copyright (c) 2013-2019, Juergen Lorenz ; All rights reserved. ; ; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without ; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are ; met: ; ; Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following dispasser. ; ; Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright ; notice, this list of conditions and the following dispasser in the ; documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. ; ; Neither the name of the author nor the names of its contributors may be ; used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without ; specific prior written permission. ; ; THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS ; IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ; TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A ; PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT ; HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, ; SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED ; TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR ; PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF ; LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING ; NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS ; SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. (module bindings ( bind bind-set! bindrec bind-case bindable? bind-lambda bind-lambda* bind-case-lambda bind-case-lambda* bind* bind-let* bind-let bind-letrec bind-define bind/cc bind-seq->list bind-pvars bindings ) (import scheme (only (chicken condition) condition-case) (only (chicken base) void receive identity print case-lambda error) (only (chicken keyword) keyword?) (only (chicken format) format) ) (import-for-syntax (only (chicken keyword) keyword?) (only (chicken format) format)) (define (split-along pat lst) ; internal (let loop ((pat pat) (tail lst) (head '())) (if (pair? pat) (if (pair? tail) (loop (cdr pat) (cdr tail) (cons (car tail) head)) (error 'bind-set! (format #f "template ~s doesn't match pattern ~s~%" tail pat))) (values (reverse head) tail)))) ;;; (bind-seq->list) ;;; (bind-seq->list seq) ;;; (bind-seq->list pat seq) ;;; (bind-seq->list seq? seq->list list->seq) ;;; ----------------------------------------- ;;; the first version resets the internal database, ;;; the second the two transformers corresponding to seq, ;;; the third the transformed list, where the value of the possible ;;; dotted pattern variable is retransformed to the type of seq, ;;; and the last adds support for a new sequence type. (define bind-seq->list (let ((db (list (cons (lambda (x) #t) (cons identity identity))))) (case-lambda (() (set! db ; reset (list (cons (lambda (x) #t) (cons identity identity))))) ((seq) (let loop ((db db)) (if ((caar db) seq) (cdar db) (loop (cdr db))))) ((pat seq) (let ((transformers (bind-seq->list seq))) (receive (head tail) (split-along pat ((car transformers) seq)) (append head ((cdr transformers) tail))))) ((seq? seq->list list->seq) (set! db (cons (cons seq? (cons seq->list list->seq)) db))) ))) ;;; (bind-pvars pat xpr . xprs) ;;; --------------------------- ;;; wraps the body xpr . xprs into a let which binds the variables of ;;; pat to #f checking for duplicates on its way (define-syntax bind-pvars (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare?) (let ((pat (cadr form)) (xpr (caddr form)) (xprs (cdddr form)) (%_ (rename '_)) (%let (rename 'let)) ) (let ((result '())) (let loop ((pat pat)) (cond ((pair? pat) (loop (car pat)) (loop (cdr pat))) ((and (symbol? pat) (not (compare? pat %_))) (if (memq pat result) (error (format #f "duplicates: ~s already in ~s~%" pat result)) (set! result (cons pat result)))) (else (if #f #f))) `(,%let ,(map (lambda (r) `(,r #f)) (reverse result)) ,xpr ,@xprs))))))) ;#|[ ;bind-set! is the macro, which does all the dirty work. It destructures ;the pattern and the template in parallel, checks if literals match and ;if length' are equal, and handles the wildcard, which matches ;everything but binds nothing. Because of the wildcard, _, the macro ;will be unhygienic