;;;; bitwise-utils.scm -*- Scheme -*- ;;;; Kon Lovett, Apr '20 ;;; Portions from C4 srfi-60 ;;;; "logical.scm", bit access and operations for integers for Scheme ;;; Copyright (C) 1991, 1993, 2001, 2003, 2005 Aubrey Jaffer ; ;Permission to copy this software, to modify it, to redistribute it, ;to distribute modified versions, and to use it for any purpose is ;granted, subject to the following restrictions and understandings. ; ;1. Any copy made of this software must include this copyright notice ;in full. ; ;2. I have made no warranty or representation that the operation of ;this software will be error-free, and I am under no obligation to ;provide any services, by way of maintenance, update, or otherwise. ; ;3. In conjunction with products arising from the use of this ;material, there shall be no use of my name in any advertising, ;promotional, or sales literature without prior written consent in ;each case. (module bitwise-utils (;export arithmetic-shift-left arithmetic-shift-right logical-shift-left logical-shift-right bitwise-zeros bitwise-ones bitwise-abs bitwise-drop-right bitwise-cons bitwise-mask bitwise-join bitwise-split bitwise-count bitwise-merge bitwise-any? bitwise-nth? bitwise-first-set bitwise-set-nth bitwise-reverse bitwise-rotate bitwise-field bitwise-field-copy bitwise-field-reverse bitwise-field-rotate integer->list list->integer boolean->number number->boolean) (import scheme) (import (only (chicken base) declare fixnum? foldl cut define-inline define-constant)) (import (only (chicken fixnum) most-positive-fixnum fxneg fx= fx> fx<= fx- fx+ fx* fxmod)) (import (chicken type)) (import (chicken foreign)) (import (only (chicken bitwise) integer-length arithmetic-shift bit->boolean bitwise-not bitwise-and bitwise-ior)) ;; ;FIXME bitwise-split more like string-chop then string-split (: arithmetic-shift-left (integer fixnum -> integer)) (: arithmetic-shift-right (integer fixnum -> integer)) (: logical-shift-left (integer fixnum -> integer)) (: logical-shift-right (integer fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-zeros (fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-ones (fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-abs (integer -> integer)) (: bitwise-drop-right (integer fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-cons (integer integer -> integer)) (: bitwise-mask (fixnum #!optional boolean -> integer)) (: bitwise-join (integer #!rest integer -> integer)) (: bitwise-split (integer fixnum -> (list-of integer))) (: bitwise-count (integer -> fixnum)) (: bitwise-merge (integer integer integer -> integer)) (: bitwise-nth? (integer fixnum -> boolean)) (: bitwise-any? (integer integer -> boolean)) (: bitwise-first-set (integer -> fixnum)) (: bitwise-reverse (integer fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-rotate (integer fixnum fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-set-nth (integer fixnum boolean -> integer)) (: bitwise-field (integer fixnum fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-field-copy (integer integer fixnum fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-field-reverse (integer fixnum fixnum -> integer)) (: bitwise-field-rotate (integer fixnum fixnum fixnum -> integer)) (: boolean->number (boolean -> fixnum)) (: number->boolean (number -> boolean)) (: integer->list (integer #!optional fixnum -> (list-of boolean))) (: list->integer ((list-of boolean) -> integer)) ;; ;fx-inlines (define-inline (fxzero? n) (fx= 0 n)) (define (fxnegative? n) (fx> 0 n)) (define-inline (fxsub1 n) (fx- n 1)) ;; ;observes sign - does sign extend (define arithmetic-shift-left arithmetic-shift) (define (arithmetic-shift-right n w) (arithmetic-shift n (fxneg w))) (define (bitwise-zeros b) (arithmetic-shift-left -1 b)) (define (bitwise-ones b) (bitwise-not (bitwise-zeros b))) (define (bitwise-abs n) (if (negative? n) (bitwise-not n) n)) (define (bitwise-drop-right n w) (bitwise-and (arithmetic-shift-right n w) (bitwise-ones (fx- (integer-length n) w))) ) ;preserves sign - doesn't sign extend (define logical-shift-left arithmetic-shift-left) (define (logical-shift-right n w) (if (fxzero? w) n (let ((res (bitwise-drop-right (abs n) w))) (if (negative? n) (- res) res) ) ) ) (define (bitwise-cons a b) (bitwise-ior (logical-shift-left