on purpose, hence must be implemented procedurally. ;This has the additional advantage, that some the branching code can be ;evaluated at compile time. ;]|# ;;; (bind-set! pat seq) ;;; ------------------- ;;; sets pattern variables of pat to the corresponding subexpression of ;;; seq, which might be arbitrary nested sequences, if bind-seq->list is ;;; prepared accordingly (define-syntax bind-set! (er-macro-transformer (lambda (form rename compare?) (let ((pat (cadr form)) (seq (caddr form)) (%_ (rename '_)) (%if (rename 'if)) (%pair? (rename 'pair?)) (%bind-set! (rename 'bind-set!)) (%error (rename 'error)) (%format (rename 'format)) (%null? (rename 'null?)) (%let (rename 'let)) (%begin (rename 'begin)) (%seq (rename 'seq)) (%pat (rename 'pat)) (%car (rename 'car)) (%cdr (rename 'cdr)) (%void (rename 'void)) (%set! (rename 'set!)) (%char=? (rename 'char=?)) (%string=? (rename 'string=?)) (%= (rename '=)) (%eq? (rename 'eq?)) (%bind-pvars (rename 'bind-pvars)) (%bind-seq->list (rename 'bind-seq->list)) ) `(,%let ((,%pat ',pat) (,%seq ,seq)) ;(,%bind-pvars ,pat #t) ;check for duplicates ,(cond ((pair? pat) `(,%let ((,%seq (,%bind-seq->list ,%pat ,%seq))) ; transform seq to pseudolist (,%if (,%pair? ,%seq) (,%begin (,%bind-set! ,(car pat) (,%car ,%seq)) (,%bind-set! ,(cdr pat) (,%cdr ,%seq))) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "template ~s doesn't match pattern ~s\n" ;,seq ',pat))))) ,seq ,%pat))))) ((null? pat) `(,%if (,%null? ((,%car (,%bind-seq->list ,%seq)) ,%seq)) (,%void) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "template ~s doesn't match pattern ~s" ,seq '())))) ;; symbols ((symbol? pat) (if (compare? pat %_) ; wildcard `(,%void) `(,%set! ,pat ,%seq))) ;; literals ((char? pat) `(,%if (,%char=? ',pat ,%seq) (,%if #f #f) ;(,%void) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "strings ~s and ~s not char=?~%" ',pat ,%seq)))) ((string? pat) `(,%if (,%string=? ',pat ,%seq) (,%if #f #f) ;(,%void) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "strings ~s and ~s not string=?~%" ',pat ,%seq)))) ((number? pat) `(if (,%= ',pat ,%seq) (,%if #f #f) ;(,%void) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "numbers ~s and ~s not =~%" ',pat ,%seq)))) ((boolean? pat) `(,%if (,%eq? ',pat ,%seq) (,%if #f #f) ;(,%void) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "booleans ~s and ~s not eq?~%" ',pat ,%seq)))) ((keyword? pat) `(,%if (,%eq? ',pat ,%seq) (,%if #f #f) ;(,%void) (,%error 'bind-set! (,%format #f "keywords ~s and ~s not eq?~%" ',pat ,%seq)))) )))))) #|[ bind-define is simply an alias to bind-set! ]|# ;;; (bind-define pat seq) ;;; --------------------- ;;; destructures the sequence seq according to the pattern ;;; pat and sets pattern variables with values ;;; to corresponding subexpressions of seq (define-syntax bind-define (syntax-rules () ((_ pat seq) (bind-set! pat seq)))) #|[ The following is Graham's dbind extended with wildcards, non-symbol literals and length as well as duplicate checks. For example (bind (x (y z)) '(1 (2 3)) (>> x integer?) (list x y z)) will result in '(1 2 3) while (bind (_ ("y" z)) '(1 ("y" 3)) z) will produce 3. After adding vector and string support (bind-seq->list string? string->list list->string) (bind-seq->list vector? vector->list list->vector) it will destructure vectors and strings as well: (bind (x (y z)) '(1 #(2 3)) (list x y z)) (bind (x (y z)) '(1 "12") (list x y z)) ]|# ;;; (bind pat seq xpr ....) ;;; ----------------------- ;;; binds pattern variables of pat to corresponding subexpressions of ;;; lst and executes body xpr .... in this context. ;;; Fenders are implemented in client code by the >> macro of the ;;; checks egg. (define-syntax bind (syntax-rules () ((_ pat seq xpr . xprs) ;(begin (bind-pvars pat (bind-set! pat seq) xpr . xprs)))) #|[ The following macro does more or less the same what the match macro from the matchable package does, for example (bind-case '(1 (2 3)) ((x y) (>> y list?) (list x y)) ((x (y . z)) (list x y z)) ((x (y z)) (list x y z))) ;-> '(1 2 (3)) or, to give a more realistic example, mapping: (define (my-map fn lst) (bind-case lst (() '()) ((x . xs) (cons (fn x) (my-map fn xs))))) ]|# ;;; (bind-case seq (pat xpr ....) ....) ;;; ----------------------------------- ;;; Checks if seq matches patterns pat .... ;;; in sequence, binds the pattern variables of the first matching ;;; pattern to corresponding subexpressions of seq and executes ;;; body expressions xpr .... in this context (define-syntax bind-case (syntax-rules () ((_ seq) (error 'bind-case "no match for" seq)) ((_ seq (pat xpr . xprs)) (condition-case (bind pat seq xpr . xprs) ((exn) (bind-case seq)))) ((_ seq clause . clauses) (condition-case (bind-case seq clause) ((exn) (bind-case seq . clauses)))) )) ;;; (bindable? pat) ;;; --------------- ;;; returns a unary predicate which checks, if its arguments match pat (define-syntax bindable? (syntax-rules () ((_ pat) (lambda (seq) (condition-case (bind pat seq #t) ((exn) #f)))) )) #|[ Now we can define two macros, which simply combine lambda with bind, the first destructures simply one argument, the second a whole list. An example of a call and its result is ((bind-lambda (a (b . c) . d) (list a b c d)) '(1 #(20 30 40) 2 3)) -> '(1 20 #(30 40) (2 3))))) ((bind-lambda* ((a (b . c) . d) (e . f)) (list a b c d e f)) '(1 #(20 30 40) 2 3) '#(4 5 6)) -> '(1 20 #(30 40) (2 3) 4 #(5 6))) ]|# ;;; (bind-lambda pat xpr ....) ;;; -------------------------- ;;; combination of lambda and bind, one pattern argument (define-syntax bind-lambda (syntax-rules () ((_ pat xpr . xprs) (lambda (x) (bind pat x xpr . xprs))) )) ;;; (bind-lambda* pat xpr ....) ;;; --------------------------- ;;; combination of lambda and bind, multiple pattern arguments (define-syntax bind-lambda* (syntax-rules () ((_ pat xpr . xprs) (lambda x (bind pat x xpr . xprs))) )) #|[ The next two macros combine lambda and bind-case and do more or less the same as match-lambda and match-lambda* in the matchable package. The first destructures one argument, the second a list of arguments. Here is an example together with its result (note the >> fender): ((bind-case-lambda ((a (b . c) . d) (list a b c d)) ((e . f) (>> e zero?) e) ((e . f) (list e f))) '(1 2 3 4 5)) -> '(1 (2 3 4 5)) ((bind-case-lambda* (((a (b . c) . d) (e . f)) (list a b c d e f))) '(1 #(20 30 40) 2 3) '(4 5 6)) -> '(1 20 (30 40) (2 3) 4 (5 6)) ]|# ;;; (bind-case-lambda (pat xpr ....) ....) ;;; -------------------------------------- ;;; combination of lambda and bind-case, one pattern argument (define-syntax bind-case-lambda (syntax-rules () ((_ (pat xpr . xprs)) (lambda (x) (bind-case x (pat xpr . xprs)))) ((_ clause . clauses) (lambda (x) (bind-case x clause . clauses))) )) ;;; (bind-case-lambda* (pat xpr ....) ....) ;;; --------------------------------------- ;;; combination of lambda and bind-case, multiple pattern arguments (define-syntax bind-case-lambda* (syntax-rules () ((_ (pat xpr . xprs)) (lambda x (bind-case x (pat xpr . xprs)))) ((_ clause . clauses) (lambda x (bind-case x clause . clauses))) )) #|[ The following macro, bind*, is a named version of bind. It takes an additional argument besides those of bind, which is bound to a recursive procedure, which can be called in bind's body. The pattern variables are initialised with the corresponding subexpressions in seq. For example (bind* loop (x y) '(5 0) (if (zero? x) (list x y) (loop (list (sub1 x) (add1 y))))) -> '(0 5) ]|# ;;; (bind* name pat seq xpr ....) ;;; ---- ----------------------------- ;;; named version of bind (define-syntax bind* (syntax-rules () ((_ name pat seq xpr . xprs) ((letrec ((name (bind-lambda pat xpr . xprs))) name) seq)))) #|[ The following three macros are analoga of the standard base macros let, let* and letrec, the first named or unnamed. For example (bind-let loop (((a b) '(5 0))) (if (zero? a) (list a b) (loop (list (sub1 a) (add1 b))))) -> '(0 5) A recursive version of bind follows ]|# ;;; (bind-let* ((pat seq) ...) xpr . xprs) ;;; -------------------------------------- ;;; sequentually binding patterns to sequences (define-syntax