a (integer-length b)) b) ) ;5 #t => +0...011111 ;5 #f => -1...100000 (define (bitwise-mask b #!optional (on? #t)) (if on? (bitwise-ones b) (bitwise-zeros b)) ) ;#b10 #b0000001 #b101 => #b101101 (define (bitwise-join n . ns) (foldl bitwise-cons n ns) ) ;babcdef 2 => ba bc de f ;0 2 => '() ;123 0 => '() (define (bitwise-split n w) (if (or (zero? n) (fxzero? w)) `(,n) (let ((neg? (negative? n)) (mask (bitwise-ones w))) (let loop ((n (abs n)) (ns '())) (if (zero? n) (if neg? (map - ns) ns) (loop (bitwise-drop-right n w) (cons (bitwise-and n mask) ns)) ) ) ) ) ) #> #define TWO( c ) (((C_uword) 1u) << (c)) #define MASK( c ) (((C_uword) -1) / (TWO( TWO( c ) ) + 1u)) #define COUNT( x, c ) ((x) & MASK( c )) + (((x) >> (TWO( c ))) & MASK( c )) <# (cond-expand (64bit (define-constant UWORD-SIZE 8) (define uword-bitwise-count (foreign-lambda* unsigned-int ((unsigned-integer64 n)) " if (0 == n) C_return( (unsigned int) 0 ); n = COUNT( n, 0 ); n = COUNT( n, 1 ); n = COUNT( n, 2 ); n = COUNT( n, 3 ); n = COUNT( n, 4 ); n = COUNT( n, 5 ); return( n );")) ) (else ;32bit (define-constant UWORD-SIZE 4) (define uword-bitwise-count (foreign-lambda* unsigned-int ((unsigned-integer32 n)) " if (0 == n) C_return( (unsigned int) 0 ); n = COUNT( n, 0 ); n = COUNT( n, 1 ); n = COUNT( n, 2 ); n = COUNT( n, 3 ); n = COUNT( n, 4 ); return( n );")) ) ) #| #> #undef COUNT #undef MASK #undef TWO <# |# (define-constant UWORD-BITS-SIZE (* 8 UWORD-SIZE)) (define (integer->uwords n) (bitwise-split n UWORD-BITS-SIZE)) (define (add-uword-bits c n) (fx+ c (uword-bitwise-count n))) ;-> (string-length (string-delete #\0 (number->string n 2))) (define (bitwise-count n) (let ((n (bitwise-abs n))) (if (fixnum? n) (uword-bitwise-count n) (foldl add-uword-bits 0 (integer->uwords n)) ) ) ) (define (bitwise-merge mask n0 n1) (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and mask n0) (bitwise-and (bitwise-not mask) n1)) ) (define (bitwise-nth? index n) (bit->boolean n index)) (define (bitwise-any? n1 n2) (not (zero? (bitwise-and n1 n2)))) (define (bitwise-first-set n) (fxsub1 (integer-length (bitwise-and n (- n))))) (define (bitwise-reverse n k) (do ((m (bitwise-abs n) (arithmetic-shift m -1)) (k (fxsub1 k) (fxsub1 k)) (rvs 0 (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift rvs 1) (bitwise-and 1 m))) ) ((fxnegative? k) (if (negative? n) (bitwise-not rvs) rvs)) ) ) (define (bitwise-rotate k count len) (bitwise-field-rotate k count 0 len)) (define (bitwise-set-nth to index on?) (if on? (bitwise-ior to (arithmetic-shift 1 index)) (bitwise-and to (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift 1 index))) ) ) (define (bitwise-field n start end) (bitwise-and (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift -1 (fx- end start))) (arithmetic-shift-right n start)) ) (define (bitwise-field-copy to from start end) (bitwise-merge (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift -1 (fx- end start))) start) (arithmetic-shift from start) to) ) (define (bitwise-field-reverse n start end) (let* ((width (fx- end start)) (mask (bitwise-ones width)) (zn (bitwise-and mask (arithmetic-shift-right n start))) ) (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-reverse zn width) start) (bitwise-and (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift mask start)) n)) ) ) (define (bitwise-field-rotate n count start end) (let* ((width (fx- end start)) (count (fxmod count width)) (mask (bitwise-ones width)) (zn (bitwise-and mask (arithmetic-shift-right n start))) ) (bitwise-ior (arithmetic-shift (bitwise-ior (bitwise-and mask (arithmetic-shift zn count)) (arithmetic-shift zn (fx- count width))) start) (bitwise-and (bitwise-not (arithmetic-shift mask start)) n)) ) ) (define (boolean->number b) (if b 1 0)) (define (number->boolean n) (not (zero? n))) ;NOTE rather than an {{integer-length}} {{len}} arg default, an unlimited length ;with a zero termination condition amount to the same thing (define (integer->list k #!optional (len most-positive-fixnum)) (do ((idx len (fxsub1 idx)) (k k (arithmetic-shift k -1)) (lst '() (cons (number->boolean (bitwise-and k 1)) lst)) ) ((or (<= k 0) (fx<= idx 0)) lst)) ) (define (list->integer bools) (do ((bs bools (cdr bs)) (acc 0 (+ acc acc (boolean->number (car bs)))) ) ((null? bs) acc)) ) ) ;bitwise-utils