bind-let* (syntax-rules () ((_ () xpr . xprs) (let () xpr . xprs)) ((_ ((pat seq)) xpr . xprs) (bind pat seq xpr . xprs)) ((_ ((pat seq) (pat1 seq1) ...) xpr . xprs) (bind pat seq (bind-let* ((pat1 seq1) ...) xpr . xprs))) )) ;;; (bind-let name .. ((pat seq) ...) xpr . xprs) ;;; --------------------------------------------- ;;; binding patterns to sequences in parallel, whith or without a ;;; recursive name procedure (define-syntax bind-let (syntax-rules () ((_ ((pat seq) ...) xpr . xprs) (bind (pat ...) (list seq ...) xpr . xprs)) ((_ name ((pat seq) ...) xpr . xprs) ((letrec ((name (bind-lambda* (pat ...) xpr . xprs))) name) seq ...)) )) ;;; (bind-letrec ((pat seq) ...) xpr . xprs) ;;; ---------------------------------------- ;;; binding patterns to sequences recursively (define-syntax bind-letrec (syntax-rules () ((_ ((pat seq) ...) xpr . xprs) (bind-let ((pat 'pat) ...) (bind-set! (pat ...) (list seq ...)) xpr . xprs)))) ;;; (bindrec pat seq xpr . xprs) ;;; ---------------------------- ;;; recursive version of bind (define-syntax bindrec (syntax-rules () ((_ pat seq xpr . xprs) (bind pat 'pat (bind-set! pat seq) xpr . xprs)))) #|[ I don't like the let/cc syntax, because it differs from let syntax, here is bind/cc, which does the same. ]|# ;;; (bind/cc cc xpr ....) ;;; --------------------- ;;; captures the current continuation, binds it to cc and executes ;;; xpr .... in this context (define-syntax bind/cc (syntax-rules () ((_ cc xpr . xprs) (call-with-current-continuation (lambda (cc) xpr . xprs))))) (define (symbol-dispatcher alist) ; internal (case-lambda (() (map car alist)) ((sym) (let ((pair (assq sym alist))) (if pair (for-each print (cdr pair)) (error "Not in list" sym (map car alist))))))) ;;; (bindings sym ..) ;;; ----------------- ;;; documentation procedure (define bindings (symbol-dispatcher '( (bindings procedure: (bindings sym ..) "documentation procedure") (bind-seq->list generic procedure: (bind-seq->list) "resets the internal database for lists only" (bind-seq->list seq) "returns the pair of transformers corresponding to seq" (bind-seq->list pat seq) "returns a list where the value of the possible dotted" "argument is retransformed to the type of seq" (bind-seq->list seq? seq->list list->seq) "adds support for a new sequence type to the" "internal database") (bind-pvars macro: (bind-pvars pat xpr ....) "wraps xpr .... into a let, binding pattern variables of pat to #f" "checking for duplicates on its way") (bind macro: (bind pat seq xpr ....) "a variant of Common Lisp's destructuring-bind") (bind-case macro: (bind-case seq (pat xpr ....) ....) "matches seq against pat with optional fenders in a case regime") (bindable? macro: (bindable? pat) "returns a unary predicate, which checks" "if its argument matches pat and passes all fenders") (bind-set! macro: (bind-set! pat seq) "sets multiple variables by destructuring its sequence arguments") (bind-define macro: (bind-define pat seq) "defines multiple variables by destructuring its sequence arguments") (bind-lambda macro: (bind-lambda pat xpr ....) "combination of lambda and bind, one pattern argument") (bind-lambda* macro: (bind-lambda* pat xpr ....) "combination of lambda and bind, multiple pattern arguments") (bind* macro: (bind* loop pat seq xpr ....) "named version of bind") (bind-let macro: (bind-let loop .. ((pat seq) ...) xpr ....) "nested version of let, named and unnamed") (bind-let* macro: (bind-let* ((pat seq) ...) xpr ....) "nested version of let*") (bindrec macro: (bindrec pat seq xpr ....) "recursive version of bind") (bind-letrec macro: (bind-letrec ((pat seq) ...) xpr ....) "recursive version of bind-let") (bind-case-lambda macro: (bind-case-lambda (pat xpr ....) ....) "combination of lambda and bind-case with one pattern argument") (bind-case-lambda* macro: (bind-case-lambda* (pat xpr ....) ....) "combination of lambda and bind-case with multiple pattern arguments") (bind/cc macro: (bind/cc cc xpr ....) "binds cc to the current contiunation" "and execute xpr ... in this context") ))) ) ; module